Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 36

Li Miao’s heart pounded in rhythm with the squealing car brakes. It wasn't the familiar stop outside her home; it was also Xu Yue's new residence. Sweat prickled her neck. Why had she made that offer? Had the sympathy short-circuited her brain?


W-wait, I’m going to be living with Xu Yue?! Wuwuwu, why did I even say something like that… What were you thinking, Li Miao?


Her thoughts screeched to a halt.


“Keep it down! I’m trying to sleep…”


The old Li Miao's grumble echoed with surprising loudness inside her head.


Ugh… not even my mind is safe anymore. Li Miao sighed. 


Aunt Mei met them at the car, a comforting warmth on a day shadowed by worry.  "Maomao, welcome home! And Little Xu, welcome. Let's get you settled." Her kind voice and bustling movement provided a brief illusion of normalcy.


A whirlwind of unpacking followed. Xu Yue's worn suitcase seemed lost on the pristine counter of the guest room. After a whispered thanks to Aunt Mei, she escaped to Li Miao's room.


It was an assault on the senses. Luxurious fabrics brushed her fingertips, waves of pink crashed around the room, and in the center of the bed, a giant plush Cinder the Cat held an unblinking plastic gaze.


This room is just like her. 


Xu Yue thought with an amused smile. 


Just then, an adorable ambush materialized from the walk-in closet: Li Miao in fuzzy shorts and a puffy animal hoodie, the picture of bubbly enthusiasm. A warmth flooded Xu Yue’s cheeks, surprising her with its intensity.


Why is she so cute? This little cat. It’s going to be hard to control myself. 


Li Miao struck a pose, completely unaware of the turmoil behind Xu Yue's gaze. 


"Hehe~! What do you think?"


"Cute," Xu Yue confessed, her voice steady. The word escaped before she realized it.


The slightest flush climbed Li Miao's face as if sensing the compliment went deeper than her attire. Xu Yue's compliments landed with a strange weight, their honesty cutting through the usual teasing. She tried to disguise her fluster with a cough, quickly pivoting to practicality. 


"Anyway! Now that you’re here, I’ll make sure to take care of you for Auntie Liu’s sake!"


Her mind flickered through memories: Xu Yue's gentle touch in the nurse's office, the unspoken support before the festival. Being cared for still felt foreign, but beneath the resolve to help was a budding warmth.


If there’s anything I can do to pay her back, I’ll do it! She thought cheerfully. Before she could say another word, the door slammed open.


Cheng Yuehua's entrance was less like a mother and more like a hurricane disguised in silk. Li Miao was enveloped in a suffocating hug and bombarded with smooches before she could draw a proper breath.


“My adorable kitty Maomao, you are so cute in that! Give mommy a kiss, won’t you?” 


Li Miao, cheeks blazing, sputtered and squirmed to no avail. A series of loud pops, her mother's kisses, echoed off the walls. Mortified, Li Miao squeaked, "Mom! Stop! Xu Yue –"


Cheng Yuehua had swiveled towards a new target. One second, she was showering Xu Yue with sympathetic words. The next... "...think of our house as your own!”


“Y-yes… thank you Auntie Cheng.” Xu Yue said, a bit taken aback. 


Cheng Yuehua pivoted with the focus of a laser beam. Just moments ago, sympathy dripped from her voice. Now, a mischievous glint filled her eyes.  "Think nothing of it, Little Xu!" she chirped, patting Xu Yue's hand. "Now, don’t be so formal~ call me Mom!"


Xu Yue's eyes widened in surprise. 


Cheng Yuehua struck a pose that could grace a magazine cover. "Now, dear, don't think I didn't notice! There's something between you and our Maomao, hmm?"


One perfectly manicured hand curled into a playful fist under her chin while the other leg nonchalantly crossed over the first. It was a pose of practiced elegance, now undercut by a mischievous smirk.


Xu Yue froze, her usual calm broken. Before she could find her voice, Li Miao sputtered into action, cheeks ablaze. "Mom! Stop – how did you even – there's no –"


With a flourish, Cheng Yuehua revealed her secret weapon: a phone display of their festival play with Xu Yue gazing adoringly at Li Miao. "Little Xu is looking at you with such devotion, Maomao! How could it be anything but love?"


Li Miao sputtered, "That was acting – " But her sentence was cut short by betrayal from her comrade, a confession that echoed around the room.


“Yes, I’m trying to pursue Maomao.” Xu Yue declared.


“Kyaa~ See?! I knew it!” Cheng Yuehua let out a delighted squeal. Xu Yue already had her stamp of approval – beautiful, smart, unwavering even under the barrage of her enthusiasm. Now this! She glanced at her daughter. Maybe some of Xu Yue's boldness would rub off on meek little Maomao...


Li Hongwei thankfully came to the rescue. With all the skill of a sheepdog herding an enthusiastic puppy, he managed to dislodge Cheng Yuehua, who clung to Xu Yue like a determined barnacle. He smiled ruefully at Xu Yue, the silent apology clear in his eyes.


“Yuehua, you’re disturbing the two.” 


Cheng Yuehua pouted defiantly. "But hubby, they're adorable! Can't a mother support her daughter's budding romance?"


Li Hongwei sighed, a long-suffering sound mirrored Li Miao’s shell-shocked expression. "Please, dear. Later! Right now, you’re overwhelming them.” He gently steered his wife to the door, adding in a quiet stage whisper, "Xu Yue, feel free to stay as long as you need."


“Thank you, Uncle Li.” Xu Yue said formally. 


Li Hongwei simply patted her shoulder.


Then, just as things seemed to be calming, Li Hongwei dropped a parting volley. "Though a daughter-in-law wouldn't be such a terrible thing… call me Dad next time."


If the floor could swallow her whole, Li Miao would gladly disappear. "Dad! Not you, too!"

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