Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 37

Xu Yue's belongings found their place surprisingly easily in the Li household. Downstairs, she found Li Miao curled on the couch, phone in hand, a soft giggle escaping her as she watched cat videos.


A soft glow from her phone bathed Li Miao's face as she watched cat videos, the occasional giggle spilling from her lips. Warm contentment washed over Xu Yue as she soaked in this scene of domestic bliss. While hardship had been the catalyst, they found silver linings in the cozy comfort of home.


Noticing Xu Yue, Li Miao beckoned her with a smile, patting the space beside her. 


"Xu Yue, sit! Make yourself at home.”


Xu Yue settled in, her gaze resting softly on Li Miao, whose focus remained playfully glued to the cat videos. Soft meows and chirps filled the silence, creating a cozy soundtrack to their shared stillness. Unconsciously, Li Miao drifted closer, eager to share the amusing antics on the screen.


Soon, she nestled her head on Xu Yue's shoulder, any distance between them dissolving. In their intimate bubble, the rest of the world faded away.


Aunt Mei walked in, pausing at the sight of her young miss nestled so comfortably against Xu Yue. A quiet chuckle escaped her. Maomao... are you both truly just friends?


"Little Xu, are there any foods you particularly dislike?" Aunt Mei's voice broke the cozy silence.


Xu Yue looked up, "No, I eat just about anything." True enough – picky eaters didn't thrive in busy kitchens.


"Alright then. Dinner is in a few hours. Please relax until then."


"Let me help," Xu Yue insisted, rising. "I couldn't just eat without contributing."


Aunt Mei's smile held warmth. "Very well, then."


Soon, they were a symphony of preparation: Xu Yue peeling crisp bok choy leaves, rinsing away grit, then chopping with steady precision. Each ingredient appeared at Aunt Mei's hand as if by instinct.


"Little Xu," Aunt Mei marveled, "you work like you've done this your whole life!"


A faint blush dusted Xu Yue's cheeks. "Our restaurant gets busy… I help where I can."


Aunt Mei chuckled. "Maomao used to 'help' like that. Mostly, though, she watched. 'I just like seeing you cook, Auntie Mei,' she'd say in that sweet little voice."


Xu Yue's lips curved at the image of a wide-eyed little Li Miao.


Aunt Mei continued, “Although, recently, she’s been afraid to come into the kitchen.”


A flicker of surprise touched Xu Yue's face, quickly masked. 


The little cat wasn’t always afraid of fire? 


"When did this start?" Xu Yue's voice held a careful neutrality.


Aunt Mei said, “Ever since she went to the hospital. I also noticed she isn’t enjoying her food as much as before. It’s like her tastes have changed.”


Xu Yue nodded slowly, a frown furrowing her brow. Pieces of a strange puzzle seemed to shift within her mind.


Since hitting her head, she’s been acting like a different person. 


She recalled Li Miao's abrupt online transformation: the warmth instead of icy silence, the flood of daily selfies... something was amiss. Yet, Li Miao herself seemed unaware or perhaps unwilling to reveal it.


Soon, steaming dishes adorned the table. Aunt Mei bustled with silverware. "Little Xu, would you fetch Maomao?"


In the living room, Li Miao lay sprawled on the sofa, phone in hand, legs kicking idly.


"Maomao, it's time to eat," Xu Yue's voice held a touch of hesitation.


"Okay~" Li Miao hopped down, her steps light as she skipped towards Xu Yue.


The warm glow of the dining room washed over them, yet a disquiet lingered in Xu Yue's heart.


What happened to Maomao? Her suspicions deepened. She thought back to when they were still at odds. She truly feels like a different person.


Her gaze found Li Miao, who met it with a guileless smile. Xu Yue's own softened, tinged with a pang of confusion.


Even if she is a different person, it doesn’t matter. I fell in love with the Li Miao I know now, not the past. 


A silent resolve steeled itself within her.



Tang Jia's jaw worked silently as she watched Li Miao accept a piece of braised pork from Xu Yue.  No amount of lunchtime clamor could drown out the buzz of unease in her head. Why were Xu Yue and Li Miao here together? Didn’t she only call Xu Yue?


The two were busy in their own world, as Li Miao’s eyes sparkled while she chewed the pork. 


“Xu Yue, this is so good!” 


Xu Yue smiled gently at Li Miao, happy that her morning efforts had paid off. In Li Miao's mansion, the kitchen was filled with the aroma of ginger and star anise, creating a blend of the familiar and the new. 


Aunt Mei was standing beside Xu Yue, demonstrating the delicate cut of chives in a gentle and warm manner, reminiscent of the summer days she spent learning from Liu Fang. Unlike her aunt's brisk style, Aunt Mei's hands moved with practiced quiet, echoing the warmth in her smile.


“Xu Yue, can you explain to me what’s happening here?” Tang Jia sounded skeptical.


“Aren’t you the one that called me here?” Xu Yue replied, her attention unwavering from Li Miao. A soft smile lingered on her lips.


“Okay, but I didn’t mean with HER!” Tang Jia's accusatory finger jabbed at Li Miao, sending a ripple of unease through Li Miao.


"S-should I leave?" Li Miao's voice was small, her shoulders hunched as if bracing for a blow. While most of their classmates had warmed up to her, the long shadow of her history with Tang Jia still lingered.


“Ignore her,” Xu Yue said flatly.


Tang Jia sighed, the sound both exaggerated and weary. “No, it’s fine. It's just...” A surprised chuckle broke free. “Never thought I'd see the day, that's all. What happened to the restaurant? Is Auntie Liu okay?”


Xu Yue’s face tightened, her usual quiet strength faltering. "A leak. Pipes burst...the hospital..." Her voice trailed off. Each word fell heavy, a weight the air seemed to struggle to hold.


"What?" Tang Jia's usual bravado vanished, replaced by raw concern. She leaned forward, hands gripping the table edge. "Tell me what happened!"


With quiet precision, Xu Yue laid it bare: the damage, the doctor's visit, the words no one wanted to say aloud. 


"Wait," Tang Jia finally gasped, "then, where are you staying?"


"Li Miao's," Xu Yue answered simply.


And just like that, the impossible was normal. Tang Jia just shrugged. "Figures. So, what's the plan?"


Xu Yue blinked in confusion. "You're... not upset?"


Tang Jia gestured dismissively. "At this point? I wouldn’t have even been surprised if you two eloped." A flicker of concern crossed her face as she turned to Li Miao. "I'm sorry. For... well, for making you uncomfortable."


Li Miao, startled by the sudden apology, scrambled to respond. "I-it's okay..." Words failed her, a weary smile her only shield. Under the table, her hands curled into trembling fists. The memory of past cruelties lingered, sharp as broken glass.


After all, it was “Li Miao” who bullied you. 


An oppressive silence hung in the air, neither woman finding the right words. Then, Xu Yue stepped into the breach.


"She's not the same, Tang Jia." Xu Yue's voice echoed with quiet certainty, yet also...something else? A flicker of doubt crossed Xu Yue’s eyes, quickly masked. 


There was more to it, Tang Jia sensed. But with her kindness and trembling vulnerability, this Li Miao wasn't a threat.


Tang Jia sighed. "I get that. So, to start fresh, how about being friends?" She held up her phone, a QR code ready. Li Miao hesitated, Tang Jia's earnestness pushing her to scan it.


The friend request beeped through. Satisfied, Tang Jia turned to Xu Yue. "So, about your restaurant?"


Xu Yue said quickly, “I'll work some part-time jobs.” 


"But I can help pay it off," Li Miao protested.


"No. We owe you too much already. And besides..." Xu Yue hesitated, a protective edge entering her voice, "...some people make a habit of taking advantage of kindness."


Tang Jia considered, then perked up. "Hey, that cafe we like? With your skills, they'd hire you in a heartbeat," she said, winking at Xu Yue. 


"Especially with that face of yours."


Thanks for reading! I'll be adding a Ko-Fi for members who want to read ahead, and I'll announce it and edit the author's note when it's ready! Thank you for all the support!

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