Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 48

The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a gentle glow across Li Miao's face. She stirred, the warmth a gentle reminder of the new day. Her eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, the past few weeks' events felt like a distant dream.


As she rose, the weight of reality were like a stone in her stomach, dread coiling tight. The distance between her and Xu Yue, her own fears and doubts, they all came rushing back. Yet, amidst the turmoil, Wei Lin's words from the night before echoed in her mind.


"True happiness, true love... those are earned through the choices we make!"


Li Miao took a deep breath, letting the words sink in. She had been so focused on the story, on the predetermined path she thought she had to follow, that she'd forgotten the most important thing - her own heart.


I want to see Xu Yue.


A feeling of determination sparked in Li Miao's heart. Maybe she couldn't control the story and couldn't force a happy ending, but she could choose to live, love, and work for what she believed in.


With a newfound resolve, Li Miao got out of bed. She had been absent from school for far too long, lost in her own misery. 


She walked downstairs with her hair brushed for the first time in weeks. 


“Auntie Mei, I’m going now.” 


Aunt Mei smiled at her, “Okay, be safe Maomao.” 



The classroom was abuzz with chatter as Li Miao walked in. Conversations stopped mid-sentence as heads turned, eyes widening at the sight of her. For a moment, Li Miao felt a bit of her old insecurity. But then, a warm object collided with her body, slamming into her side. It was Ying Lian, who proceeded to hug Li Miao tightly, rubbing their cheeks together.


"Li Miao! You're back!" Ying Lian's voice was filled with genuine joy, her smile as bright as the sun.


Li Miao couldn't help but return the smile, a bit shy, "Yeah, I... I'm sorry for worrying you."


Ying Lian shook her head, her expression softening. "Nuh uh. Don't apologize. We're just glad you're okay. We've all been so worried about you."


As if on cue, Li Miao's classmates surrounded her, their faces filled with concern and relief.


"Li Miao, are you alright?"


"We missed you so much!"


"If you ever need to talk, we're here for you."


Li Miao felt tears prickling at the corners of her eyes, overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. These people, who she had once viewed as mere background characters, were showing her such genuine care.


They're not just part of the story. They're my friends.


A warmth spread through her, a stark contrast to the emptiness of those lonely days. Li Miao's gaze drifted to the back of the classroom. There, in her usual seat, sat Xu Yue. Their eyes met for a brief moment, and Li Miao's heart skipped a beat.


There was a hint of something in Xu Yue's gaze - regret, longing, a deep sadness that mirrored Li Miao's own. For a moment, it seemed as if Xu Yue might say something, might cross the distance between them.


But then, Xu Yue looked away, her shoulders hunching as she turned back to her textbook. The moment passed, and the chasm between them seemed to widen once more.


Li Miao felt a pang in her chest, but she pushed it down.


The teacher walked in, and the class settled into their seats. As the lesson began, Li Miao tried to focus, but her mind kept drifting. To Xu Yue, to the story, to the tangled web of emotions in her heart.


A subtle vibration from her phone pulled her out of her thoughts. Glancing down, she saw a message from Tang Jia.


[Tang Jia]: “Are you okay now? I heard you came back to class today.” 


Li Miao hesitated, her fingers hovering over the screen. Then, with a deep breath, she typed out a response.


[Li Miao]: “I’m fine… Did Xu Yue talk to you yet?”


[Tang Jia]: “Not yet. I’ve been asking around and I heard that there’s this guy pestering Xu Yue at her work.”


[Li Miao]: “What? Do you know who it is?” 


[Tang Jia]: “Some entitled rich guy, not sure yet but he’s been walking around with bodyguards everywhere. Someone took a picture of them but it’s kinda blurry.”


[Li Miao]: “Should we go visit her then?” 


[Tang Jia]: “I didn’t want to bother her but I think we might have to.” 


[Li Miao]: “Okay, meet after school?”


[Tang Jia]: “Sounds good.” 


Li Miao was about to lock her phone before Tang Jia sent another message:


[Tang Jia]: “Welcome back.” 


A smile bloomed on Li Miao's face, and this time, the tears escaped, trailing down her cheeks without shame. Finally, she responded:


[Li Miao]: “Thanks.” 



The final bell rang, signaling the end of classes for the day. Li Miao quickly gathered her belongings, her heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and worry. She met Tang Jia at the school gates, a silent understanding passing between them as they set off towards the café where Xu Yue worked.


As they walked, Tang Jia nudged Li Miao with her elbow, a mischievous glint in her eye. "So, did you figure it out yet?"


Li Miao tilted her head, looking like an adorable cat. “What do you mean?” 


“Mmm, I thought Xu Yue would have made some progress with you after I visited. It doesn’t help that you stare at her like she’s the only person in your world.” Tang Jia teased. 


Li Miao sputtered, her face turning a brilliant shade of red. "W-what? No! It's not like that!" She waved her hands frantically, as if trying to physically dispel the notion.


B-but… it would be nice. Xu Yue has always treated me kindly. 


Tang Jia crowed with laughter, bright against the muted tones of the street. "The fearless Miss Li, so pure!" She patted Li Miao's head, the gesture surprisingly gentle for all its playfulness.


Li Miao pouted, her cheeks still flushed. "You're one to talk! Don’t think I don’t know you have no dating experience!"


It wasn’t fair to Tang Jia but Li Miao knew that in the novel, Tang Jia was an unmarried bachelorette that desperately grabbed at the wedding bouquet from Xu Yue’s marriage ceremony. 


Hmph, bully me again and don’t think this young miss will show any mercy.


Now it was Tang Jia's turn to blush, her usual bravado faltering. "I don't know what you're talking about," she mumbled, suddenly very interested in the pavement.


A mischievous warmth bubbled up within Li Miao as they both broke into laughter, mirroring each other's sheepish expressions. It was a shared moment of vulnerability, a shedding of the unspoken worries that had isolated her for so long. With each silly giggle, it was like a weight lifted off Li Miao's shoulders.


This was nice, she realized. To banter about love, not just as a spectator, but a participant. Here, she wasn't the story's observer, but someone intertwined into the story. And with that simple revelation, those lingering fears seemed to fade a bit more.


I'm not alone, she thought, a warmth spreading through her chest. I have friends who care about me, who want to see me happy.


However, as Li Miao and Tang Jia approached the café, an inexplicable sense of dread settled in the pit of Li Miao's stomach. The air seemed to grow heavier with each step, and even the warm sunlight took on a cold, ominous edge. She shivered, her instincts screaming that something was very, very wrong.


The café was usually a place of warmth and comfort, with the rich aroma of coffee and the gentle clinking of cups and saucers. But now, the air was thick with tension, the once-inviting space transformed into a scene of impending danger.


Through the large glass windows, she could see Xu Yue behind the counter, surrounded by men, her usually calm demeanor replaced by a tense, almost frightened expression.


One of the men was dressed in a suit that reeked of wealth and entitlement, their polished shoes gleaming under the café's soft lights. But there was nothing soft about his expression – cold, hard, and filled with a cruel arrogance that made Li Miao's skin crawl.


Li Miao's heart clenched, a sickening mix of fear and anger churning in her gut. 


It seems that it really is true. Li Miao thought, her hands curling into fists at her sides. What do they want with Xu Yue?


Beside her, Tang Jia tensed, her usual playful demeanor replaced by a grim determination. "This doesn't look good," she muttered, her eyes narrowing.


Li Miao could only nod, her throat tight with worry. She watched as that man leaned over the counter, his face inches from Xu Yue's. He was saying something, his expression a mix of arrogance and leering interest. Xu Yue drew back, her hands gripping the edge of the counter so tightly her knuckles turned white.


Li Miao's heart raced as she watched the scene unfold, her mind spinning with horrific possibilities. What if the man didn't stop at threats? What if he hurt Xu Yue, or worse? The thought made her blood run cold.


She had never seen Xu Yue look so vulnerable, so scared. The urge to barge in, to place herself between Xu Yue and these men, was almost overwhelming.


They had to act fast. Every second they delayed was another second Xu Yue was in danger. Li Miao clenched her fists, a determined fire burning in her eyes. No matter what it took, she would save Xu Yue.


Her phone was in her hand before she consciously decided. The message to Li Hongwei was a desperate plea for help. Yet, as she hit send, she knew it wouldn't be enough, not fast enough.


[Li Miao]: “There’s trouble at the cafe Xu Yue is working at, I need you to call some bodyguards.”


She put away her phone and bit her thumb in deep thought. But before she could, she watched as Xu Yue was slapped by another man, his palm leaving a red mark on her snow white visage. Xu Yue's hand flew to her cheek, her eyes wide with shock and a pain Li Miao felt echoed in her very soul.




Something broke in Li Miao.That was it. With a wordless cry, Li Miao bolted towards the entrance.


“Li Miao, wait!” Tang Jia tried to stop her, reaching out for her sleeve but barely grazing it. “Damn it!” She sighed before running after Li Miao. 


Li Miao burst through the café doors, her heart in her throat and Tang Jia hot on her heels. The group whirled around, their eyes widening in surprise and anger. And there, in the middle of it all, stood Xu Yue, her face pale but her gaze locked on Li Miao's. Time seemed to slow, the moment stretching out in a tense, breathless silence. And then...



Bonus chapter! Thank you for 3k favorites. I've been experimenting with later chapters and I'm changing my style slightly, so hopefully it won't be too jarring of a change.

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