Mistakenly Yours

Chapter 49

Xu Yue’s eyes widened at the sight of Li Miao. 


Why? Why are you here? 


A wave of panic washed over her, and her heart pounded a frantic rhythm in her chest.


She met Li Miao's angry face, her eyes cold and filled with grief. This wasn't the Li Miao she'd come to know but the arrogant heiress of the Li Group from the past.




Even the name felt bittersweet on her tongue. A memory appeared in her mind, unbidden: Li Miao waiting late at night, her pleas falling on deaf ears in the face of Xu Yue's own turmoil.


What do I do? What if they keep following me? The manager covered for me this time, but can I really stop them? An echo of that familiar, suffocating helplessness surged through her. She felt like a bird with a broken wing, vulnerable and exposed, trapped, just like she did in the past. 


Li Miao insisted on talking to her, but she answered everything half-heartedly. Words stumbled out, flat and lifeless, echoing oddly in the manor, even in her own ears.


“Xu Yue… this isn’t like you.”


Xu Yue's heart clenched as the words left her lips, sharp and biting. "What do you know?! You wouldn't understand! I don't have anyone right now!" The moment the words escaped, she regretted them. The hurt in Li Miao's eyes was like a knife to her heart.


I'm sorry, Maomao. I didn't mean it. I just... I can't let you get tangled up in this mess.


"I-I'm sorry..." Xu Yue stammered, her throat could barely choke out the words. She turned and fled, her footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. The sound of her bedroom door slamming shut was like a punctuation mark on her misery.


Alone in her room, Xu Yue sank to the floor, her back pressed against the door. Tears streamed down her face, hot and bitter. She had never wanted to push Li Miao away, but what choice did she have? Her parents, their demands, the threats against her aunt... it was all too much. She couldn't drag Li Miao into this and couldn't bear the thought of her getting hurt because of Xu Yue's problems.


She's too important to me. I have to protect her, even if it means hurting her now.


The days that followed were a blur of misery. Xu Yue threw herself into her work, taking on extra shifts at the café and staying late to clean and restock—anything to keep her mind off the ache in her chest and the constant pull towards Li Miao. She saw the worry in her Aunt's eyes while visiting the sick ward, the unspoken questions, but she couldn't bring herself to confide in her. Her aunt needed to recover. This kind of stress would be harmful to her health. 


At home, she avoided Li Miao. Every glimpse of her, of those expressive eyes, was like a fresh wound. Xu Yue's heart twisted with each passing day, the distance between them growing until it felt like an insurmountable chasm.


It's for the best, she told herself, over and over like a mantra. She's safer this way.


But the truth was, Xu Yue missed her. She missed her smile, her laugh, and how she made everything seem brighter just by being there. Li Miao had become such an integral part of her life and heart that being without her felt like missing a limb.


The day at the cafe started like any other. Xu Yue arrived early, tying her apron and starting her usual routine. The familiar motions were a small comfort, a brief respite from the constant ache in her chest. She lost herself in the work, in the rhythm of brewing coffee and greeting customers.


But then, they arrived.


A man in an expensive-looking suit, his eyes cold, and his smile sharp. The man's smile was less of a greeting and more of baring teeth. His gaze wasn't admiration – it was sizing her up like a butcher assessing livestock.  Xu Yue's stomach twisted, the nausea a familiar echo of when her father's 'business friends' eyed her the same way. Xu Yue's heart lodged in her throat as they approached the counter, his gaze locked on her.


This girl is more beautiful in person than in those photos. I’ve hit the jackpot. 


"Xu Yue, isn't it?" he spoke, his voice deceptively pleasant. "I’m Wan Jingming, your future fiance. I have some business to discuss with you."


Xu Yue's hands trembled, but she forced herself to meet their eyes. "I'm working right now. If you have something to say, you can say it here."


The men exchanged a glance with his assistant, a silent communication passing between them. The assistant pulled out a large stack of papers and handed it to the man. Then, he leaned forward, his breath hot against Xu Yue's face, pushing the papers towards her.


"Your parents sent us. They're getting impatient, you know. That contract won't sign itself."


Xu Yue's blood ran cold. Her parents were determined to force her into the contract, the arranged marriage. She thought she had more time and could find a way out.


"I told them I'm not signing it. I won't marry you."


Wan Jingming clicked his tongue, shaking his head. "You don't seem to understand your position here, little girl. You don't have a choice."


Fear coiled in Xu Yue's gut, cold and sickening. She thought of her aunt, the restaurant, and everything she stood to lose. But most of all, she thought of Li Miao—sweet, brave Li Miao who had already been through so much. She couldn't let her get caught up in this.


"I won't do it," Xu Yue repeated, shaking but resolute. "You can tell my parents that."


“Suit yourself.” Wan Jingming signaled to the bodyguards behind him, turning around and leaving the cafe, but not before he snuck one last peek toward Xu Yue. 


There’s plenty of time. I, Wan Jingming, always get what I want. He sneered. 


From that day on, Xu Yue would be pestered by Wan Jingming, who would bring her expensive gifts in an attempt to woo her. Every time he was met with stern rejection, his anger flared up greater and greater. How dare some peasant girl reject his advances like this? 


Finally, he had enough. Today was the day they got it signed. 


“Xu Yue! You will sign this contract, you ungrateful child!” Xu Mingzhe blared out, his spittle flying around from his anger. She still refused to sign the contract this whole time, even angering her suitor. What if they called off the marriage? He had to make sure this happened. 


“I won’t, please leave.” Xu Yue replied. 


The slap came out of nowhere, a sharp, stinging pain that sent Xu Yue reeling. She stumbled back, her hand flying to her cheek. Shock and pain warred in her chest, tears springing to her eyes.


Her mind flashbacks to those days in that old home. Xu Mingzhe would come home drunk, while Bai Yixuan would pretend nothing was wrong. 


No... stop... 


Her breath hitched, each gasp a ragged sob. Memories clawed at her – Xu Mingzhe's looming figure, the scowl twisting his mouth, the cruel flash of his hand...  Panic flared in her chest, a trapped bird against the bars of her ribs.


Xu Mingzhe stood over her, his hand raised for another blow. "You insolent little..."

Then, a crash – the cafe door slammed against the wall. Xu Yue jerked upright, her eyes widening.


Li Miao stood in the doorway, every eye in the room fixed on her, not the raging man. Her face was pale, her eyes blazing with a fury Xu Yue had never seen before. Behind her, Tang Jia hovered, her expression equally grim.


Xu Yue's heart stopped. No. No, she can't be here. She can't see this.


But it was too late. Li Miao surged forward, crossing the cafe floor in a few determined strides. She planted herself in front of Xu Yue, her small body a shield against the looming men, radiating defiance.


"Get away from her," Li Miao growled, her voice low and dangerous. "Don't you dare touch her again."


The men stared, momentarily taken aback. Then, Xu Mingzhe laughed, a harsh, mocking sound.


"And who might you be, little miss? This doesn't concern you."


Xu Mingzhe's mocking laughter scraped over Xu Yue's raw nerves. But the other man, Wan Jingming... a flicker of recognition, then something predatory sparked in his gaze. Of course, he would know Li Miao's face, her status. Disgust curled in Xu Yue's stomach – they were all the same.


"Hello Miss Li," Wan Jingming smirked, the change in his tone slimy. "What brings the little princess of the Li Group to a place like this?"


Li Miao's chin lifted. "Xu Yue is under my protection. Touch her, and the Li Group will bury you."


Warmth ran through Xu Yue's heart. Li Miao claimed her so boldly... It was the first time… 


“Miss Li, surely we can resolve this without hard feelings. I'm Wan Jingming, Xu Yue's future fiance. Clearly, this whole affair is a misunderstanding."


Li Miao felt a chill colder than ice spread through her veins. The word 'fiance' hung in the air heavily, like a noose tightening around Xu Yue.


"Your coercive schemes won't work on me."  Her voice was deceptively calm, masking the fury bubbling within. "Xu Yue is my fiancee, and if you continue with this farce, the full weight of the Li Group's legal team will be on your doorstep."


Xu Yue’s eyes widened in surprise. Fiancee? 


Wan Jingming's smirk faltered. He shot Xu Mingzhe a venomous glare."This is your fault! You never said your daughter was entangled with the Li Group. I want nothing to do with this! Consider our deal null and void!”


In a flurry of embarrassment, he stormed out, his face flushed red. What he had envisioned as a blissful marriage to a poor beauty had nearly become a scandal in their affluent community. He wasn't prepared to jeopardize his hard-earned reputation for something he deemed inconsequential.


Xu Mingzhe reached for the retreating man, desperation making his voice crack. "Mr. Wan, please! Our agreement can still - "


Wan Jingming shrugged off his touch, his retreat a clear sign of surrender.


Xu Mingzhe hunched over, his posture that of a cornered animal, not a man accustomed to defeat. The lines on his face seemed to deepen, etching his failure for all to see. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, something in his eyes twisted, turning his shame into a venomous rage that lashed out at Xu Yue.


"Worthless little slut! Of course you weren't struggling – you had some rich fool lining your pockets, didn't you?" His spittle flew, each word a poisoned dart.


Xu Yue recoiled, not from the physical disgust of his words but from the unexpected attack. 


Li Miao's fury ignited faster than she realized.


“Shut up! Who do you think you are? Get out before I change my mind!” 


Xu Mingzhe's face was mottled, his usual sneer replaced by a mask of pure hatred. "Two women, pretending to be in love? Disgusting! It's your fault," he snarled. “Your lies ruined my plans!"


Anger consumed him, and his hand rose in a fit of fury. Li Miao, caught off guard by the audacity of someone ignoring her status, was unprepared. Her eyes shut tight, and she flinched, bracing herself for the impact.


Then, a gasp, not her own. She looked, trembling. No longer cowering, Xu Yue had vaulted the counter with unexpected strength. Her grip on Xu Mingzhe's wrist was bone-white, her eyes no longer reflecting his fury but radiating a chilly determination that seemed to freeze the air around them.


"Don't touch her." Xu Yue's voice wasn't loud, but it sliced through the chaos, carrying an undercurrent of danger that not even Xu Mingzhe's bluster could drown out. "You harm a hair on her head, and I swear, I will end you."


Xu Mingzhe recoiled. Fear, for the first time, flickered across his face. He never expected Xu Yue to stand up to him. She had always been silent under his abuse, but today was different. 


"Unfilial girl! I'm your father – let go!"


Xu Yue's stare could have cracked stone. With a twist that made him howl, she dislocated his wrist. 


“I don’t recognize you as my father. Never appear in front of me or her ever again.” 


“Xu Yue! You-” Just then, the Li Group bodyguards arrived. He was pinned, dragged out screaming threats... and faded into irrelevance.


The world seemed to exhale with a sigh as Xu Mingzhe's shouts faded. In the sudden stillness, with her legs wobbling, Li Miao took a step towards Xu Yue, then another. It wasn't the confident stride of the Li heiress but a child seeking comfort. Yet, when she was close enough to touch, she hesitated. 


Would Xu Yue turn me away, like last time? 


Shame flared, hot and sharp beside the lingering terror. Tears spilled down her cheeks, and she couldn't even raise a hand to wipe them away. Each muffled cry was a release of terror she'd held too tightly, a desperate plea for a sanctuary she thought she would lose forever.


“Xu Yue… I was so scared! Hicc…” 


Xu Yue's heart stumbled. Tears falling freely, Li Miao looked so fragile standing in front of her. Her fingers hesitated, unsure what to do... then her eyes turned to Tang Jia's exasperated face, mouthing words that pierced her hesitation like an arrow.


“Hug. Her. Now!” 


Sigh, these two dense idiots… Tang Jia thought, with a wry smile. 


With a sigh that was like a surrender, she wrapped her arms around Li Miao. Stiffly at first, then the warmth of Li Miao's trembling body melted the last of her reserve.


"Maomao... I'm so sorry." It was a confession born of long, lonely nights, a burden lifted with each whispered word. She held Li Miao a little closer, savoring a connection she'd sorely longed for every night.


Li Miao's muffled sobs against her neck were a heartbreaking echo of her own unspoken fears. “I thought… hicc... you hated me… don’t push me away ever again!” Li Miao’s voice cracked as Xu Yue felt warm droplets run down her neck. 


“I’m sorry… I’ll never do it again…” Xu Yue tightened her hold, stroking Li Miao's hair with a tenderness born of fierce regret. It felt like a soothing touch against her hidden wounds.


"Stay with me... forever… hicc… don’t go!"  Li Miao's plea erupted from her in a broken sob. Tears streamed unabashedly down her face, hot against Xu Yue's skin. She clung fiercely as if physically holding onto this promise could make it unbreakable.


Xu Yue's gaze softened, a flood of tenderness washing away the last remnants of her despair. With affection and gentleness that surprised even herself, she brushed away those glittering teardrops from Li Miao's cheeks. "Okay. Forever." The words were barely a whisper, but to Li Miao, they were a loud reassurance in her heart.


Maomao, I’ll never let go of you again.



Long Chapter phew. Currently planning out another novel in the same universe, it'll be a baihe novel where the main character gets a system. Thanks for reading <3

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