Mob’s yandere !?

Chapter 69- Slow evolution?

Since the age of eight, Kaori Fujiwara has been aware of the other side of reality where things like mana or supernatural beings exist. Once she awakened her mana, she was destined to no longer spend her life as a normal human.

But she didn’t mind such an arrangement since she had her family to protect and especially there was Kei as well whom she could now shield with her newly found powers.

Throughout the years, she trained and honed her skills while experiencing near-death situations like a weekend sale. But everything she did was in progress to become something more. Something better than her current version.

When her goal from protecting some individuals to defending the whole of humanity shifted, Kaori was not sure about it. She never realized that these innocent people with whom she shares her realm have become a part of her concern.

And when she saw such devastating prowess of Kei who seemed someone Humanity could never face at least one millennia from now on, or maybe even after, the first thing Kaori asked was…

‘You won’t turn against us, right?’

In a second, Kaori sided herself with her people and separated Kei like he was some kind of threat to their existence.

She made it seem like Kei was also one of those Kaori fights on the line to maintain prosperity and peace amongst her people. Yes, her people. Then who was Kei?

Does she really treat him as someone else now?


Seeing the small droplets falling down her cheeks with her face still leaning down, Kei understood what she was going through after she asked him the most probable question he expected.

He knew, her sense of duty would make her frightened of his powers but he didn’t want to hide things from his lovers at least. They were someone he has put his trust in so of course he would let them know what he actually was.

And for the thing, Kaori asked whether he was tempted to destroy humanity or not…


Like a gust, the figure of the two disappeared without a trace in the night sky, leaving the surveillance around baffled beyond belief.

The place Kei brought her was an apartment flat he recently bought in Tokyo. It was a high-end building which was located in Akasaka.

Naturally, he didn’t use his student identity to purchase the flat since it would be nothing short of chaotic, and legally it wouldn’t have been possible either.

Through his connections, he got this deluxe apartment on the topmost floor where he currently teleported with Kaori in his arms.

Inside the massive living area, Kei took Kaori on the couch before he made her sit on his thigh as he gently wiped her tear without any word spoken thereafter.

Kaori was no longer conscious of where she was or who was around her. She was just holding on to Kei since the thing she just asked him made her fear that he might leave her once she let go.

And Kaori can give up on anything, but not him.

“Stop crying Kaori. There is nothing to regret about what you said. More like, I am proud of you because you asked such a thing.”

Blinking in confusion Kaori lifted her head and didn’t stop Kei’s soft caress on her cheeks as she heard him continuing.

“It shows your diligence toward your work, toward the lives of people on earth. So don’t feel guilty about it. And just to be sure, I am not some cliché demon king who would try to rule over the world, so you can rest assured. “

The little smile he displayed was more than enough to show that he really didn’t mind her words in a bad way and that he meant what he just said.

Maybe it was the usual Kei she has been seeing until now, who always tends to laze around or say some really stupid thing which made Kaori surprised to see how mature he actually is.
Amidst his response, Kei unbuttoned her top two buttons and pulled her shirt off from her left shoulder which showed a deep claw mark and clotted blood along with a faint purple puss stagnating on the torn flesh.

Kaori only noticed his action when Kei traced the scar which brought a stinging sensation of discomfort. She really was in a bad shape to meet him.

“Here bit me. It’s going to hurt.”

Kei offered his collarbone for her as he pierced his right thumb with his nail before a droplet of blood bubbled over the spot.

Kaori was not sure why he said so, but as soon Kei brought his blood over her wound she understood the reason.


In between her scream, she bit on his flesh without consideration since the feeling on her shoulder was nothing less than world-shattering.

It felt like she has been thrown into a pool of acid after being tortured with a whip of thorns.

Kei lacked healing skills despite he tried to learn them so many times. He wasn’t just cut for it. Only using his blood he could heal such deep seeped venomous injury and evaporated everything out of her system using his essence while bridging his blood as a medium.

Fortunately, it lasted for only thirty seconds, but the number of tears she spilled in that brief moment made Kei’s heart clench as he soothingly patted the girl.

Seeing her teeth mark on Kei’s skin healing at such a frightening pace, Kaori pouted.

“You are a cheat existence, you know that right?”

Kei could only shake his head in amusement as he saw such a side of Kaori after so long. In the past, she mostly tried to act brave and all but deep inside she also sought dependency.

And without a doubt, Kei was that support she always searched for.

“How is everything in the organization? “

Hearing his query Kaori blinked for some moments before she responded in a slightly gloomy tone.

“More than organization it’s the intruders I am troubled about. The number of dimensional doors has appeared in recent months is just surpassing every past record. Images of strange creatures lurking in shadows are all over the internet. The organization is finding it difficult to keep everything in check. I fear people might realize about the underworld before we had anticipated…”

Kaori trailed off her words as traces of stress flashed in her unfocused gaze.

Kei while gently rubbing her back responded in a neutral tone.

“We both know Kaori that this realm will know about their neighbors sooner or later and in that way, you guys don’t have to recruit new members in shadow as well. Since the government is in your support, why being so troubled?”

Kaori knows that what Kei said was true and all the major government over the globe are already in support of their respective organizations that fends off these otherworldly creatures.

“…But nothing would remain normal afterward. In this whole civilization, the way people live now will change. Do you think it will be good for them to be aware of their potential destruction?”

There was no denying that once even the being of the Third realm join forces and attack the Human domain, nothing would be left to save. It was a truth that Humans were weak compared to others and given the fact that more than ninety percent of the population is still unknown this supernatural phenomenon called mana gives no assurance of their future whatsoever.

Kei thought for a bit but he decided to voice the truth rather than sugarcoat his words.

“To be honest, with the amount of mana earth has it will take five ranked vampires to wipe away every single existence off the surface in finger-counted days. And the rate earth is adapting with mana, I fear it will take at least five hundred years for humanity to see their second phase of evolution.”

It was bitter but a truth nevertheless with which Kaori couldn’t agree more. She knows her capabilities yet she was not confident to beat Karen if it really comes to that point. Not to talk about ancient vampires or draconic beings.

And what she has seen, the rate of awakeners is not progressing much at all. In everyone and a half thousand, only one person successfully copes with their magical aspect without dying at the initial stage.

“Is there not anything you can do, Kei?”

She knew it was ridiculous to ask Kei for this which involves the evolution of the whole domain but little did she think…

“I think I can?”

A/N:- Next phase of the story begins. Soon the harem members will meet so comment down if you are hyped.

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