Monster Breeder

115. Charlatan Forest Spring, Part 1 (Megan, R-18)


“Murder Hornets!”

One minute, I’m giving double handjobs to a couple of cute Bee Girls, and the next I realize I’m surrounded by enemies as their disguises fall away. I feel the anticipatory fire of Predator Sense in my loins, a warning that comes in the nick of time as I leap off the ovipositor I’d been happily bouncing on like an idiot seconds before the first egg shoots from the tip.

The hot flush of betrayal floods through me as I dodge away from my sexual partners. I thought they were cute! I thought they were nice like Gale as opposed to the other hungry predators in the forest. I let my guard down. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

My Harpy wife bites through the ovipositor she’d been gleefully sucking moments before like a carrot. Then she ascends with a few flaps of her gorgeous blue and green wings, her talons carving through Hornet flesh as she moves.

I don’t have any natural weapons to aid me against the insectoid horrors as they drop their deception and come at my companions with stingers and vicious carnivore larvae. How could I have been so foolish to let Flou be separated from me in the tangle of bodies? No matter how safe we felt in the clearing or how sexy the Bee Girls were, we shouldn’t have been so easily seduced.

The battle is fierce, with Alex and her companions dishing out death to the Hornets left and right. I feel more useless than ever, no more than a liability as the fighting rages all around. My only recourse is my tail for balance and my innate sense of the next strike homing on my vulnerable flesh. Dodge, duck, dive, scamper, roll, and jump. The whole reason I came to this forest was to rid myself of this weakness—and now the decision has come to haunt me like a specter looming over my shoulder.

Leaping Grubbins, their mandibles clacking with sadistic glee, almost bite off my face several times. Every second is a desperate scramble for survival.

Gale is forced further and further away from me by the Hornet’s venomous darts. I can’t find Flou; I’m too low to the ground to see through the tangle of combat.  

“Retreat!” calls the distorted, insectoid voice of a Murder Hornet hovering above the melee.

The nearest Hornets make a grab for me with four arms apiece. Even Predator Sense’s forewarning doesn’t stop them from hoisting me into the air as they fly away. My shouting is muffled by the buzz of their wings. Tears fill my eyes as insectoid arms bear me away to serve as food or a breeding corpse like that poor Goblin boy eaten alive from the inside out.

Already, their ovipositors are out and searching for one of my entrances. I may be captured, but I’m not completely helpless. I struggle, twist, and bend to evade their offending phalluses time and again. Despite all my efforts, my time is running out.

Alex’s spears rise and fall around us without doing much damage. I reach for Olindia’s tendrils as they grab for me, but they fall short and catch on a stray Hornet. Then I see my Fuzzy Slime cousin make a staggering last-second leap from Alex’s head onto an insectoid leg. Flou!!!

The terrifying, amorphous, fur-covered monster flows from bug to bug using toothy maws as grappling hooks. She’s closing in on me, but I can’t last much longer against the Hornets that have me if there’s no one left to harry them. I’m no more than a morsel of meat in their claws.

“DON’T TOUCH MY WIFE!” screams Gale as she swoops into the swarm with her talons bared. She fights like a Harpy possessed, slashing at insectoid flesh, and beating foes with her wings like bludgeons. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life!

My captor is momentarily distracted, and I bite the hand holding onto me. When the Murder Hornet releases me in pain I’m able to climb onto their back where they can’t reach me.

The midair scuffle continues as we pass an enormous tree laden with tiny black berries. More Hornets spot us and rush to aid their companions. It looks hopeless, but Gale and Flou seem ready to fight to the death. All for me. Stupid, weak me.

The Fuzzy Slime forms a crystal-blood blade arm to hack through insectoid limbs before leaping to the next victim as we pass a clearing filled with what looks like prisoners. Gale dodges stingers, darts, and Grubbin eggs over and over, but a few lucky shots start to land. My Harpy wife suffers cuts and scrapes on her wings and legs while avoiding anything fatal. Her talons rip into the Hornets staring in disbelief that a mere Harpy can fight with such ferocity.

We cross above another clearing filled with human and Mandragora children when the battle takes another turn. The venomed scrapes on Gale are taking their toll. The Harpy slows even as Flou reaches us to shield my wife with her body. Slime is resilient and resistant against venom, but repeated attacks add up.

It’s obvious Flou will fall soon with Gale close behind. I can’t sit here and do nothing! Desperate, I claw and bite at my Hornet’s antennae and compound eyes. My insectoid captor loses control of their flight and plummets down with me riding the Hornet to our doom.

At the last moment, the canopy opens below us to reveal a lake.

My enemy and I crash deep into the water. When I regain my senses, I have trouble orienting myself underwater. Then my eyes adjust. I’m thankful the Hornet’s body broke my fall, but my situation has gone from bad to worse. Dozens of figures move in the depths of the lake. These waters are infested with monsters. And they're ravenous.

The Murder Hornet reaches for me, but many somethings grab them before the insectoid hand can close on my arm. Blood in the water obscures what happens next.

I find the light of the sun above and follow it to the surface as dark shapes glide around me on all sides, my face breaching the water even as it roils around me with pink foam. My arms and legs flail. I can barely swim; mom never taught us since it was assumed any mouse that fell in water would be as good as dead anyway.

Spotting the shore, I make a break for the closest piece of land.

Buzzing fills my ears as the Murder Hornet swarm swings low over the lake to investigate the splashing of a feeding frenzy. For a moment, I wonder who will get me first, the insects or lake monsters, but then the water erupts with a barrage of liquid jets. Half a dozen Hornets are knocked from the air to land in the lake after the first volley.

The waters churn even more fiercely with fresh prey in the mix. Gory froth surges around me.

I’m searching the sky for Gale and Flou when I see a shape disturb the surface to my left. Something with fins, scales, and bloody sharp teeth is swimming my way. I paddle for all I'm worth, but my pursuer gains on me by the second. 

Shore is too far away, so I turn to at least die biting and clawing the fish monster before it eats me.

Then I feel something grab my foot from below. My heart leaps into my throat as my worst fears become reality. A mouth closes around my ankle as the pads of my mouse paws touch a slimy tongue.

I kick and flail my arms to no avail. The rapacious maw works its way up my legs, then thighs, slippery-soft lips applying tight suction as the mystery monster pulls me inside themselves hand over slimy hand. I feel their jaws expand to swallow my rump even as my paws squeeze through the narrow tunnel of an esophagus before hitting the wet sack of a predator’s stomach.

Their mouth takes me shockingly fast, enveloping my waist, widening again to slurp down my breasts—it's almost a relief as they pop inside the vacuum press of my predator's lips one after another, my nipples twinging for the second they're pinched in the vice of flesh—and then it’s a simple task to swallow my head, coating my hair with saliva. Light vanishes as I’m eaten whole. The inside of the monster is tight, cramped, and slick with mucus. Muscles contract around me, binding my limbs against my sides as they push me through the esophagus into the belly chamber. My meager claws are unable to even scratch their stomach lining.

"Hey, I saw her first!" I hear someone outside yell. The lake monsters are arguing over me, but what does it matter? It's over...

I’m panicking, but there’s enough air to breathe in here and I can hear my captor’s heartbeat as well as feel it all around me. Blood vessels throughout the membrane holding me pulse against my naked body. Dim light filtered through thin belly skin illuminates my fleshy prison, bathing me in a watery pink glow. It’s a soothing color.

I sigh as I curl up in a ball with my long mouse tail tucked around me. Their heartbeat is a steady, calming rhythm, and their abdominal muscles cradle me like an infant. I can almost imagine this as a womb rather than a stomach. I didn’t think dying would be this peaceful. Or, at least, it feels that way before digestion starts… There’s no acid, yet. Maybe I can fall asleep like this and spare myself the suffering.

"Asshole!" the first voice says from further away.

Muscles coil and relax around me in rhythmic patterns like a full-body massage. My captor is swimming.

I’m so tired. Tired of fighting, struggling, resisting tooth and claw at every step. All the fruit and Alex’s milk I had this morning is heavy in my gut, making me drowsy. Kind of ironic, considering I’m becoming someone’s meal. I’ve been battling sleep all day though, ever since I qualified for my evolution. Nothing sounds more appealing than closing my eyes and slipping into oblivion.

It’s almost a rude awakening when something long, slender, and slimy wraps around my middle and starts pulling. The slippery walls contract around me, pushing me out. My hands grasp at the lifeline hauling me back up the esophagus and through the distended gaping mouth.


I’m vomited onto a flat, green surface that gives beneath me like… I’m still on the water. This is a lily pad. Looking up from a puddle of saliva and gut juices, I see my captor—savior?

She has mottled green skin with a creamy pale underbelly and short black hair with two dollops of slime resting there like an extra pair of eyes. Her face is humanoid, though her whole body is covered in a thin layer of shiny mucus. A long, snakelike pink tongue dangles from her mouth and wiggles in the air like a worm on a hook. Her hands and feet are a darker shade of green with flat pads on the tips of each finger and toe. Her eyes are yellow and her pupils flat. She’s got a shapely body and pretty face, with a cute, streamlined slit between her legs, and two pert, pomelo-sized perky puppies on her chest with pink, inverted nipples, but her best feature is that ample, speckled ass.

I stare at the smooth expanse of her creamy tummy and imagine what she must've looked like with me inside there. Her belly bulging indecently, distended with my outline, her womanly curves accentuated... I shake my head to clear it. No, I don't have a death wish! I'd never get to prove myself, or have Cottontail and Alex's baby if I died. I'm not an idiot who thinks being digested would be fun either. Having one's skin melt off isn't sexy. It's only the thought of being enveloped that has some appeal—and that's just my bondage fetish acting up. This is all that damn Webling's fault for tying me up last night and awakening all these weird feelings. I didn't think I'd ever have sexual fantasies about a... a...

A Froglin.

My mother raised me to never go near a body of water deeper than my ankle, lest I be eaten by one of them.

“W-why?” I cough, readjusting to the fresh air. “You could’ve…”

She doesn’t need me to finish the sentence to understand. The Froglin cocks her head askew, glances over her shoulder warily, and shushes me with a finger to her lips. “There’s plenty of food from those Hownets we caught,” she whispers, slurring her 'r's because of the way her prehensile tongue lolls out like an extra appendage. “You looked tasty, and I didn’t want to shawre.” She seems to realize what that sounds like and hastily adds, “I-I m-mean, I want to have sex!” She lowers her voice again and continues, “I’ll cawy you to safety in my stomach if you pwomise to have sex with me, alwight?”

“Me? But I’m just a little mouse. Nothing special.” I’m understandably skeptical of her offer. She’s not even pretending to be vegan, so why should I believe she’d make an exception in her diet for me?

She smiles down at me, tense with eager anticipation, the Froglin towering over my small body from a height more than double mine. Her eyes trace the curves of my torso, waist, and legs, lingering on my breasts and hips. That sets off my gaydar, registering it as a lesbian’s appreciative stare rather than a hungry predator’s gaze counting calories.

“Do you know how few mice we get this deep in the fowrest? And when we swim downstweam to Fuzzy Field, anything we catch gets split to feed everyone. I’ve never been intimate with Fuzzy folk before, and you’re the tiniest, pwettiest, sexiest thing I’ve ever seen! I’ll help you escape for…” she trails off as she mentally calculates a fair price, “Twibbing, owral, fingewing, and cuddles after. That owral is a sixty-nine, by the way, and a whole houwr of cuddling! Not a minute less!”

The Froglin realizes she’s being loud again and comically tries to shush herself. She’s a little silly, and adorable! …I think I have a type.

“Tribbing? As in, we rub our… ourselves together?” I picture myself between her legs grinding my core against her beautiful, hairless, slick slit and a small trickle of wetness runs down my leg.

“Yep! So, twadesies?” She offers me her tongue as if for me to seal the deal with a shake.

The Froglin has zero game-face. I’ve won bluffing games against far cleverer mice and bunnies in the Warren and can read this girl like a book. She’s hoping I won’t challenge her opener because she’s desperate for physical affection—I think she’s willing to go as low as no sex and ten minutes of cuddling, maybe less. Not that I want to bid her down.

Lucky for her, she’s perfectly in my strike zone between terrifying ambush-predator and endearingly sweet ingenue.

It’s weird how disarmingly cute I find the girl despite having been eaten by her once already today. If anything, I want to put that mouth to better use between my legs… Despite my misgivings, I can’t imagine her betraying my trust after driving a hard bargain for cuddle time. Not even a psychopathic predator would do that, right???

“I don’t even know your name…”

“My name is Sue; how do you do? What’s yours, cutie? You’re weally yummy~” Her eyes widen, and she blushes. “In a sexual way! I can go a week at a time between meals and not get hungry.” Ah, I was wondering why I didn’t encounter any stomach acid inside her. That's her cold-blooded metabolism at work. I didn’t have trouble breathing either, so I could probably make it to safety riding in her tummy. “I’ll honor the deal; cwoss my heawt and hope to die.”

The fact she’s talking to me instead of skipping to rape speaks volumes. In fact, I didn’t get a spike of Predator Sense when she ate me. I should’ve realized that sooner. This girl may very well be speaking honestly. My eyes drift to the phallic limb swaying from her mouth and can’t help wondering the ancient human aphorism passed down through generations, ‘What that tongue do?’

“M-my name is married, I’m Megan—I-I mean, my name is Megan, and I’m married!” I go and blurt something to cover my lewd distraction.

“Shh,” the Froglin reminds me, adorably holding a finger to those luscious lips that could easily spread wide enough to swallow me whole. I'm used to my lovers having claws, teeth, or other deadly implements, though. Sue is attractive in the dangerous kind of way I’ve come to love from my relationship with… Gale!  

“Where's Gale?”


“The Harpy.”

"Oh, shit." Sue’s face falls and she shakes her head, making my heart sink. “It's too late, you can't help hewr.”

Rage bubbles up within me and the words leave my lips before I consider the consequences, “The hell I can't!!!”


"Sue? Did you catch another one?"

The Froglin looks stricken and clenches her fists in frustration. "Fucking damn it. I'm weally sowy about this, Megan." Sue says as she grabs me about the waist and pins my arms before I realize what's happening. The lack of animosity yet again foils my Predator Sense; she doesn’t want to hurt me. "Yep, I got one, Vawi!"

Sue steps off the lily pad out onto the water with me in tow and proceeds to 'walk' to my surprise. Her webbed feet sink several inches below the surface, but a pathway across the lake upsurges with enough force to support us. This roiling road leads to a group of lake monsters lounging on the surface.

Most of them are Koi—freshwater mermaids. Their scales are colorful with creamy whites, bright yellows, vibrant oranges, and oily blacks. I see a variety of breasts, flat chests, everted aquatic cocks, heavy, scaled scrotums, and slick pussies on display in every combination. Some are prettier or more handsome than others, but what they have in common is their long, straight black hair and dark brown eyes with epicanthic folds.

Gale is among them, surrounded and restrained by many hands. Even without the monsters holding her down, my wife looks exhausted from the life-or-death struggle and traces of Hornet venom in her system. Her eyes are drooping, her feathers hopelessly soaked and heavy with water, and her breasts heave as she takes labored breaths. She perks up when she sees me, though.

"M-Megan! You're alive! I thought I saw you get eaten for sure."

"That's the one! That's the mouse Sue stole from under my fins!" an angry Koi shouts and points at me.

Sue winces, then cringes at the cutting laughter that slices across the lake.

"Were you being selfish again, Sue? You know we share catches in my Spring." The owner of this voice sits head and shoulders above the Koi. She's an Eeling with a long mermaid tail of sinuous flesh and fins. Her face is equal parts beautiful and cruel, giving me a bad feeling. A neon blue streak runs through her black, braided hair.

At her shoulder floats a bunny-eared Fuzzy Slime, Flou, in a bubble of water. My cousin seems fine, if totally restrained.

"Oh, look at that! An absolutely delicious-looking mouse. A rare treat this deep in the forest. You're truly a selfish sister, Sue, keeping this morsel to yourself.” She looks between me and Gale and her lips curl into a devious grin. “What are we to do with you two? Our bellies are full after that smorgasbord of Hornets.” *Burp*

The Eeling woman, Vari, belches, making her pendulous breasts and slightly distended tummy jiggle. She pardons herself and continues, “And it’s a shame to devour a couple of beauties such as yourselves when there are other options. How about we make a deal? If the mouse satisfies me, and the Harpy slakes the lusts of my Koi, I can agree to release both of you.”

Gale objects, “Do what you want with me, but let her go! Please, I’ll—mmph mph mph!” A Koi silences the Harpy with a scaly hand over her mouth.

“Um, Vawi, I w-wanted a turn with Megan…”

“Quiet, Sue! You had the chance to share with your sisters and you squandered it. Think of this as punishment for bad behavior. Perhaps it will motivate you to be more congenial in the future.” Somehow I doubt Sue is the one with a sharing problem. At least, in a sexual sense rather than predatory. I know a bully projecting their issues onto others when I hear one.

The Froglin’s shoulders slump as she releases me onto the roiling surface of the lake. I stumble, unable to find my footing at first. She gives me a final silent-mouthed, ‘Sowwy,’ and sadly turns away.

It’s a struggle, but my tail helps me find my balance after a moment. We’ve got no choice. Who knows when Alex and company will come to the rescue? That said, I can’t deny I’m attracted to the curvy Eeling, and there’s a distinct thrill to bedding a wild predator. I stand and say, “We’ll accept with one condition.”

Vari tracks my eyes to where Flou spins helplessly in the bubble of water. “Oh, does this curious bauble belong to you, little mouse? Certainly, I don’t mind throwing one more into the bargain.” She adjusts her posture, reclining on a divan of roiling water, and opens her nether slit with two fingers while beckoning with her other hand. “Now, come hither, my pet.”

Gale looks at me with a pained expression that devolves into pleasure as the Koi mermaids devour her (sexually). Hungry mouths latch onto her lips, nipples, and both her southern holes while many hands spread her legs wide. A dozen mermaid cocks wait in the wings for their piece of the action.

I approach Vari cautiously, but the predator makes no move to grab at me despite the way her eyes gleam with a lust-starved luster tinted by something else. The size difference between us is staggering. Her human half is almost Alex’s size, and her mermaid half is twice the length of the Koi. I climb atop her, straddling Vari’s slimy tail, and lower my face to her puffy cunt.

The slick slit is dripping with feminine grool as my tongue goes in to lap the length of it. There’s a slightly acidic tingle on my tongue I can’t identify at first. Otherwise, her taste is fine, momentarily fooling me into thinking this won’t be so bad. Looking up to meet Vari’s gaze with my mouth on her quim is a powerful sexual technique that sends Gale deep into the throes of passion every time I use it on my Harpy wife.

Instead of driving her wild, I find the ‘something’ in Vari’s stare has intensified to the point I can put a name to it. I’ve also figured out the source of the prickling sting on my lips. Too late, I realize this Electric Eeling is a sadist.

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