Monster Breeder

116. Charlatan Forest Spring, Part 2 (Megan, R-18)



A jolt of pain seizes my muscles as zippy blue current buzzes through me from tongue to tail. I raise my head to flee the source when the sharp agony ceases. Small, lingering sparks hop from my skin to my surroundings, stinging slightly with each discharge.

“Ah, that was nice,” Vari praises. I hesitate, not sure if she’s punishing me or… “Don’t stop now, little mouse. How do you expect to satisfy me just sitting there?”

Ah. She’s a bitch.

Damn, why are the crazy ones so sexy?

I see Gale nearby swamped with Koi, taking their cocks in both nether holes and sucking on another slimy rod while they writhe and kiss each other. The Koi are having a great time using my wife to sate their lusts. They've become a wriggling mess of scales and sex, grinding and fucking her holes to reach their completion. Gale is doing her part to satisfy our deal with the Electric Eeling; all I have to do is endure this…

But why is my pussy so wet?

Mustering my resolve, I about-face on all fours and flick my prehensile tail up to wrap its length around Vari’s left nipple. I’ve never met a woman who didn’t like her tits being played with during sex. The harder I tug, the more voltage she applies to my tail, applying current directly to my nervous system.

“Aaahhh!” I moan as the pain surges along my spine in crackly prickles. My tail instinctively pulls taut, increasing my sensations as more electricity shoots through me. I’m breathing hard, eyes squinted shut, but the idea of letting go doesn’t occur to me. I'm too busy twitching my mousy ears, flexing my furry toes, and lolling my tongue in pleasure to think clearly. How I'm getting said pleasure in this situation is too complex a thought for my taxed brain to untangle.

“Mmm,” she says, and I can feel the heat of her gaze on my pert little ass. I shake it for her enjoyment even as she shocks me, making my muscles spasm and my pussy gush salacious fluids. I’ve long since learned how to stimulate and ride the wave of a predator’s lust. Not only that; I’ll find my own release in doing so.

My hand darts between my legs to rub my clit. A spark jumps to my hand from the tip of my pearl, causing me to fall forward from the staggering white hot explosion in my mind. Yet I find myself continuing to rub the center of my bliss as if unable to stop myself. Sparks of excitement shower my system while my fingers blur.

“Ahh, ahhh, ahhhn!”

The tingling courses from my tail through my body, making my cunt quiver with orgasmic potential. The symphony of sensations shocks me with how amazing it feels. I thought there was only pain there when we began but, the more I pick things apart in my mind, the more I realize I didn’t hate that first zap either. It was painful, yes, but not to the point of harming me. 

I decide to delve deeper into this electric thrill for further investigation.

Powering past my hesitation, my mouth falls on Vari’s slit. This time, I don’t pull away. Pain. Pain flows through me like a shimmering blue river as I complete the circuit started with my tail. And yet, this sensation is unlike anything I’ve felt before.

It’s a new experience, a delicious acidity that fills my mouth like sweet lemonade. My quim shakes and drips as my affections overflow. I swirl my tongue around her labia and through her valley to sample her dark tunnel. My oral member teases her entrance, flicking in and out like a timid mouse exploring a new hole. The intrusion elicits an even stronger spark as Vari’s back arches and her breasts heave, bouncing enticingly as I catch a glimpse between my legs.

“Oh! Little mouse!”

I’m on the right track. Now I attack her pussy with a free hand while supporting myself on the other. My four fingers are the same thickness as an average human’s middle and ring fingers together, lending me the girth to stretch her tunnel while hunting her g-spot. When I find and rub it, another powerful shock wracks my frame.

“Aaahhhn!” My nerves burn like glowing wires. How can anything that hurts this much feel so good?

Then Vari's fingers plunge into my tiny tunnel, my hot pink inner walls tight on her slippery mucus-coated digits, and delivers a focused zap straight into my core. Pleasure unlike any orgasm in my life overwhelms me along with the blazing pain blasting my cervix. Blinding white consumes my vision until the impossibly powerful bliss subsides.

Dazed and lightheaded, I’m having an almost out-of-body experience as my gaze drifts to Gale. She’s not having any easier of a time than me. It’s not an orgy over there, it’s a gangbang.

The Koi give my Harpy wife no space to breathe, no pause between sessions as they jam one cock in her mouth after another to fuck her throat raw. She’s coughing and half-drunk from oxygen deprivation as one Koi grabs her by the hair and pulls her off a shaft with a *shlorp* before crushing her face against a mermaid cunt so hard I can tell from here she not getting any air. The Koi refuses to release her until she makes the fish girl climax with her wildly flailing and desperate tongue. Gale can barely claim half a gasp before another Koi takes the previous’s place and she’s made to do it again.

Returning to myself, I realize I’m squirting all over Vari’s chest while my tail tugs on her nipple with strength commensurate with the shock I received. I've never cum so hard; I'm ashamed at first, but that fades as I accept the truth. It doesn't diminish the love I have for my wife. It's something I can maybe share with her later.

“Yes, right there, you’re incredible!” the Electric Eeling moans as she throws back her head. It’s now or never; my heart is beating so erratically I’m not sure I’ll survive if I don’t finish her quickly.

After reversing my position again I straddle her nethers, bringing my cunt to bear against Vari’s. I brace myself despite knowing it’s pointless. Lowering my core the last milimeter, I touch our clits together. Every hair on my body stands on end as the pleasure/pain streaks through my ravaged body.

I just came, and I'm already on the verge of cumming again. I roll my hips in sheer desperation, movements mad with mind-melting lust. Each slick flick of my clit against hers elicits a shock stronger than the last until I'm a quivering wreck driven by a raw need greater than self-preservation.


"Aiiiyaaahhh!" Vari screams with me as I move faster and faster until our mutual orgasms detonate.

Unfiltered power courses through my body. My spine goes rigid. My limbs are bound by steel manacles for all I can budge them. The pain is exquisite, but so is my pleasure. It feels like lemonade poured onto my brainstem, it feels like a spike of ecstasy driven through my loins, it feels like a blistering lightning bolt of a climax. My vision whites out again as I'm overloaded with thrumming bliss.

When I come to, Vari's chest is heaving and her belly quivers with post-orgasmic aftershocks. Her breasts jiggle invitingly as she breathes. Every muscle in my body is shaking but, somehow, I'm hornier now than when we began and hungry to taste her once more. 

"I'm surprised you lived through that. Most are screaming and begging by the time I get close. It's rare for me to finish like this, let alone climax together."

“Maybe I am special, after all,” I say, proud of the way I brought her pleasure when others failed. Crawling forward, I embrace her breasts and plant a kiss on her lips, my bust resting atop hers like a pair of lemons on cantaloupes. I wouldn't mind doing this again some time.

Then she shoves my face aside. "I don't cuddle."

The rejection hurts more than a little. I just discovered something about myself of a very deep and personal nature. Who knew how much better an orgasm can be with a shocking twist? Being spurned by the one who helped me find out is almost as painful as being electrocuted with none of the fun. At least the sex was incredible. 

Sitting back on my legs atop her tummy, I ask her, "You'll let us go, now? That was the deal."

"Have you satisfied me?"

"...Yes?" I try to read her and fail. Something doesn't add up.

"What about them?"

Gale is stuffed and covered with Koi spunk, half a dozen of them having finished on her tangerine-sized breasts or in one of her creamy nether holes, but gasping in triumph. Yet the Koi still seem eager for something.

Vari grabs me by the throat and hoists me into the air as I choke. Her long, slender fingers easily enclose my neck completely.

"You, hrk, promised!"

Her eyes narrow as she smiles viciously; I'd call her expression demonic if I didn't know Spindle. "I get high on watching you fry. I'm never satisfied until I see the face my prey makes while sizzling."

She’s not just sadistic—we could work through that with a good post-sex aftercare routine—but full-on psychopathic!

""And we like to watch our prey drown,"" the Koi say as they grab Gale and dive deep into the lake. My Harpy wife reaches for me with an outstretched wing one last time before being dragged beneath the waves. She slips beneath the surface with my name on her lips.

“GALE!” *Cough* *Cough*

Flou3 distorts into new, violent shapes as she struggles against the water bubble. Blood crystals form and dissolve uselessly when Vari counterattacks with blue, arcing sparks. Then she loses coherence altogether as electricity boils the water.

“That’s enough of that. I don’t get any gratification from zapping things that can’t make interesting faces, but that thing was too dangerous.” Vari continues running current through Flou3 until all that’s left is muddy water. I spot fragments of her core, confirming the deed is done.

“No, Flou!” My only comfort is knowing she has two other bodies. Gale isn’t so fortunate. “At least,” *Cough* “Let Gale go.”

“The Harpy? I don’t think so. My Koi need to see a good drowning every once in a while or they get restless.” My eyes search desperately for rescue, eventually falling on Sue. The Froglin sits on her lily pad, watching us with a sad, wan expression. She looks away despondently when I try to catch her gaze. “Don’t look at her, she’s too much of a coward to oppose her elder sister. I want to see your eyes when they lose their light.”

Then Vari unleashes a shock into my body that proves the others were mere ‘love taps.’ They were erotic eccentricities bringing both pain and pleasure to those willing to brave the former for the latter. This bolt has me rigid in a rictus of agony that has no silver lining. Every nerve in my body is a live wire of suffering. Arcs of electricity ground themselves from my body. I hear someone screaming themselves hoarse and realize it’s me.

“Die! Die! Die! Ahahaha!” Vari cackles gleefully as she watches me cry out a death rattle. 

My heart stops.

It’s an eerie silence within my body. An emptiness where something important once was. This is it. I’m finished. I can’t clench my fists or grit my teeth; even those gestures are beyond me now. As my consciousness fades to black, I use my last breath to spit in her face.

Vari's outraged expression meets my guttering glare, spittle dripping down her cheek, and I somehow find the strength to smirk.

“Fucking DIE!!!” she shrieks.

Mad with rage at my insolence, Vari blasts me with another electric shock more powerful than the last. The last thing I smell is my own singed fur. The last thing I taste is blood from biting my tongue in a convulsion. The last thing I hear is her sadistic cackling laughter.

And then my heart beats.

And beats again, resuscitated by her final attack against my dying body.

Ow,” I whisper, voice cracked and shaky. I can't help a peel of delirious laughter at the morbid humor of the situation despite my agony. How many people get to go out claiming they died twice? 

She stares at me, mouth agape in stunned silence at my apparent cheer, before her features twist in fury once again. “W-why won’t you die?!?”

Another shock, just as bad as the previous. I’m still ravaged by pain… and yet, there’s something else there. A sensation I hadn’t felt since Vari started trying to kill me. Pleasure.

Being shocked… feels good.

“Mmm,” I hum in contentment as her electricity flows through me. The pain becomes pleasure as tingling warmth floods my system. Previous aches and damage dissolve. Even the cut on my tongue where I bit it disappears.

“What the fuck?” Vari asks in total incredulity.

I’m wondering the same thing, but don’t want to ruin it. This feels way too good to question. Instead, I revel in her rage as she continues to pour on the voltage.

This time, strength surges inside me. Every live wire nerve in my body lights up in my mind’s eye. I feel my muscles hardening like iron as she charges me with power.

I grab her wrist and squeeze.

“Gah!” she gasps, showing an ironically weak pain tolerance as her grip on my throat loosens enough for me to slip free.

But not to escape. I’m done running.

My tiny fist cracks against her jaw, leaving a bruise as her head rocks back. The bones in my hand rattle and crack with a burst of pain that heals almost instantly. Shaking off the ghost of damage, I throw another punch and discover she’s defensively electrocuting her whole body. Since I’m standing on her chest to batter her face, I’m constantly being shocked the longer I stay here.

Fine by me.

Power accumulates inside me as my fists connect with Vari’s once-beautiful face over and over as I yell to amplify the power of the blows, "Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora!!!"

Despite the pummeling, she rallies and her hands find my throat again. The Eeling is determined to choke me out, but she hasn’t given up on shocking me either. Somehow, her hate-filled brain can’t make the connection it isn’t working.

Rather, it’s making me stronger, faster, and something else. My cheeks are getting hot. The energy being stored inside me is about to reach some threshold.

More punches. Faster. Faster. My fists sting. Vari’s face is a ruin. Her hands tighten, cutting off circulation. My cheeks burn. My body thrums with potential. I see our surroundings illuminated by yellow light and realize my fur is shining bright.

“Die!!!” she shrieks through ragged bloody lips, spitting out a tooth.

You first, bitch.

My being sings with energy begging to be released like an overflowing dam ready to burst. And then I find an outlet. Tremendous power flows out of me in a mere moment.


My voice reverberates across the lake, amplified by my new electric magic.

There’s an explosion of light and sound as potent as a thunderbolt detonating in front of me. When my eyes adjust, I see Vari’s sizzling corpse beneath me. She’s steaming, cooked through like a flash-fried fish.

After tearing free of her rictus grip on my throat, my first thought is of Gale. I dive into the lake without a second to lose.

Vari’s body floats, but the spell maintaining her roiling divan and the magically buoyant patch of water is gone. My shining fur thankfully illuminates the dark depths of the lake. I see dozens of Koi flee from me, too far from the epicenter to have been slain by my attack but rightfully terrified of my power.

Then Gale comes into focus. She’s unconscious, being dragged deeper by a small group of Koi. They’re heading toward a huge, gaping hole in the middle of the lake. I sense the current flowing into that black maw and feel a tingle of fear for the first time since my revivification.

I put my everything into swimming faster. I’m small, and I don’t know how to swim well, but my arms blur, and my feet kick like propellers as I have to learn fast or let my wife drown.

Yet, despite everything, I can tell it isn’t enough. I can’t outswim mermaids even with Harpy deadweight slowing them down. My chest burns with my held breath aching for release. This is a pain I can’t handle, one that has no trace of pleasure in it. There’s only the desperation for fresh air so far away and high above.

Gale! Don’t leave me!

A lone figure darts through the water to intercept the mermaids retreating into the Spring tunnel. It shoulder-checks the Koi, who involuntarily release their cargo. The figure grabs Gale and swims toward me as my light falls upon them.

It’s Sue! The Froglin girl kicks her way to me as the strain in my chest becomes too much to bear. Bubbles erupt from my mouth in a rush as my breath escapes. I'm drowning.

Her lips, larger, slick, and soft, find mine. She exhales to fill my lungs with air and it's enough to last me another few seconds. Slimy arms grab me about the waist and haul me up to the surface as darkness creeps into my vision.

We breach with a gasp, fresh air filling my lungs.

Sue heaves us onto the shore; thankfully, neither of us weighs much. I wobble to my feet and force myself to act instead of collapsing with exhaustion. Grabbing Gale by the shoulder, I roll her onto her back.

The Harpy girl is blue from cold and lack of air! I hold her nose and kiss her motionless lips, pushing air from my lungs into hers. Once, twice, three times. Nothing.

“Help me!” I tell Sue, the Froglin kneeling on Gale’s opposite side with a concerned expression. She hesitantly follows my instructions, kissing Gale and breathing for her.

I pound on Gale’s chest to no avail. She turns a deeper shade of blue. Fear stalks me like a predator.

Not now. I can’t lose her now, after all this! Fat tears pool in my eyes.


I dig deep, block out the panic, and focus myself. Do to Gale what Vari did to me! I concentrate, pushing power into my hands over Gale’s heart, and release.

A portion of strength goes out of me, dimming my luminescent yellow fur by a degree, but Gale’s body leaps with the shock. Her heart starts beating again.

A fountain of water sprays from the Harpy’s mouth in a high arc that lasts a good ten count. Then she coughs wetly and turns to me with a weak smile. “Megan, you’re alright! Thank goodness.”

I start crying, unable to contain my emotions any longer, and Gale raises a wing to wipe my eyes. To my surprise, the tears leap like floating beads to hover above the Harpy’s feather tip. Gale’s eyes widen as she marvels at the water droplets moving by her will alone.

She wasn’t turning blue just because of the drowning… Her complexion is recovering, but Gale’s feathers have all become dark blue except for a splash of green in her hair.

““You look different,”” my wife and I both say in unison.


I'm not trying to imply that Sadism is inherently villainous in this chapter. Vari just happened to be sadistic in addition to being a serial killer. I'm fully prepared to write sadistic characters on the heroes' side. Megan herself has a little sadistic streak with anyone who tries to bully her big sister. 


As for Megan's masochistic awakening... that's something she may want to explore in a safe, controlled environment with plenty of aftercare cuddling. In regards to Megan's experimentations with Sue specifically, such an interaction would basically be a form of Prey-Bondage play. Megan is the stronger monster at this point, so she wouldn't be in any real danger.


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