Monster Taming Broadcast

Chapter 5


Rattling noises

So, after the last chat…
The assistant’s messages stopped appearing.

On the assistant list, there was a big, bold entry saying “Unknown – 001.”
Looks like they didn’t go on air.

Must be lost in confusion.
I mean, it’s hard for regular folks to wrap their heads around another world or monsters.

“Well, I guess I have to believe it now.”

While the assistant was sorting their thoughts,
I decided to check out the baby spider that had just been born.

The baby spider climbed awkwardly onto my palm.
It quickly scuttled up my arm and settled around my shoulder.

The baby spider beamed at me with a wide smile.
It wasn’t creepy at all.
Its face was cute, like a puppy.

“I think I’ve succeeded in taming it.”

Besides its behavior of following me around,
I felt like there was an invisible thread of fate connecting us.

“I should be able to see the list of tamed monsters, right?”
I opened a square window in the air.
After manipulating the window a bit, I found the tamed monster list.

[Tamed Monsters]


There were no photos of the monster.
It was blandly labeled “001.”
Looks like it doesn’t have a formal name.
Unless I’m meant to name it myself.

It was clear that the baby spider was 001.
Since it was the only tamed monster I had.
When squinting at it, I saw the label “001” hover above its head.

“I can change the name, right?”
And I could.
A virtual keyboard popped up the moment I lightly touched the name field.

Without hesitation, I changed the name.

『Dog Spider – 001』

From now on, the species name of this spider would be Dog Spider.
No need for a personal name.
The reason I left the number was simple.
To avoid mixing it up with other Dog Spiders.
I would eventually tame more, given they are helpful monsters.


[Passage 2]
○ Normal cave.
○ Spider-type monsters residing.

I engraved the mark and info next to Passage 2.
I postponed checking the Dog Spider’s abilities for later.
The assistant, who seemed to be lost in confusion, finally returned.

The assistant had a lot of questions.
Looks like they finally believe this isn’t just a concept show.
Of course, they still weren’t fully trusting.

【001】─So that’s really another world? Not some CG or prank?

“Just believe it already. There’s no reason for me to lie about this!”

Even after explaining seriously several times, they still reacted like that.
That was the third time I got asked that question.

【001】─So it’s not some special broadcast? It’s a real situation, right?

“Yep, it’s a real situation.”
Usually, that would start to grate on my nerves.
But I was fine.
It’s annoying, sure, but their reaction was normal.

I can’t go complaining to the assistant who came to support me.

【001】─So, should I report you missing to the police or something? I mean, you got kidnapped, right?

Thankfully, it seemed like they were starting to somewhat believe me.
“Do you think the police can help?”

【001】─Is that so?
【001】─Now that I think about it, you’re right. My bad.

The police aren’t dimension magicians or anything…
What was I expecting from a group that can’t even properly find missing people in South Korea?

“Reporting won’t help, so forget it. By the way, can you send me a gift or something?”

【001】─What kind of gift?

I figured I’d clarify it a bit.
Labyrinth explorers and assistants.
As an explorer, I’m on the front lines conquering the labyrinth, while you, as the assistant, provide support from a safe place.
To put it metaphorically, you’re like an office worker.

In short, the assistant’s role is to support me, the explorer.
I wrapped up my explanation.
I’m not sure if it was a good analogy, though.
I don’t really know much about explorers and assistants myself.

【001】─You explain well.

“Did you get it?”

【001】─Kinda. I’m smart, you know. chuckle

“Glad to hear.”
Considering they were planning to report me to the police, their brains might not be working correctly.
My true feelings bubbled up to my throat, but I held back.
I couldn’t pick a fight.
After all, I was in a weak position, and the assistant held the power.

“Now I need to explain why the assistant should support me and what they gain from providing that support…”
It’s rare to find someone who acts without seeking a benefit.
Unless they’re a volunteer, of course.
No one helps others out of sheer goodwill without expecting something in return.

So, most people would probably think like this.
“Why should I help you?”
“What’s in it for me?”

When those questions inevitably come up,
I’ve thought about how to respond.
And briefly pondered this thought.
As much as I support the explorer, the assistant should also receive help from the explorer.

One day, monsters will spill over onto Earth, and when that day comes, I might be able to return the favor—like sending monsters out, for example.
This was a nonsensical lie I’d concocted on the fly to request support.
But my conscience wouldn’t allow that.

So, what I came up with was…
Please see me as an avatar. To put it simply, support me as if you were leveling up a game character.
That was all I could think of.
No matter how I thought about it, I just couldn’t see the merit for the assistant in supporting me.

I could act cute or clown around to get help…
But I’d rather survive on my own without aid than pull something like that.

Just as I was about to request support by comparing it to a game character, the assistant shot a message first.

【001】─So how do I support you?


【001】─How do I support you?

“Help me?”

【001】─Yep, why? Don’t want to help?

“No, I’d be glad if you do.”

【001】─But why do you look like you just ate something unpleasant?

“Just a little surprised. Honestly, I didn’t expect you to agree to help so easily.”

【001】─If someone I know is in trouble, I obviously should help.

“It doesn’t benefit you in any way to help me, so are you sure it’s alright?”

【001】─Yep, asking for something in return for helping someone in trouble is the act of human trash.

The reason for helping.
It’s just to help someone in a tough spot.
I guess this person is a lot kinder than I expected.
Or maybe they might have some connection to me.
By this point, I was even more curious about their identity.
Not planning to ask just yet, though.
At the very least, it’s not a bad relationship.

【001】─And just being able to watch a broadcast from another world is totally a benefit, right? Feels great to be special. It’s a show you can’t see anywhere else, so of course, I have to pay the viewing fee. haha

“Looks like you’re beginning to fully believe this is another world.”

【001】─I don’t fully believe it yet, though. Anyway, how do I support you? This is the third time I’m asking.

“Honestly, I’m not sure myself. Isn’t there a support button or something on your screen?”

【001】─There are several tabs, wait let me look for it.

The chat went silent.
It seemed like they were seriously looking for a way to support.
While waiting, I gently patted the Dog Spider’s head.
About a minute later, the assistant’s chat popped up again.

【001】─Oh. I found a way to send coins?

Oh right, I think I saw a note saying I had zero coins earlier.

【001】─Hold on. But now that I think about it, I feel like I’m being scammed here.
【001】─Isn’t this some new scam tactic? Like, trying to get me to recharge cash? I don’t want to be suspicious, but I just got scammed in a voice phishing incident a while back…

The assistant still seemed half-skeptical about the situation.
Well, it makes sense to be suspicious right now.
The word “coins” puts off serious scam vibes.
It’s only natural to wonder if everything here is a setup to rip people off for money.

“It’s not a scam, so don’t worry.”

【001】─Scammers always say that. My best friend once said that while stabbing me in the back.

“…What would make you believe me?”

【001】─Nah, it’s cool. I won’t be suspicious since it’s you.
【001】─If I get scammed, I can just hunt you down and make you pay. Anyway, I’ll send you 1 coin for now. Just so you know, 1 coin equals 10,000 won.
『RED grade assistant ‘Unknown – 001’ has supported 1 coin!』

A message appeared right in front of me,
And next to it, another window popped up.
It said “Coins Held: 1.”
The number quickly jumped from 0 to 1.

【001】─I sent the coin.


【001】─Now what do we do with it?

“Good question.”


“Surely there’s somewhere to use the coins, but I don’t know where yet.”

【001】─No one told me about anything like that in advance. I just sent it for no reason. sigh

“Sorry. But aside from coins, can’t you send me items?”

【001】─Found it right away. It’s also possible to send items! But there’s a fee.

“How much is the fee?”

【001】─Since I’m RED grade, I can only send items with a fee of 5 coins or less. The fees go to the Labyrinth Development Fund.

“Really? Could you let me know what items are under a 5-coin fee?”

【001】─You gotta scan the item with your camera. Then a fee will show up.

The chat momentarily paused.
About ten seconds later, another message came through.

【001】─LOL Whoa, every single item shows the fee! Super cool. Since there are quite a few items below 5 coins, it’s gonna be tough to list them all, so just tell me what item you want.

“Um… Could you send me some food?”
I was in need of provisions.
‘Cause I was kinda hungry right now.

【001】─No way! Just checked, and the fee for one bread is 5 coins!? The bread only costs 1,500 won, so the fee of 50,000 won is a bit… that’s straight-up robbery!

“Yeah, that’s definitely a shady fee. Have you seen fees for other food items?”

【001】─Hatch rice 5 coins, kimchi 5 coins, frozen dumplings 5 coins. All super expensive!

“…Seems like food fees are pretty high across the board.”

【001】─Looks like it. Seeing the food prices made me curse out loud.

There’s nothing to be done.
I’ll just have to shoulder the fee.
I’ll repay it once I return to Earth.

“I’ll pay back the fee later, but for now, could you send just one loaf of bread?”

【001】─Got it. I’m not exactly rich, so this’ll be a tad burdensome, but since I said I’d help, I can’t back down now. Gonna recharge the coins and send it right away.

Not long after that chat,

『RED grade assistant ‘Unknown – 001’ has delivered support items!』

An item plopped right in front of me.
The bread sent by the assistant had crossed dimensions and arrived.

【001】─Whoa, this really works…
【001】─Everything I said so far was true. Now I fully believe it…

Silently, I picked up the bread.

【001】─Anyway, enjoy your meal! It cost 51,500 won!

It was mint chocolate bread.

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