Moral Degeneration


I made breakfast for the girls. After our little reunion I had ridden all of them pretty hard. After more virgins I had confirmed that I was now almost 5 foot 11 inches tall. My dick was slightly bigger too. At about 9 and a half inches. Which was fine in my book, but the girls were feeling it. Luna had taken the first round like usual. Willow and Ava were next. Willow and I had been especially heated with one another. She was far more gorgeous while she had my kid in her. Ava was fun, but Willow was the true star in my eyes. I tried not to show it, but it was hard. 

Audrey, Violet, and I had a great reunion around midnight. I woke both up for some fun and we were at it until about 3 in the morning. Both exhausted we had opted to start wearing condoms again, just because they really did want to try for a kid for their wedding they were planning. They hadn’t ironed out all the details but they were hoping to have a ceremony in early June in the Florida Keys this year for our vacation. 


I was looking forward to it. After my morning workout I was only running on an hour of sleep but felt great. Muscles bulging all over me it was harder to find my limits. Somehow empowered by either sleeping with women or laying with virgins. I planned to keep it going no matter what. 


A busy day ahead I woke up the girls and they begrudgingly joined for breakfast.

“French toast?” Luna asked excitedly. 

“Yes ma’am. Any plans for today?” 

“Volleyball stuff,” she said through a mouthful.


“Classes,” Willow and Ava said.

“Cool. Audrey, Rowan, and I will be at the DOL this morning.”

“Already?” Violet asked. 


“Yeah. I am buying my business today and Agent Reels said they’d be ready to sign the Impregnation agreement if I was,” I said.

“So you’re doing it?” Luna asked. 

“I thought that’s what we agreed?” I asked, worried. 

“No, we did. Just checking,” she said. “Sorry, I’m a little nervous for you. Any other guys it’s no big deal. But it’s a lot of responsibility for you.”

“I know. I feel it’s what we need,” I said. She nodded and continued stuffing her face.

“Why do I need to go?” Rowan asked. 

“After that I was hoping to show you to your new job,” I said.

“You were serious about that? I don’t know anything about cars,” she said.

“You don’t need to know anything. It’s simple work. I just want you to man a register. Order some stuff I tell you too. Get used to it.” 

“I’ve never done any of that though,” she said.

“It’s easy,” Violet said. “How about I take you to my work instead. Oh you can meet Sarah. She’s a Purchaser. She does all that stuff. She could give you some pointers and stud here already knocked her up. She’d love to meet his sister.”

“That’s a great idea,” I admitted. I needed to see Sarah too. She was one of the closer ones to the ultrasound. Her’s was scheduled for next Monday, so less than a week. She would be able to tell me if I was this supposed Inverse that only made boys. 


“Who haven’t you knocked up?” Rowan asked.

“Don’t raise your hands,” I hissed. “Eat your food and thank me for the job.” 

“Why do I feel like you’re a shit boss?” She asked.

I opened my mouth then shut it. “I think you’re wrong, but we will see,” I said. Audrey and I were then saying goodbye to the girls. Thankfully she didn’t want to drive. 

“I’m proud of you, you know,” she said.

“I know,” I said.

“Like really proud. I know you don’t want to hear this, but your mom would be too,” she said.

I was caught off guard by the direction of the conversation. I hadn’t thought about her for a long time. I found myself saying, “what makes you say that?”

“Because she was your mom,” she said. “No matter what, she wanted what was best for you.” 

“Oh,” I said, sighing. “I thought there was some profound memory you had of her that told you that.”

“Of course there is,” she laughed. “I haven’t told you, but the only thing she wanted to be growing up was a mom. Playing house was her favorite game. And she would always have like 100 kids. She had names for all of them too. But they were stupid names. Like that ones twig, and there’s mailbox. It was so stupid.”

I actually laughed. “Really?” 

“Yeah. She hated that boy we grew up with too, Ava’s dad. Like hated him with a passion. They would always fight. I was in the middle and tried to keep the peace. But they’d yell at each other louder then leave, and the next day they’d act like it didn’t happen only for it to happen again.” 

“Jeez, why’d you put up with it?” I asked. 

She shrugged. “They were my best friends. That was just when we were really young. When we got older they’d fight but not as bad. Kind of drifted apart after that.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, putting my hand on her thigh. She put her hand on mine. “I love you.”

“I love you so much,” she said, crying again. “I was so worried about you.” I should have known this was coming so I pulled over. Hugging her she cried into me, big sobs that only got worse. I rubbed her back and let her say what she wanted. “Should have helped you. Can’t believe you did that. Gonna ground Luna, I swear.” 

“I know, Aud, I know,” I said. “At least I shouldn’t get kidnapped again.” 

“Are you sure this time?” She asked.

“Of course, nothing could keep me from you,” I assured. The tan skinned MILF and I were kissing then. It was weird. One minute she was a maternal figure, then the next my lover. But I pushed those thoughts away and focused on how hot she was. Large breasts, firm everything, she was as gorgeous as ever. 

When our kiss ended I was back to driving and she was leaning on my shoulder as I drove us to the DOL building. “Do you promise not to leave?”

“I promise to always come back,” I assured. “We are making a kid, remember?”

“Right,” she said, smiling then was frantically fixing her makeup in the mirror. 

We walked into the large DOL building hand in hand. Agent Reels came down to meet us and we were given a very nice reception by the local director, Jackie Taylor. 

“Russell, it seems you keep surprising us,” she said. The older black woman was in her normal business suit. Only in her late 20s I wondered what she did to get the position at her age.

“I aim to please,” I said. “First I want to take care of the auto shop. In the meantime your lawyers can work with Audrey on our changes to the contract.” I handed her the list of changes. We firmed up a few loopholes and increased a few amounts here and there. All in all I doubted it was something they would balk at. 

I was let into a room with the main accountant, Miss Kunkle. A nerdy woman, she walked me through the business, different programs I was taking advantage of, and loans for the Autoshop. 

“First question, will you be changing the name?” She asked. 

“Yes, to Willard Automotive,” I said. She wrote the name down.

“And the $20,000 down payment?” She asked. I handed her a check for $20,000. I had deposited $20,000 cash in my account the day before just for this. Since I had pulled out quite a bit it wouldn’t raise any alarms with an audit. She accepted the check and gave me a receipt. 

“Perfect. You owe $80,000. Do you have to have your monthly male and Impregnation payments directed to this or…” 

“I will have the Impregnation Payments directed to it,” I said. It was a 10 year loan, so I would pay it off in less than 4 that way, and I wouldn’t lose any of my current money. To me it was basically a free business. 

“Very good, so you’ll continue to get your male payment of $1,000 a month,” she said. “Let’s start signing.” She brought in a few more people and everyone was walked through quite easily where to sign and initial. Within 30 minutes it was done and I was the owner of my own business. 

“Congratulations,” Kunkle said.

“What about the cars out back?” I asked. 

“They’re included. I went through Jaimie Chamberland’s home and gathered all the necessary titles. They are at the autoshop,” she said.

“Thank you. If you ever want a kid, let me know. I could always use a cute real estate whiz,” I said.

She opened her mouth then blushed as red as a tomato. She whispered, “I might take you up on that.”

“You know where I work,” I laughed and was out the door with Reels.

“You need to stop doing that,” she said.

“What? Offering?” I asked. 

“Yeah,” she said. 


“Why?” I prodded. 

“It’s…not natural. All of my other charges…”


“It’s just…you’re 15, Russ. I wish you’d remember that,” she said.

I opened my mouth then shut it. “Thanks, Reels,” I said.


“It’s good to hear that now and then,” I said. She eyed me. “Do you want my kid too?” 

“Goddammit,” she growled. I laughed and continued walking. Eventually we were brought to the room the real deal was being struck. Lawyers on both sides were combing over everything. Even Audrey had brought her lawyer. It took a few hours but everything was signed by 11AM. 


“Okay, you are in the program,” Jackie said, shaking my hand. “When do you want to make your site?”

“I’m not expected to start until April,” I said. “This week or next. How long would it take women to start signing up?” 

“A day?” She asked. “We notify every woman looking. The site is a network of men and women in the general area. You can decide distance away from you. If you are willing to allow women to come in. You’ll have an approved statistics information like your IQ and possible offspring you can make. Then you’ll have your own biography. Explain certain…rates or other items you would demand. Things you are looking for.”

“Oh my god, it’s a dating site,” I said as a lightbulb turned on in my brain. I had been picturing actual websites like for some reason.


“Nothing. So all women can see my profile?” I asked. 

She nodded. “Everyone looking. We don’t charge to access the site.”

“I’m an idiot,” I said. “Do I really need someone to help me make it?” 

“Most do,” she said.

“Just give me the site name, and an explanation on how to create a male account. I can figure it out from there,” I said. It was an early dating site. Who hadn’t created a Tinder profile in my timeline? I could do it on my own. 

Reels handed me a sheet that walked me through it. All of it was pretty standard. “I’ll let you know when it’s up,” I told her. “Anything else?”

“Uh yes. You’ll need to tell us calendar dates for the…2 the government wants to…pick,” Jackie said. I could tell she was uncomfortable with this. I doubted anyone else had government issued people to sleep with. 

“Yep, I’ll update my profile with the dates. Just look it over, okay?” I asked. She nodded. “Alrighty, thanks ladies.” And we were out the door. My arm over Audrey’s shoulder I could tell she was excited, but once we were outside she stopped me.

“Russ, this is my lawyer. She is working up some documents to assign you a percentage of my company,” Audrey said.

“Perfect,” I said. “How much?”

“5% to start,” Audrey said. “More as the years go on.”

“Great, I trust you,” I said.

“I actually recommend you get your own lawyer,” her lawyer interjected. “The DOL can help ass-”

“No,” I said. “To the DOL, sorry, not to that. You’re right, I do need my own lawyer.” Criminal and otherwise. “Give me a few days. I’ll let you know who that is.” We shook hands and I took Audrey to work. We did have a quickie in the back of my car but then we were taking Sarah, Violet, and Rowan out to lunch. 


Since Sarah was the pregnant one we let her pick, and she chose a country buffet which was fine with me. Sarah talked about computer programs we should get for my new business. There were a lot of estimation tools for work, also good sourcing material. Audrey said she would help with shipping if I needed it, and we had a good time. Audrey paid, deciding it was a business meal and we went our separate ways. 

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