Moral Degeneration


I stepped out of my car to study the front of my new business. The old Chamberland Automotive had a sign above the main office that said the business name and that was it. I added that to the list of things that needed to be changed. 


The building itself was rather simple. About 40 feet by 90 feet the one side of the building was the front office/waiting area and small kitchen behind the office. Beside that were 4 areas for working on cars. 3 had lifts for picking up vehicles and the last one had a pit for going underneath the vehicle.


At the back of those was a lot of storage for car parts, tires, and most every little odd and end that would have to be inventoried. 


“What’s up, boss?” Jess asked as she stepped out the front door. 


“How’d you get in?” I asked. 


“I uh have a key,” she said waving it to me. 


“Rowan, first thing on the list, let’s get a locksmith here to change all the locks,” I said. 


“What?!” Jess asked. “Am I being fired now? I’ve always had a key.”


“No, you’re not being fired. But how long do you think it’s been since the locks were changed? How many people did he trust with a key?” 


“I don’t know,” she said. 


“Exactly. Oh right Rowan this is Jess. Jess this is Rowan. My sister,” I said. 


“Sister?” Jess asked. “Like the one you’re banging?”


“I’m not banging my sister, that’s my guardian's daughter,” I said. “Ugh just walk me through what’s up around here, alright?”


“Fine, fine,” Jess said. She was in her coveralls ready to work. Pointing to the small parking lot out front there was only one vehicle. “I called the owners of the other cars and they picked them up. That’s the only one left. That accountant lady found a title for it so I guess Jaimie owned it.”


The lone vehicle was a small delivery van. “Ok put that on the list of things to fix first, which will be your job,” I said, eyeing Jess. 


“And what’s…Rowan’s? Job?” Jess asked. 


“Basically what Jaimie did but more of it. Customer interaction. Day to day. Ordering stuff.”


“Well if you want to grow like you said you’re gonna need more mechanics than me. Which reminds me. What do I get paid?” She asked. 


“How much did you make before?”


“$14 an hour. Plus beneys,” she said. 


“What kind of benefits?”


“Health and dental,” she said. 


“Ugh. Let me figure the benefits out. Till then I’ll pay you $18 an hour if you take cash and don’t declare it,” I said.


“Don’t declare it?” She asked. 


“Yep. Just act like it fell from the sky. Think you can do that?” I asked. “For a few weeks….” She hesitated. “I’ll pay you overtime too.”


“In cash?” I nodded. “Fuck yes then.”


I smiled at her and walked in. The office area was okay. Could use some cleaning. The waiting area had a dilapidated gumball machine and used chairs. The floor tile was okay but the ceiling tiles had stains. I moved to the small office counter and grabbed a pen and paper. Writing everything down as I thought it. 


The list became very long very fast. I continued to ask questions as I walked around. “When were these lifts serviced last? These tools are scattered. Do they not have homes? Anyone ever clean this place before? Why are all these belt replacements just thrown in a big pile?”


I got more upset the further I went in. A lot of work had to be done. But I had the money to do it right the first time. When it was all said and done I sat the girls down at the couch and walked them through what had to be done. 


“Number 1, locks. Rowan grab a phone book and make calls. Jess, start sorting the tools. I want to be able to look at what we have and know what we are missing. Any of those companies that specialize in ergonomics ever come by?”




“Like making foam boards for specific tools and stuff.”


“Oh yeah. There are a few brochures behind the counter.”


“Okay call them up. Tell them to be here tomorrow with their pitch. I’ll be skipping school. I’ll call around to maintenance people. I want people checking out this equipment. If we need to get it fixed let’s do it now. I’ll call the door companies to look at the overhead doors. Let’s plan to get those electronic ones installed. I hate these chain doors. Rowan, after the locksmith, call around to some general contractors. I want tiles replaced, drywall fixed, and a paint job on the exterior. Also a graphic design company to make a new sign.”


“Shit, how much is this all going to cost?” Jess asked. 


“Doesn’t matter,” I said. “Oh and I want you to ask everyone if there is a cash discount.” If I could get them to do the work without receipts I could make some shell companies to “pay” to do it. I’d be able to launder my money back to myself. The Marty Byrde way. 


“What about the cars?” Jess asked. 


“Let’s go have a look. Rowan, you mind making some of those calls?” I asked. 


“Sure,” she said, getting up. As we headed out back I heard her yell. “The phone is disconnected.”


“Shit,” I mumbled. “Use your cell. Call the locksmith then the phone company. Then the energy company. I’ll have to route future payments to me.”


She nodded and I pulled Jess outside. She was on me as soon as we were out there. “I missed you,” she said, kissing me.


I pushed her against the back wall, kissing her back. “Good. I missed you,” I said. We were a grunting mess for a bit as we got reacquainted. Her firm leg in my hand my dick dug into her as we took a moment to ourselves. 


“Get me a souvenir?” She asked, her big eyes blinking up at me. 


“I did…” I said. “But I was thinking you’d rather have one of these.” I pulled away to look at the lines of cars around us. There were 12 in total in the backlot. The tow truck of the company was parked between them. I added getting the tow truck serviced to my list. 


“One of these?” She asked. 


“Yep. They’re mine now. I thought you’d like to pick one. Fix it up for yourself.” 


“Any?” She asked with a laugh as she ran into the now grassy lot. The last time we had been there it was covered in snow. 


“Yep. I figured-“


“That one,” she said pointing. I walked over with her to look at it. 


“69’ Stang?” I asked. It wasn’t the only Mustang there. But it was the most beat up. 


“Yep,” she said. “I want it.”


“It’s yours,” I said. 


“Really?” She asked, laughing louder. I nodded and she jumped onto me. Kissing me hard. “Did you get bigger?”


“Doesn’t matter,” I said. “We will be doing some maintenance to this place over the next few weeks. You can work on the Mustang here. But I’m not paying for the hours. And if you record everything you can pay for parts with your future pay if you want?”


“Really?!” She asked. “I could fix it up pretty quick then.”


“Yep,” I said. “I really need your help with this place, Jess. You’re my only actual mechanic. I’m planning on hiring someone out of school and another person that doesn’t know what they’re doing. I’m hoping she will start next Monday. If you can teach her about cars while you fix the Mustang up, then I’ll pay you for the hours.”


“Jeez. You really got it all planned out,” she said. 


“I’ve been driving a lot. Lots of time to think lately,” I said. 


“Well I’m in,” she said. Looking around she grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me to the front of the cars near the chain link fence. 


“Can we uh do a quickie?” She asked. 


“You horny already?” I asked. 


“It’s been like 2 weeks,” she said shyly. 


“Don’t worry. I’ll be spending a lot more time here,” I assured. I slowly began to unzip the front of her coveralls. Looking around I didn’t see anyone as she undid my zipper. 


“Real quick okay?” She asked. 


“Super,” I said. Flipping her around I put a condom on as she dropped her pants. Entering her from the back she cursed as I parted her lower lips. 


“I swear you’re b-higger,” she squeaked. 


My hands were sneaking into her shirt and grabbing her tits as I continued to thrust in. “You’re drenched.”


“Fucking missed you,” she said eyeing me behind her. 


“You better,” I growled in her ear and thrust all the way in. She stifled a yell and I turned her head so we could kiss. My hips pulling back I thrust into her hard and fast. She came after a few thrusts. It only turned me on more. 


A hand pulling out from her shirt I wrapped it around her neck to pull her back to me. She gasped and liquid practically poured out of her onto my dick as I sped up. 


“Fuck! Fuck! Cum in me,” she gasped as her legs weakened and she tried to drop. I held her up. Going harder. Loud smacks sounded in the outside air. I groaned in her ear. Pulling her to me roughly until I came in her deepest parts. 


I stayed rooted inside of her for long seconds. Pulling her mouth back to mine we kissed and whispered silly little nothings to one another. When I pulled out and we were clothed again she asked, “I’m liking these benefits.”


“Good. Let’s uh go check the inventory room. Maybe we can find a better spot for me to show you all of them,” I said with a smile. She bit her lip nodding. Stumbling, she laughed as I caught her and we walked hand in hand back inside. 



I knew it was going to be a long night for me. Since I wanted to keep the girls away from the Autoshop until it was finished I went out for pizza to familiarize myself with the area. We already had a few contractors stopping by to begin working on quotes, but if I could get local businesses to work at my place they would more than likely reciprocate the work when I opened my doors. 


The neighborhood really was a prime location. There were a few fast food joints a couple of blocks away, other businesses like real estate and insurance offices. I still needed a laundry list of items. Farrah was on my list of people I needed to see first. Since she owned a business she could point me in the right direction of everything I needed. My startup funds were the $75,000 check I got from the Menagerie for finding the camera culprit. I would have to pay taxes on it at the end of the year, but I wasn’t too worried about that. 


As I drove around I found a graphic design contractor and sent them over to my place, and lucked out on a cleaning company in the area. They were all surprised to see a man there, but they knew Jaimie when he ran the autoshop so I hoped for a good deal. 


One thing I hadn’t noticed was how close I was to Julie’s school. I had seen her before I ran off for spring break, but didn’t have much time to talk. Since it was about 4PM school was out but she was usually involved with sports. On a whim I parked out front and headed inside. 


I got more than a few looks as I headed to the gymnasium, but there was some sort of ribbon dancing tryouts going on there. About to call her I noticed a lot of the tall volleyball girls out at the track field so I headed over. 


It was Tuesday, March 21st, so spring was coming up. Still a little nippy out they had already started Track. Girls were scattered in little groups as they practiced the long jump, sprinting, shotput and other Track offshoots. It wasn’t long until I was noticed though. 


“Russ?” A girl said. I turned to see one of the lesbian girls I bedded at the party. 

“Hey, Zoey,” I said with a wave. 


“You remember my name?” She asked, surprised. 

“Of course,” I said. “You seen Julie?”

“She’s over at the shot put,” Zoey said. 

“Thanks, you look great by the way,” I said with a wink as I headed that way. She stared at me surprised as a few girls with her began whispering something. I didn’t much care. Julie was wearing a hat, which was why I didn’t see her auburn hair right away. As I approached all the girls turned to face me. 


“Hey, babe,” I said, waving. She blushed but walked over away from her friends. 

“You’re back. Great uh, what’s the occasion?” 

“Just wanted to say hi,” I said. “I can go-” 

“No, sorry,” she said. Grabbing my arm she pulled me away from the groups of girls. All eyes were on us though. “Rumors exploded about what happened at our party over break. Like everyone in the school knows what happened.” 

“Ooookay,” I said. “I mean, I assumed that would happen. It’s a school. What’s the problem?”

“Well at first it was fine, then it blew up. People started saying that we have these crazy sex fueled parties now. I get asked all the time if you’re like…selling your services.” 


“I wasn’t planning on it,” I said. “Is this a problem?” 

“Yes and no,” she said. “I can manage it but…I don’t think we should go to any more parties for a while.” 

“That’s too bad,” I said. “Oh well.”

“That simple?” She asked, cringing a little.

“Yeah, Julie I was only there for you. I did that stuff with you. If you’re not into it we don’t have to do it. Do you want to keep…seeing each other?” I asked. 

“Yes-yes of course,” she said quickly. “Sorry, I thought you’d be upset about this whole thing.”

“Not really,” I said. “Guys are rare. I understand the girl’s positions. I thought it was hot though. What about the other girls? Do they hate me?”

“Fuck no,” she said. “They had fun too. And it was great. I just…wish we weren’t in high school. No one can keep their mouths shut.”

“Yeah, I understand,” I said. “Look I didn’t mean to cause you trouble by stopping by. I simply wanted to say hi.” 

“Thanks, I appreciate it. I do,” she said. “Just still new to this whole…dating thing.”

“You’re doing great,” I said, patting her hand. “Too bad we can’t sneak away for some…you and I fun.” She let out a laugh, looking around, then sneered at the coach. “Ugh, she’s watching me like a hawk. I can’t today. The coach brought her niece in from UM.”

“Who?” I asked, looking over to the coach. She was a black woman in classic coach gear. Tight clothes, whistle around her neck, ball cap on. She was quite the looker too, it was easy to she that track was a passion of hers. Next to her though was a younger and more vibrant version of her. Amazing ass, dark skin, curly hair braided. The thing was I knew her.

“Who’s that?” I asked, looking at the UM student. 

“Amelie Markov. She’s the track star at UM, but she got injured so she’s taking a semester off,” Julie said.

“Why uh, why don’t I say hi,” I said as I pulled away from Julie. 

“Seriously, Russ-” She tried to fight me but I pulled her along until we were in front of the coach.

“Hello,” I said with a wave to the girl next to her. Her eyes like saucers she looked up at me in surprise, and it was plain to see I did know her.

“Can I help you?” The coach asked in a huff.

“Just uh, saying hi,” I said, my eyes never straying from the girl. She was the 3rd woman I had sex with. Amelie, who I had met on my plane from DC to Minneapolis. We had sex in the bathroom on the plane, joining the mile high club, and I had not been wearing protection with her. 

“Hi,” the coach said, angrily. “Julie, go back to work. And you, off my field.”

“Uh, I gotta go too,” Amelie said quickly. 


“Julie, I’ll call you later,” I said. “Sorry to interrupt the practice.” I gave her a small hug and kiss on the cheek and walked quickly after Amelie as she headed toward the school. 


When we were inside the building we were on one another. I hadn’t planned that part. I was hoping to confront her, but her big eyes stared up at me and she was jumping on me as soon as the door slammed shut. We were a groaning mess as I pushed her into the lockers lining the wall. Her hips pushing into me, her strong legs wrapped around my lower torso. 

“It’s really you,” she said as she gasped and I began biting at her neck. “You’re huge now.” 

“Growth spurt,” I said. “Here or can we go somewhere?” 

“The room behind us,” she rasped and we were kissing again. I blindly walked her to the room. Kicking in the door she began pulling my shirt off as I did the same to her shorts. 

“You want no condom again?” I asked. 

“Yeah-no-I’m pregnant. Doesn’t matter,” she said. I stopped. Staring up into her eyes her dark skin was actually blushing. 


“My kid, right?” I asked. She nodded, smiling widely. “Fuck that’s hot.” I dropped her down and was undoing my pants as she dropped hers the rest of the way. Her dark carmel thighs were hairless, as was her muff. Last time I didn’t get the chance to appreciate her, but I was too turned on thinking of her with my kid in her. 


Grabbing her again I picked her up and impaled her with my rock hard dick. “Fu-ck,” she rasped as I stopped mid-way in. “I don’t remember you this big.”


“I don’t remember you this gorgeous,” I said. She was lost then. Her face on mine, I eased her down until I was buried all the way inside of her. “Why didn’t you call?” 

“I didn’t have your number,” she gasped. “Or last name.” 

“Ah, didn’t have yours either,” I said. She gyrated her hips on my dick as she squeezed me hard. 

“Fuck me, then talk later,” she pleaded. I nodded, pulled back a little then shoved back in hard as I slammed her into the blackboard of the classroom we were in. She groaned, and I kept going. Her cunt far tighter than I remembered she felt heavenly. I was stronger now too so as I thrust into her harder. She came as she muffled her yell with her hand. Her chest jiggling with each thrust, her head rocked back but I didn’t go easy on her. 


“Fuck-fuck-fuck, I’ve wanted you so bad! This baby you put in me made me so horny for your cock,” she rasped. “Fuck, just use me. I-I’m cumming!” She yelled and I sped up, joining her in the orgasm. My large dick shot a huge load inside of her. The tip of my dick actually hitting her cervix I got more turned on as she began to shake with the power of her orgasm. 


As mine faded I started up again, causing another chorus of cursing and dirty talk from her. “You’re so strong! Fuck! Huge, you’re tearing me up. Shit-shit-slow-not as hard. I fuckingggg cumming!” She cried out, and I did what I wanted to her. My dick felt never bigger as I held her hips, pulled out all the way and slammed back in fully. She took all of it, her body shaking and struggling to keep up. 


When I came again, I stayed buried in her. She was exhausted though so I walked us backwards until I was sitting on the teacher’s desk. Laying on it she laid on top of me as I let her recover. My still very hard dick inside of her as she recovered. 


“Who are you?” She mumbled eventually. 


“Russ Willard,” I said. “I uh go to Highpark Private School.”

“Ah,” she said. Moaning as she sniffed me. “I’m uh Amelie Markov. I go to UM, as you know.”

“I heard you’re a track star,” I said.

“I was, but I got injured last semester,” she said.

“Why were you looking to get pregnant that day?”

“I uh needed surgery,” she said. I had to prod her further for answers. “My mom couldn’t afford it. We didn’t have the best insurance. But if I was pregnant, the government would pay for a lot of it.”

“Seriously?” I asked. “That’s why you wanted a kid?” 

She nodded in my chest. Sitting up. “What?” She asked. 


I was frowning. “We made a kid for surgery?” 

“Oh no,” she said. “I was going to be out for a full recovery for a year anyway. I figured get pregnant. Get the surgery for cheap. Spend the year recovering and with the kid. My mom and aunt really wanted a granddaughter and grandniece. I have the support to watch her for when I go back to school. Besides, they legally have to hold my scholarship if I’m pregnant.” 

“Oooooh,” I said, feeling a little better. “So you want a kid, and saw an opportunity with me?” 

“Of course I want a kid. We went to DC because I have family there, and there are more men. But there was no luck….then I saw you,” she said with a smile as she began to rock on me again. 

“Lucky me,” I said, smiling up at her as I stiffened my dick inside of her. She winced but continued. “You had an ultrasound yet?”

“I wasn’t planning on it,” she said. “Why would I?” 

“To check for…defects?” I asked, unsure how to justify it.

“Is that a worry on your side?” She asked, worrying. 

“Uh no,” I said. “Not that I know of at least. Would you be up for scheduling one?” 

“Why?” She asked, still worried. 

“I want to go,” I said with a shrug.

“You do?” She asked, surprised, like all would be in this world. 

“Of course,” I said. “I have this whole deal where I want to be in my kid’s life. If you’d have me anyway.”

“Like really?” She asked, a smile on her lips. “You want to stick around?”

“As much as I can,” I said. “Want to um, go on a date? We can talk.”

“S-sure,” she said, but didn’t get up. Her cunt tightening more somehow she began to move again. “A-after…if you don’t mind.” 

“I don’t mind at all,” I said and thrust up into her. She laughed and we began kissing as another bout of love making ensued. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.