Moral Degeneration


“Wow, a boy,” the doctor said as she moved the non-invasive probe over Amelie’s abdomen. “My first time seeing one.” 

“What?!” Amelie asked, in complete shock. “A-a-boy?” 

“Yep, there’s the penis,” the doc said, pointing at the screen. My heart was beating a mile a minute but I kept my face calm. 

“That’s awesome,” I said, holding Amelie’s hand. “Congratulations, babe.” 

She looked up at me, tears in her eyes. “A-a-a-boy? I don’t know anything about boys. How am I supposed to raise a boy?”

“Boys are easy, trust me,” I said. “I’ll be there, don’t worry about it.” 

She began to cry and sob. “What? What’s wrong?”

“I thought I was okay doing this. I can’t believe how good it feels to hear you say you’ll help out,” she sobbed. “I-I didn’t think-” She stopped talking and began to clutch me. Again I felt a deep need to do everything in my power for these girls. I gave her some soothing words and rubbed her back. It was some time until she calmed down. The young doctor was full-blown crying as well as she printed off the pictures and handed them to us. 

Amelie walked beside me on shaky knees. Still in a daze. So I picked her up and carried her out. “What are you doing?” She asked. 

“Helping. It’s going to be okay, Amelie,” I assured. “Boys are-” 

“It’s not that,” she said. “I don’t know. It felt like I wasn’t pregnant. I wasn’t showing, but this picture proves it. I’m having a baby.” 

“You are,” I said. “As well as a few others. I’ll introduce you all soon. But we can help each other.” 

“You really think so?” She asked. 

“Yep,” I said. “Let’s tell your mom.” I set her back down and we walked into the waiting room. Her mother and aunt were there. They pretty much demanded to be there since they were the most excited about a young kid to take care of, which was understandable. They were a little upset only I was allowed back in the ultrasound room, but I was glad I had been there. 

“What’s wrong?” Her mom asked, very concerned about Amelie’s tear streaked face. 


“I um-We’re having a boy,” Amelie said, handing her the pictures. The 2 women’s eyes widened just as much as Amelie’s had, then they were screaming and cheering like they had won the lottery. Problem was, I wasn’t sure we had. 


I talked to them a little more. Dropped the 3 of them off at Amelie’s mom’s house then was on my way. Driving outside of town I called Agent Reels. 

“Hey,” I said to her. 

“It’s sad that I can tell who it us just by your voice,” Reels said. “It’s not even 8AM, what’s the problem?”

“You uh, remember that girl I told you about. The one on the plane from DC? I didn’t get her full name but told you I got her pregnant.”

“Yeah, black girl, name of Amy?” 

“Amelie,” I corrected. 

“Right, what about it?” 


“So I met her on Tuesday,” I said. “She was pregnant too. We were able to schedule an ultrasound for today.” 


“And…?” She asked, growing nervous. 

“It’s a boy,” I said.

“Holy fucking shit,” she said immediately as she let out a long breath. “You’re sure?”

“Yep,” I said.

“This is…huge, Russ,” she said.

“I know,” I said. “4 boys. The first 3 pregnancies of mine.”

“Wh-when is the next ultrasound?” 

“Sarah has one on Monday,” I said. 


“Fucking hell. You know I don’t curse around my other charges, but damn. Russ this is beyond huge. Like the chances of this happening. Like 1 in a gajillion.” 

“I don’t know if that’s a real number, but yeah,” I said. We were quiet for a bit. “What should we do?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “Do you want to redo your deal with the DOL?”

“Kind of?” I asked. “I mean, no offense but if all I can have are boys…”

“I know. You’ve made it clear you’re in this for the benefits,” she said. “But Russ, you could help humanity so much.”

“I know,” I said. “But you gotta remember, these kids are my family. Not numbers to me.”

“You’re right,” she said with a sigh. “Let me talk to Jackie. We need to keep this under wraps or you’ll be targeted by more than your dad for kidnapping.”

“Thought so,” I said. If I could guarantee a boy I could easily be taken, locked away and milked the rest of my days. “Thanks for understanding.” 

“It’s my job. I work to keep the human race going,” she said. “Thanks for…telling me first. You could have kept it to yourself.” 

“What can I say? I trust you,” I said. “Besides, I doubt you can say no to wanting my kid now.”

“Jackass,” she laughed. We were soon off the phone and I continued driving. 

It was now Thursday morning. I had taken Wednesday off. Saying hi to more of my girls, I juggled them and got ready for my business. I had stopped by the Club Tuesday night and Farrah walked me through everything as we had sex in her office. I ended up staying the night with Lanny, Mercedes, and Farrah that night. 


Tuesday was most all the other girls. Contractors were in and out all day. All women, all giving me cash discounts, and I was pretty sure man discounts. I was getting a lot more done for what I had originally budgeted so the whole place was getting an overhaul. Jess had already begun working on her Mustang. Rowan was getting used to the admin life. She had gone into work with Audrey that day to learn a little more. Since I was paying well, and she didn’t have to work nights it was a much better job than her last one. Though she was a little lost at times, she was getting used to the new area slowly. 


I was left with my other thoughts as I drove. Future plans always on my mind. I didn't know what to think with so many boys coming. I used to watch the news when I started up in the new life, but I got too busy. When I did there was always a story of some boy being kidnapped. I couldn’t let that happen to any of my sons. 


The need for a place all to myself became the top of my list of things to do. I already had about $1 million dollars. But that was seed money. I needed so much more to make it happen. I knew I could do it with my knowledge of the future market, but that would take time. My kids would be vulnerable until then. I had to start taking more risks, earning more. 


I was signing up for the Impregnation Program soon. Most men charged women to move to the top of a list, but that didn’t sit well with me. Then again if there was some rich girl…and I could guarantee a boy. Maybe I would take the buyout. How much would someone pay for a guaranteed boy?

I wasn’t sure it was a guarantee yet of course, but the doctor in DC had mentioned the Inverse. Someone that had the opposite gender norm production of the rest of the world. Maybe I really would make 8,000 boys to 1 girl. Which was sad, I had been looking forward to a daughter. 

With the reminder of DC I finally made the call. “Hey, it’s Russ again.” 

“Russ!” The doctor from the DOL said. “I uh expected you last week…”

“I know, and I apologize. Things got hectic last week,” I said. “Why didn’t you call?”

“I…kind of started my period. And so did my wife,” she said sadly. “So we couldn’t have done it anyway.”

“That’s too bad,” I said, but I felt a little better. Chewing my lip I decided to take a leap of faith. “Hey um if I tell you something. You mind not spreading it around?”

“Like what?” She asked. 

“Just want your professional opinion. Are you like a famous doctor? Is that why you work in DC?”

“I’m the leading fertility doctor in the country,” she said proudly. “Not just anyone gets to handle the boys that come in here.” 

I laughed, feeling a little better. “So I went to an ultrasound for another of the pregnancies…it’s a boy again.”

“Holy god’s green Earth,” she said slowly. “Are you-”

“Yes, I’m sure,” I said.

“Russ, this is huge. Wh-wow. I just never thought. Wow,” she said, I could hear her pacing on her end. “Have you told anyone?”

“Just my local DOL agent,” I said.

“Good. Only tell people you trust. This is-wow. I-is our deal still on?” She asked quickly. 


“You promise our kid wouldn’t be a science experiment?” I asked. 

“No-yes,” she said. “Of course not. I just…always wanted my own son. I see these boys come in and it’s so sad to know how rare you all are.”

“Then yes, our deal is on,” I said. 

“Wow,” she said. “You really could be the Inverse.”

“You think? After just 3?” 

“I would have questioned it if your first pregnancy was a boy. I’ve never heard of anyone making a boy their first time,” she said. “4? In 3 pregnancies. Russell, this is amazing.”

“I understand, but these would be our kids,” I reminded. “Boys get kidnapped every day, as you know.”

She let out a breath. “Oh my god. Yes, yes of course. Oh my god. And you can make boys far more than others. You’re at risk,” she said.

“Which is why I’m calling you,” I said. “I need help. Do you have contacts?” 

“What kind?” She asked. 

“I don’t know. The rich kind. What would…people pay for a boy?” I asked. 

“Ohhhh,” she said. “Oh a lot. What are you thinking?” 

“I’m thinking I might have a lot of boys on my horizon. I need money. Guards for all of them. Maybe private tutors to lower the risk of kidnapping,” I said.

“Right, right, right,” she said, pacing more quickly on the other end of the line. “My god, um yes. Let me talk to a few people here. I’ll see if I can’t get ahold of the list of women that are looking to adopt. They’re all rich and famous.”

“I don’t want to charge women,” I said, annoyed with this. “I mean, it would be our kid. I’d basically be taking food from my kid’s mouth.”

“That’s…so sweet,” she said truthfully. “I heard rumors about you, but didn’t know for sure. Let me look at the list. I’ll get back to you. Can I um schedule to come to you when my wife and I are um ovulating?” She asked. 

“Yes, please,” I said. “That would help me a lot. You’re the second person I’ve told. I would appreciate your help to keep this under wraps, as well as help to keep my other kids safe.”

“Of course,” she said. “My god, this is crazy. I’ll be in touch, okay?”

“Great, thanks,” I said. I was soon hanging up and letting out a sigh of relief. I was glad I had offered a kid to her when I did. She could be a huge help in all of this. The real trick would be to make her and her wife want to move here though. I would have to see how that went.


Left with my thoughts I continued to drive, but before I knew it I was pulling up to Sandstone Minimum Security Prison. She was already waiting for me as I pulled up. Rolling down the window she hesitated but walked over. 

“Are you him?” She asked. 


“Yep, are you Leanne?” I asked.

“I am,” she said.

“Get in,” I said. She walked back, grabbing her pack then got in the passenger seat. 

It wasn’t too hard to guess who she was. Thin frame, no breasts, long brown hair, she looked a little older than Brianna, but it was easy to see they were related. Leanne was more than a little nervous as I did a U-turn and drove her away. 

“What do I have to do?” She asked, eyeing me.

“What?” I asked.

“They told me a man got me out,” she said. “What do I have to do for this?”

“What? Nothing,” I said. “I did this as a favor for your sister.”

“Brianna?!” She asked. 

“No, Dahlia, yes Brianna,” I said. 


“Oh my god, you’re her boyfriend,” Leanne said, letting out a long sigh of relief. 


“Of course I’m her boyfriend. What the hell did you think was going to happen?” I asked. 

“I-I thought. I don’t know. I just heard boy, and thought the worst. Most are connected. I thought I had to do something bad,” she said while laughing. Wiping a tear from her eye she asked. “Did you really get me out?”

“Yeah,” I said. “As a favor for your sister.”

“What did you have to do?” She asked. 

“You don’t want to know,” I said. “But seeing as how I’m being so friendly. I’m gonna need something from you.”

“W-what?” She asked, looking down to my crotch. 


“Not that,” I said. “I assume you need a job? I need you to work for me.”

“Doing what?” She asked. 

“Simple car stuff,” I said. “I need a mechanic. With the deal to get you out I had them knock down your attempted robbery from a felony to a misdemeanor. You’re not impossible to hire, but they’ll still see this stint on your record. Seeing as how I just saved you a few months in prison, I’m hoping you can be a grease monkey for me as a favor.” 

“Really?” She asked, still smiling. “That’s it? A job and out of prison? You did all that for me?”

“I did it for your sister,” I said. “Brianna was worried about you. Since you didn’t do anything terribly stupid it was simple enough to get you out. But I expect loyalty out of you for this Leanne. No more dumb crimes. We need to be smart if we want to break the law.” 

“What?” She asked. “Hell, no. I’m not breaking the law ever again.”

“Sure,” I said. “We can talk about that later. For now, let’s get you home. Maybe get you some new clothes, get some food in you, I can show you your new job too while we’re at it.”

“Oh my god. I would do anything for a greasy burger,” she admitted. Tapping the dash in excitement she rolled down the window. It was cold but she didn’t care as she stuck her head out the window. A smile on her face and free for the first time in a long time, I couldn’t blame her. I was sure I’d do much the same. 


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