Moral Degeneration


“I see that we’re early,” I noted after looking at the clock. Audrey wasn’t shy about her gaze. 


“You’re amazing. You know that, right?” She asked. “It feels like you’ve flipped our lives right side up.”


“You’re pretty great yourself,” I said leaning in. We kissed. 


“Get in back,” she ordered. 


“Ohh my Audrey is so bold. Yes ma’am,” I said. Moving between the front seats I jumped in back of the SUV. Audrey did the same after me. The back windows were tinted. The leather seats were comfortable. Perfect for a little noon day fun.


“What would you like to do, Aud?”


“I want to show you how great you are,” she said. Leaning in close she unzipped my pants. Her dark hair over her eyes she pulled out my dick. I hadn’t had a chance to clean since Brianna, but I wasn’t too worried. 


In the seat behind the driver I leaned back as Audrey took my cock in her mouth. She moaned as it filled her maw. She took a breath with the glans between her lips and moved down. 


Going down and down she took my full length then mashed her lips and nose in my groin. My dick bulge caused her to gag a little. She stayed down. My hand on the back of her head I exalted in the feeling of her throat. 


She slowly moved back up. Coughing she took a breath then was moving back down. Doing it all over again her lips traveled from tip to base smoothly. 


“Fuck,” I said. She didn’t stop and only sped up. “I want to cum down your throat.” Audrey gulped on my dick. Half way down it was easy for her as her tongue and lips moved all over it. She twisted her head from side to side then moved back down. 


“This is the best,” I groaned believing it. She sped up again. Going tip to base in smooth motions. Her gag reflex disappeared as she focused. I felt my balls pulling up. 


“Gonna-“ I started cumming. She slammed her head down and I came down her throat. My hips bucked into her mouth as my hand held her head there. Her lips kept moving. Never stopping as a huge load was shot straight into her esophagus. The orgasm lasted a long time. By the time it was over I was out of breath.


When I finally finished I released her head. She raised slowly. My legs jerked as the sensations from her wet lips on my sensitive shaft made me spasm. 


“Holy hell that was good,” I said. Taking in deep gulps of air we both stared at one another. “I should just quit school. We can fuck all day.”


“I wish,” she said. “Glad you liked it.”


“Very much. You’re so good at that,” I said. “Now my turn.” I leaned forward to kiss her. 


“We are going to be late,” she said. We had 5 minutes. 


“Jump on then. You cum much quicker with the real thing,” I said. She eyed my still hard dick. I noticed that she was wearing a skirt despite the cold weather. She gave me a shy smile and started hiking it up. 


Audrey straddled my legs and impaled herself. Her body shook as my lubed up dick penetrated her deepest parts. I kissed her neck as she started jumping up and down on my dick. The SUV started shaking but we didn’t care. Lost in the feel of one another as we fucked in public. With our frantic movements in a minute she was cumming hard. 


The location and position were doing it for her. While she came I started humping up into her. She pushed her hands on the roof trying to keep me from thrusting her head into it. My hands held her ass as I humped up and down into her. 


With a groan I started cumming. She dropped down onto me and my semen coated her insides. We gasped and kissed as my orgasm reached the peak then slowly faded. 


“You’re the best,” I said with a sigh. “You can’t get rid of me. I couldn’t make it without you.”


Audrey laughed. Kissing my cheek she was in a great mood. “Tell me who to fuck to make us rich and I will. But when all is said and done, I want you there. In my life.”


Her hand grabbed my chin. Locking eyes she said, “good.” We chuckled and kissed. “Let’s get this over with. Or we will never leave the car.”


She extricated herself and we cleaned up a little. Getting out of the car the bright sun overhead burned my eyes. When I was told I’d be moving to Minneapolis I thought it would be nothing but snow. But we had been pretty lucky so far. 


Audrey walked beside me. I grabbed her hand. The taller woman smiled at me. It might have been the post-orgasm euphoria, but I really felt like she and I were partners. I’d told her no falsehoods. We were on the same page. I hoped I could pull through with everything I said I would. 


“Audrey,” a woman said, waving. She was younger than I expected. Mid to late twenties. Black hair cut just below her ear. I guessed she was Indian. The dark skin was distinctive. She wore a nice button down shirt and long black skirt. 


“Gwen, how are you?” Audrey asked, walking up to her. 


“Great. You want something?” She asked as she got up. We walked over to the barista. “They have a great cappuccino.” There weren’t too many people there. The menu wasn’t as extensive as I remembered, but it was Starbucks. 


We ordered and were soon sitting at a small booth. The girls had been talking about this and that. Minor chit chat. Apparently they had known one another for a while. 


“So this is Russ?” Gwen asked, looking at me. 


“That’s me,” I said, sipping my drink. “I assume Audrey told you what I’m looking for?”


“She was a little vague. Just said you had some money. Why don’t I give you a little info on my company?” 


“You run it?” I asked. 


“I do. With my mother,” she added. “We’ve been in Minneapolis for a long time. We have direct partners in New York. All trades are done within minutes. We handle all the big companies headquartered out of Minneapolis. Handle their 401ks and retirements for employees.”


I whistled. “Millions of dollars then,” I said. She nodded. “I feel lucky you’re taking my call.”


“Audrey’s company has been with us since we opened up shop,” she admitted. 


“Good to know,” I said. “I have a plan if you want to go into that. But I see you brought a portfolio.” I looked down to the pile of papers in front of her. “I assume you have suggestions.”


“I do,” she said with a smile. “You mind?”  


“Be my guest.”


“One of our best performers is an energy company. Enerron,” she said. I almost rolled my eyes. “They’ve been big for a while. Buying up all the energy companies they can. Even their employees have been buying the stock like crazy, and it keeps going up.”


“That tends to happen when a bunch of people buy stock,” I said. I took the folder from her. I read through the general sales and quarterly reports. With this information I was 99% certain it was Enron from my world. 


Back in the early 2000s they had spent way more than they were bringing in. The executives considered future money as current money. Giving themselves pats on the back and millions in bonuses. On paper it looked fine. But in reality there was one word for it, fraud. 


“You don’t like?” Gwen asked. 


“I do not,” I said. “Energy is too volatile. And these numbers are fake.”


“They most cer-“


“I’m not saying you faked them,” I said. “The company did. Look at this growth chart. They almost doubled revenue year after year. That’s impossible. I don’t care how many companies they buy. There is a reason why it takes years to turn a profit. And a reason why these companies sold in the first place. These sure as shit weren’t making this kind of profit for the people who owned them before.” She eyed me up and down as I pointed at the graph. 


“Do you know something?” She asked. 


“A little. It takes 2 or 3 people at the top to change a negative to a positive. I don’t trust companies that do too well. Look into the bonuses the higher ups receive. You’ll probably see that they’re high. And just so happened to start as soon as they reported massive profits.”


Gwen looked to Audrey who shrugged. “This is his thing,” she said. 


Gwen bit her lip as she thought. “Got any others?” I asked. 


She hesitated. I was surprised she was believing me so easily. I had watched a documentary on Enron once. I was pretty sure I had the information right. Either way, I didn’t want to risk it. 


“Um I have a few websites that are growing,” Gwen said. I flipped through the rest of the portfolio. There was one I was tempted on. But not sold. I’d rather stick to the big ones. 


“Thank you for putting this together,” I said. “I’ve been doing my own research. I have some money saved. I’d like to invest $100,000 of it.”


“A good chunk,” Gwen said, recovering. 


“My thoughts exactly. I have more, but I want to wait till I see others that catch my eye. Right now I have 4 investments I want to make. The first is Balloo.”


“The search engine?” She asked. 


“The same. Everyone uses it. No one talks about it. I think they have something special. The others are Lala, Pillar, and Starbucks.”


“Like the place we are at right now?” She asked. 


“The same. I think coffee will be on the rise soon enough. Here we are sitting in one. It started in what? Seattle? It’s already here. Seems like it’s growing. I want in.”


“And the others?”


“Lala I just have a good feeling about,” I said. I was pretty sure it was this world's version of Yahoo. “Pillar is the big fish though.”


“They just sell books,” she said. 


“For now. The internet is growing. Slowly now. But it will explode as kids who grew up with it start playing around on it. All the information of the world will be at your fingertips instantly. After that happens, people will want everyday items at their fingertips instantly. Picture it. You're sitting at home. You see something you want. Click a button and it’s at your door in a few days. No going to the store and hoping they have it. You know when you will get it.”


“Yeah, but books,” she said. “I agree that the internet is growing. Why not some more sites?”


“Cus the dotcoms are going to crash soon,” I said. “Like Enerron. They are great on paper. But they aren’t showing the profits it would take to sustain their expansions.”


“Then why Balloo and Lala?”


“Because the internet isn’t going to just die. These smaller companies will crash. And the ones that actually have something special will thrive,” I said. 


“Well you sure sound confident,” she said, frowning. 


“I am. And I hope you listen. Because it will happen. Sooner or later. I want to start with 10k in Lala, then split the rest between the other 3 companies.”


“We tend to diversify more,” she said. 


“That’s fine. That’s why I’m here with you. You can be my personal broker. Manage this money. And there will be more down the road.” We talked a little more. She was hesitant but agreed. I signed some documents and she was out of there. 


“You sure about all this?” Audrey asked. “That’s a lot of money.”


“Pretty sure,” I said. “Great risk. Great reward. I want our island, Audrey.”


She chuckled and we drove away. I felt pretty good about it. With some luck and patience I should see a lot of profit within the next 10 years. I hadn’t found this world's equivalent to Apple yet. That was why I kept so much. I’d do research over the weekend to figure it out. 


Audrey surprised me by taking a turn opposite the school. I eyed her. She was nervous again. “Where we going? Your work?” We were heading in the general direction. 


“I uh, I've been thinking about what you said. About finding out for myself what I need to be happy. I want to take you up on the offer to help with my last girlfriend.”


“Oh right. Of course,” I said, growing excited. I always loved a new mission. “What are the details?”


“Her name is Violet Darby,” she said. “She works for a competitor now. She’s 23. She was an intern and assistant with us for 2 years while she was in school.”


“And how long were you…”


“One and a half years,” Audrey said.


“Woah,” I said. “And you never brought her home?” She shook her head. “I need details Aud. No judgment.”


She parked the SUV. We were only a few blocks from her business. Audrey let out a long sigh. “Violet started the relationship. A lot of flirting. She would work late when I did. During the annual New Year’s party we got a little drunk and fooled around. Then it was a weekly thing. Then nightly. Usually her place or the office. She accepted my hesitation with Luna and Ava.”


She had a few tears in her eyes. “She wanted more. I said no. We fought. I didn’t offer her a job. She got angry. Left. Graduated. And started working here,” she said. 


We were in front of a normal business. No big trucks out front. It was 1 story and had glass windows all around. “She works as a receptionist here.”


“Not good,” I said to myself. “Was she trying to be in sales at your place?” Audrey nodded. “Could she have done the job?” She nodded again. Fighting tears I grabbed her hand. I squeezed hers trying to convey my assurance.  


“Ok. I have the background. Physical description?” Phones didn’t have cameras. 


She pulled down the sun visor above her head. There were a few pictures from a Photo Booth in it. It was Audrey and a younger girl. Smiling, laughing, then kissing. She was a smaller girl. Much smaller than I imagined. She had long black hair. Full cheeks. Dark skin. I guessed some Native American in her blood. 




“5 foot 2?” She asked. Yes, she was short. 


“Do you love her?” I asked. 


She let the tears fall. “Probably,” she said, wiping them. “I don’t know. This is dumb. I’m sorry.”


“It’s not dumb,” I said. I gave her the pictures back. “That’s not dumb.” She looked down to the smiling faces in the picture and mirrored it. “Alright. I’ll get to work.” I opened the door. 


“Where are you going?” She asked. 


“To start working,” I said. “No time like the present.”


“What about school?” She asked. 


“Call me in,” I said. “I got sick or something. This is way more important than that. Keep your phone on you. I might need a pick up. But I need to do reconnaissance for now.”


“I thought we were waiting till the weekend?”


“Gotta start sometime. Might as well be now.” I stepped away and waved her off. I wasn’t too worried about being kidnapped. Routine was when people tried that. I made sure we weren’t followed. I always made sure. I had the time to do my old work for once. I wanted to enjoy it.


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