Moral Degeneration


Of course it had to start snowing as soon as Audrey left. The sun hidden by clouds, it was light snow at least. A thin layer of powder quickly covered everything. 


I studied the building Violet worked at. Only 1 story, there were tinted windows lining the wall. There were about 20 cars in spots out front. I tried to guess which one was hers based off the simple information Audrey gave me. 


Trucks were out. Also sports cars and minivans. She was a young girl. Probably has student loans. Not much money if she’s not working to her potential. That left 3. From there I narrowed it down to 2. A small Ford Focus or a Chevy Impala. Cheap cars. 


I had seared her picture into my memory. A cute girl. Her smiling face was burned into my mind as I stared at the building. 


I went through scenario after scenario for how to do this. I was stuck on the intro. That was the crucial part. I considered slashing her tire. Then I’d happen upon her and help her change it. The problem with that was that if I could get them back together it would be obvious I set the whole thing up in hindsight. 


No, I had to make it as believable as possible. Since Audrey’s business was close I thought I had an idea. No one was outside. I simply waited. I had done this so many times it was natural. Just watch, wait, think. 


I hadn’t talked to myself in a while, which was progress. I knew how things stood. I felt good about me and my girls. With the reminder I looked at my phone. It was getting close to 2PM. I had at least 2 more hours to wait. 


Moving down the road I positioned myself for my plan. I’d have to time it just right. If I was lucky she would be the last to leave. If I was unlucky she would be one of the first. Close enough to make an entrance I parked myself against the wall. Pulling out my phone I called Millie first. 


“Hey Russ,” she said. Cheer and smiles sounded on the other end of the line. Millie was always that way. 


“Hey babe,” I said. “How are you doing?”


“Good,” she said. “Just finishing laundry.”


“Do you like being a housewife?” I asked. She let out a long sigh. 


“Most of the time, yes. But days like this I get bored. It’s snowing here.”


“Here too. When’s your doctor's appointment?”


“Gail couldn’t get off. We are going this weekend.”


“Keep me in the loop, alright?”


“Will do. Anything else?”


“Ready to get rid of me?”


“No,” she said. “I’m happy to hear from you.”


“Wanna have phone sex?”


“What? No…. How do you do it?” She asked. I chuckled. 


“We talk about what we want to do to one another. But I hate that I keep thinking about Gail joining us in bed. I need more instances of just you and I doing it.”


“You’re bad,” she said with a smile in her voice. “Gail will have to be there. Unless we repeat our shower fun.”


“Oh right. That was a first. I’m a lot stronger now. I’ll have to show you when I see you next,” I said. We joked around for a little more then hung up. 


I called Willow next. She was Ava’s friend from the party. I was curious why Ava hadn’t mentioned her. Or mentioned anything about new years. 


It rang a few times. “Willow Oakhill,” she answered. 


“You should like a super hero with that kind of name,” I said. 


“Who is this?”


“Your favorite male party crasher,” I said. 


“Russ? I didn’t think you’d ever call,” she said with a sweet voice. 


“I only saw you a few days ago? Don’t you know the 2 day rule?”


“What’s that?”


“A man can’t call a girl for at least 2 days after getting her number.”


“That’s not a thing.”


“It is. It’s science. What are you up to?”


“Hanging in my room. School doesn’t start back up till next week.”


“Playing with yourself while you think of me?” I asked. I was still experimenting with how bold I could be. No one had denied me yet. 


“Ha!” She barked a laugh. I could practically hear her blush. “You wish.” 


“I do wish. You seen Ava?”


“A few times,” she said. “Thanks again for picking her up.”


It had ended in a new experience for me. “Anytime. So why’d you call?”


“You called me,” she said with a laugh. 


“Likely story,” I said. “So you wanna go on a date?”


Her breath caught. “Really?”


“Yeah,” I said. “Maybe tomorrow. I don’t have a car. So you’d have to pick me up. And I doubt Ava would approve of our relationship. But I’m willing to try.”


“Ava would hate it. She’s my girlfriend and all,” she said. I guessed she meant more the sexual kind. That was news to me. Usually I was able to pick up on cues like that. I was rusty.


“Really? I thought you said friend.”


“She was my friend first. We didn’t start dating till college,” Willow said. She paused. “Maybe I shouldn’t have told you.”


“Your secret’s safe with me,” I said. “You’ll have to talk Ava into letting us have a three-way date.”


“I would try. But she’s sure pissed at you about something,” she said. 


“What’d I do now?”


“No idea. But she curses about you all the time.” I doubted Ava had told her about the fun we had been having. I wasn’t about to spill the beans. 


“Oh that. She’s obviously secretly in love with me. Just like you are.”


“Yep, that makes sense,” she said sarcastically. 


“You really are in love with me,” I assured her. “Why else would you call me out of the blue…”


We talked for a good 20 minutes. Mainly stupid stuff. A lot of flirting. I’d have to do more research into Ava. She wanted me when I was there. But she wasn’t being truthful to her girlfriend. I assured Willow I wouldn’t give up their secret. She hung up and I went back to waiting. 


The first person left the building finally. They went to the minivan. Then another minivan mom. Then a truck. One by one people left. At last it was only 2 vehicles present. They were on opposite sides of the parking lot. They happened to be the 2 I assumed she would drive. 


I mentally flipped a coin and picked the one closer to me. Some lights inside were turned off. I noticed 2 women leaving. They were both younger. 1 was my target. The other was taller and obviously into my target. 


They talked and the taller one laughed. Made an excuse to wipe something off her shoulder. My target stammered and they embraced. It appeared very awkward. I moved to the car. My target headed to the same one. I put on a smile. Speeding up I threw back my hood. 


The other woman got in her car and started it. She drove away as my target got to hers. In the old world I wouldn’t dare approach a woman alone in a parking lot. In this one, I should have been the one scared. 


“Hello,” I said. Stepping from the sidewalk I stood in front of her car. She looked up to my face. It took her a moment to realize I was male. “Sorry to bother you. Is this Cooper Trucking?”


She stammered and rolled down her window. “No. They’re um down the street a little.” 


“Oh I’m so sorry. I’m new to the area. I’m Russ by the way.” I reached out my hand. She took it. Her hand out the window. She eyed me up and down slowly. I played up the cold, shivering a little as I looked around like I was lost. 


“I’m Violet. It’s cold. Do you want to sit in the car with me?” She asked. 


“Sure,” I said. I moved around to the passenger seat. My target reached into her bag in the back of the car. Unzipping a pouch she pulled out a rabbit's foot. Setting it in the cup holder quickly I noticed it when I sat down. I gave her my best smile. 


“I know you, don’t I?”


“I don’t think so,” she said. So close, I studied her. 


Dark hair cut short, there were purple streaks in it. I guessed new haircut for a new her. She was struggling with the breakup as well. Shorter than me she puffed out her chest to appear fuller breasted. I guessed they were big for her size. B or Cs. She wore a flowery dress and panty hose. I thought she was very cute. She had a thick perfume that I couldn’t place. 


“No, I know what it is,” I said. “My guardian. She has a picture of you in her car.”




“My guardian. Audrey Cooper,” I said. “There was this photo booth film I saw. It had you and her in it.”


“You’re related to Audrey?” She asked, shock in her voice. 


“‘No, she’s my guardian. My mom died a little while ago. Audrey stepped up to take care of me.”


“Audrey did?” Violet asked. 


“Yep. Great lady. A little sad though.”


“She is? Sad? Why?” She asked too quickly. 


“Yeah. I’m not sure. She wouldn’t say. I caught her crying in the car once. That’s when I noticed that picture of you and her.”


Violet liked and didn’t like that news. She hid the smile on her face and put on a frown. 


I picked up the rabbit's foot from the cup holder. Twirling it in my fingers I locked eyes with Violet and asked, “want to go on a date?” 


She eyed the good luck charm. Then nodded shyly. 


We were soon down the road. She was a much better driver than Audrey. Going slowly down the road she asked, “where do you want to go?”


“There’s a sushi place I noticed. Want to try it?”


“I’ve never had sushi,” she said. 


“You’ll love it,” I said. It was a smaller place. Sushi wasn’t as mainstream right then. A few customers inside, we sat in a booth. 


“I’ll buy,” I said. 


“No, I should,” she said. 


“I insist,” I said. “Order what you want. Ever tried a saki bomb?”


I ordered us a few rolls of sushi, her some alcohol, and me a drink. I tried to get alcohol for me, but no one was buying my true age. 


“This is good,” she said. Picking the sushi up with her hand she tried them one by one. 


“Nope. Gotta use the chopsticks,” I said. 


“I don’t know how,” she said. 


“That’s the point.” I tore her sticks apart. Grabbing her hand she blushed. I positioned the chopsticks for her. Showed how to use them. She squished the first sushi. But got the next one. 


“I did it!” She said in triumph. 


“You did. Cheers.” We clinked glasses. She took the bomb. I ordered her another. Then another. Then more sushi. By her 4th drink she was spilling all her secrets. 


“I loved her so much,” she cried. Cute tears fell from her eyes. “She was so sweet and strong. I’ve never clicked with someone like that. And now it’s all gone.” She dropped her head to the table. Hitting it hard. 


I patted the top of it. “There there Violet. It’s not the end of the world. How’d it go south?”


“I pushed too much,” she wailed. “She told me about her kids. I was just done waiting. I wanted to meet them so bad. And she was scared, which I understood. I’d never clicked with someone like that,” she repeated. “And she’s so sweet. And such a hard worker. She takes a pay cut to give everyone a bonus. She’s usually the first one there and the last one to leave. That’s when I fell in love. I kept looking for reasons to stay late. I mean, I had to make the first move. But once I did she was a firecracker. We were doing it all over the place.”


I chuckled. Picturing it all with a hardon. “Sounds sweet. Why don’t you tell her all this?”


“She doesn’t want to hear from me,” she said. “We had a bad fight. I was trying to get her to talk to me. Try to find a compromise. She just kind of shut down. Stopped caring or talking. I saw the light in her eyes go. She didn’t look at me the same after that.” 


I understood. Audrey wasn’t the emotional feelings type. She had trouble talking to her own daughters. Let alone some outsider she loved. 


“Enough about her,” Violet said. Wiping tears from her eyes she gave me a flirty look. “You mind putting a baby in me?”


I enjoyed how blunt she was. “I don’t mind. But why do you want a kid?”


“Cus I’m going to die alone anyway,” she cried again. “I’ve tried dating since Aud. Just not the same. I decided I wanted a kid last week. I thought it would take forever. But then you show up. I mean it has to be fate.”


“It has to be,” I agreed. “We can talk about it. How about I drive you home?”


She smiled drunkenly and nodded. I paid for the food and helped her up. Putting my arm over her shoulder it was nice to be taller than someone. 


“You’re sweet,” Violet said as I opened the door for her. “You’re like the 2nd guy I’ve ever met. The other was all makeup and preppy.”


I got to the driver's side and started the car. She came to a conclusion and acted quickly. Moving forward she kissed me. I instinctively put my tongue in her mouth. She tasted like alcohol. It was sad to admit how much I missed the taste. She moaned as I pulled her closer and kissed her harder. 


When she pulled away she had a wild look in her eyes. “Take me home,” she whispered. Unbuttoning her shirt she showed me some skin. 


She directed me. It wasn’t too far away. I noticed that the apartments all had balconies. I helped her up the elevator. Violet got a little handsy. I wasn’t shy about it either. Grabbing her firm ass. Kissing her hard. She laughed and stumbled as we walked. 


When we got to the apartment she unlocked it and attacked me as we stepped in. I dropped her keys and was feeling her up as we moved through the small place. We eventually got to the couch. She sat on my lap and we made out. 


“I like you, Russ,” she said, pulling away. 


“I like you, Violet. Ever been with a man?” She shook her head shyly. “Why don’t you go freshen up. I need to make a call.”


“Ok,” she said. Chipper and ready to go she gave me a wink and walked into her room. The light in the bathroom turned on. I pulled out my pack of smokes and cell phone. I stepped out to her balcony. Lighting a cigarette I called Audrey. 


“Hey, I need you at Violet’s place.”


“You’re there already!?” She yelled. 


“I am. She got drunk. I had to drive her home. You know where it’s at?” 


It took 2 cigs, one after the other for Audrey to get there. It was snowing more heavily now, but that didn’t slow her down. I buzzed her upstairs. She came to the door and I opened it. I could see the fear in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and pulled her inside. 


Pushing her on the couch Violet stepped outside her room. In a white lacy nightgown she was ready to go. She locked eyes with Audrey. 


“What’s going on?” Violet asked. Confusion and fear in her voice. 


“Sit,” I ordered. I pointed at an armchair. She hesitated. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to it. 


“What is this?” Violet asked. Looking between me and Audrey she wasn’t sure who to be mad at. 


“What are you doing, Russ?” Audrey asked. 


“I am being the bad guy.” I faked some anger. I pointed at Audrey. “I got tired of you moping about Violet hating you.”


Violet’s head whipped to look at her. She could see the truth of my words written on her face. 


“And you,” I pointed at Violet. “I just got done listening to you blabber on about Audrey for 2 hours.” Audrey stopped her ashamed expression and looked to Violet. 


“I staged the whole thing about running into you, Violet,” I admitted. Better that it come from me now instead of later. “I was tired of hearing about how much she messed up with you. And I’m glad to see I was right. You’re just as hung up on her. Now, I want you 2 to talk like adults. Get your true feelings out there. If you don’t. I’ll make you both regret it.”


Audrey gulped, she had experienced my spankings. Violet was mostly sober by that point. She didn’t have any problem with words. “I love you Audrey,” she said. Tears came to her eyes. “I’m sorry about what I said.”


Audrey started crying then. “No, I'm sorry,” she wailed. She was up and the girls were hugging. “I love you so much. I just, I’m not good at talking about it. I shut down. And I didn’t mean to push you away. I’ve never felt this way.”


“Me either,” Violet cried. They finally kissed. It was wet and sloppy. I stepped around them to the balcony. I could use another cigarette. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.