Moral Degeneration


It was only 5pm when I walked down the stairs. Out of my school uniform I was in simple shorts and a shirt. I came down the stairs to see Ryleigh had already left. Audrey and Violet were in the kitchen. Getting plates and silverware ready I swooped in and grabbed them from the ladies. 


“Luna set the table,” I ordered. “Ava grab drinks.” I started setting out the silverware as Luna put out the plates. Ava reluctantly grabbed cups and started taking drink orders. 


Violet and Audrey got the Chinese food and started opening containers. Setting them in the middle of the table. We were set and everything was ready. All that was left was the awkward part. 


“Mom, who's your friend?” Luna asked. 


Violet was sitting next to her. Audrey’s hand shook and Violet took it. The older woman smiled at her, but was nervous. I scooted over and grabbed her other hand. 


“This is Violet,” Audrey said. “My girlfriend.” She sighed loudly as if saying the words released all the stress in her body. It didn’t of course. Her nails dug into my hand as she squeezed it. 


“Hello,” Violet said. “I’ve heard so much about you. You must be Luna,” she said. Releasing Audrey’s hand she reached over the table and shook her hand. 


Luna took it. Mid-handshake she woke up from the spell she was under. “Hi. Yes, I am. It’s so-so great to meet you. Sorry, just a surprise.”


“And you must be Ava,” Violet said looking to the dark haired girl. Ava looked at Violet’s hand. She didn’t take it. She had a disgusted look on her face. 


“Girlfriend?” She asked. “Are you serious?” She said to Audrey. 


“Yes,” Audrey said. She had gathered her courage and wasn’t shaking as bad. “I love Violet very much. We have been together for over a year. And I’m tired of pretending we aren’t.” Violet's hand went back to hers. The woman with purple streaks in her hair had a few happy tears in her eyes. 


“Good for you,” I said. “Happy for you both.” The girls gave me a wide smile. “This looks great. I’m starving.” I started shoveling out from the different Chinese containers. It took them time. But the smell got to them. They started digging in as well. 


“What did you all do today?” I asked. Trying to get the silence out of there. I turned to Luna. 


“Not much,” she said. “A friend of mine start-“


“Are you serious?!” Ava cut in. “How are you acting like this is normal?” She asked the table. “Mom, since when were you a lesbian?!”


“I-“ Audrey stammered. “Violet is special to me. I’ve never felt this way about someone. And I tried to hide it for a long time. But I was miserable. I know it’s hard to think about, and it may take time but-“


“This is bullshit!” Ava said standing up. “What have you done to my family?” She asked me. I held her gaze. Stoic I was trying to figure out what was wrong with her. I let her do her talking. “You show up. Throw everything around like you own the place. Next thing I know everyone is changing. And I don’t know how, but you’re at the center of it.”


Audrey tried to speak but I put my hand up. I stared at Ava for a long time. Letting the tension build. No talking. Trying to get my point across with the silence. 


When I spoke it was low. Almost a whisper. “Do you see how hard it is to understand me when I don’t talk?” I stared at her, my eyes unblinking. “That is what this house was when I came. No talking. No words. No feelings shared or viewpoints seen. Talking is a must in any relationship. When was the last time you told anyone anything personal about you? It wasn’t till me, was it? It wasn’t till I confronted you. And I thought we were good because of it. But I guess we have to do more talking.”


I stood up and did my best to become intimidating. My voice was still low. “Now are you going to tell us why you are acting this way? Or are you going to continue to judge your mother for doing something that makes her happy?”


Ava ground her teeth. Her nostrils flaring I thought she would explode. She looked around, realized no one was on her side and walked out. Stomping like a child she grabbed her coat and was out the door. 


I let out a long sigh and sat back down. “It’s ok,” I said. “Let her cool down.”


Audrey and Violet frowned but still held hands. “Were you really unhappy before, mom?” Luna asked. 


Audrey thought about it for a moment. “I wasn’t as happy as I am now,” she said. “I was always looking for reasons to be away from the house to spend time with Violet. I was happy with it. But now I realize I should have been here. Violet should have been here with me. So we didn’t take time from you girls.”


Luna had tears in her eyes. Getting up she hugged her mom and the 2 of them were whispering to one another. I felt pretty good about myself and my actions. Another mission complete. I’d have to go on another to fix Ava. But that could wait. 


We had a nice dinner. Violet told us about herself. Luna and I held hands under the table and it felt like a double date. They were a cute couple. Violet was flirty. Paying compliments, trying to feed Audrey. Audrey blushed but had a bigger smile than I had seen her with. I thought for now my nightly fun was cut down on, but I doubted it would be long till I joined both of them. I would let them have their honeymoon phase. 


As dinner was wrapping up there was a knock on the door. “I’ll get it,” I said. Releasing Luna’s hand I got up. I was surprised by who was at the door. 


“Agent Reels? To what am I due the honor?” I asked. The tall federal agent from the DOL stood awkwardly at the door. Behind her were 3 other federal agents. One of them was an honest to god man. He was tall, black hair, strong chin, thick muscles. Classic fed. 


“We have some questions for you,” the man said, stepping forward. 


I eyed him up and down. Agent Reels looked to the ground. “I have done some reading up on a few of the laws,” I said. “All inquiries into me and my well being must come from my local DOL representative. I assume that is you, Agent Reels? So why is this guy talking to me?”


She stuttered. The man’s nostrils flared. I ignored him. “Agent Pliskey is with the FBI,” Reels said. “They have some questions for you.” 


“Hmmm,” I said, taking my time. I studied the other agents as I tapped my chin. “Should I have my lawyer present?” 


Pliskey didn’t like that idea. Reels cut in, “It is your right.”


“Thank you for being truthful with me,” I said to Reels. “Sure, I have a minute.” I stepped back and the 4 agents walked in. “Come in, please,” I said pointing to the sectional sofa. “Audrey, we have more guests.”


Audrey walked over from the kitchen. Her eyes widened as she saw the man and women in suits. “What’s wrong?” She asked, walking up. Violet and Luna quickly followed her. 


“Just some routine questions,” Reels said. 


“Join us,” I said excitedly. Moving to the sofa I sat on one side. Pliskey and Reels sat on another. Luna, Violet, and Audrey sat beside me. I leaned back throwing my arms over Luna and Audrey. 


“This should be kept private,” Agent Reels said. 


“Oh, Audrey is my guardian,” I said. “And well, the other 2 just like gossip. I’d probably tell them about it anyway. If they weren’t here I might have to call a lawyer to help me feel comfortable.”


The man’s nostrils flared once more. I guessed that was his go to reaction. He let out a long breath and looked to Reels. She hid a smile. “Can Agent Pliskey address you directly?” I about choked laughing. I had read the law and thought it wasn’t real. But as a male I had a bunch of rights, especially since I wasn’t an adult. 


“Fine,” I said. “Speak away.”


“Were you at the Nightingale’s club on Tuesday, January 4th, 2 days ago?” He asked, anger clear in his voice. 


“I will have to check my schedule,” I said. “Where is that?”


“Over on 5th,” Agent Reels said. 

“I really can’t remember,” I said immediately. Not pretending to try. 


When confronted by federal agents you could not lie. There were hundreds of cases that they couldn’t close because of lack of evidence. They could interrogate. And if they caught you in a lie they would just charge you and arrest you for simply lying. They counted that a win for some reason. That’s how they got Martha Stewart back in my timeline. It was best to say you forgot or say something with a double meaning.


“Did someone say I was there?” I asked. 


“A boy named Willard was seen there. He matched your description,” Agent Pliskey said. He hadn’t calmed down at all. 


“Then I must have been. There’s no way there was another brown haired brown eyed boy in this city,” I said. I really didn’t know if there was. “Did something bad happen?”


“One of our agents went missing,” a woman behind them said. 


“Damn, that’s too bad. How can I help?” I asked, with as much sincerity as I could muster. That really was too bad. I had hoped those listening in would have taken my warning to heart. They hadn’t. What happened was on them. 


Pliskey didn’t like that question. “You can answer what the hell you were doing there!” 


“Calm it down,” I said. My voice stern. I leaned forward and met his eyes. “I’m sorry you lost an agent. Maybe next time someone warns you that they will be outed, you should listen.” 


Pliskey stood up. His muscles tensed. “You were the one-”


“Pliskey!” Reels said, grabbing him. Holding him back from walking toward me. It took him a moment to calm down. Reels turned to me. “Russ Willard, were you the person seen at the Nightingales?”

“Like I said. I don’t recall,” I said, staring at Pliskey. I had let too much slip, but they didn’t have anything on me. What could they go to a judge with? A 14 year old boy walked into a club of hardened criminals and walked out? Then later that day supposedly let the gang leader know she had moles in her organization. I had a bunch of rights as a boy. And no judge was going to touch a case like this. I had left the guns with Ryleigh just in case, but it looked like I didn’t need to bother. 


“You son of-”

“Pliskey,” Reels said, pushing him away. She let out a long sigh. “Do you have any other questions?” She asked the other female agents behind them. 


“At midnight the same day the leader of the Nightingales was seen on a cell phone. Did you happen to make a call around that time?” 


I thought for a moment. “You know, I might have butt dialed someone,” I said. 


“What’s a butt dial?” Reels asked me. I wondered if maybe that hadn’t caught on yet. Cell phones were still new. 


“It’s when you have your cell phone in your back pocket and random numbers are pushed as you sit on it. You end up calling someone,” I said. “You can look at my cell phone if you like.” I handed it to them. They looked through the call history. 


“Did you just get this phone?” The agent asked. 


“Oh no I’ve had it for weeks. Sorry. I forgot. I had to factory reset the phone. My call history must have been deleted,” I said. 


Taking the phone back it was simple enough to factory reset old phones. With no texts or photos it was as easy as writing my contacts down to wipe it. They could get a court order for the records. But it wasn’t against the law to butt dial a random number. Especially since that burner phone would be destroyed and replaced with a new one. 


The agents shared a look. Pliskey stared daggers at me. 


“Thank you for your time,” I said as if I was the one conducting the interview. “Oh if it was your people following me this morning, I would appreciate you stopping.” The agents shared another look. 


Reels grabbed Pliskey’s shoulder. Walking him out she shut the door as the FBI agents left. Reels let out a long sigh. Turning around she eyed me. Looking at me in a new light. 


“You know,” she said quietly. “I’ve been doing this for a few years. I don’t usually get a call for the same kid twice in a year. I get 2 on you the first 2 weeks you’re in my care.”


“Am I in your care?” I asked. “I had been here a few days before I knew who you were. I had to almost get kidnapped for you to show up.”


“Of course you are. I usually don’t schedule our interviews until you’ve been settled a few weeks.”


“What can I say? I work quickly,” I said with a smirk. “Anything I can help you with Agent Reels?”


She hit her lip. “They don’t have anything. But you should watch yourself.”


I was more than a little shocked she admitted they didn’t have anything. “I assumed they didn’t…because there’s nothing to get. Can I ask why you’re being so truthful?”


“I am part of the Department of Longevity. Every man is part of that longevity,” she said. Giving me a smile she turned around and walked out. 


I wasn’t quite sure how to take that. But she might be a valuable contact in the future. My go to was to not trust feds. I’d stick with that until proven otherwise. 


Turning back to the girls they gave me a very worried look. “Sorry about that,” I said. “Simple misunderstanding.”


“What was that about an agent missing?” Audrey asked. 


“Not sure,” I said. “I’m sure she will turn up.” I doubted she would be alive. But she would turn up. I quashed that small part of me that felt bad about it. 


“How about you 2 rest,” I said to Violet and Audrey. “Luna and I will clean up dinner.”


Audrey tried to ask more questions but I insisted. Violet was more than a little excited to go see her room. 


“That was so hot,” Luna said while I washed the dishes. She rubbed against my back while I faced the sink. “Talking to the guy like that. You really pissed him off.”


I chuckled. “You curious about what he was talking about?”


“A little,” she said. Still rubbing herself on me. “Mind telling me?” 


“No, I don’t. But not here.” I turned around and kissed her. “You alright about your moms thing?” I asked, trying to change the subject. 


“Yeah,” she said. “Wrapping my head around it. Most of my friends have 2 moms. I mean it’s sad but it’s the norm. Or else you die alone.”


“You’re not alone. You have your mom and sister and me,” I said. 


“You gonna stick around forever?” She asked, doubtful. 


“As much as I can,” I said. “I will be there for you. If that’s what you want.” She put on a sad smile and nodded. “Hey, I mean it Luna. I consider this and you my home.” I turned around. Kissing her cheek she blushed and kissed me back. 


“I was promised a special night if you didn’t return home last night,” she said devilishly. 


“Oh yes,” I said. “Sex?” I asked. 


“No. I’m back on the date. You promised to make it epic,” she said. I laughed and nodded. 


“It will be. I’ll devote this weekend to planning it.”


“I’m excited,” she said, clapping. Sitting on the kitchen island she watched me finish with the dishes. When I did I finally got the inspiration for what to do to her. 


“I think that your mom won’t be leaving her room,” I said. “And I doubt Ava will be back, but she could be.”


I moved closer to her. My body splitting her legs. Kissing her I said, “your special thing will be doing stuff here. Right out in the open.” I kissed her neck. “Where we could be caught at any moment.” Her body shivered. 


“That’s so…naughty,” she whispered, pulling me to kiss her harder. I pulled away. My plan increasing in complexity. She groaned as I moved to the fridge. Digging inside I pulled out the whipped cream and chocolate syrup. 


“I’m low on calories today. I need to eat,” I said. 


“Right now? But but,” she sputtered. I laughed and moved closer. Grabbing her shirt I lifted it over her head. Without a bra on her fantastic D cup tits bounced as I stared at them. 


Shaking the whipped cream can, she finally understood as I sprayed it on her tits. “Lay down,” I ordered. Luna practically vibrated as she became prone on the large island. I leaned over and licked the whipped cream off of her nipples. 


“Holy fuck. This is sexy,” she said. “Where do you get these ideas?”


Porn and movies mostly. “You inspire me,” I lied. Setting the tools down I grabbed her shorts and slid them off. Her bare skin on the granite counter of the island was extra cute. She was cold but tried not to show it. 


I started painting her with the white cream and chocolate syrup. None near her vagina of course. Food there could cause issues. She groaned excitedly as I finished. 


“Your mom could walk downstairs at any moment,” I said. Her body shivered. “How would we explain it? A midnight snack?” She laughed as I started licking along her legs.


“What would Ava think if she walked in?” I asked. “We eat at this island.”


“Don’t care,” she said. “Keep eating.” So I did. Sucking everything up I paid special attention to her thighs and breasts. When it was all done my clothes and face were smeared with the sweet juices. When it was done I used my mouth on her clit. She was so built up over me licking her body that she squirted hard. Her body writhing in pleasure. Luna breathed in and out heavily, surprised by her own reaction.


“Now we will have to clean you up,” I said. Putting my arms under her neck and legs I was able to do it. I princess carried her. I walked her around and we went down to the basement. I set her down and she jumped into the shower. I disrobed and joined her. 


She had a wide smile on as she stared at me. Backing up against the shower wall we did a repeat of our first time. I started playing with her clit as my rock hard cock poked her abs. 


“What was going through your mind when you seduced me our first time?” I asked. 


“That there was a hot guy in my house and I wasn’t going to waste it,” she said quickly. Her body shaking as I played with her clit. 


“Well if another hot guy comes your way. You need to tell him you’re taken,” I said. 


“Like that’ll ever happen,” she said, rolling her eyes. I grabbed her hair. 


“Hey, you’re beautiful. Smart and sexy. But all mine,” I said. 


“And what if I get a girlfriend like my mom?” She asked teasingly. 


My dick jumped. “Then bring her along,” I said. “I might need help sating your lusts. I think you keep it all bottled up.”


She let out a sigh. “Maybe,” she said. “I’m finding myself, I think.”


“And what are you finding out?” 


“That I like you,” she said. “This. Sometimes all I want is to jump on your dick. Then others I want it to stay like this forever. Just exploring. Then others I…”




“I want to watch other people do it. I don’t know. It’s weird. I’ve had porn for a long time. Sometimes I’ll just lay in bed and watch it and get just as much enjoyment out of it.”


“Oh so you’re a voyeur,” I said. 


“What’s that?” 


“Someone who likes to watch people have sex. But that’s more for if it’s live. Happening right in front of you.”


“That’s a thing?” She asked. I really hated that the internet wasn’t at its full potential. How did people find out what they were into before it?


“It is. There’s exhibitionism too. People who like to be watched while having sex.” Her body shivered. I thought she liked that idea too. “There’s having sex in public places. Where you can get caught.” She bit her lip. I kissed her hard. My fingers lazily playing with her pussy. 


“What else?” She asked. 


“There’s people that like to do stuff with feet,” I offered. 


“Ew weird,” she said. “Sexy stuff only.” I guessed that wasn’t something she shared with her sister. 


“There’s roleplaying. Where you pretend to be someone else.”


“Like who?” She asked excitedly. 


“Anyone. Schoolgirl and teacher.” I sped up my fingers. “Priest and nun. Boss and secretary.” 


“Fuck these sound hot,” she said. Her eyes closed. She focused on the sensations and pictured it. 


“There’s BDSM,” I said. “Basically slave and master stuff.” 


“How’s it work?” She absently asked. 


“I tie you up,” I whispered in her ear. “Spank you. Slap you. Be mean to you. Shove a toy in your ass while I fuck your pussy. Use a vibrator on you. Fuck your throat. Use you however I want while you can’t say anything but, ‘thank you master’.” She came at that point. Her body shaking she started squirting. Her hands grabbing my arm her whole body shook. It lasted a little longer than usual. I bit her nipple as she recovered from it. 


“I’m guessing you like that idea,” I said. She blushed but nodded. 


“What else?” She asked. 


“I don’t know. I need inspiration.” My dick poked her. She dropped down immediately and took me in her mouth. Going back and forth she was in rare form as she gagged but ignored the discomfort. 


When she came up for air she reminded. “Keep going.” Then was back down sucking me off. 


“Edge play,” I gasped. “You bring someone close to orgasm then stop. Start up again. Then stop. Keep getting close to making them cum. Halting every time, until they beg you to make them cum.”


“Oh my god. That’s hot,” she said. 


“I’ll surprise you with it,” I promised. She agreed with the idea by sucking on my balls and staring up at me.  


“Rape play,” I said. “Where we pretend I’m raping you.”


“That’s a thing?” She asked. Licking along my shaft. I nodded. 


“Cuckolding,” I said. “Where I tie you to a chair and have sex with other women in front of you.” She started sucking my dick again. “Fuck, there’s too many. We will just have to try them all.”


“Ok,” she said cutely and went back to going hard on my dick. She sped up, played with the balls, started touching herself and moaning. All these things made me cum on her face. My spurts of cum covering it she started licking it off her fingers. 


“Goddamn I want to fuck you,” I groaned. Picking her up I pushed her against the shower wall. My dick was between her ass cheeks as they jiggled back and forth. 


“Too bad,” she teased. Her hair matted against her head, she had a wild look in her eyes. “I get to decide.” She turned around. Grabbing my dick she started jerking it. “You know I would have given my virginity to you in the shower that first day. Gladly.” She kissed my cheek. 


“I’ve dreamed of it for so long,” she said. “But now I want my dream date. I want to lose it how you’re supposed to.” She kissed me hard. “Thank you.”


“For what?” I was enjoying this confident Luna. 


“For helping me feel so special. I had 2 friends. They were seniors that graduated. They lost their virginities to guys. They said it was so built up in their head they practically begged the guys to do it. The deed was done in 10 seconds flat. The guys left and they were left with so much regret,” she said with a frown. 


“But you let me cum so hard and much that I can hold off. I played with myself for the first time in a long time last night. It was so boring,” she said. “Everything with you is fresh and so much better.” She laughed. I thought maybe a tear fell. “Thank you for letting me have a day. Build it up. Make it something to remember.”


I kissed her as her hand continued to jerk me up and down. “There’s a difference between me and those guys. I would have made your first time feel just as special in the shower the first day.” Her body shivered. “But you deserve a day. Hell, you deserve a lifetime. So thank you for accepting a day. I’ll give you what you want. I’ll make you scream my name. I’ll use every condom we have if that’s what it takes for you to be satisfied.” She shivered. Her hand speeding up. 


“But after that. You’re mine. I get to do everything we have talked about to you. Every night.”


Luna filled her eyes. “I’m already yours. Or wasn’t that obvious?” 


My dick bulged in her hand. “It was. But it’s nice to hear.”


“Good, now tell me about this Nightingale thing,” she said with a smile. 


I studied her. “Ok,” I said. We were in the basement. I doubted they had anything listening. “But have you ever heard of a titfuck?” She shook her head. Stars in her eyes as she grew excited. “Get on your knees.” She did so without hesitation. 


I grabbed each of her tits and mashed my dick with them. “Hold them together with your elbows.” She did. I began humping them. The water from the shower lubing them up. I groaned as I leaned over and kissed her. 


Her face moved down to watch my dick go in and out of her tits. “This is so hot,” she squealed. “Keep goin. Story too.” I chuckled. Continuously humping her rack as I told her about when I met the Nightingales. 


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