Moral Degeneration


For once I gave Luna all of my attention. Used to fooling around with her and Audrey, Luna was exhausted the next day. I had to drive us and Ryleigh to school. 


“Carry me to class,” Luna said with a groan when I parked. 


I laughed. “I’ll carry you to the school. You have to get to class on your own,” I said. She perked up, not expecting me to agree. Luna found the strength to jump on my back. She held on tight. Ryleigh walked behind us, blushing. 


“Why does this feel so good?” Luna asked in a whisper. 


“Because it’s how things should be,” I said. I doubted any of the girls had received a piggyback ride not from their parents. 


“How are you still so full of energy? You even worked out this morning,” she said with a yawn. 


I wasn’t sure myself. Since my night with the strippers I felt like my stamina had increased far more than it should have after only a couple of weeks. Or maybe it was something else. Since I had bought the condoms and guns I felt like I had a lot more stamina. 


“You regretting our fun?”


She shook her head. “No, but my god. You kept going.” I chuckled kissing her cheek. There were plenty of jealous stares as we walked in the mass of students. When we got to the school I dropped Luna. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and scampered off to her friends. 


Turning around to see Ryleigh she had her head pointed to the floor. Her feet fidgeted. “You want a turn?” I asked. She looked up. A small smile on her lips she nodded. 


Bending down she jumped on. Her large rack pushing against my back I should have offered these more often. 


“I will be planning your birthday this weekend,” I said. “Gonna be able to hang out?”


“I doubt it, my parents want to go out of town,” she whispered with a sigh. My peripherals could see a smile on her lips. “You don’t have to plan anything.”


“I want to for my best friend. Your folks have any plans for it?”


“Just dinner with them.”


“Then I will plan it for the day,” I said confidently. I was already planning Luna’s. I’d double book. That would save my brain from having to think of 2 separate ones. She hummed happily on my back. 


Close to the classroom I noticed Brianna down the hall. She locked eyes with me and noticed Ryleigh on my back. I inwardly cringed. I hated drama but tended to cause it. 


“We are here m’lady,” I said, setting Ryleigh down.


“Thanks,” she said and blushed. 


“Save my spot. Bathroom,” I said running down the hall toward where Brianna had turned. I caught up with her. Grabbing her hand she didn’t turn and tried to fight my grip. I pulled her to our closet. There were a few people in the hall but I didn’t much care if we were found out. 


“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked angrily. 


“What I want,” I said. I turned her around to face me. There were a few tears in her eyes. “Brianna, I like you. And I’m sorry I didn’t have this conversation with you. I am a guy. I’m not going to be exclusive with you.” 


“That why you gave me that favor? Cus you’re banging her?” She asked. 


“No, I’m not having sex with her,” I said. “She’s a little young.” She looked a little happy with that. “But I am sleeping with other women. Women that want to get pregnant.”


“Seriously?! You’re 14,” she said angrily. 


“I am,” I said. “But I like it. I’ve been living under a rock for a long time. I’m enjoying life here. Having fun. Having fun with you,” I said, stepping closer. She backed up. Her anger still there, just smoldering though, not increasing. “I like you. A lot. You’re fun and hot. And you’re the only reason I don’t try to skip school.”


“I’m sure,” she said. “How long until you throw me aside for cow tits out there?”


“Why would I throw you away?” I asked. She backed up into a spare desk. My groin pushed up to her skirt. “Who else can I bring with me on my less than legal adventures?” Her body shivered. 


“But I won’t have you getting jealous when there is no reason to be.” Kissing her neck her hands went to my side. “How about a date tomorrow. You and I? Whatever you want to do.”


“Really?” She asked. I pulled back to see a few happy tears this time and a smile on her lips. Kissing her I nodded.


“Okay,” she said and fell into me. Kissing me deeply she jumped up and wrapped her legs around me. “Let’s pull out again. That was so fucking hot.” I groaned in agreement. A part of me thought I would regret it but the other part didn’t care. She was my first virgin. Brianna had a special place in my heart. 


She quickly had her panties off and I was taking her from behind. Almost animalistic in our hunger for one another she groaned and pushed back into me. She came hard in a matter of thrusts. Her legs buckling, I pushed her to bend over a desk. 


Her gasps driving me forward she muffled her yelps with her fists. Brianna’s pussy drenched my cock again. I pulled out and she immediately dropped to the ground and started jerking me off to cum in her mouth. She took it all and swallowed it with a happy moan.  


“See you before lunch,” she giggled cutely as we separated. 


The morning flew by and I was at study hall. “You ready for tonight?” Lyle asked. He still wore makeup but not near as much as the first day. 


“For what?” I asked. George and Peter at the table with us eyed me. 


“For our sleepover,” Lyle said. Like it was the most obvious thing. I could see the expectation in the other guys eyes. I played up my reluctance a little.


I had planned to workout how things would progress with Audrey and Violet. Then the issue with Agent Reels came up. Because these boys were just as much male as I, I decided to work on my own plan to get what I wanted. These boys would be able to help me with that. I had been working on a plan, and now it was ready to come to fruition. 


Also, it might be a good time to figure out how to help them toughen up. It would be some nice practice for my own kids. 


“Right,” I said. “Of course. How are we doing that again?” 


Lyle excitedly answered. “Oh my god. It’s going to be great. My mom rented a movie for us. And I have the new 389 Steady CD.” I thought cassettes were still big in the early 2000s. Then again these were rich kids. 


“Cool,” I said, thinking anything but. “Sign me up.” I might ruin their night. We will have to see.


It wasn’t long till my rendezvous with Brianna was ready. The teacher gave me a weird look when I said I had to take another dump. I might have to fake an IBS note or something. Shouldn’t be too hard to forge. 


I found Brianna pacing outside the closet door. “It’s locked,” she said angrily. “Someone locked the storage closet.” I looked around. We were in an offshoot of the bleachers. A door I had come from led to the outside hall. 


“It’s ok,” I said. Pulling her over to the door it was in a small alcove from the cement block walls. “I think you’ll find this more exciting.” Kissing her I whispered, “doesn’t it make you hot? Thinking we will get caught at any moment?” My hand lifted up the front of her skirt. 


Brianna gasped as I pulled her panties down just enough to have full access to her pussy. Her muff was smooth as my fingers ran down it. Her body shivered as I teased her clit. She was already drenched. My free hand covered her mouth as my middle and ring finger slid inside. Finding the spongy G Spot I curved my fingers toward me and began pressing it. 


She yelled in my hand. I looked around making sure no one was watching. She started cumming hard. A full body orgasm caused her body to shake. Turned on by the situation her eyes rolled to the back of her head. I never stopped hitting the one spot. 


When the orgasm slowed I slowed with it. Leaning to ear I asked, “who knew you were so horny? How did you get anything done before me?”


“I’m not super horny,” she gasped as I moved my hand. “You’re just sooo much better at it than me.”


“Am I now?” I asked, kissing her cheek. My fingers still tapping her Gspot. “I will keep this up with you if you admit you’re mine.” I kissed her again. Her mouth met mine as she moaned. My fingers began to speed up. “If you’re mine there’s no getting jealous. I don’t like the drama. I will make time for you. And of course, whenever you need a favor like you did before, I will do anything I can to help you.”


“Do you want that?” I asked. She nodded quickly. Her eyes closed as she focused on the pleasure running through her body. 


“You’re done bullying?” I asked. She nodded just as frantically. “Good girl.” I kissed her cheek and sped up more. She came almost instantly. My hand on her mouth she screamed as loudly as she wanted. Her nostrils took in deep gulps of air as her mouth tried to expel it. I didn’t slow this time. When her orgasm ended I used my mouth to cover hers. 


My now free hand moved to between her ass cheeks. She shook as my other hand continued on her G Spot. My middle finger snuck in her sphincter and she shook again. 


“Fuck,” she groaned as my fingers sped up. I went as far into her ass as my other finger could. She began to groan and I sealed her mouth with a kiss. She shook and came a third time in quick succession. Her body tried to drop again but she was against the wall. Long fingernails digging into me I didn’t stop until she was spent. There was something about oral and using my fingers that did it for her. 


Breathing in and out her flat chest worked overtime.  Brianna convulsed as I pulled out. Her big eyes stared at me. Body shivering in aftershocks. 


“Am I your girlfriend now?” She asked. 


“You are my friend that is a girl, yes,” I said. “No drama Brianna. I’m serious. When I’m with you, I’m with you. If you want more than that we will see where this goes.”


She bit her lip. Her hair in disarray, panties above her knees, slick coating her inner thighs. She looked beautiful. “Ok. But I get to choose where we go on a date tomorrow.”


“Deal,” I said, kissing her. I grabbed her rump as she moaned in my mouth. The bell rang. “Damn, no time for me. Let’s continue this tomorrow.” She nodded, lust clear in her eyes. We kissed more and eventually separated. 


I was still ready to go for more fun at lunch time. Sitting together with Ryleigh, the pink streaked Mandi, and her friends I felt like the king of the world. 


“What’s gotten into you?” Mandi asked. She had a blunt attitude I liked. 


“Just in a good mood,” I said. “Any plans this weekend?”


“Nothing,” Mandi said with a sigh. The others said the same thing. 


“Out of town with my folks,” Ryleigh said. She was getting out of her shell around the other girls. 


“Oh right,” I said with a sigh. I forgot we wouldn’t be able to have fun again anytime soon. “I have to go to a sleepover at Lyle’s place tonight.”


Mandi and the others stared at me slack jawed. “You can’t be serious,” Mandi said. “You can’t stop there. We need details.” The other 2 girls had the same look. 


“What? It’s just him, George, and Peter that will be there.”


“Oh my god. That’s all the boys in our grade. That’s like every girl in our classes wet dream,” Mandi said. I laughed loudly. 


“Seriously?” She nodded. “You all ever hung out with them?”


“In my dreams,” Mandi groaned. “You can’t hardly get those boys to talk in class.”


I frowned. I remembered the boys saying they didn’t want to be alone with girls. “They ever throw any dances here?”


“There’s Prom. But that’s about it. It’s basically just school since it’s nothing but girls.”


“That’s dumb,” I said. “We need a party.” I looked around. There were far too many girls to guy ratio. But it was a rite of passage for guys to have to nervously wait to dance with a girl. “Okay. No promises. I’ll plan something. My birthday is in a few months. I’ll see if I can manage to get you roped in if you want.”


“You would?” Mandi asked, hopeful. 


“Yeah. A small get together. The other boys are so skittish around girls it would be good to get them used to some.” The girls had excited looks on their faces. 


“No promises though. I have to feel the waters out. I’ll do some reconnaissance with the others tonight,” I said. 


“Ask George if he likes me,” Mandi said. 


“I thought you liked Micah,” I said. 


“Micah is eye candy,” she said. “Ask please. I’ll owe you one.”


“Fine,” I said. I could always use more favors. “I’ll plant the seeds for all of you. But again. No promises. And if I hear a whiff of this from anyone else. I’m canceling the whole thing.” The trio nodded. I turned to Ryleigh. “Sorry Ry. You’ll be my date. The other boys can’t have you.”


Her face flushed red and the other girls giggled. I patted her head as she shyly looked at her plate of food. I was doing my best to establish who was mine while I could. I wouldn’t risk anyone else trying to steal them. I was a little afraid of what I’d do if someone tried. 


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