Moral Degeneration


I grabbed Luna as she walked through the hall. Pulling her into a side closet she didn’t act too surprised. Kissing me as our hands wandered she was comfortable with me sneaking her away now and then. 


“Gotta go to a sleepover tonight,” I said. 


“Who with?” She asked in between kissing. 


“The other boys in my grade,” I groaned. 


“Ha,” she laughed. “That sounds like torture.”


“It will be. You gonna miss me?” 


“No,” she said. “Staying at Grace’s.”


“Ugh I want to go with you,” I said. 


“Fuck no,” she said slapping my ass. “I scared them away from you already. I’m not risking you blowing that.”


“How’d you manage that?” I asked with a laugh. 


“I said you were only interested in anal. And might be secretly gay.”


“Ha!” I laughed a little too loudly. “I do like your butt.” I squeezed it hard. I was actually a little relieved. If there were rumors floating around I was sleeping with Luna, Brianna, and Ryleigh too; then people wouldn’t know what to believe. 


“What the hell. Why are you okay with that rumor?” She asked in faux anger. 


“Cus I’m not gay?” I asked. “I don’t care as long as you know I’m not.” I wasn’t too worried about convincing girls I was straight if I was interested in them. 


She moaned in my mouth as we kissed harder. “When will I see you next?”


“Sunday?” I asked. “I’m planning our date for next weekend all day tomorrow.”


“I’m so excited,” she said. Her tits bouncing with her. I grabbed the globes and squeezed. “What do you think about me buying some sexy stuff?”


“I’d love that. Got anything in mind?” I asked. 


“A few things. I’ll show you next weekend. Gotta go. My class is on the other side of the school.” She kissed me long and deep and was heading out. I sighed watching her go. I loved my life. 


I walked back out into the throng of kids. My History class was close. The guy teacher, Mr. Masterson, still gave me the creeps. He ogled the girls up and down but none appeared to be bothered by it. I left my judgment alone for now. 


I noticed Ryleigh heading to class. “Hey Ry. Got a minute?” I asked. Pulling her to the side I brought her back to the storage closet as the bell rang. 


“What’s wrong?” She asked, concern in her voice. 


“Just going to miss you this weekend,” I said. Kissing her thick lips she moaned in my mouth. A smile splitting her face, she wrapped her arms around my head. For once she ignored the bell as we continued our kissing. 


My hands went to her rump, over the skirt, and I pushed her to a spare desk. My hardon pushed into her inner thigh as our tongues explored one another. When she caught herself she pulled back to catch her breath. 


“We are late,” she said. Her arms didn’t leave the side of my head. I looked down at her chest. It was glorious. 


“What can I say? You make my day go by so much faster.”


“What if we get caught?” She asked. 


“I don’t care. That will just make more people jealous that I get you,” I said. I knew I was building a powder keg with so many girls. Eventually it would blow. I didn’t care. I was loving the life. 


She moaned and we kissed more. I could have sworn Ryleigh was taller than me, but now I felt like we were close to the same height. Maybe I was finally getting a growth spurt, a little earlier this time around. 


I ignored that for now as her chest pushed against me. I was surprised how easy it was to get her to forget class. Simply in one another’s arms as we acted like kids. I enjoyed every moment of kissing her. 


“You could umm touch-“ she said but was stopped as someone tried to open the door. She moved around me scared. They stopped trying the door and I heard the keys jingle. Ryleigh squeaked. 


“Get behind the door, I’ll distract. You leave in a minute,” I hissed. She moved to it. I ran for the door. Unlocking it I smiled widely as I noticed the gym coach on the other side. She was tall. Muscular and curvy. 


“Hello,” I said. Ryleigh shook at my side, out of view. 


“What are you doing in there?” She asked. 


“I got lost,” I said. “Mind showing me around?”


She frowned, stepping back. “You’re the new kid, right?”


“That’s me,” I said. “Russ Newkids my name. Yours?” 


“Tina Wyatt,” she said. I left the closet door open. “Where do you need to go?” 


“Actually, I was trying to find you,” I said. I lightly touched her side and began walking her away. “I was curious what kind of sports there are in the spring.”


“Softball, volleyball, and track. Why? Thinking about joining?” 


“I am,” I said. 


“Really?” She asked a little surprised. “Most boys don’t. Which are you thinking?”


“Which do you coach?” I noticed Ryleigh peek out and run toward history class. 


“Track,” she said slowly. I looked down to her large bust. I had been joking before, but now I was serious. 


“Sign me up,” I said. 


“It’s not till late next month,” she said. 


“Sign me up then,” I said. “Have a good weekend. Thanks for your time.” 


I got to class and made an excuse about having to talk to the coach. Lyle was in my class. He excitedly told me to meet him out front. 


“Let’s do that again sometime,” I whispered to Ryleigh at our lockers. She smiled widely. I snuck a kiss on her cheek and she scampered off. Luna was taking her home. I grabbed my spare clothes and headed to the front of the school. 


The other boys were waiting. George had the decency to look bored. Peter and Lyle were ecstatic about the sleep over. There was a nice truck out front waiting for us. 


“Hey boys,” Lyles' mom said. I introduced myself. She was quite pretty but didn’t give me any signals she was interested. Since she had a son my age I doubted she would be. The boys prattled on as she drove us to their house. It was close to my neighborhood. But not really walking distance. A nice big house, it was almost as big as Audrey’s. 


The boys were comfortable with one another. I guessed they had spent a lot of Christmas break with one another. A part of me appreciated them trying with me. Another part was annoyed by every little thing.


There was a lot of touching. Which I thought was weird. Were they repressed in their own way? Craving human contact with someone they felt comfortable with. Or was that how they knew how to talk? It was mainly Lyle and Peter, but George did it once or twice as well. I kept my hands in my pockets. Like a man should. 


We changed clothes from our school uniforms. Congregating in Lyle’s room it was all band posters. They were male focused but there were at least some girls in skimpy clothing on a few. 


They played the 389 Steady CD. It sounded like a mix of Spice Girls and some boy band. There was one song that was too catchy and I caught myself humming it. I would have to work at drowning it out later. 


We were waiting for the pizza to arrive when I saw my chance. The boys were hanging around relaxing. Their energy spent. 


“You guys ever think about inviting girls to hang out?” I asked. The 3 boys looked at me. 


“We don’t really do that,” Lyle said. “Not allowed to have girls over.”


“I understand that,” I said. Still unsure what I was doing. “But come on. We are guys. There’s gotta be a part of you that wants the girls here, right?”


Peter chuckled. “You’ve been spending way too much time with them.”


“Probably,” I said. “I told a few of them I was staying over. They would have killed me and taken my place if they could.”


“Really?” Lyle asked. He actually sounded excited. I breathed a sigh of relief. The other 2 guys were drawn in as well. 


“Who?” George asked. 


“The girls I sit with at lunch,” I said. “They’re in our class. I’m not sure what you did. But that Mandi girl has a big crush on you George.” My face burned in embarrassment saying the words. 


“The girl with the pink streaks?” Lyle asked. “Oh my god. I told you,” he said happily. George blushed while having a smile on his face. 


“Oh you like her?” I asked. 


“We’ve sat next to each other in every class. Our last names are pretty close,” he said. “I was always too afraid to talk to her.”


“You should,” I said. “Why don’t you?”


He shrugged. I was feeling a little bolder. “Do your parents forbid you from dating?” 


The boys looked to one another. “My moms don’t say it straight out,” Lyle said. “But basically.”




“They’re afraid the girls will take advantage.”


“Isn’t that a good thing though?” I asked. That made them uncomfortable. “Sorry. My mom never explained this stuff to me. She was far more overprotective. Didn’t let me have friends. I’m not the best at it. You are the first guys I’ve gotten to know.” 


I had spent way too many hours with guys in my last life. I wasn’t about to go out of my way to befriend more. The option for sex was too tempting to waste my time. But I had a goal with these guys so I sacrificed getting laid. 


“It’s ok,” Lyle said. “Sorry. I forgot your situation. It’s a little common to have moms overprotective of their sons. I know my moms are guilty of it. I didn’t see a movie without them till last year.” Peter and George nodded. 


“It’s not so much girls our age. It's just older girls we aren’t supposed to be around,” Peter said. “They can be…handsy.”


“I could see that,” I said. “So why not date girls your age?”


“I mean we could. I think,” Lyle said. “I never really asked. I didn’t start looking at girls till recently. My moms drilled it into my head so much to not be alone with them I was too scared to do it at all.”


I finally understood. That made sense. They literally just hit puberty. They wouldn’t have felt the need to be near them. If their parents drilled into their skulls to not be near them. Of course they’d be hesitant. 


“I’m planning something for my birthday in a couple months. I was hoping you guys would go. But I want to bring a couple girls our grade too. So that wouldn’t get you in trouble, would it?”


“I don’t think so,” Lyle said. He blushed. Peter too looked to his feet nervously. George did his best to hide his interest. I felt a little better about the guys. They still had the male urges. They were simply suppressed. I wasn’t going to plan an orgy or anything for them. But there had to be some classic games kids could play to make them act more like real boys. 


“Boys dinner!” Lyles' mom yelled. The boys recovered from their daydreams and we headed downstairs. I noticed his other mother was there taking plates out, but also someone else. 


She was older. Probably a little older than Ava. The general idea I got from her was goth. Long dyed black hair, there were a few bleached white streaks mixed in as well. Thick black mascara around her eyes. Thick lips. She wore a black shirt that had some heavy metal band logo on it. The shirt was cut with scissors at the bust revealing a long line of cleavage. She had an eyebrow piercing, and if my guess was right so were her nipples. 


My first goth girl was upon me. I couldn’t fuck this up. I mentally apologized to Lyle. He had mentioned he had a sister. It’s his own damn fault for not mentioning how hot she was. 


“Oh right,” Lyles' blonde mom said. “Russ, this is our daughter Anastasia. Ana, this is Russ. He’s new at Highpark.”


“Nice to meet you,” I said. She rolled her eyes at me. I wanted her more. She was playing hard to get.


“Ana goes back to UM next week,” Lyles' Asian mom said. I guessed he was born from his blonde mom. But Anastasia was obviously born from the Asian mom. Her half-Asian heritage was well hidden under the makeup. It made her all the hotter in my book. 


“Oh cool. A girl I live with goes to UM. What are you studying?” I asked nonchalantly. 2 could play the game of uncaring. 


Anastasia didn’t answer. “She’s majoring in Chinese Language and Literature,” blonde mom said. I didn’t roll my eyes. I couldn’t understand some of the majors people spent money on. 


“Oh,” I said. “Are you from there originally?” I asked his Asian mom. 


“My mom was. We came here when I was young. But I grew up speaking Mandarin. Lyle had no interest in learning but Ana did.”


“Yincang kouyin gab de hao,” I said. Which basically meant ‘great job hiding your accent.’


The table looked at me a little stunned. I made my smile not appear. Who didn’t like to show off?


“No shuo putonghua?” His Asian mother asked. Which meant, you speak Mandarin.  


“Shi de,” I said. Yes. 


“<When did you learn?>” Asian mom asked. 


“A few years ago,” I said in English. “One of the most common languages in the world.” I had spent 2 years in a Chinese hell hole some time ago. Taking jobs and doing opium. It was a fun experience. The only thing I really took from it was the language. 


“You speak very well,” his Asian mom said. “Better than Ana.” I eyed my goth beauty. She was more than interested now. 


“I have a gift for languages. I also speak Spanish and Arabic.” Dari too, but that was a little obscure. I had learned it during my time in Afghanistan on my first tour. 


“And you’re 14?” Blonde mom asked. “What’s your IQ?”


“No idea. Didn’t leave my house till 3 weeks ago,” I said, biting into some pizza. “My mom kept me captive. Couldn’t leave.”


“What?” Asian mom asked. “That’s sick.”


“I agree,” I said. “She was not well. She’s in a better place now.” I looked around. They were all staring at me. “Sorry. I’m not much for filtering. Got any parmesan?” Blonde mom jolted as if struck and grabbed some Parmesan cheese from the fridge. 


“Where do you live now, Russ?” Asian mom asked.


“A nice lady. She was old friends with my mom.”


“I assume the local DOL agent has been in touch with you,” blonde mom said. 


“Reels? Yeah she’s alright. They flew me out to D.C. for a few days while they vetted my guardian. She’s pretty great. Reels sure gets pissed at me though.”


“Why’s that?” Asian mom asked, a little concerned.


“I almost got kidnapped last week,” I said like it was no big deal. “That ever happened to you guys?” I asked. The other 3 boys shook their heads slowly. “Freaking annoying. Feds wouldn’t even believe me either. Gave me a GPS tracker and sent me on my way.”


“That’s standard. Most all the boys have one,” Asian mom said. Still a little shocked. 


“GPS is a joke. Heck I could hack into that signal. What’s going to stop someone that wants to take me?”


The mother’s shared a long look. “I’m um going to make a call,” Asian mom said. Getting up from her spot she started dialing in her cell. I finished my pizza and took another one. I looked around. I had ruined dinner. 


It was all going according to plan. I was starting to like Reels. But her nonchalance about me almost getting taken had pissed me off. The answer had come to me quite easily. Just show these overprotective mothers how useless the DOL was. 


I had changed my mind. I wanted my handgun. Now that I had untraceable guns. I needed a traceable one. That way if someone happened to get shot up that I was at odds with I could show them that my traceable and DOL issued gun wasn’t used. Thus it couldn’t be me. 


To get that done I needed the power of the almighty mothers. Asian mom was yelling into her phone in the other room. Less than 20 minutes later Agent Reels was knocking on the door. 


Lyle’s moms angrily grilled her at the door. When Reels face saw mine she put on a dejected look. “What now Willard?” She asked. “I just saw you, what? Yesterday?”


“I missed you too,” I said with a smile. 


“What’s this I hear about the GPS you gave us being easily hacked?” Asian mom asked. 


“It’s not,” Reels said. “This is top of the line.”


“Russell says it is,” blonde mom said.


Reels looked to me. “Prove it,” she said. I gave her my shit eating grin. 


There was a very convenient computer at a desk in the other room. I fired it up. The whole house, even Anastasia, was standing behind me as I pulled up the web browser. I typed in a very exclusive website. 


“What’s that?” Asian mom asked. 


“The dark web,” I said. I looked around. No one knew what that was. I downloaded a specific program that would allow full dark web access. “The internet has a lot more hidey holes than most people know. There are sites everywhere that normal people can’t access. But it’s all there. Hidden. You just have to know where to look.” 


I downloaded another program from a more discrete site. “Where’s your GPS?” I asked. Asian mom showed me the small black box with an antenna. I typed the serial code into the program. It brought up a map of the US and showed our location. 


This hadn’t been quick of course. Downloading the programs at dial up speed had taken way longer than I had hoped. If it had been instantaneous there would have been much more dramatic effect. 


The other boys had gotten bored and were watching a movie in the other room. My Anastasia had even left. I hoped what I showed her was enough foreplay for later. Who didn’t like a guy with all the answers? 


“But they’d need the serial number to access your location,” Reels said, trying to justify how I had been able to easily find them. 


“Seriously?” I asked, eyeing her. “Do you want me to prove that I can get a serial number?” Reels wasn’t convinced. I looked to the back of the GPS. 

A landline beside me, I called a number from the back of the tracker. It kicked out the dial up on the computer and the tracking program ended. I waited on the line. 


“Telecon Inc, how can I help you?” A woman’s voice answered. 


“Yes, I was at a sleepover with a few boys. We all have GPS trackers and they got mixed up,” I said. “Can you tell me which one is assigned to me?” 

“Ummm your name and location?” The cute girl asked. Almost a little flustered she was talking to a boy. 


“Lyle Britta, Minneapolis,” I said. 


“There you are,” she said. Reading off the serial number I wrote it down. 

“Thank you so much,” I said. “Have a great weekend.” I hung up to show Reels my know-it-all smile.


There was a stunned silence as the mothers stared at Reels. Anger clear in their eyes. I had tested this all of course. There was no way the feds were going to have government employees doing tech support for some GPS trackers. They had farmed out having them made, they would farm out the tracking and issues. 


I spoke slowly, “Your security is shit. You use non encrypted signals for these trackers. And you don’t have any passcodes or information to lock important data like this from getting into the wrong hands. It took me an hour to figure all of this out, Reels. Every day I see a story about some kid getting kidnapped or found. For all you know they did this exact thing to find them.”


I tapped the desk waiting for her to say something. “What do you want?” She asked, defeated. 


“You know what I want. Real protection. A way to protect myself,” I said. She rolled her eyes, but I could see it would work. I would get my own government issued gun soon enough. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.