Moral Degeneration


I was poked and prodded heavily after going to some government building. A few men here or there. It was the most men I had seen since coming to this version of Earth. Women far outnumbered us. Agent Simpson was part of the DOL, the Department of Longevity. Meant to watch over the men and make sure we didn’t kill one another. He stuck around with me but then pushed me off to some assistants. Back in my world the DOL was the Department of Labor. I wondered if there still was one, or if they decided on a different name. 

A very gorgeous doctor presided over my examination. She took blood then put it into a high tech machine. Within 20 minutes it dinged and spat out some information. 

“Oh,” she said, reading the receipt. “You sure you don’t want to know who your dad is, Russ?” She was nice enough to call me by my name. Everyone else had called me kid.


“I’m good,” I said. “That thing seriously scan my blood already?” I knew it usually took weeks to analyze blood. 

“The American government has been pushing most of it’s budget between the DOL and finding a cure to the Pox. We are quite advanced here,” she said with a smile. I could see that. They might be ahead of my own timeline medically if they put most of the money they received to trying to find a cure. 


“Here’s your Lineage Bracelet,” she said. It was a small metal band. 

“What the hell’s that for?” I asked. I was never much for jewelry.


“You really are out of the loop,” she said. Rolling away on her chair she grabbed a large sheet of paper. Unfolding it she revealed a large map of the US. Lots of colors adorned it. “This is the most recent Lineage map. Of the 30,000 or so active men in our system we track where they reside and how many women they impregnate. This Lineage Bracelet will tell you almost instantly if you are related to someone too closely. We don’t want to risk disfigurements or ailments from inbreeding. If you want to sleep with someone then push this bracelet against their skin. If it doesn’t do anything you’re fine. But if it beeps then I wouldn’t risk it.” 


“Good to know,” I said, taking the bracelet. It slid on easily and I did my best to ignore it. I moved the bracelet next to her skin. Nothing happened. “Really good to know,” I said with a wide smile. Raising my eyebrows suggestively she actually blushed. A nurse behind her giggled. 

“Where is my dad located?” I asked. 


“Around here,” she said. Her hand over the New York area I thought it best to stay away from there. Plenty of colors on the map, I didn’t have to risk finding out which color he was. 


“Alright,” the doctor said. “We have height, weight, blood, as much medical information as possible. Caught you up on vaccines. Did your checkup. Only thing left is a sperm count, Russ.” 


“Why do you need that?” I asked. 


“We like to know how fertile you are, if at all,” she said. “It’s really sad how many turn out to be infertile.” 

“Wow, that sucks,” I said. I wondered if they still took care of the men who were infertile. “My um arms are sore from the shots. Mind helping me?” I looked to the doctor and nurse. My best puppy dog eyes showing. 


Both women blushed. The doctor looked over to a camera mounted on the wall. “Very bold, kid. Never been asked this before.” I wasn’t sure if she was telling the truth. Every dude I ever knew would have asked the same question. 


“My arms really hurt,” I pouted. “It would be a lot quicker if you both helped.” I looked to the nurse. In her white uniform she hid most of her blushing face behind a folder. 


“You’re a little young,” the doctor said. I couldn’t believe this was actually working. 


“I consent to being touched by these beautiful women,” I announced to the camera for whoever was listening. “I mean, besides, it’ll make me more turned on. I’ll probably shoot out more. You know, for testing purposes.” The doctor looked to the nurse. She hadn’t run away yet. She turned to the camera as well, but no one was stopping them. 


“Fine, open your gown,” she said. On a rolling chair she moved from behind the desk to in front of me. I excitedly pulled it up to show my full erection. It had been growing as my hail mary was paying off. The doctor stared at it wide eyed. She licked her lips coming closer. Pulling out a plastic cup from her pocket she opened it up and set it on a small stainless steel table beside me. 


The nurse had walked closer to watch. She didn’t appear to want to help. Much younger, she was about Millie’s age. The doctor was in her 40s, but had a toned MILF body. Firm muscles, smooth skin, bright blue eyes. Her hair was cut short, but a little cleavage showed from her V-neck shirt. 


“Ever done this before?” I asked the doc. She shook her head as she looked up at me. “It’s easy. Just jerk it slowly up and down.” I showed them how to do it. My hand wrapping around the shaft as it gripped the circumcised foreskin and began moving up and down. “Spit helps. Playing with the balls.” The doctor nodded. Spitting in her hand she grabbed the shaft and copied my movements. Her other hand moved to the balls and began playing with them. 


Slow at first it felt great. Her strong grip on my member, I was vocal about how good it was. My reactions caused her to become more bold. Leaning over she drew close to the head and spat more onto my glans. I had hoped for a blowjob but a handjob was good for now. The nurse was much closer now. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to me. She yelped but I pulled her face down to start kissing her. 


She didn’t fight me as my tongue entered her mouth. It didn’t take long for her to groan in pleasure as my tongue swirled around hers. The doctor's hand moved faster. Her hands pulled on my balls. 

“Fuck that’s good,” I said pulling away from the nurse. I pulled the doctor in for a kiss. Both hands going to the side of her head as we kissed hard. She gasped as she sped up. “Get the cup.” I rasped. The nurse jumped and ran to the other side to get it. She mauvered it in place just in time as I began to spurt. The doctor continued to jerk me off as ropes of cum hit the inside of the cup. 


The excitement of 2 strangers doing this to me had increased the volume. There was a thick layer of cum inside the cup as I finished. The nurse scooped the last bit inside and shut the cup. 


“Damn that was great,” I said, shaking my head. The doctor slowly released my dick. “Either of you want kids? You can jump on real quick if you want. I could easily go again.” 

The doctor and nurse shared a look. “I’m a little old for that kind of thing. Don’t you think?” The doctor asked. 


“You don’t have to. Just thought that's how things worked,” I said. I was loving playing dumb. The doctor thought about it long and hard. I looked to the nurse. She was still blushing but thinking as well. 


“I mean, we can do a rain check too,” I said. The doctor locked eyes with me. 


“You really mean it, don’t you?” She asked. 


“Yeah,” I said. “I thought my job was to impregnate everyone possible.” 


“I wish more men thought like you,” the doc said. “Most men are too shy for this kind of talk.” She scooted back on her rolling chair. Opening the cum cup she dropped some into a vial. Setting it inside her machine it didn’t take long for information to pop out. 


“Perfectly fertile,” she said with a smile. 


“Did I get the high score?” I asked, hopeful. 


“That’s not a thing,” she said. “You’re very fertile. But well within range.” 


“Damn,” I cursed. I looked up to the nurse. She was staring at my junk. “You sure you don’t want a turn?”


“I’m still paying back loans,” she said. “Not ready for a kid. But someday…” 


“Someday for sure,” I tell her. “Just look me up.” She actually thanked me and moved back to her spot. The doctor gave me a look but went back to whatever report she had. A smile on my face I moved my medical gown back and waited to be discharged.



I was handed off to another agent. She was tall, about 6 feet 3 inches. A little taller than my adult height she had long dirty blonde hair. In her black suit she tried to stay nondescript, but I noticed the firm shake of her body as she walked beside me. 


“And you are?” I asked. 


“Agent Stein,” she said, her voice firm. 


“Alright Agent, what’s our next part of the agenda?” I asked. 


“We are in touch with your guardian. We expect to have her on the phone soon. For now you can eat in the cafeteria, rest, whatever you want to do,” she said. All was said in a monotone voice as we walked in the halls. 

The place we were in was part of the DOL. My mercenary group back in the day was based out of D.C. so I had spent time in the city. Probably too much time. The building was like any government building. Bleak and dreary. The lights were the old fluorescent. I guessed I was spoiled by the brightness of LEDs. Everything felt dim and sad around me.

We walked into a small cafeteria. There were some doctors, a couple of agents, and surprisingly a few young boys. They were only about 8 or 9. Wearing simple pajamas they quietly sat at a table. A female agent stood behind them. 


“What’s their story?” I asked. 


“Sex ring,” she whispered. “Some individuals prefer little boys.” I had a disgusted look on my face. 


“The more the world changes, the more it stays the same,” I said. “What’s gonna happen to them?” 


“Therapy. Then a nice couple will adopt each of them,” she said. I guessed she meant lesbian couple.  


“What’s the incentive to adopt a boy?” I asked. She gave me a questioning look. “I have a supposed guardian. If she actually wants me, what’s the draw?” 


“Boys are rare. There’s some incentives, but not enough to think they’re doing it for that. We do a lot of data analysis on DNA here. If your father was primarily located somewhere, then we target a spot that he wasn’t. Narrow the pool of potential adopters from there. Usually it’s the rich and famous that end up adopting a boy.” 


“Any special reason?” I asked. I couldn’t help but picture Epstein Island. The rich and famous were known to go there for a good time with young girls. Here, boys were the exotic. 


“We have to worry less about the kids with rich people. More exposure in the media if you’re famous. And they’ll have the best security and opportunities,” she said. 


“How’s my potential adopter?” 


“Well off, I’d say. Audrey Cooper inherited most of her wealth,” she said bluntly. I was starting to get hungry. I grabbed a tray. Agent Stein declined any food as I went through the food lines. The women behind the counters didn’t give me any weird looks. I guessed they had been around enough men here. 


“Sit in front of me please,” I said to my guard. “I feel like I’m about to get shot at with you behind me.” She hesitated but sat next to me. 


We were at a table by ourselves. I was watching the 3 young boys. They appeared normal, but a little off. Almost weak I would say. They didn’t touch their food, which I couldn’t blame them for. Bags under their eyes. They weren’t skittish, just different. I couldn’t put my finger on what was different about them. 


“What’s your story?” I asked. “By the way you walk I’m guessing Marine.” 


“I thought you lived under a rock,” she said. I shrugged. “Yes, I was a Marine.” 


“Done any tours?” 


“A few. I joined up after Desert Storm. Nothing too exciting,” she said. 


“Who have we been at war with?” I asked. “Assume I don’t know any wars after the Pox.” I bit into a piece of stale cheese pizza. 


“Jeez, I didn’t think I’d have to give a history lesson, kid. Your education is all over the place.” I agreed. “Uhh World war 1?” I shook my head. “Mainly Europeans so doesn’t much matter here. But happened in like the 1910s. This was after the Pox. Lots of men died. Millions. Some Americans, but not like in Europe. The Male Pox issue was noticed after the fact. Men weren’t being born. This was a huge problem for the Europeans. They lost a lot in the war. People kind of paused their beefs after that. Then Germany had this leader, you know Hitler?” She asked. 


“A little,” I said. I didn’t like where this was going. 


“He blamed Jews for Germany’s problems after World War 1. Jews and gypsies. Rounded them all up. Took their stuff. Then killed all their men. Some 2 million Jewish men were killed before someone stepped in. He took over Poland and France pretty easily. They didn’t have that many troops. Every country was hurting for soldiers. The Nazis were set to take over England before we stepped in. It was bloody, but after we stormed France, Hitler killed himself. The Nazis were too strained for soldiers to cover so much area. After that there was a big push for only women to join up. We helped Korea a little. But there was too much blowback. North Korea is still a problem. We almost entered Vietnam, but didn’t. Cold War was a big issue, but blew over about a decade ago. We’ve been in Afghanistan for a few years. First real war zone we have been in since making women the only combatants.” 


“Jeez,” I said. “Civil Rights Movement?” 


“What’s that?” She asked. 


“Uhh something my mom mentioned. About equality of races and all that, in America.” It happened in the 60s in my timeline. Martin Luther King was the most famous leader during that time. 


“Never heard of it. There’s the Liberty Act. Passed in like 1925. Gave women the right to vote. Was a big push by the government. Made it illegal to harm or treat men or women of any race differently. The Pox led the way for all that.” 


“Of course,” I said. With men being rare I guessed that they didn’t want any to be accidentally lynched because of their skin color. “When was the first female president?” 

“Damn kid, what are you? My history teacher?” She asked. “1950s?” 


“Wow,” I said. “So women went from being able to vote in the 20s to running the country 30 years later?” 

“Pretty much,” she said. “Lot’s of conspiracy theories that a woman made the Pox cus she hated men.” I chuckled. 


“How is Europe now?” I asked. 


“What do you mean?” 

“Millions probably died in the wars. Are they struggling?” 


“Everyone’s struggling,” she said. “Sometimes we send men over there to help with variety in their genetic pool. They do the same for us.” 


“Fun,” I said. “I’ll look forward to my own Eurotrip.” 


She frowned. “You’re one weird kid,” she said. 

“The weirdest.” There was no reason to fret all these problems. I might be weak now, but not forever. I had a whole new world to explore. And it sounded like I would get laid during most of it. 

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