Moral Degeneration


Audrey Cooper dropped everything on her plate and flew to D.C. to meet me. We had talked on the phone before her flight, and now I was waiting for her. I had never met the woman before, but she sounded excited to see me. It was hard to admit that I was excited to meet her. 


I had never really had a maternal figure in my life. My mother was a terrible example in both lives. A woman that was actually looking forward to meeting me was rare. I had spent time with friend’s from the military during some holidays. The love and affection they received when coming home was more than a little hurtful. Psychogenic pain, it was called. That pain I felt when my own emotional issues made me physically ill. Jealous of those families. 


It had been only 2 days since I arrived in D.C. They had put me up in a nice hotel. An agent with me at all times I had offered her a round as well, but she politely declined. It was odd for me to need a babysitter, but I was 14. Nothing I could do about it. I’d hate to end up like those kids at the DOL. Kidnapped and used. 


Guard in tow, I was able to work out in the hotel gym, get my fill of room service, and watch TV. TV was all wrong. Women everywhere, the quality of the stories weren’t the best either. Then again that may be because it was the 90s. If it wasn’t a cartoon, I don’t remember it.


On TV there were a lot of love triangles. Oddly it followed a man with 2 women as the wannabe lovers. I didn’t see why they all just didn’t have sex, but this was TV. Men were rare. But it made me think about what I wanted to do. 


Did I want to be a TV star? Or movies? Hell, was porn a thing? Could I be a porn star? Or did I want to relive my old life and go back in the military? Be a G-man like agent Simpson. He had said whatever I wanted was possible. The government would pay for college if I decided on that. I doubted the military was an option though. So few men, they wouldn’t risk them going off native soil. 


I honestly considered just doing what I did in my old life. Being a merc. I knew everything I needed to know. Well most of what I needed anyway. Then again I didn’t have the contacts and resources, but those could be gained. 


Did I want to do anything? The way it sounded to me I could fuck my days away. Getting old and fat while woman after woman lined up to be with me just for a chance at a kid. But I wasn’t too comfortable with that. First of all, getting old and fat would lead to me dying young. Granted I had been physically fit in my last life and died of a random heart attack. Maybe I needed to take things slow. If I really did start having kids, why shouldn’t I try to be in their lives? Pay it forward like my foster father had. 


A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts. “Come in,” I yelled. Turning off the TV I got off the bed. 


My guard walked in with an older woman in tow. In her late 30s she had long dark hair and tan skin. She had to have some ethnic blood in her. Her eyes sparkled as she stared at me. Tears in them she was dressed to the nines. Long black dress, makeup and hair done up, it was hard to not get turned on by the older woman. She was the type of woman I would have gone for in my old life, only a few days ago. 


“You look just like her,” the woman said. She blinked as a tear was let loose. 

“I assume you’re Miss Cooper,” I said. She nodded. “I’m Russ Willard.” I extended my hand. She shook herself awake and took it. Her bony fingers gripped mine. She wore no rings, but a diamond necklace and earrings. 


“It’s so good to meet you,” she said. “I grew up with your mother.” 


“I heard.” I asked. “I was surprised she had put anyone in the will at all.”

“Me too,” she said. “I haven’t seen her in almost 20 years.” 

“Please sit,” I said. Pulling up a chair she sat in it while I sat at the foot of the bed. “Tell me about yourself.” 

“Of course. Your mother and I were best friends. We grew up in Minneapolis.” I did not know that. I couldn’t remember if she had grown up there in my past life. “We were neighbors. Our moms were best friends too. They’ve passed though. In school your mom got in with a bad crowd. We lost touch soon after high school.” 


“I bet,” I said. “Enough about her. What about you? What do you do?” 


“I um run a shipping company,” she said. “I have 2 daughters. Ava and Luna.” 


“You have daughters?” I asked. “With a figure like that?” I couldn’t help but flirt. She blushed but nodded. The woman quieted as she studied me. I became a little nervous. Blunt as ever I asked, “What would you like to do?” 


“What do you mean?”


“Do you want me?” I asked. “I’m told they can put me with a nice couple somewhere. Otherwise I’m sure I could surv-”


She got out of the chair and hugged me. Her sharp perfume filled my nostrils. “Of course. You’re my best friend’s son. I would love to have you.” I patted her back. I ignored the growing feelings inside of me. Nothing was absolute. She could just as easily dump me. 


“That’s nice. But can I ask why? Is it for the government assistance?”

She pulled back. Locking my eyes she said, “Of course not. I don’t need money, Russ. I just- I want a piece of my friend.” I nodded, content with the answer for now. 


“How do we do this?” I asked. 


“However you want,” she said, pulling me in again. “You can come live with me. Like I said, I don’t need money. We can put everything away for your future if you want.” We hugged one another for a while. I was surprised how good it felt. Her scent was all around and her hair got in my eyes. I ignored the bad, and focused on the good. Maybe this would work out. Maybe I’d go to a family that I didn’t try to escape from. 


“I don’t have anything,” I said. She pulled back and sat back down. “No clothes. Nothing. My um mom was struggling with mental health I think. She tried to kill us both.” 


“I know,” Audrey said. Her hand on her lips she began to really cry. “Agent Simpson told me. You poor baby. Are you alright?” 


“I survived,” I said. “But there’s a lot about the world I don’t know. I’d appreciate your help to figure it out. Maybe get some necessities. I don’t know where to go from here.” 

“It’s alright. I don’t really know either,” she chuckled. I found myself studying her more. Trained in non-verbal cues I couldn’t see any defensive body language. No falsehoods in her words. “How about we go shopping? I can get a hotel room, stay the night. Then if you want to go home with me you can.” 

“What about your daughters?” I asked. 


“They’re fine back home. This will be such a great Christmas miracle,” she said happily. I chuckled. It was December 21st. Christmas was almost upon us.


“Ok,” I said. “Let’s give it a shot.” I had spent so much time in the foster care system it was a dream of mine to live with a real family. And they were all women. I had grazed Audrey with my Inheritance band. There was no beep from it. I smiled widely as we stared at one another. 



That day we grabbed food. She was given a room across from mine. We went shopping. I got plenty of clothes. She paid for everything. She had tried to push very girly clothes on me. Tanktops and bright colors were apparently a thing for guys. Mens clothes were only at the higher end stores. We ended up having to go to a husky woman store. I got plenty of flannel and jeans. T-shirts and leather jackets were more my style. She rolled her eyes, called me a dyke, but bought it anyway. 


Audrey had an infectious laugh. High pitched she let out a snort now and then. When I had tried on the flannel she had practically fallen on the ground laughing. I couldn’t help but laugh with her. I spoke on the phone with her youngest daughter once, she sounded nice but very hesitant. I couldn’t blame her. It was weird to think I would be living with strangers. For them at least, I was used to it. 


Agent Simpson stopped by the next morning. Made sure everything was okay with me. He did a background check on Audrey Cooper. No real issues. She had come from money. She met a man and had a one night stand for her oldest daughter. Then her youngest was conceived with a lot of bribes to another man. 

Audrey ran her family business. Cooper Trucking. A mostly North American trucking company, it was all women as most businesses were. She had a few speeding tickets and a drunk and disorderly from a few months ago. But she wasn’t a crack addict which was good enough of a sign for me. It was sad how low my standards were. 


I thanked Agent Simpson. He gave me his card and pulled the guard detail. I hung out with Audrey until our plane arrived. Now with 3 full suitcases of clothes between us I maneuvered 2 down the terminal. She had tried to carry one, but I insisted. We really should have shopped after getting to where we were going, but it had been a good method to get to know one another. 


On a semi-early flight the terminals weren’t as packed as I expected. Women everywhere, I noticed 1 or 2 guys, but not many. Girls and women stared at me. A small girl about 8 years old was especially interested in my face. I made faces at her for a good 10 minutes. She giggled and a few girls around me fought laughter as well. I felt like an animal at a zoo sometimes, but I also understood these were good stares. I wasn’t covered in blood at least. Just a dude with a dick. 


The young girl eventually grew bored. Her mother got her attention and I was back to looking around. My eyes locked with an older girl. I guessed she was early 20s. I wouldn’t say runway model, but damn close to it. Dark skin, long curly hair, luscious lips. She wore a heavy sweater that read UM. I guessed it was for the University of Minnesota. 

I gave her a wink. She blushed and looked away. When she looked back I was still openly staring at her. The woman didn’t blush this time. She locked eyes with me and we studied one another’s faces. I was a very average kid. Brown hair and eyes I had been forced to pop another pimple that morning. It was very odd to be stared at and see lust in the other person’s eyes. 


“This is us,” Audrey said excitedly. The door to the plane opened and people began to stand. We had been upgraded to First Class since I was a guy. We were allowed to go first as well. These people practically rolled out the red carpet for a man. 


I sat near the window seat. Audrey next to me. She practically bounced in excitement. I really didn’t know what I had done to receive such a reaction. I might as well enjoy it while I can. I grabbed her hand. She looked down to it surprised then smiled wider somehow. 


“I can’t wait for you to meet my daughters,” she said. 

“What do they do?” I locked eyes with the dark UM woman as she walked into the plane. She sat just behind me. 


“Luna is 16, she’s in high school. She does basketball and volleyball. Ava is 18 and she started at University of Minnesota this year.” 

“Oh yeah?” I asked. Turning around I looked at the ethnic beauty behind me. “You go there too, right?” 


She appeared shocked I was talking to her. It took her a bit to catch herself. Slowly she nodded. “Do you know an Ava Cooper?” She shook her head. “Too bad,” I said and sat down. I had received some stares from girls walking down the aisle to the back. The line had backed up a little. 

“What does Ava do for fun?” I asked. 


“She has a volleyball scholarship,” Audrey whispered. “I must say. You’re very bold. I doubt some of these girls have heard a man talk.” 


“That’s such a shame,” I said. We idly chatted further. The plane soon took off. I politely asked a stewardess for paper and a pen. She got it for me without question. 


“What’s that for?” Audrey asked. 


“Making a list of things I’d like to do,” I lied. “I’ve been stuck in a cabin for a long time.” I wrote silly stuff on it. There was normal stuff like lift weights, run in a marathon, go to a movie theater. I also added more fun stuff like skydiving, horseback riding, go karting, and every little thing I could think of. Audrey offered a few but pulled out a book. Writing on the paper I tore off a corner discreetly. I wrote 3 simple words. ‘Mile High Club?’ 


Moving it back between the seat and the plane wall it didn’t take long for the UM girl to grab it. A minute later she excused herself to the restroom. Her mom or whatever was on the outside seat and got out of the way. I waited a minute and was excusing myself as well. 


The plane was small but there was a curtain separating 1st class from the back of the plane. A bathroom on either side of the aisle I noticed one door barely cracked. I turned to the stewardess near the cockpit and gave her a wink. She blushed as I moved into the bathroom. My UM girl was on me instantly. 


The door slammed shut as she kissed me hard. Her hands all over my body we didn’t have too much room to move around. My own hands went into her sweatshirt to grab her tits and she moaned. “Gotta be quick,” I whispered. “Want me to cum inside or out?” 


“In,” she said. I didn’t know her name but she dropped her pants and turned around. Her nice ass in front of me I dove in easily. Her pussy drenched she gasped as I started humping into her. My hands covered her mouth as she moaned. My thrusts deep inside her the only other sound was the roar of the plane’s engines. I hoped they were enough to mask our lovemaking. 


It didn’t take long for her to cum. I wasn’t near this good in my old life. The women of this world were very repressed it seemed. After a few more thrusts I came inside her. My hands held the woman’s mouth shut as I pulled her into me more. We both shook sporadically as the sex ended. Regretfully I pulled out.


She let out a long sigh. “What’s your name?” She asked. 


“Russ, yours?” 


“Amelie,” she said. She gave me a kiss and was out the door. I chuckled as she left. I half expected the stewardess to come in next, but I guessed she didn’t want sloppy seconds. It had been only a couple days since I had sex. I had offered it to most anyone. All the women blushed, and actually thanked me for the offer. It was a surreal feeling to not have to filter my thoughts. 


Amelie was an experiment. Could I seduce someone with just a look? The answer was apparently yes. I would have to do more testing to see how easy it could be. 

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