Mr. Smith’s Magical Touch

Ch. 5: A New Customer 🖼️

The room was illuminated by the radiant sunlight streaming through the unobstructed window as Lucas lay soundly asleep on the sofa. Sprawled out, naked.

<Hey, kid. Wake up. Today's a big day.>

'Five more minutes.'

<Nope. It's time to wake up.>

'I'll wake up once the sun goes down.'

<Hmph! I SAID GET UP! Or do you have another plan to pay back Ms. Williams?>

"WAH!?" Lucas jumped up and almost fell off the couch.

<That looked like it hurt.>

"I'm up! I'm up..." Lucas winced in pain as he answered, having just landed forcefully on the unforgiving hardwood floor.

<Good. Now, get your shit together. We have a busy day ahead of us. You have four weeks to recruit five women. And I have a good feeling about today. So, let's go downstairs and open the parlor.>


Lucas got up and went to the bathroom.

He gazed at his reflection and was taken aback to find a hint of stubble on his face, giving him a more mature appearance.

"Cool. I can't believe my facial hair grew out so quickly. Now, I'm not the scrawny kid I was yesterday."

<Yes. Your body is changing, and it's all because of the essence. And as long as you continue to train your body and release stress and sexual tension from the women, your body will change.>

"So, I'll end up looking like a Greek statue?"

<Well, we won't know until it happens. Now, get cleaned up and dressed.>

"Fine... But you better tell me if my body's gonna change into something that's not normal, ok? I don't want to freak people out."

After a refreshing splash on his face, a thorough teeth-brushing session, and a quick hairstyling, Lucas was ready to start his day feeling fresh and confident!

'This is so weird. I thought I'd have a hard time sleeping in this apartment, but it already feels like home...  But still... I miss you, Gramps.'

<Me too, kid. Now, get ready. There's a lot to do.>

"I know. I'm not sure how to feel about all this recruiting women thing. I think I would feel like a creep."

Lucas finished getting ready and walked down the stairs into the massage parlor. And that's when he noticed some white bird crap splattered all over the front window.

"Son of a bitch... I just cleaned that yesterday... Haa... I guess I'll clean it again. I wonder what the old man did for this kind of stuff."

<I think there's a storage closet in the back.>

Lucas nodded and started walking towards the storage closet.

'I wonder how many women will walk through these doors. Will they be pretty? Maybe a blonde or a redhead.'

<You'll have to see. I can't give you too much information. Just know that there was a woman who came by when the parlor was closed. So, there's a good chance she may come by today.>

"You're making crap up."

<Maybe I am... Now, check the storage closet.>

Lucas found the door leading to the storage closet and discovered a cleaner that was effective at removing stains and bird droppings from windows.

"Hmm... Let's see... Ah, there it is. Huh? What's this box hiding behind the cleaner?... Wait a minute... What's this?"

Lucas peered into the box and discovered old Polaroid pictures. They depicted his grandfather in his 20s, surrounded by a group of women, all in bikinis.

'Who are these women?'

Lucas could feel his dick getting hard just looking at their voluptuous figures and when through them one by one and noticed that his Grandpa was hanging over one woman in particular that was the most gorgeous out of all of them.

'Wow... They have some massive breasts and asses... Wait! Is that grandma? Aww, man! That killed my excitement.'

Lucas's hard-on died a swift death once he realized the woman his Grandfather was standing over was his grandmother. Lucus didn't know that his Grandma was such a knockout when she was younger, but it was a no-no to imagine his Grandma in such a way. Lucas quickly closed the box with the pictures in it and tried to forget what he had seen.

<Get over it, kid. Now, put the picture away and get to work. You can stare at it later.>

"Nah. I don't need to stare at my grandma, even if she was a sexy woman in her youth. But you're right. I need to clean the window."

Lucas put the box back and took the cleaner out of the closet. As he finished cleaning the windows, he caught a glimpse of someone walking behind him in the reflection. He quickly turned around and saw a heavy-set, blonde-haired woman. She was wearing a white summer dress that looked a bit tight on her and was holding a flier in her hand.


Lucas was utterly stunned by the exquisite features of her face. Her youthful aura and timeless beauty captivated him, leaving a lasting impression. She appeared to be in the prime of her early thirties, and Lucas was completely mesmerized by her striking presence despite her weight.

"Uh... Hi." She said with a confused look.

"Um... Hello. Can I help you?"

The blonde woman steeled her resolve as she looked at Lucas.

"Does Mr. Smith work here? I haven't seen him in a while," she asked.

'Is she one of my grandfather's old clients? Is that why she is asking about him?' Lucas thought as he turned to face her.

"Ah, yeah... He passed away a few days ago. He was my grandfather."

The woman went into a panic when she heard about the death of Mr. Smith. She quickly waved her hands frantically as she didn't know how to respond at first.

"Oh... I'm sorry... My name is Jennifer. And I came here for one of his patented massages. But I see that it must be closed down now that he's passed." Jennifer said with a sad look.

"Well... I'm going to continue my grandfather's legacy. He handed down the massage parlor to me, and I'm going to do my best to keep it going. But it's going to be called the parlor 'Mr. Smith's Magical Healing Touch'."

Jennifer's eyes widened, and her cheeks began to turn flush with a new sense of hope.

"Oh... that's one heck of a name... So, you're a masseuse too?"

"Yep. You could say that. Would you like a massage?"

Jennifer smiled and nodded her head.

"Well... if it's not much trouble. I came here because I am having a few kinks that are acting up in my neck and the middle part of my back. Pain medication isn't working as well anymore, and my aunt recommended that I look for Mr. Smith since she said he was the man who fixed her back problems."

"I see. Well, my name's Lucas and I'll do everything in my power to ease the pain you're feeling in your body," he said confidently.

"Great. Thank you. Uh... Do I need to get changed in a robe or something?"

"Nope. Just take your shoes off at the front of the store and you have the choice of leaving your clothes on or off. But it's easier to give a massage without them."

Jennifer's face became a little red. She was a little too self-conscious to go topless. And she felt a little embarrassed about being in the nude with her heavy-set body.

"O-Okay. I guess I'll leave my clothes on. I don't think I'm comfortable getting naked in front of a man. Sorry..."

"Hey... It's about your comfort. I'm here to release stress, not create it."

Jennifer was relieved to hear him say that. Lucas appeared professional and had a good vibe in her eyes.

"Thank you. You seem like a nice young man."

"You're welcome. Please, come in."

Jennifer took her shoes off and walked into the parlor. On the inside, everything looked orderly in the main lobby. The room had dark wood paneling, a hardwood floor, and lights that gave off a soft glow. It was a setting that made Jennifer feel at peace.

"It's lovely."

"Thank you. I did a lot of work."

"It shows."

Lucas smiled, and he could see Jennifer's beautiful face.

'She has a pretty smile. I bet she was a knockout when she was younger.'

Although Jennifer appeared to have gained weight, presumably due to the stresses of life, her facial features retained their attractiveness. Her makeup was understated, and her blonde hair featured streaks of dark brown.

"Please, follow me," Lucas said.


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