Mr. Smith’s Magical Touch

Ch. 6: Healing Jennifer’s Body and Mind 🖼️ 🦴

Lucas and Jennifer walked deeper into the parlor, and then she saw a door to the left.

'What's that room? A private massage room?' Jennifer wondered but didn't want to pry as they went to the door on the right.

"I just need to know if you're allergic to anything," Lucas asked.

"Oh, uh, no. Not that I know of."

"That's good. Please go into the room, and I'll be right with you."


Lucas opened the door to the massage room, where the sunlight was coming in softly through the curtain, and the air smelled sweet. Some candles were lit around the room, and a soft blanket was folded up on the massage table just in case a client was cold.

"Take your time and get on the massage table face down. Unless there's something that needs to be addressed on the front side that needs attention, just let me know."

"O-Okay. I can do that. Thank you."

Lucas smiled and headed towards the storage closet.

'Wow... He really does look like a professional... Oh, my God... I hope this isn't weird... What if he thinks I'm fat? Or touches my butt like a creep? No!... Stop thinking about that, Jennifer... Aunty said that his grandfather was the best and that he would follow in his footsteps. I'm sure he's not a pervert.'

Jennifer took her time and lay face down on the massage table. Just as she lay down, she felt Lucas's presence.

"Alright. Are you ready?" Lucas asked.



Lucas proceeded by rolling up his sleeves, initiating the activation of his abilities as the two crests on the palms of his hands were aglow.

"Have you ever been to a massage parlor before?"

"Nope. First time. What's the process?"

"Well, for starters, I would apply oil onto your body and rub it into your skin. But I'll have to do my dry rub, so I don't get your dress all messy." Lucas said as he cleaned his hands at the sink.

"O-Oh. I guess that makes sense."

"So, you said there are some issues with your neck. Do you mind telling me where the pain is?"

"My left side and down towards my shoulder blades. I guess I've been working too hard," Jennifer said with an annoyed tone. She felt like one of her pains started to go away, but another would take its place, and she was getting frustrated by it.

"Hmm. Sounds like the muscles are tight. Have you been exercising?"

"Yes. I do yoga, but my trainer always has me do so many pull-ups. I don't know why, though. I can barely do one, and it is a yoga class, not a gym... Haa... I probably should find a new place, but it is so close to my apartment."

"Ah. So, you need to loosen up those tight muscles. You might be a little sore afterward. Is that okay?"

"Yes. If it will deal with the pain."

"I promise you that I will take care of the pain. Just be patient with me."

"So, you've given lots of massages to women before?"

"I've had a few, but not as many as my grandfather," Lucas lied to Jennifer.

"So, I'm not your first client?"

"Technically, you're my first paying client."

"Oh? Lucky me. I get the be your real first, then." Jennifer felt a little excited to hear him say that.

Lucas was looking at her body and saw new glowing lights on her back. Ms. Williams only had pink indicators that showed how to pleasure her. But now that he had a Healing Touch. He could see the areas that were hurting her and showed her body's injuries with red lights. His vision showed him that her neck, shoulders, and lower back were glowing in red. There also was this line along her spinal cord that had a different color, it looked gray, like no energy was flowing through it.

'Hmm... Maybe it's the chakra lines that I read about.'

<Do you see that spot along her spine? That's the source of her low metabolism. If you fix that, she'll become healthier and have more energy. Her skin will clear up. Plus, it will burn that fat around her torso in a matter of minutes if done right.>

'Really? Well, I be damned... I guess I better get started.' Lucas thought as he cracked his knuckles.

"I'm going to start now." He said as he moved closer to her.

Jennifer took a deep breath before she was ready.


'I'm kind of nervous... Is this really okay? Should I really be here? I mean, my Aunty always liked using alternative medicine. But I can't leave now after coming this far. And even if it doesn't fix my neck problems. It might just be a nice massage.' Jennifer thought as she felt her body tensing up a bit. But once Lucas's hands slowly rubbed her shoulders, she began to relax. He started off slowly for a few minutes until he hit one of the glowing red spots on her back. Jennifer was shocked as her body shivered.

"OH! That's the spot." Jennifer said as she lifted her head.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. That just felt really good." She was stunned that the pain in her back started to fade.

"Well, I'm going to make sure to get every last kink out."

'M-Maybe Aunty is right... I-I guess I'll let him continue.'

"O-Okay." Was all she could say as she put her head down again.

Jennifer felt the tension in her back and shoulders being released. Her body was starting to feel a bit lighter. She also noticed the warmth of Lucas's hands and strong fingers.

He focused on one of the bright red spots, which was an injured muscle on her neck. He kept pushing his fingers into it until the bright red light started fading away, and Jennifer felt a pop, like cracking a knuckle. The red glow was gone, and her neck was healed just like that.

"AH!" She yelped as the hem of her dress slid up over her knees.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah. That was just unexpected."

"Okay. Just relax. There's still a lot of problem areas I need to focus on."

Lucas was now working on the left side of her back.

'It's like he knows exactly where my pain is.' Jennifer thought as she was feeling the pain leaving her body with every second that Lucas massaged her.

Lucas moved from her left shoulder blade to her right, fixing all the red spots on her back. Then he began massaging the base of her spine on the lower part of her back. He was trying to fix her body's metabolism with the gray line by her spinal cord.

<Remember. It's all in the technique. When you start to massage her lower back, you need to follow the spine up to her shoulder blades. It will reconnect and unblock her energy, creating a new flow that will fix her metabolism. It's all about manipulating the pressure points and chakra.>

'Alright. I'm doing my best.' Lucas thought to Lucius.

<You're doing good. Just keep at it and remember not to be rough.>

Lucas slowly moved his hands up from Jennifer's lower back and started working on her spine.

She was trying her best not to moan. A few more popping sounds were heard, causing her whole body to relax, and her back started feeling like jello.

'Oh, my god... This feels so good. It's like I'm being reborn. And I feel a bit lighter like the pounds are melting away.'

She started to moan as the gray line started to light up from her neck to her shoulders and down her back. Her arms felt like they were floating, and she felt so relaxed.

Lucas was done with her spine and noticed glowing pink spots popping up everywhere on her body. So he started getting to work. He touched one glowing spot, which caused her dress to rise higher, showing off more of her thick thighs, which looked like they were getting smaller as the fat started to fade away. It wasn't only her legs, but her whole body looked like it was losing weight by the second, as the once-tight summer dress looked a little loose around her lower body.

"Ahh. Wow. I haven't felt this relaxed since high school." Jennifer purred while enjoying the massage.

"I'm glad to hear it."

"Mmmmh... Thank you. You're the best masseur ever. Your hands are magical." Jennifer said in a dreamy voice as she thought the session was almost over.

"I'm not quite done yet."

"You're not? Oooohhhh..." Jennifer moaned when she felt another surge flow through her. But this time, her loins started to itch.

Lucas moved his hands down to Jennifer's hips and started aiming for the bright pink pleasure spots, pushing his fingers into them, making her moans sound more erotic with each movement.

She couldn't hold back any longer. She lifted her head and said in a seductive tone.

"Oh, Lucas. You're amazing. This feels so good." Jennifer moaned, feeling her body was being set free.

And with each glowing pink spot he takes care of, the more Jennifer's dress was sliding up until her panties were visible.

"AH! It feels so good! Please, don't stop. It feels so good. Ohhh. back."

He worked his way up her body, using the heels of his hands to apply pressure to her spine. He used his thumbs to massage the muscles that surrounded her spine, getting rid of any knots. He moved his hands to her shoulders and neck, massaging them firmly while applying pressure to her muscles. Making the hem of her dress ride up her wide hips, showing her light pink panties.

'OH! Fuck! That feels so good.' She thought as her mind was feeling dizzy while he continued to work on her body.

But Lucas was focused on the job.

'Just a few more spots, and her body will be good as new. Hmmm...' He thought as he was finished with her back and moved to her legs. He started from her calves and moved up to her thighs.

"Ahhhh..." She moaned.

"Is everything alright?"

"Ahhhh... Yes... Everything is... Ahhhh... Perfect. Mmmmmh." Jennifer tried to compose herself but was having trouble.

"Just making sure."

"Mmmh... AH! YES!" moaned Jennifer as her legs parted, showing a dump spot in the middle of her pink panties.

"Uh, yes..." She was breathing heavily with the pleasure she was receiving. Her body was feeling like it was melting away, and Lucas was bringing out all the colors and pleasure.

'Aunh! Aunty was right. Mr. Smith is a miracle worker. I've never felt this good before. I feel like a teenager again!' Jennifer thought as her body was losing weight in all the right places.

Her arms, neck, back, shoulders, stomach, and hips were getting slimmer, and her butt was getting firmer as well. The only exception was her breasts, which were growing bigger.

'I feel like I'm having sex.' She was trying to keep the orgasm at bay.

"AHHH!" She moaned, and her dress slipped a bit higher and showed off her new round bottom.

'Wow! She's wearing some cute panties. Hold on, I see some new spots showing up on her neck,' Lucas thought as he continued to rub her thighs and noticed the new bright pink pleasure spot. Once he was done with her legs, he moved up to her neck, pressed down on it, and rubbed it.

Lucas could feel her energy flow was a lot better and decided to give her a few more rubs to her sides and her neck.

"AHHH! OH, GOD! MMMMMMMHHHHH! YES! OH, MY GOD! AHHHHH!!!" She moaned loudly.

Jennifer arched her back and pushed her ass out as her dress bunched up around her waist. And if she wasn't laying down on her front. Lucas would have gotten the pleasure of seeing a new cute tummy that wasn't there before.

Lucas could tell that she was close. So, he decided to speed things up.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! YES! AHHHHHHHH!!! OH, GOD YES!" Jennifer moaned and the glow of her chakra was pulsing and shining brightly.

'Almost there... Just a bit more, and her body will be restored...'

The pleasure from Lucas was so intense she couldn't hold it back any longer. She felt like she was floating into space and felt a huge release. She closed her eyes as she came.

"Mmmmmmmhhhh... Mmmmhhh..." Jennifer moaned as her panties became soaked.

With one final stroke, the glowing spots disappeared. Jennifer's whole body shuddered, and the lights around her back vanished.

"Mmmmmhhhh..." She moaned as she fell asleep.

Lucas could tell that his treatment had worked. He was a bit sweaty from using his abilities. But he felt great.

'She looks so beautiful. Huh?... Is it just me, or does it look like her ass is growing? I thought she lost weight?'

<Her body is repairing itself and getting rid of the bad energy. Her skin will become clearer, and her figure will become a lot more voluptuous. And her butt is expanding.>

'Oh! Nice! It's not the only thing that's growing, though. Look at her tits.'

Lucas could see Jennifer's breasts expanding, and the bunched-up dress was getting tighter in the chest area while her body took on an hourglass shape.

"Mmmmhhh... Ahhh..." moaned Jennifer as she was lost in her zen-like state.

<She hasn't released her essence yet. Whisper in her ear and ask her about her life. Then, offer her a gift. The same gift your grandfather used to give to his clients. A gift that's sure to make her happy. A gift that will help her feel fulfilled and loved.>

'What do you mean? My grandfather would give a gift to his clients?'

<It was something that made them feel special. It is an offer only you can give. Something that can make them feel good about themselves. Giving them a chance to share their feelings and connect with someone else. It's a way to build trust. If they accept, then their bodies will release the energy it has stored up, and the session will end. They will feel refreshed and revitalized. It's like a reset button. It also makes them more willing to return and helps their body and spirit. They can accept it or not. Plus, it helps with their self-esteem. So, what are you waiting for? Whisper in her ear and tell her you're here to listen and give her a gift that will make her happy.>

'Are-Are you talking about my cock?'

<Hey! Are you going to whisper in her ear or not?>

'Find, I'll do it. But stop beating around the brush.'

Lucas did as the voice instructed and leaned over Jennifer.

When his lips approached her ear, he could feel her warm breath against his face and smell the sweet aroma of her perfume.

"Um, Jennifer. How are you feeling?"

"Hmmm... I've been so stressed lately. B-But now, I feel so relaxed. Ahhh... like all the stress of the world has been lifted from my shoulders. Mmmmh... I'm a single mom. And it's hard raising a teenager by myself. Especially when you have people like my ex-husband and his girlfriend, they can be a pain." Jennifer said in her soft voice.

"Hmm. I see. Well, it must be difficult."

"Mmmmh. N-No, it's n-not. Mmmmh? Yes, it's not that easy. I love my daughter, and I wish things were different. But sometimes... Sometimes, I just want to feel wanted, like I have someone in my life who cares for me."

"I understand. We all have needs."

"Mmm... I know... It's just..."

"It's okay. I'm here to listen."

Jennifer's heart was filled with a warmth that she hadn't felt in a long time. And each time, Lucas whispered into her ear. She felt the warmth as her dress slid up to her breasts.

"Thank you... Mmmmh... It's nice to talk to someone who actually listens... I-I... Ahhhh..." Jennifer moaned, and the flow of her chakras reappeared.

Lucas could see that she was starting to wake up. So, he quickly whispered in her ear again.

"I'm here if you need to talk or need a shoulder to cry on. I'm here. And if you wish, I have a gift for you—one that will make you feel good and happy."

Jennifer opened her eyes and looked at Lucas. She saw his handsome face and his blue eyes staring back at her. She was unaware of her dress sliding off, and her tits were now on display.

"Y-You... You're very sweet." Jennifer said as she looked deeply into his eyes.

Lucas looked down at her face and could see that her cheeks were rosy, and her skin looked a lot younger and healthier.

'Wow. She looks amazing. I wonder how her body feels?'

"Jennifer, I know this is the first time we've met, and we don't know each other well. But I'm here to listen and help. And if you'd like, I can give you a gift—one that will make you feel better."

"Oh, my... You're not a pervert, are you?"

"No. I just want to help. You deserve to be happy."

Jennifer was touched by his kindness.

"Well, um... I suppose a gift wouldn't hurt. If it makes me happy, then it can't be bad, right?"

"It won't be a gift if it was bad," Lucas said with a smile.

Jennifer blushed and closed her eyes.

Lucas gently caressed her cheek and leaned down towards her lips.

'He's so close. Oh, my... He smells so nice... Wait, what's he doing?... Oh, my...'

"Mmmh." Jennifer moaned as she felt his warm lips touch hers.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she saw him kissing her.

"Hmmm..." Lucas hummed and deepened the kiss.

Jennifer was shocked, but soon she was returning the kiss.

"Mmmh..." Lucas hummed, and he slipped his tongue into her mouth and started hitting pleasure spots. She didn't even know that she could get turned on by kissing.

"Mmmh!" moaned Jennifer, and her body was heating up as her soaked pink panties started to slide down her hips.

Lucas kept kissing her until her panties fell to the floor.

"Mmmmh..." He moaned before pulling back and started kissing her chin and then her neck.

"Ahhh... Ahhh... Ahhhh... Ooohhh..." moaned Jennifer.

Lucas started moving down to her chest and took a nipple into his mouth and sucked.

"Ahhhhh... Mmmmhhh." She moaned as her breasts seemed firmer the more he sucked on them.

Jennifer could feel her pussy becoming wetter, and her clit started to get hard.

"Mmmm... Mmmm... Mmmmh..." She moaned as he suckled on her tits.

'Oh, my god! He's amazing! He's more than a masseuse! Aunh!'

Lucas started kissing and licking her nipples. He moved from one to the other.

"Ahhh... Ahhhh..." Jennifer moaned.

'Ahh! What's going on? My breasts are getting so sensitive! Ooooohhh...'

"Mmm... You have the most beautiful nipples I have ever seen." Lucas said as he looked into her brown eyes.

"Aahhhh... T-Thank you." She blushed.

Lucas started moving down and kissed her stomach.

"Ooohh..." Jennifer moaned.

Lucas reached her navel and stuck his tongue inside.

"Ahhh... Aaahh... Mmmm..."

He started kissing and licking her stomach while caressing her sides and her hips.

"Oooohhhh... Ahhh..." She moaned as the hem of her dress was now around her arms. Making it so she can't move them as she lies on the table.

'Aunh!? I'm at his mercy. Oh, my. He's not a normal masseur. He's too skilled and passionate. My whole body feels like it's on fire! And it's getting hotter and hotter! I-I need his gift inside me! I need it! AH!'

"Ahhh... P-Please..." She moaned.


"G-Give me your gift. P-Please."

<She has accepted you... Don't disappoint her. Fill her and claim her.>

Lucas looked up at her and smiled.

"Of course." He said and moved lower.

He spread her legs and moved in close.

Lucas saw one pink point light up like the sun. It was her clitoris, and it was hard.


'She's really sensitive there. Hmmm...'

Jennifer could feel her wet folds against his face, and she became a little nervous.

Lucas started sucking her clit, and the spot glowed brighter.

"OH! AHHH!" Jennifer moaned as her whole body trembled.

'Ooohhhh... He's amazing. Aunh!'

Lucas began kissing her pussy lips. And slowly licked her opening.

"AHHHH! Mmmmh... Ooooohhh... Y-Yes..." Jennifer moaned.

'I-I'm going to lose it! AHHHH! I didn't know I was neglecting myself for so long!'

Lucas moved from her entrance to her clit.

"AAAHHHHH! AHHH!" Jennifer screamed as she felt her orgasm approaching.

Lucas began sucking and licking her clit and inserted his middle finger inside her.

"AHHH! OOOOHHHHH!" She screamed, and her body was shaking as her pussy clenched his finger.

'I-It's too much! AH! Oooohhhh... Oh, God... It feels amazing! AH!'

Lucas continued his assault on her pussy and added another finger.

"OOOOHHHHH! OOHHH! AAHHHH! AHHH!" Jennifer yelled as she arched her back and spread her legs wider, causing her legs to fall off the massage table

"OOOOHHHHH! OOHHH! AAHHHH! AHHH!" Jennifer yelled as she arched her back and spread her legs wider, causing her legs to fall off the massage table.

"MMMHHH... MMMPPHHHH!" Jennifer moaned as her body was being hit with wave after wave of pleasure.

'Oh, my god! It feels like his fingers are sucking my juices right out of me. Ahhhhh! Oooooohhhhhh!'

Lucas could see her chakra glowing brightly and pulsing.

Jennifer's dress was still stuck around her arms. And she leaned her head back as her blonde hair started glowing purple.

'My hair!? AHHHH!'

Lucas pulled his fingers out and began sucking her juices straight from her pussy.

"AHHHH! YES! OOOOOHHHHHHH! Y-YES! AAAAAHHHHH!" Jennifer screamed as she felt him eating her out, and her hair started to float.


<She's about to release her essence. It's going to be a big one. Prepare yourself.>

'I-I'm ready!'

Lucas felt a surge of energy from her body, and Jennifer's screams were almost ear-splitting.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! OOOOOOHHHHHHHH!!! OOOOHHHHHH GOD! YES! AAAHHHHHHH!!!" She screamed, and her chakra glowed bright purple.

Lucas sucked on her clit, and Jennifer's eyes shot open.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" She screamed, and her cum flooded Lucas's mouth.

Her whole body shook as the purple glow faded, and her hair returned to normal.

'It's so warm! Aunh!'

Jennifer's orgasm was intense. Her whole body was covered in a layer of sweat, and she was about to pass out. Lucas removed her dress and pulled her into his arms.

"You did great. You can rest now." He said and held her in his arms.

<She's passed out, kid... What are you going to do? Just keep holding her like this?>

'Damn... I was hoping to give her my other gift, but I guess I went too hard with giving her head. Haah... I'll clean her up and let her sleep... She's in a good place right now, and I would be a piece of shit if I did anything else when she's passed out like this. It would ruin everything, and it wouldn't feel right.'

Lucas gently laid her on her back and tenderly cleaned her up.

'Her skin is so soft. She's beautiful. And her body has changed, too. She's no longer overweight. She's just right. And her ass and tits are perfect.'

Lucas couldn't help but give her body another once over, and he was absolutely amazed.

'Damn. She's perfect.'

He gave her a kiss on her forehead and clicked his fingers as her clothes returned.

'This is the part where she gets up, and we act like nothing happened. Then she gives me the money and leaves.'

<Well, she probably thinks she was in a delusional state after she passed out the first time... Fear not, kid... She'll be back for more... And she has a teenage daughter who would be a nice addition to the group.>

'Really!? Who is the one that sounds like the creep? For all we know, she could be thirteen years old! I'm fine with Jennifer, and that's all that matters.'

<You're no fun.>

'Hey, we both got what we wanted. I made her feel better, and she released the pent-up energy that was causing her stress.' Lucas thought as he closed the door to the massage room where Jennifer was sleeping.

<Well, you have a good heart, kid. I'll give you that... But what if Jennifer's daughter was 17 years old and had just as much stress as her mother and had a big ass and large tits?>

'H-How do you know that?!'

<I have my secrets. Hehehehehe.>

Lucas could only swallow his saliva back after hearing the voice tease him about Jennifer's daughter.

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