Multiverse Sect System

CH7: We All Live In A Pokemon World

Recruitment numbers were up. Building a permanent outpost in the dungeon had been a great idea. Anyone could join by making an initial payment to the Sect of 10,000 Zenni and going through tryouts. The first 10,000 was for the privilege of trying out. After that, every prospective disciple was like a complete quest, and his Sect quickly increased in wealth.


Vergil was tired of the system giving him scant amounts of Sect Points and Zenni and acting like it was a great reward. The only thing of value the quests actually gave him was the random die, and he could buy those from the store. Fortunately, he found the problem. The system upgraded itself based on the number of worlds he was connected to. One world limited his system to tier 1 rewards; grabbing a second world would upgrade his system to tier 2. Unfortunately, that would do nothing for his current quest.


The random ability die was valuable; that was a fact. However, Vergil also didn’t like leaving quests unfinished it felt like leaving food on his plate.


So what was he going to do about it?


Vergil had two options for purchases regarding the system shop; rare to legendary things could be bought with Sect Points. In contrast, common items could be purchased with Zenni. With higher tiers, the items he could buy would increase. For instance, he could purchase a Master Ball for 10,000 Sect Points and pokéballs for 200Z each. With that in mind, he created kits for his disciples before sending them off and also purchased an outpost Flag with 200 Sect Points.


He planted the flag in their outpost in the dungeon making the area belong to the Sect instead of the dungeon. So the dungeon couldn’t spawn pokémon in their outpost. People began pouring in from Central City and Pepper town; some died in the dungeon, while others returned and often joined the Sect.


It was a steady passive number of disciples quickly swelling the numbers of his Sect.


That was important; it ensured that, eventually, he would get out and see the world.


After checking his Haki for any sign of impending danger, he let his disciples handle the dungeon. His premonitions were normally spot on, so he felt relatively comfortable letting his people handle it. Delegation and trust were important for a Sect Master to learn. Those disciples who survived the initial culling from the dungeon were the most vicious and cautious among their peers. He felt proud to call them inner court disciples, and over a hundred of them filled his Sect with an ever-growing number of outer court disciples. 


A month had flown by while his disciples secured the dungeon, and he hadn’t heard a hiccup from Garlic Jr. since the initial invasion. Obviously, the dungeon core was planning something, but there was time. Time was a valuable commodity that he wouldn’t waste. That’s why he called Mark and Shiro, along with some redundant inner core disciples who weren’t leading the charge into the dungeon and chose to remain in the Sect proper to spar and train techniques.


“Sect Master, we have gathered as ordered,” Shiro said.


“Good work, both Mark and you have gone above and beyond my expectations in this last month. Advanced stage ki cultivation isn’t easy, even with three spirit urns. In a few more months, one of you would most likely reach the peak stage of the prenatal realm and, in a year, the Natal realm. At that point, I would appoint each of you as elders of the Sect with all the privileges and responsibilities that go with it. But, unfortunately, our Sect must grow, and we need a reputation to take us to the next level. So I am sending you to compete in the World Martial Arts Tournament. Pack your bags; you leave at dawn.” Vergil said.


While each was advanced, they were more like 15 times their original power level. So they wouldn’t be quite at Goku’s power level. If they had around a power level of 5 when they first started, they would have a power level of 75 each. If he recalled correctly, Goku should have a power level at the first world tournament at around 86. A few power levels could mean multiple strength levels between fighters in the lower numbers. On the other hand, they each had a vast assortment of techniques to fill in the gaps. Unfortunately, he couldn’t go and compete.


He checked his numbers.


Sect Disciples: 780

Sect Points: 9835


Owning a dungeon drastically increased the fortunes of his Sect, and any technique Vergil gave to his disciples increased his Sect Points.


There were things he couldn’t buy with his current resources.


Divine Fist of the North Star

Requirements:  1,000,000,000 Sect Points, 1,000,000 Disciples, Tier 6


Requirements: 1,000,000 Sect Points, 20,000 Disciples, Tier 3

Sun Breathing

Requirements: 750,000 Sect Points, 15,000 Disciples, Tier 2


Requirements: 1,000,000 Sect Points, 19,000 Disciples, Tier 3


In other words, he needed to be connected to 6 different worlds if the tier system worked exactly like that. There was the possibility tier 3 would require him to have access to more than 3 worlds.


He made his way up the new elevator in the Sect. He listened to the shuffled playlist of disturbed, Avenged Seven Fold, and numerous anime openers until he reached the top floor. 


Two pokéballs sat on his table next to his computer. Every day around this time, he worked with one of his pokémon, attempting to teach it cultivation. Vergil picked up Cinder’s ball and summoned her in a flash of red light. The charmander took a moment to open her orange eyes before she lunged at him with dragon claws.


Vergil blocked them with his own, then kicked her in the throat. This time his blow only slowed her down briefly before she unleashed her dragon stand. Her dragon rush was powerful, and Cinder’s body was immune to telekinesis, making her much harder to deal with. Every time she saw him, they fought, and Cinder grew a little stronger after every fight. After a month, Cinder’s dragon rush stand appeared thicker than ever. The ground cracked from powerful talons digging into his nice iron wood floor.  


He shot through her stand and grabbed her arm before throwing her on the ground with an elbow in her neck. They fought on the ground like wild bears using leverage and strength to compete for dominance. He increased his strength showing her how vast the gulf between them remained, and she growled at him refusing to give in.


Once she finally stopped struggling, he stood up, and she followed behind him. “Must you do that every time?” Vergil asked.


“Char man der,” Cinder said like it was completely obvious.


“Whatever, get in the meditative position and keep your ears open. I want to bounce some ideas off of you. I’m thinking about opening up a new front to the next world, but I’m scared that having two fronts will be too much for us to deal with.”


“Man,” Cinder said.


“I know it will double our recruitment potential. An active threat like the supernatural will ensure our numbers are up. The other world even has anime derivatives based on our current world.”


“Char man,”


“The one outside this building and the dungeon you were born in. Did I forget to tell you that?” Vergil asked.


The dragon shrugged and opened up, and searched for meditation music. While it appeared that it took a month to spoil his pokémon, it only took a few days.


“Der,” Cinder said.


“So you think I’m a pussy for not going through it immediately. So what if the other world has heavenly dragons, seraphs, Super Satans, and gods? I have a fucking charmander and a sect.” Vergil said.


“Char char charmander,” Cinder said, delighted. He didn’t have to understand her to feel the smugness radiating from the smug dragon.


“Fine, I will open up the new world if you break into the first stage of prenatal ki cultivation. That shouldn’t be too hard for a big talented girl like you.” Vergil said.


Cinder chirped before he felt her ki coalesce. Power flooded her body from around the Sect as the spirit density took a small hit. He would have to buy a greater spirit urn if this continued. It almost felt like she had suddenly formed her node and reached natal. Instead, his big strong charmander glowed with bright golden light as she crossed into the realms of cultivation. He could feel her change through their familiar bond changes that had been taking place for some time finally clicked into place.


“What do you think of your sturdy bitch?” Cinder said as she revealed her human form.


Long raven hair flowed shimmering moonlight on a lake. Her pale paper-white skin glowed with a light sheen of sweat from her transformation. However, the real eye candy wasn’t her flowing black hair or the glow of her delicate white skin but the curves that came with womanhood. He had feared he would get a dragon loli; instead, his faith in her was rewarded with double D cups with the softest pink nipples he had ever seen. Cinder closed her legs quickly as his eyes roamed down, even when she didn’t bother to cover her chest.


“Tell me you aren’t going to pussy out and open the new world, and I will give you the privilege of mounting me. Well, we’ll see if you can manage it. If you thought wrestling to make me cultivate was challenging,”


Vergil interrupted her. “Oh, it isn’t a bother; it's barely inconvenient. I could slap you around all day if I had the time.”


Cinder pouted at his words.


Vergil moved in close and lifted one of her breasts; it was a warm welcome handful of majestic dragon girl loveliness. He knew she was half a second from barring her fangs and going on the offensive, but he wanted her bad. Touching her was the only communion he put his faith in, and her form melded to his as it should. Her smell was that of a dragon, and he didn’t mind.


Holes covered his clothes from their earlier tussle, and he gave the fabric a tug ripping it away. Cinder grinned and leaped at him, nibbling at his lips with her own rapidly. Then she stuck her tongue out at him, and he moved in and sucked on it. Vergil pulled at her, and she let him pick her up and spread her legs.


Her soft skin pressed against his scared chest as he hardened and pressed up between her incredibly firm butt cheeks. She smelled savage rage, pride, and a pickiness that came with testing him every day. It seemed every day was an opportunity to fail to live up to her expectations. To Cinder, how could he protect her against someone stronger if he couldn't beat her?


“I want you to rape me,” Cinder said.


“What,” Vergil asked.


The dragon woman gave him a hungry look. “I’m going to fight you with everything I have.”


Vergil thumped her on the head. “Owe, what was that for.”


Cinder’s eyes watered, and she pushed up her bottom lip. “That hurt; you don’t have to be so mean,” Cinder said.


Vergil slid his dick between her legs, and she was wet as a running faucet. “I’m your woman, but I won’t ever tell you when you're doing a good job. Instead, I’ll berate you if you fuck up and warn you if I think you’re making a bad decision. I expect to be fucked regularly, have all the meat I can eat, and become the strongest dragon around.” Cinder said.


He spread her pinkening lips revealing her drooling slit. Vergil pressed himself against her momentarily before her hips lurched, instantly sending him inside to the base. A groan escaped him as he felt her rippling rumpled inner flesh squeeze against him slowly while she adjusted and groaned.


Vergil moved slowly, pulling out and pushing into her each time, bottoming out before reseeding to the tip and opening her again. A groan escaped her lips as her hips moved with him, and they found a pace together under the meditation music. While he would have preferred some avenged sevenfold, the soft choir of the meditation music helped them keep to a steady rhythm.


They rammed into each other, and Vergil watched Cinder’s pink nipples giggle. The large soft pink areoles were calling out to him, and he lurched forward between thrusts and latched on to one. She tightened, beginning to heat up inside while they picked up the pace. The bed they were on rocked, shrieking under superhuman stresses. The wooden supports shattered within, and he pressed in deep, and they hugged tightly. He felt himself drain into her and remembered his condom was sitting on his dresser, unused.


Vergil felt himself roll down the valley of the cracked bed with Cinder as they relaxed. “That was less violent than I planned. Could you slap my ass next time?”


He planned on it, and maybe he would also wear a condom.

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