Multiverse Sect System

CH8: New World DXD

There was only so much insanity Mark was willing to tolerate. A 15ft lizard chasing him through a swamp in a pocket dimension had been close to his breaking point. However, it was actually relieving going to a tournament where all he had to do was wear a hat on his afro with the Satan Sect name and address on it. So why did he have to fight a yellow and blue lizard in the elimination round?


“Are you a dinosaur?” Mark turned to the proctor. “Is that allowed?”


“What’s wrong, human? Are you scared?” The lizard or dragon man said.


Mark looked over to see the proctor leafing through a rule book before shaking his head. “As I thought, there are no rules against fighting dinosaurs if they can sign themselves up.” The proctor said.


The guy looked like a dragon type that escaped the dungeon, but that couldn’t be right. Mark hadn’t gotten his hands on any ice-type technique even though the Sect had been searching for them. Mark remembered seeing a poster with a bounty for them before he left.


Mark stepped back and felt his heel touch the outside of the elimination ring. There was nowhere else to run; the dragon shot forward, and Mark only dodged; thanks to Haki, he reached out, touched the dragon, and used a thunder wave.


The Satan Sect number one became hyper-focused. Thanks to sensing the dinosaur’s intent with Haki, he dodged in time. Fortunately, the dinosaur didn’t have time to use an ability like shed skin to throw off thunder wave. Mark waited, feeling out his opponent with Haki for any sign of a last-minute comeback.


The dragon froze before falling out of the ring. Mark released a breath and stood tall. “What would you expect when you fight me, Mr. Satan of the Satan Sect,” Mark said.  


“That’s great, sir, but could you leave the ring? We have other participants who need to fight.” The Procter said.


“Did you see that flash? I swear he used a dirty trick?” Mark paid attention to who besmirched the honor of the disciples who died to get the trick Mark used.


Mark tried to keep his cool while other contestants approached the ring. “Hey, look, Goku is fighting.” A voice said, and Mark looked up to see a pretty blue-haired girl peeking through the window.


He watched a giant with a handlebar mustache lurk over a shrimp. He didn’t think anything of it until his Haki started acting up. Then, the fight began, and the little guy flashed between the large man’s legs.


“Here I am?” The kid yelled before touching the large man with a finger. Suddenly the giant stumbled out of the ring.


“It seems the old man isn’t the only strong fighter to watch out for,” Shiro said.


Mark snorted. “What do we have to worry about? That kid was quick but not much quicker than us. You sound like you did when sensei ordered us to go machop wrestling.”


“Fighter number 10, get to the arena.” A proctor said.


“I’ve got to go, good luck not like you will need it with this competition,” Shiro said.


Mark nodded, much to the sudden glares of the other participants. He wasn’t scared of weaklings that couldn’t make his Haki flare.


His gaze returned to the blue-haired girl; it had been some time since he went on a date. Maybe he could introduce her to other members of the Sect and invite her. Having a girl like that in the Sect might brighten the place up.


Mark was curious about how his sensei was doing without him. The Sect had become a growing machine in only a few months, but it wasn’t enough for sensei to leave. Even if the Sect was always expanding, being trapped was getting to his sensei. Vergil needed to get out and see the world.



A spree of purchases had helped him craft a presentable entry hall for the new world. Then, through a 3d holographic tablet, he was able to design the storefront, complete with some golden eagles. An upgrade to the original disciple dorms increased the rooms to fit over 10,000 disciples. He purchased another dorm and upgraded it to the same rank for the next world. It would be better to have all his ducks in a row rather than flounder about coasting on his minor successes from his first world.


Vergil had already devised a use for one of the few female disciples he had that wasn’t covered in tattoos. He made a tomboyish teen with big titties the secretary of the new world’s entry hall. It was half a promotion and half a dead-end job to keep her from getting more disciples killed. Women had no place on the battlefield. Despite what the stories said, human men couldn’t function properly and defaulted to protecting women.


He thought this would cut heavily into his expected forces until he looked at the numbers. With the girls gone from the front line of the dungeon, casualties had gone down. So he began reorganizing them to fill in other roles and free up personnel.


For instance, secretaries would work hourly shifts, and he suddenly had a new advertising department. After he found they worked better in low-stress situations, he finished preparations to arrange the entrance hall and new lobby to better attract disciples. Having an advertisement team whose sole goal was to attract new disciples was interesting.


After his lobby was finished, it looked professionally crafted. There were nonoffensive paintings, a hot secretary to draw in disciples, and comfortable lounging chairs. All he had to do was open the new world and hope it wasn’t a death world.


“Sir, here is your coffee.” Vergil took the cup. “The alchemist and merchant guilds want you to sign off on their charters.” Tammy, the current secretary, said.


Vergil frowned; guilds sounded like lobbies, which were only a step away from monopolies. Giving a single organization the power to make policy over the rest of their peers sounded like an incredibly bad idea. But, on the other hand, a little organization could help his Sect.


He didn’t like it, so Vergil decided to find lawyers to review it with him. Unfortunately, signing everything people put before him sounded like a fast way to get deposed.


Vergil spent 100 Sect points and felt a sudden rush through his Sect.


Tier 2 Sect Unlocked

3 Elder Slots Unlocked

1 Greater Spirit Urn Awarded

1 Greater PSI Brain in a jar Awarded

1 Greater Immortal’s Coffin Awarded

Tier 2 Items Unlocked in Store

Elder Requirements have been decreased from Natal to Peak Stage Prenatal

1 Bronze Dungeon Token has been awarded.

1 Bronze Technique Token Awarded

1 Sect Bronze Guardian Token Awarded

1 Bronze Item Token Awarded


Vergil collected his loot happily; the Bronze token could only buy dungeons around the rank of their Black Water Mystery Dungeon or lower. So he purchased the pony dungeon on the spot before approaching the door to the new world.


A 20-sided die began rolling, and he had no idea what he could get from it.


High School DXD


Wasn’t that the titty anime that bordered on porn. Ok, he had secretaries; how much was the next world. Really they weren’t invading other worlds, only creating passive stores. What if he added a third or fourth world? Would the requirements for an Elder decrease more? Or had he gotten it all wrong. Was a Peak stage prenatal requirement for the elder stand-in for DXD?


That last one couldn’t be right because he had more than one door. So clearly, he wasn’t thinking on all cylinders.


All he could think about was a red-headed Rias on her knees sucking his dick. Vergil sucked in a deep breath and felt more caged in than ever before; he needed to kill something to get his mind off being trapped. Maybe he should have his big-tittied tomboy secretary to give him a blowjob.


He shook that thought out of his head. While yes, he could pound her throat, he also had a perfectly good dragon girl to throat fuck. But it felt more like this wet hole was here while the other one was in his room. That’s why he had pokéballs, and the dungeon’s first floor needed to be cleared.


“See to the needs of any new disciples that cross into our Sect,” Vergil said.


“That’s why you pay me the big bucks,” Tammy said.


Vergil stared at her nametag and suddenly felt like a jerk. Her name was Cammy, not Tammy; he had been calling her Tammy since he met her. That made him feel like a bad Sect Master. She deserved better than that, but he had other things to do, and if he didn’t leave, her throat would get fucked. Body cultivation had its drawbacks, like a high, nigh unstoppable sex drive once it got going.


He left quickly to purchase a gravity room because he wanted to train his body more. With the greater cultivation ingredients in the Sect, he might be able to finally break through into the Foundation realm for all his cultivation types.





Rias Gremory tossed back her gloriously silky red hair as she stared at the gaudy golden eagles standing outside a new dojo that hadn’t been there before. She couldn’t imagine what an American-style shop by the flags could teach a martial arts-saturated society like Japan. The devil heiress giggled to herself.


“Weren’t the Americans known more for their banking than fighting?” Rias asked.


The striking raven-haired queen beside her giggled to herself along with her king. It was funny seeing such a place that was so American in Japan she wanted to go in for the fun of it. Her giggles lasted until they saw their target enter, a brown-haired boy named Issei Hyoudou, who seemed quite smitten with the secretary just beyond the glass door.


Akeno sighed, and Rias couldn’t help but agree with her busty black school uniform-wearing queen. That secretary was flashing cleavage, hastening Issei to sign papers, and it felt more like a scam than a dojo the more they looked at it. Rias sighed as she prepared herself to use what allowance she had saved to rescue Issei from the clutches of the obvious scam artists.


After getting Issei away, she would have to make some calls to understand how a gaudy dojo managed to park itself next to Kuoh Academy. It didn’t make sense. But, for the devil heiress, the situation would quickly become life and death when things didn't make sense often.


She entered the shop with a fake smile until the force of mystical power in the air hit her. The dojo reeked of energy for a Devil, like standing next to a nuclear reactor. Rias turned her attention to the smiling secretary who radiated mystical power around half that of a low-class devil.


But that wasn’t what surprised her; there were hundreds of presences of varying degrees of power and two monstrous powers. One felt like a dragon, while the other felt like the air concentrated in a tiny vessel.


“Would you like to join the Sect? While the two of you are strong already, there is always room to improve.” Cammy, the secretary, said.


“Rias, Akeno, what are the two great ladies doing here?” Issei asked.


“Issei, if you wait one moment, a sensei will arrive to take you to your first lesson. Welcome to the Sect, little brother. I hope you do well here.” Tammy said.


“What do you teach here, Tammy, if that’s your real name,” Rias said.


“It's Cammy; it says it here on my nametag. But don’t worry; the Sect Master messes it up, and I think he only noticed today.” Cammy said. 


Rias wouldn’t let a simple mistake take the momentum. Issei could hold at least a twice critical sacred gear, and she wouldn’t lose out on a possible family member.


“What kind of martial arts do you plan to teach Issei?” Akeno asked.


That was the correct move; the best way to get a handle on the situation was to collect information. Maybe they could expose this place for what it was a front for one of the supernatural forces. Once she figured out who her brother would make them pack their bags if Rias didn’t use her power of destruction on them first.


“Mixed Martial Arts to start with, we don’t teach anything too complex to disciples starting out anymore. Then, once he has a solid foundation, he can dip his toes into some more esoteric techniques until he’s another powerful disciple of the Sect. Would you like to join Ms. Rias?” Cammy, the secretary, asked.


Rias couldn’t help but wonder what the woman’s game was. But, of course, no organization would be dumb enough to allow devils to freely reincarnate members. It was most likely a bluff, and if Rias called them on it, they would be on the back foot opening themselves to exposure.


The Gremory heiress plastered a fake smile on her face. “We would love to join, but two more are absent. Could they join as well?” Rias asked.


The secretary issued the paperwork in a flash, causing Rias to blink and fill out the paperwork, stunned. Once she realized what she was doing, the heiress put down the paperwork and stood up. “I am Rias Gremory, the heiress of the Devil house of Gremory, and I demand to know the purpose of this Sect.”


“Our purpose is to acquire new members and teach them the techniques of the Sect. In exchange for learning our techniques, you are expected to maintain a certain level of competitive strength, defend the Sect if attacked, and pay a percentage of earnings from sect-sponsored events to the Sect, such as dungeon expeditions. All of it is in rules and expectations on page 22.” Rias read through the rules, and while it wasn’t binding, there wasn’t any reason to truly leave the Sect. Of course, there were rules about joining other Sects, but she couldn’t think of any other group like this one.


“What about if I start turning my fellow disciples into Devils?” Rias asked. She dropped all pretenses since Rias knew she was dealing with another supernatural group.


Cammy turned a page before looking up from her manga. “Turn to page 29 under race changes and why blackface isn’t insensitive if it’s a Japanese festival.”


“Should we join? It doesn’t seem to be a bad deal and doesn’t seem to conflict with anything. This is an upscale dojo that also teaches supernatural techniques collected by the Sect. We aren’t even expected to provide any techniques we may know, and it's secular.” Akeno said.


That’s what worried her. It was a great deal, but on the face of it, the Sect wouldn’t benefit from them, so there was something she wasn’t seeing;.   


Rias opened her mouth, but Cammy interrupted her. “Before you ask, look at the index and see if any part of the document answers your questions,” Cammy said.


Rias searched the index and found in bold ‘what do you bring to the Sect.’ Apparently, every technique they learned empowered the Sect, allowing them to acquire new materials, equipment, and techniques. After giving it some thought, she signed her name, and a woman walked in covered in tattoos.


“Come along. I will show you, girls, to your dorms. You don’t have to stay in the Sect, but having a room to return to is nice. I’m sorry if you had your hopes up to meet the boss he went dungeon hunting a while; you girls were signing up. My name is Tammy; if you ever need something, ask for big sis Tammy.”


Rias nodded if she ever needed something, she would ask for big sis Cammy.


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