My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

Home Invasion

[Mehak's POV]

"Big Sis......start from the beginning...I...need to know everything"

Mayu really has grown.......this powerful will behind her mesmerizing eyes, it's nothing like the Mayu who looked just confused all the time. I need to support her change, I can't let her turn back now...but a part of me is telling me to still.......I knew I am a horrible person but being a horrible Sister as well?.......seeing a small part of Mayu as my experimentation dummy....'s not only Mayu who needs change...I also do.

I got too lost in thinking about the things Mayu would show me......instead of thinking about things that actually should matter....Mayu's feelings and stand in all of this.

I keep telling her that she's lost....but I was also pretty lost it seems like.

I need to live up to her expectations, live up to her trusting me

"Alright" that's why I need to tell her everything




It all started last week, we found the diary, located the house and what came from inside was a happy little family.

A mother who loves her son and daughter more than anything. A good looking house, nice car, stable source of income...everything one can expect from a little rich household.

But that house has deep darkness inside it and all of that darkness is hidden inside the mother.

That family is living in bliss, ignorant of the fact that the mother of house had a dark past. The mother got pregnant at teenage, got thrown out by her family, the man who planted his seeds just denied everything and in the end what was left was just a 17-year-old girl and her newborn child.

They don't know about the mother's crime of calling her child a 'Thing' and finally abandoning that child. The mother is keeping up a good act and trying her best to act like a normal housewife or to lead a normal life. I told Mayu everything.

Her mother changed her surname to 'Apricot' and gave her daughter the name of 'Mayuri'...though I still can't find out why but I do have some ideas.

Either she regretted abandoning her child and to atone for it in her own way named the daughter 'Mayuri'.

Or, she trying to replace Mayu with her new daughter...trying to forget everything about Mayu by thinking of her new daughter only, whenever the name 'Mayuri' pops in her life.

I told Mayu everything I hypothesized.

How I interrupted their birthday party at the restaurant and got myself an invitation to their house by playing the daughter around my fingers.

The very next day, I visited that house again.

I bought a nice and a little expensive dress for the daughter, the spoiled and greedy kid took it with open arms. The girl's defences were really very weak, by bribing her with 2-3 gifts she started getting all over me.........but what was difficult were the defences of the mother and the son. As for the father, I never met him after the restaurant, always going back home before he reaches the house.

Any specific reason for avoiding the father?

Obviously not, I just don't want to talk to that fat and greasy looking gorilla.

The first, mother was wary of me but she didn't show it......on the other hand, the son was openly avoiding me, always hiding behind her mother or sister. Something needed to be done with the son, his sense of danger is abnormally good......if I didn't do anything, he would make the already wary mother more suspicious.

So I did the only thing I know the best.......acting.

We sat on the sofas in the leaving room and I started talking with them, trying to break the huge ice between me and the mother.

At first, she just moved her head to my conversation, occasionally giving a small 'Hmm'. But the more I started getting into things a typical mother talks about like gossiping and stuff...she started opening up to me a little bit.

But that boy still remained a problem

Then came the second day...

I started casually talking with the mother, starting to help her around her house. She stopped me at first with all her strength but of course, I didn't back down and told them that it was the least I could do for letting me visit them like this. Though the mother didn't buy it at first but seeing me help with cooking and cleaning, she soon gave in a little bit.

The boy is still a problem, he doesn't talk to me and just stares at me the entire time, I'm inside the house. His behaviour didn't allow me to make as much progress I wanted with the mother. Also, the mother is not only careful of me just because of her son but there is also some other reason.......though I'm not sure but I think seeing me somehow reminds her about Mayu.

How did I think that? though she tried to hide it with her best abilities, I still caught on to her. Sometimes she gave me those looks, the looks someone gives to a person they fear and hate at the same time. She thought no one caught her but I did.

And the only thing this mother could fear and her first daughter...quite evident from the diary she forgot in the house.

So, long story short, the mother's carefulness was getting a boost from the stupid son.

Hence, I started plotting again.

I told the daughter that I want to see her room.

Inside the room, we were alone......and I had to completely win her over


STop! don't give that look Mayu! I didn't do anything perverted to her!!

I swear! Alright!

Jeez, so anyways......I started talking about things girls of her age would love the most.

Fashion and Beauty.

I gave her several fashion ideas, helped her learn Makeup, taught her about the process of choosing clothes that would suit her perfectly. Brought my expensive makeup, let her use it and ruin it...bought her a high-class perfume, nail polishes, lipsticks and with more bribing and knowledge sharing, I won her over.

Spoiled and greedy brats like her are the easiest ones, their top priority is looking good in front of their friends and school, making their friends envious and other jealous of them......or in short, bragging.

And I gave her everything she needed for boasting in front of her friends and classmates.

I gave her private lessons for the next three days, during this I casually got many questions regarding the house and its members answered.

I needed to be quick, now even the mother started giving me suspicious looks openly because of the son. The only thing keeping me inside the house was the stupid daughter and that mother was still not very sure about her suspicions, seeing me be so kind, humble every day.

Five days had passed since I first stepped inside this house.

And the day before yesterday was when I put my plan into action.

The father came back to the house between 8:00 and 8:30, these were standard office hours, so I always left the house at 7:30.

I came to this house near 3:00 PM every day, so they were expecting me to show up that day as well and I did.

From the past five days, I knew, around 5:30 PM the mother would be in the kitchen preparing for the dinner and evening snacks. At this same time, the son would be in his room, sleeping......and me inside the daughter's room, teaching her how to boast.

Hence, this was the best time for action. I could just leave the daughter's room with the pretense of the washroom and do my thing while the mother is busy and the son is sleeping.

And, So I did.

I was teaching the brat on how to do different kinds of ponytails when suddenly I had to go washroom, and it played out perfectly. I closed the door behind me, now standing in a small hallway. At my right were stairs leading downstairs to where mother was, at my front another door, inside the boy sleeping.

I could have just choked that annoying thing but I suddenly got that feeling I missed so much, it is so easy to kill someone and so...boring. To me, it didn't matter that I was thinking about torturing a 10-year-old child, though it should have......

I wondered what it would look like to humiliate this boy in front of his entire class, stripping him and beating him with a belt, for each clear red spot on his naked boy a candy would be given to the children spectating, for each blood oozed out a chocolate, for each skin shredded, a butterscotch pastry.............shamefully and regrettably, my body was shaking with excitement thinking about this stuff  .......again reminding me of the humanity that I threw away for my love towards Mayu.

Though I needed to control myself, I couldn't let my plan fail because of a nostalgic feeling.

I dug my nails inside my palms, the pain jerking me out of that ecstatic and nostalgic feeling.

I opened the door, and closed it. The annoying snoring of an annoying child entering my ears. I went close to his small bed and seeing that innocent sleeping face nearly made me lose control of my desires again.

I pulled a tracker from my purse and hid it inside his schoolbag, came out and closed the door.

This boy comes home from school alone on Saturdays because the mother had to go somewhere, the father is busy with work and the daughter would be at school. Earlier he just stayed in the school waiting for his mother to get him but recently he himself started coming back, puberty hitting at an early stage.

With the tracker, I could easily tell where he was.... I only needed to get him into an accident

.......then at the final moment save him....

making me his saviour and surely you can't show wary looks towards your saviour right? and show suspicion towards the person who saved your child's life, right?

The only question that arrives is.......what I fail this gamble and don't manage to save him?


he would die

in an accident of course

though a small spoiler for you Mayu, your Big Sis did manage to save that brat from an upcoming Truck.

He has got a small trauma now, I think.

But thank god......he isn't wary of me anymore and the mother is also feeling indebted to us

or so I think about the mother.....but I still can't completely figure her out.

And that's all that I did this week.

Tomorrow I would again go back to that house, this week Mayu would also be released...

...then I can fianlly reunite Mayu with her mother.

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