My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

Release of a Loving Little Sister

[Priya's POV] this the restaurant?

Miss Riya did send the location to this place.........but eating at a restaurant together with a this real? Am I dreaming?!

Can I even call her a friend even though we only talked once and even that one time at the college's infirmary?

I still can't help but think that this is all just a dream. There is no way this should have happened, but it did...and now it doesn't feel real.

Miss Riya inviting me out for an evening snack. She said it was her way of apologizing......but there's nothing to apologize for. I mean it was my mistake, it was me who so suddenly fainted because of my brain and also who screamed when waking up at the infirmary. I should be the one apologizing....but she ignored my every apology and asked me to have an evening snack with her.

She may seem scary but she's actually really nice and sweet. And I got this all from just my talk with her at the first female friend.....this is real, isn't it.

"Mam, can you please step aside"

"!h..huh!...ah!a...sorry, sorry" Oh no! I have just been standing in front of the restaurant's door, thinking. I should go inside


Hmm, where is Miss Riya siting?........ah! there she is.

"H-hello! Mi-Miss R..R..Riya!" calm down, calm down, she would think I'm crazy for stuttering like this.

" you really came.....anyways! come, sit"

Miss Riya points to the chair across from her and I go and sit there.

Um...I need to talk about something...conversation topic...conversation topic.....I searched so much about the topic before coming here, why am I not able to remember any of them?

Do I talk about the weather? or about the! I should talk about our! that would make me seem like a nerdy and boring person....some interesting topic, some interesting topic.......ah! fashion! I know a lot about it!


"So, the weather's nice today"

"Huh?...ah! yes, yes, it looks g-good today. The wi-wind is nice!" yes! The weather is a good topic, who cares about fashion anyways.

"I'm sorry, were you going to say something at first?"

"No,! nah! nah....just thinking about the weather as well"

"Haaaannn.... I see. The weather is nice"

"I-It indeed is"


oh god, me! what do you mean by 'It indeed is'!???

don't just smile and look around awkwardly! talk! talk!

Oh no! Miss Riya is starting to look at the smartphone now. Waiter! Waiter! where's the waiter!

"Excuse me, Mam, What would you like to order?"

"mmm...get me a BBQ Pizza, regular size. What do you want, Priya?"

Ahhhhh! she called me by my first name! she also thinks of me as a friend, we really are friends then. She called me by my name


Yes, that's my name


"Yeah...sorry. Get a Paneer Pizza, regular size for her"

"Alright, would you like to get drinks too?"

"No, Thank you"

She called me by my name.

My first female friend...

"Would you like to add fries too? normally they are 50 Rs, but if you combo it with the pizza then they are only for 40 Rs. This deal is only for today, mam"


hmm? what happened? the waiter is going away without taking my order...also, why does he look disappointed?

"Sorry, I also ordered yours. You didn't answer though"

"Ah...ah, it's n-no big deal" I'm starting to space out a lot, this won't do! I need to make a good impression in front of her....and till now,it's only been bad.

"By the way, allow me to properly apologize for getting angry at you and throwing juice on you. I'm really sorry for my actions, though I don't want to make any excuses I just kinda lost myself there. So yeah...sorry"

"N-No! No, No...don't apologize. It was my fault...getting fainted like embarrassing, haha"

"Haaahhh....can I ask you something?"

"Y-yes sure!"

"Do you enjoy looking down on others?"




"No! Of course not!" where did this misunderstanding come from! what did I do! What mistake did I commit!

"Hmm...but it does seem like it. I'm trying to give you a serious and proper apology, and instead of accepting it sincerely, you are just going around in circles...and your own apology comes out at as being sarcastic."

huh? what?

what did Miss Riya just say? I don't understand it........are we playing mind games here...if we are then that's bad, I'm not very good at them.

"hAAAhhhh.....though from your face it doesn't seem to be the case. I really didn't think there would be an innocent and pure college girl like you."

P-Pure!? M-Me!, that's...

"I-I'm n-not pure...."

"There you go again sounds sarcastic"

"I'm Not!!!"

AH! No! I shouldn't have shouted. Oh no! Oh no, Oh no, Miss Riya is staring at me with shocked eyes....some people also turned to gaze towards my direction...

ah! what do I do! what do I do! I'm just making bad impressions in front of her

"See.....though I don't want to pry into your personal life......but to me, it seems like you have a major PTSD or trauma of some sort. Is it true?"

Trauma?.......can it be called something so simple like that?.....

Should I tell Miss Riya about it?

I personally haven't been able to make any progress due to my indecisiveness. But at the same time...should I tell her? Miss Riya could help me......but that would get her involved in my personal problems.

She's my first female friend....I don't want to scare her away from me. She may think of me as crazy for talking about things like a demon in our class....for talking rotten about the person who 'used' to be bad. The use of 'used' is essential here.

A month has passed since college started...and Mayuri hasn't done anything. Even though she's in hospital...but still. If someone evil like she wanted to hurt somebody, then the college wouldn't be so peaceful.

I think she returned to the right path after getting adopted. I mean having a sister like Miss Mehak is sure to cure anybody. It has only been a month since college started but she has become so famous. She's almost like an idol of the school.

She helps everyone, takes everyone's requests and finishes them as quickly as possible. Notes down the problems she wasn't able to solve in a diary she keeps with herself wherever she goes, then solves them the next day. She's so sweet, kind, humble, smart and really a supermodel.

I'm mean her sense of fashion is just way above the rest of us......really a perfect candidate for inheriting her father's company.

Why do I know so much?...well it has become common knowledge now, everyone in college knows about this much....and probably, her classmates know even more and those three girls who always flock around her probably know even more than that.

She's just in her first semester...but everyone expects her to become the next college student president.

I mean she has everything for it. Politics, connections, money and many more. I would also vote for her if she does stand for the elections.

Hence having a sister like that........Mayuri is sure to have changed.

She's not like her past self now

Though I don't have any proof...but you could say that's it's just a gut feeling.


Or have I already made my decision and just making excuses now?

I don't want to get involved with that demon anymore.

but then...what if she does bare her fangs against the college?

I don't care! I shouldn't care.....but

No! no buts! I don't care!

I really don't care about whatever she does!

I don't want to go through her torture again, I don't want to talk to her, I don't want to look at her.....but...

why!? why is there a but!

"Well don't have to answer. But I want you to know that....I will be there to listen whenever you wish to talk about it"


why is she going so fast? what about the pizza?

eh! it's already finished?

for how long did I space out for????!!!!

"You seemed to be in some real deep thinking so I didn't disturb you when Pizza came, well it's still hot. Anyways...I have to go now. My brother's already home and I have to also prepare for dinner."

"Y-yes..." I really failed first outing with a female friend...failed...and all of it is my fault.

My mind is too wrapped around Mayuri.

She is hindering my life, she's hindering everything. She's messing with my mind even though she hasn't done anything to me now.

Is this the answer to my 'but'....?

That I need to get over her, need to triumph my fear...need to defeat her?

Then.......I didn't want to expose or defeat Mayuri for other's safety....I want to get her exposed for my own good, this is all for myself. I just want to face my past, face her personally and show her....that she's doesn't control my life anymore.

I really am a selfish person...and Miss Riya was talking about me being pure and innocent.....but it did make me feel a little good about myself...

Maybe...if I think that this is all for my own good....then I can get the courage for speaking with Miss Riya about it.



where's Miss Riya?.....ah! she already left......*squish* this pizza is also cold now.......

But there's no way Miss Riya would want to talk with a klutz like me again......I want to share my problem with her

But...that would get her involved! I don't care about's only for my own good, it's only for my own good

it's only for my own good....


hm!? a message?.....but who would message me?


i-it's Miss Riya!!

wH-what does it say!!

open! open!


She would like to meet says




[Mayuri's POV]

"Alright, all test results are good, Miss Mayuri. You are now officially discharged. Congratulations."

"Thank you, Miss Nurse. I appreciate you taking care of me so far"

"Oh no! It was my pleasure" just accept the fucking thanks... it nearly made me puke saying words of thanks for you and now she starts acting all shit, can't you just go with the flow....but it's not like I also care...the only thing I care about is getting out of this hospital as fast as possible.

Big Sis asked me to meet Mother today...but I want to meet her with full energy. So, today...I would just eat a lot and finally...

thank god finally....get to sleep in the bed together with Big Sis.

For this whole month...sleeping alone at night....only I know how I survived

But now I don't have to take extreme measures for survival....I can just

cuddle up with Big Sis all I want inside our room.

"Let's go, Big Sis! Do you have everything ready"

There she her red jacket and purple dress....looking so sexy...realizing this whole human being is just for me to heart skips a beat and starts pounding......ahhhh! even now Big Sis makes me feel like a maiden.

"Yes Dear, Movie tickets ready, then the tickets to the amusement park, the seats for tonight's dinner are booked...and then I can finally sleep together with My Mayu again"

Ah yes! I'm not the only one.... Big Sis has also been sleeping alone at night.

But there's no need for that now....we got over this ordeal

And from now on

And always

I'm never letting her leave my sight...for even a single second.

Mr. and Mrs. Jansha also showed their true colours during this month. They never visited me a single time I was in the hospital...and they provided money for the treatment just because Big Sis asked for it. They personally didn't want to do it, and Big Sis also sees it...that they were just pretending to care for me...and now they have stopped pretending for some reason.

Something must have happened at home while I was stuck in hospital and Big Sis was living alone in that apartment.

But that's the matter for another time

Right now the only thing that matters is my date with Big Sis after such a long time, it's been a whole month since we went out somewhere.

Then tomorrow...I will be finally seeing that mother after so many years since her abandoning me

I wonder if she will recognize me



A new Cover has been made and it looks pretty good I guess. But there's just something missing. So if anyone could make the image look more dreadfull, more haunted or scary looking... then contact at [email protected]. Of course, trimmed off pictures of Mayuri and Mehak would be provided when asked. Also, there's is no money invloved here.



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