My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

The Walk to the Mother’s House

[Mayuri's POV]

Today's a really nice day and hopes are that it will turn into a great one too. Why? Because Sis and I are going to the mother's place. Apparently it's in model town.

The model town is the semi-rich area of this city. People here are indeed filled with money but they don't have much influence or power. These people could be said to lie between the middle class an the rich. So, in much simpler words, these are those middle-class families who just rose slightly above their position.

Most of these people have the same things they desire, and that's fame and money. These are the people who have seen the struggle of the middle class and have had a very slight taste of rich. Most of them fall to the temptation of that slight rich power they experience and want to experience it more while forgetting their roots of being middle class. That's why these are the people who care most about how others see them, how they are presented to everyone, how popular they are and how much money they have.

Really the most foolish humans to play with and to think that mother also became one of these people. I thought she would live a great life now that I was gone from her life...but that mother is doing even worse.

It seems like my idea to kill myself for her really was a dumb one.

I walk down the streets of the model town, thinking about various stuff, mainly to distract myself from this anxiety. This anxiety of seeing mother after so many years. But this anxiety of mine is somewhat subdued because of the person next to me, holding my hands while having a slight shyness on her face.

"Big Sis, how bold of you to stick this close to me and hold my hands while out in public" I said while creeping closer to her and making our shoulders touch

"Eeeepp! I'm trying, I'm trying, you can do it, you can do it, you can do it, don't think, don't think" says Big Sis in a bearly audible voice, her face completely red but her eyes are crystal clear and resolute.

As to why she's behaving like this is because of me. I have decided to live how I want to and that way doesn't involve me and Big Sis hiding our love. It will have definite consequences, I mean when I kissed her in front of the hospital building, many surrounding people gave us the eyes of scorn and that's just because they saw two girls kiss, they don't even know about the sisterly bond we have. Their reaction then would be camera-worthy.

Yes, the consequence can be worse, Big Sis could even have her inheritance taken away if Mr. Jansha found out about our love but we can deal with it as the time comes. I'm just simply tired of hiding my immense love for Big Sis inside the four walls of the house, my love for her is something I'm proud of and not something that I want to hideaway.

As for Big Sis, she said that her heart was about to burst out of her chest when she glimpsed at people's scornful eyes while I was kissing her. She wanted to run away as fast as she could and somehow make them forget what they saw, she really didn't like it...but that doesn't mean she didn't enjoy it.

Big Sis was absolutely thrilled, there was no way I couldn't smell the juices that stained her panties while I was kissing her. It has been Big Sis's problem from when we were children, the problem of caring too much about other's opinions, which has restrained her so long.

But it's about time that she stops worrying too much about how others think and solely focus on just what I think. That's why I told her to try and get over her problem. Of course, she insisted otherwise, there was no way that she would agree to fix her lifelong fear in just one go....but after constant 'insisting' that was done by me over the course of last night, her shell somewhat cracked and she agreed to at least try getting over her fear. Naturally, I'm with her for the whole process.

Is my decision to showing our love public, an excellent and well-calculated decision?

Absolutely not. It's quite a dumb decision. I mean just kissing led to those people giving us the eyes of some outcast. There's no way it's a good decision, this can even lead to us getting thrown out of the house and forever become the scorn of the public eyes.

But do I regret making this decision?

Heck NO! in fact, I can't remember when was the last time I was this happy and delighted. Walking down the street with Big Sis, intimately holding her hands and sticking like glue to her, getting the chance to express my love not just inside the four walls but to the whole world....such a blissful feeling.

I didn't know that dumb and bad decisions could lead to happiness. Naturally, much dumb decision will give nothing but sadness but now I think that it's necessary to make at least some dumb decisions for the enjoyment of life and not live life while only making well-calculated decisions.

Life just becomes too predictable and bland that way, you end up under constant stress for thinking about the next decision...sometimes it's good to just let free and do whatever the fuck I want without thinking much. At least doing that would add some spice and difficulty to this easy game of life.

One dumb decision has been made, that doesn't mean that the next one will be dumb as well. The next one has to be a good one, this was has added just enough unpredictability to life, so don't need more for now. As for what the next decision is? It's regarding mother and how to deal with her.

We are almost about to reach the house specified by Big Sis. It's 10:30 AM in the morning, the clouds are covering the sky, a few rays of light reaching the ground while entering through the gaps between the clouds. A nice and calming wind blowing through the air. The sound of workers washing the cars, fixing the garden and doing the housework of these pretentious people filling the air. A few turning to catch me and Big Sis being dangerously close to each other but then turning their eyes away, probably thinking of it as two girls being best friends or simply just sisters.

A few people walking their pets, treating them more considerably then the workers they hired to clean their houses. To them, the value of their pet is more than the people who keep their houses clean and allows them to have a comfortable life.

Does that mean I just hate pets?


I don't hate anyone, I just find it pitiful.

Even though the workers are doing all this and being treated worse than pets, they are still coming every day. Why? it's simply to earn money and feed their families.

To do something simple as earning money requires them to steep themselves to the levels worse than the dogs.

Everything revolves around money and is a slave to them. Even I was.

My plan was to use Jansha's money and power for our own benefit. I was slave to money as well...but then I realized.

That wasn't my and Big Sis's own money and power. All the stuff we did so far has only been possible because of the assets being a daughter of Jansha provided. None of it was our own, and even if in the future it does become our own but that would still not be truly our own, that would just be an inherited power.

I want to build my own power with Big Sis. Benefit from the power that is truly ours. It took me so long to realize how much I have been leeching off from the power provided by the Jansha. I was dumb in using that power and feeling great about it.

But in reality, there's nothing great about it. I was just like these workers, who leech for their owners and live a false life of comfort by using the power provided by the owner.

That's why I need to build my own power and assets, alongside Big Sis, I will make sure that it becomes a reality.

That's the long insisting that I did all night to Big Sis and she understood what I was getting at. Big Sis also wants to build a power that only belongs to us and is only ours.

That's why right now she's trying her best to not let these judgemental eyes get to her.

That's why it was somewhat easy for us to make this very dumb decision.

But the time of rest is now over.

We have reached in front of Mother's house.

Yap. No excuses. Just didn't feel like writing anything. But now it's time to continue these stories and eventually finish them.

Hope you enjoyed the new chapter after months. 


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