My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

Crossing the Boundry

[Mayuri's POV]

So, this is the house neh. It certainly is an upgrade from the place we used to live, so does that mean she's living a good life now? According to Big Sis, she has two children and she even gave one of them my name, now that's just a dirty move mother. Right now only she's at the house, both children at school and the husband at work. The maid works in the afternoon when the children come back. So, we have all the time till the afternoon.

Right now it's 10:45 AM, so we have roughly 3 hours for our meeting, let's see if she recognizes me. I was just an 11-year-old child back then, my face has changed quite a lot, it won't be a wonder if she doesn't. But isn't a mother supposed to recognize her child no matter what?

I see the doorbell, but my fingers aren't reaching for it. What am I hesitating for after coming all this way? I don't understand.

"Mayu, you can do it. I'm here with you" said Big Sis firmly holding my hand. She's really just too sweet. Yes, there's no need to show any hesitation. If I need to build my own power then I need to break all the things holding me back.

Once again I lifted my arms and moved my hand towards the bell and *Ding* pushed the button.


A voice came from inside, it's her voice. There's no way I can forget that voice, though it has become slightly soft from what I can remember. It really is her, I can hear the footsteps approaching the door, they are getting nearby each second. Sweat is starting to form in my palms and is feeling somewhat heavy.

Calm down, Calm down, deep breaths, just calm deep breaths "Fuuuuuhaaahhhhhh, fuuuuuuhaaaaaahhhhh"

There we go, much better.

"*creak*" it opened and there she is.

"Oh! Samantha? you have come early today and...who's this?"

"..." she's really here. Alive, well and looking healthy. A contrast from when she was with me. The same black hair, lazy eyes...but there's now vigour on her face. I haven't seen her with such vigour before, she was always dead face in front of me. She also doesn't recognize me, guess I really was never a daughter for her.

"Miss Susan, sorry for coming early but I have something very important to discuss with you. It's regarding this girl"

"Hmm? oh, sure. Please come in"

She really doesn't recognize me.

"By the way, why is your friend wearing this eyepatch? did something happen to her left eye?" she doesn't recognize me, she really forgot about me, then why did I remember her for all these years?

"Oh, it's nothing. Her left eye is missing"

"...huh?...KYAAAA!!!!" my mind went blank. Mother turned around to look at me, curious about the missing eye. She doesn't recognize me, just that thought spiralled in my mind and before I knew it, I went into action.

Just as she was turning around, I quickly stepped forward and kicked her in the right calve, she stumbled down but before could hit the ground, I grabbed her and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!! *Cough**Cough* Stop ! Stop! Stop....*cough* please....*cough*..." her cries didn't enter my ears. I locked my arms more firmly around her neck, I want to get rid of her. She was holding me back for all these years and doesn't even remember me, she doesn't deserve to live. I applied more force my lock, mother's eyes started shaking, saliva started coming out of her mouth, her body started shaking because of lack of oxygen. She really will leave me now, she will finally leave my life, finally.

"Mayu. I think that should be enough"

huh? what? that's Big Sis's voice. Ah! she was with me too...but what's enough? I still haven't done anything. Hmm? ah, I see, I made mother unconscious already. Hmm, I really was going to kill her then. Why am I not feeling bad about almost killing my mother? why does it just feel good?

Why am I complaining about her being a bad mother when I myself am being a bad daughter?

This won't do, this really won't do. I need to be calm and not go wreaking havoc, I need to discuss things with her, not kill her.

"Thanks Big Sis. Can you help me tie her up?"

"Of course, that's why I brought my backpack along"

"How many did you bring?"

"Do I even need to tell? Everyone can have one"

Of course, she can always tell what I'm thinking. The kid would be coming back at 2 PM, the daughter at near 4 PM and finally the husband at night near 8 PM, there's also the maid, but she knows Big Sis. So Big Sis can just ask her to not come today. Hmm, more than enough time to tie everyone up.

We need a whole family discussion after all.

I released Mother and got up from the ground. I followed Big Sis into the dining room while dragging Mother along with me. Big Sis entered the dining room and closed all the windows there.

"It's safe now, come"

With her signal, I dragged Mother into the room and made her sit on the chair beside the dining table.

"Big Sis, rope"

"Hai, Hai, coming right up" excited, Big Sis opened the bag and pulled one thick rope out. It's not long but is quite thick, should do the job perfectly.

"Big Sis, hold the other end" Big Sis held the other end of the rope and I wrapped it around Mother's body along with her arms, took the other end from Big Sis and finished tying Mother's upper body. Now was the time for the legs. I kneeled down and brought her legs closer, "Big Sis, hold these legs"

"Sure" hmm? she's really happy, I wonder what happened

"Big Sis, why are you so happy?" I asked while taking a small rope out from the backpack.

"Oh nothing, just really happy to be doing things together with Mayu after such a long time"

"I see, I also really Missed being with Big Sis and doing things with her. It was completely your fault you know, gauging my eye out like that" it really hurt, but saying that would just make her feel more regret.

"Yeah, sorry for that"

"Apology accepted" While having our normal conversation, I finished tying Mother's legs to the legs of the chair. Now when she waked up, except for her mouth she can't open anything else. Now time to just wait for the son to come back. It's 11:30, so it's still a long wait, but before that, I want to search the entire house.

"Big Sis, give me the tour of this house"

"Absolutely, so where does Mayu want to start?"

"Mother's room"

"Sure, follow me"




Hmm, so this is Mother's room. It's twice the size of our room in the past. The grand and big bed, marble floor, lavishly decorated walls, it seems like Mother also fell into the trap of outward appearance. But then again it could just be the husband, according to what Big Sis told me he's quite a greedy pig.

There's also quite a great variety of makeup on the dressing table. I guess now that she doesn't have to deal with me, she's free enough to care about her looks. Well, good for her.

I went near the closet and opened it. Obviously, the clothes of both the Mother and husband and mother are here. But jeez, these are some exposing clothes Mother's wearing for her age. Who does she want to seduce with these type of clothes? but then again it could be just for her to feel good about herself, I really can't tell.

There are all sorts of things in her room. Family photos hanging on the walls, a desk with the computer on top, Air conditioner, heater, a big LCD TV, nothing of which we had back then. She's living quite a comfy life I guess. Things really changed for after she abandoned me, so it was for good that she did it right?

But somehow, I still can't feel sympathy for her. I don't want her to come back to me again, I also don't want to go back to her, then...what do I want to with her?

How is she holding me back? I can't come up with an answer

"Big Sis, what do I want to do with Mother? How is she holding me back, please, help me" I should do something I should have a very long time ago and that is ask Big Sis about it and not think about it myself.

"Hmm, first let's just sit down. It's tiring to stand for so long"

She right, I sat down on the bed, it's quite soft and bouncy. Big Sis stepped towards me but instead of sitting down beside me "Kyuuu!"

She pushed me down on the bed and got on top of me.

"S-sis! what are you doin—" before I could finish my words, she pressed her lips against mine and invaded my mouth with her tongue with quite a dexterity. It seems like Big Sis is drowned in feelings write now, I also don't want to think about complicated matters like Mother, so I should also...

"Puuhaaahhh, haahh, You just shut up Mayu!"

"Huh? wha—" again before I could address the sudden change in her behaviour, she again placed her lips on top of mine and sucked on them as her life depends on it.

"Haaahhh, haahh, Mayu will not speak anything and just listen to me"

"But wh—" for the third time she didn't let me finish but this time instead of lips she inserted her thumb and two fingers beside it inside my mouth, making me unable to speak any sense-making words

"Mmm..whmmm...jusllllmmm..." yup, they really don't make any sense. But the heck just got into Sis? she was never so dominant before...not that I dislike it. But let's go along with it, Sis usually quite meek to these things, so if she's taking the initiative it must be something.

I decided to go along with her and started sucking on the fingers she thrust inside my mouth. Quite delicious.

"Mayu doesn't have any motherly issues" hmm? so she is answering my question but why does she have to do it this way? we can a normal conversation too.

Sis unbuttoned my blue shirt and dragged the part stuffed into the pants outside, brushed the part hiding my bra sidewards and put her face on my breasts still covered with the bra. This feels good, being dominated like this does feel good, usually, it's me who does this stuff but being on the receiving end is also very good.

"Mayu thinks she needs someone other than me" huh? what? that's not tru-ah! Sis just threw my bra away....but then it does make some sense why I think about mother so much.

Sis's other hand grabbed my left breast with a bit force and she started slurping on the right one. This is just too good, Sis is the only one to make me feel like this. Something is already coming out from down there and sticking to my underwear.

"Mayu wants both me and that Mother to be in her life! But Mayu's wrong!!" with a loud and angry voice, Sis bit my nip and I opened my mouth in a large gasp. Seeing there's opening for me to speak, she thrust the remaining two fingers in my mouth too, making it completely seal.

With an angry face, Sis rigorously started sucking on my nip and started rubbing her leg in between my pants. She started rubbing her legs with quite a force, and I could feel the pants and the underwear rubbing my vagina, making my mind go complete haywire. Why are we doing something like this in such a place? are we going for our first sex? but I thought it would be somewhere nice and romantic...but this bed is also quite nice....wait! I'm thinking in the wrong direction!

We shouldn't be doing this in such a place, I mean it's apparently Mother's bedroom.

But why is Big Sis crying? her face is filled with anger and small tears are falling from her eyes, despite that she still hasn't stopped sucking on my nips

"Mayu is wrong for thinking that she needs her Mother!" I'm wrong for wanting Mother? but the—oh god! what is she doing! She using her free hand to unbutton my pants. She applied more force to her fingers inside my mouth, failing my struggle to open the mouth.

"Mayu wasn't like this, she just needed me! but then she got greedy!!" huh? Did I make Sis sad then? but if that's the case the—oh! no! no! no! Sis managed to unbutton my pants, she stood from top of me and pulled the pants with one hand, exposing my socked underwear to the dry air.

ahhh! so shameful! it's not fair of her making me this wet. She's still crying but not stoping with her actions, Sis brought her face down and started licking the area around the underwear while caressing my legs with her free hands and applying even more force to her fingers inside my mouth.

"Mayu wants motherly love along with my love. Today you saw that she can't provide you with that, I mean that bitch doesn't even remember you! *sob* that snapped you off and tried to kill her in anger. You are just angry that you can't get motherly love in your whole life!!"

......bu-but that's...

"what? you are crying now!!  it's just me who should be crying and getting angry*sob*. Mayu really hurt me by even thinking that she needs any sort of love from someone other than me!! *sob* "

why am I crying? Sis is right, I shouldn't be crying, why did I think of wanting love from someone else too? why did I get greedy? it was all my fault then... but the—AH! Sis is really going for it! She pulled my underwear down and now my wet vagina is right in front of her eyes. The tears falling from her eyes are falling on top of it, mixing with the wet juices and making the area around sting a little, but that stinging is making my body more stimulated, making me reach levels of euphoria I have never felt before.

"It was my fault too *sob*, for not giving Mayu all the forms of love. If love is what Mayu needs then I alone will provide Mayuri will all of them, I will make sure that Mayuri only thinks of me for getting any sort of love!!*sob*"

And just like that, with both of us crying, Sis finally put her lips on my vagina for the first time. We finally crossed all the boundaries and the tears of sadness got replaced with tears of immense joy.

Sis pulled her tongue out and rolled over the closed slit, sending a shock down my spine, biting her fingers inside the mouth and arching my back upwards. The unbuttoned shirt restraining my shoulders to arch even further.

"Mayu only needs me. I will make sure to embed that into your brain right in the room of that mother you think you need!!"

I see.....that's why Sis is having our first time in Mother's room. So that I think of our first time here whenever I think about Mother, immediately taking my mind off from her and onto Sis.

Whenever I started doubting or going the overthink way, she immediately went even more intense and down the line, preventing me from overthinking. It's really impressive how she managed to figure my thought process.

I don't need Mother, I don't need her, Mother doesn't need me so it's only fair for me to stop wanting her too. I really got greedy, I only need Big Sis, it was bad of me to want anything other than her, maybe that's why my mind became a mess, it was just wrath of my greed.

hahaha, how silly of me.

I pulled my arms up and tangled my hands around Sis's smooth silver hair, applied some force and pulled her face away from my slit and pushed it towards my face.

"AaaCCKK!!" the forceful pulling of the hair hurt Sis a bit but I can't let myself be just dominated.

I pulled Sis's face even closer and licked every tear falling from her eyes, "Mehak, I love you, I really do love you a lot. Mehak is the only one I need, I don't need things like motherly love, Mehak will give everything to me"

Sis got flustered with embarrassment as I called her name, "e-eh! eh! h-huh! sa-say say it agai—" but it was time for payback before she could finish her words, I pressed my lips against her and started licking the living hell out of her mouth with my tongue.

Pushed Sis over and got on top of her, now it was my time to have the taste of heaven.


But the time didn't allow it, the clock reached 1:50 PM. The boy reached home earlier than expected.

"Sis, let's continue after this"

Mehak still dazed from sudden dominance.

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