My Diary – A Twisted Yuri Romance

How to unleash a Monster

[Mehak's POV]

I don't know what got into me but the moment I witnessed Mayu trying to kill her Mother it hit me. It was not some sense of justice or sympathy for the Mother that nudged me from stopping Mayu to Kill her. It was for a completely selfish reason that I got in the way of her killing. The reason being that I realized why Mayu was always obsessing over this Mother.

While she was trying to choke her Mother, I noticed a look in her eyes. There was a longing in those eyes, longing to fix her relationship but the anger of being unable to or more like not knowing how to.

I didn't like those eyes.

Those eyes of longing towards someone other than me got my veins popping and blood boiling. Why was she having feelings related to love for somebody other than me?

In my mind, I clearly knew that this love is not the same she feels for me. It's a completely natural love a daughter should feel for her mother, I had also felt it for a very long time but not anymore.....after seeing how they were just acting to be good in front of Mayu while spitting curses at her from inside.

Mayu also had those feelings for her mother, she wanted to fix her broken relationship with her but didn't know, how. In the end, the answer she came up with was just finishing her off and I would have let her.

But those eyes of regret, sadness, anger and longing told me otherwise. I stopped her but not for the right reasons. I should have stopped for so that I can help her to come with an answer or solution on how to fix it but those thoughts didn't enter my mind.

The reason I stopped her was because of my Jealousy.

I didn't like Mayu having those emotions, the only feelings she should harbour have to be for me only. If she wants to kill Mother then I won't stop her but only if she feels nothing for her while doing so.

Seeing her show these emotions angered me and stepped in to stop, I needed her to only feel things for me. What did I do wrong? Where did I go wrong that Mayu thought of getting love from someone other than me? If the answer is simply that I just didn't give her enough love then that's what I needed to do. The answer was simple, my aim became clear.

Fill every being of Mayu's inside with nothing but me, there shouldn't ever be space for anyone else to enter.

That was the answer and the important step towards doing it was to erase any feeling she had for the Mother, then replace those feelings with mine. Thus her asking to see the Mother's room ignited the idea of how to do it.

I just needed to pour all of my love on her and doing the deed is more effective than just telling it through words.

I started preparing myself, even though it's shameful but it would be our first time after all these years. What took us so long to finally do it? Why didn't we try doing it again after that one time in Goa?

The answer was simple, I was afraid of going there. Going to a place where there's no turning back for the rest of life, afraid that if even a hint of it got out then our lives will be ruined, the sword of other's opinion of us kept dangling near my throat...maybe that's why I made that excuse of Mayu losing control of herself in lust back then. The sword of our image kept chaining me down but Mayu broke through that chain.

She kissed me in front of the whole hospital and quite an intimate one too.

I was taken back, my mind went full panic mode seeing the people look at us, I was ready to push her away but the face of overwhelming affection that she showed helped calm me down a bit. She was trying to break my chains and I had to make sure that they were really broken.

I calmly took in the scornful eyes of the surrounding people and it actually didn't feel that bad. In my mind, I had just overexaggerated things. Apocalypse didn't fall on us and it even was kinda thrilling, not knowing what would happen in the future, somehow filled my inside with a new kind of energy.

The exact same thing was discussed my Mayu yesterday, how she's tired of always planing things out and going for the perfect outcomes. Once in a while she just wanted to not think and do whatever comes to mind, then deal with its consequences later, together.

And those words broke the final of the chains, now I wasn't afraid of other's opinions that much. There's still a lingering fear, it won't go away that easily but now I feel like I can actually take steps towards fixing it. I even managed to come all the way here by sticking to Mayu so intimately on the way.

My inners were shaking watching people's eyes being on us but now I was able to take steps.

I took in deep breaths while Mayu was searching through the room, waiting for the moment to latch onto her and pour all of myself.

The only affection, feelings or love she should need have to be from me. Every form of love in this world she should get from me.

  • lover
  • Mother
  • Father
  • Sister
  • brother
  • friend
  • hateful love
  • dominating love
  • Submissive love
  • Pet's love

Everyone imaginable form of love should be given by only me. She should desire all these things only from me. Only I have the privilege. Those who try and take any of these positions should be made to suffer through hell.

This time the Mother almost succeeded in taking the second position, hence she deserves to suffer for getting in my way of love.

Thinking about this a very strong fire, a hot passionate desire burned through every corner of my being and before I knew it I was having a taste of Mayu's womanhood.

The desire to print all of myself on Mayu's body was reaching new heights by mere seconds. I was already not in control of my body, the immense feelings I have for Mayu controlling every fibre of my being and it worked.

The raw display of my feelings destroyed any feelings she wanted of her Mother. I saw Mayu's need of Motherly love directed towards me. The eyes which earlier she showed to the Mother were now being directed towards me. In her eyes, I could see various kinds of feelings she was directed towards me and it filled every corner of my distorted desire.

I felt so fulfilled that the next thing I knew was Mayu devouring me with every drop of her desire. She was wild, just like an uncaged animal, the extent of her wildness made me unable to do anything anymore but I didn't need to do something any longer. I just needed to accept all the wild, immeasurable and various kinds of feelings she through my way.

She really had the taste of my body like a beast in human form and I liked every second of it, I also forgot about where we were in extreme pleasure but it soon ended with a ring of the doorbell.

"Sis, let's continue after this"

I was furious but she took the words right out of my mouth.

It was time for us to indulge in other pleasures, TOGETHER.

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