My Enigmatic Life

A Confrontation.

    I leave Akane sleeping in my bed, and make my way to Yonaguni's place for this morning's training. The bastard hasn't taught us anything combat related yet, it's just been solely strength training. I can't complain though, I've actually gotten stronger because it. Although it is a bit Spartan in it's method. 


Huh? Who is that?

Turning around, I can see a bloke. Not your average, run-of-the-mill bloke, however. This fellah is about as tall as Akai is. 

"Sorry if I'm disturbin' ya, but do ya happen ta know where the market is?"

Ah. He's looking for directions. 

"Yeah. It's right around that corner.", I point.

"Thanks! I gotta say, it's a bit difficult finding ya way 'round when ya've just moved inta the neighbourhood.", he explains.

He seems interested in holding a conversation, but I've got to get going.

"Yes, I know that feeling. Pardon me, but I must get going-"

"But hey, It's Master Shade's orders."

Shade? In a flash, the guy hurtles a punch towards me. I quickly evade and throw a jab in return, which he too dodges. Jumping back, I try to increase the distance between us as I quickly pull out my bokuto from my bag.

"Heheh. Nice move. I can see how ya managed ta beat Saito."

"Who the heck are you?"

The bloke sneers at me, drawing himself to his full height.

"The name's Ariyama Sanemi. I've been given a mission ta kill ya, whatever ya name is."

"Daisuke. Colen Daisuke."

For some reason, I give this bastard my name.

"Daisuke! *That's a good name. Well, I'll be seein' soon! I won't be fightin' ya quite yet, but I'm lookin' foward to it!

With those final words, Sanemi departs, following the directions that I gave him. 

Would you look at that, I've made a new friend. How nice....


*Daisuke translates to impressive or great helper


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