My Enigmatic Life

Volume Three, Volume Four: The God-Parents

     At Yonaguni's place, Naoya and I are wrapping up our training by doing some push-ups. You might think that is a nice way to cap off some difficult training, but it's not. You see, we aren't doing your ordinary push-ups. We are performing one handed push-ups, and we have to do two hundred of them. To make things even more arduous, the both of us have a weight of over a hundred kilograms on our backs. The only diference between the two of us is what's making up that weight.

"Good pace, Aniki. Keep it up."

"Remember, don't strain yourself."

" it.", I grunt.

Yes, there are two Yokos sat upon my back. How are there two Yokos? Well, it's magic, innit?

While the warmth and softness of the two Yokos is quite nice, it's a bit trifling to focus on said feeling when my arms are wailing in agony.

"Oi, Dead-Eyes! Pick up the pace, bastard!"

Yonaguni's usual vulgar outbursts are certainly a great help in improving my mood. As you heard, he's given me a nick-name. Aren't we a chummy bunch...

"I'm.....fifty-eight....going as....fifty-nine.....possible..."

"Oi, Yonaguni...sixty-one....can you shut up...?"

Naoya sputters out some reprimanding words through his heavy breaths. Naoya's weight is, well a weight.

"You shut up, Mop-Head! And Dead-Eyes, I don't care about what's possible. I care about you getting done, damn you! After all, you're getting the pleasure of having Yoko-chan sit on your back!"

I merely scowl at him, biting back my reply. Yonaguni then grabs my hair violently, halting my progress.

"Listen, you shit. If you-"

One of the Yokos then grabs his hands and squeezes it tightly. She's going to break if she doesn't let it go.

"Master. What did I tell you about getting too coarse with Aniki?", Yoko One asks flatly.

"Need I repeat what happened last time?", Yoko Two says threateningly.

Yonaguni shrinks back like a frightened kitten, quickly making excuses.

"I was just trying to help him keep focus, Yoko-chan!"

"Yes, I'm sure.", Yoko Two frowns, narrowing her eyes.

"Help keep his 'focus' again, Master, and I'll make certain that you'll be quite 'focused' for a while.", Yoko One retorts.

"Y-yes, Yoko-chan!", Yonaguni cries, "This world is so kind to the wrong people..!"

He's actually crying. I can't believe this man.

"You really are patheic, aren't you?"

Naoya, who paused his push-ups during the altercation, looks on with disgust. Not that I blame him.


   Finally, the school day is over. It was damn near impossible to do any work, including baseball practice, with my arms as sore as they are now.

"I hate that Yonaguni.."

Naoya mutters bitterly, he's even more fed up with him that I am.

"You two are lucky that I'm there. I can't imagine what he would put you through if I wasn't.", Yoko remarks.

I scoff loudly.

"He'd probably hang us or something along those lines."


It's Sunni, she's making her way over here.

"I thought you'd already left.", I say.

"No, I've been waiting for you."

"Hey, Arianne. It's nice to talk to you again after such a long time. How are things back home?"

"Same here, Naoya. Things haven't changed too much, honestly. Although Mr. Halley's finally stopped working the fryer at the chips shop."

"Really? He's finally retired?", Naoya asks with disbelief.

"Well, sort of. He's at the till now."

"Huh. I figured so.", I add, "Mr.Halley will probably take his shop with him when he passes."

"Hahaha! I could believe that!"

"Ohoho, that sounds like something he would try to do."

"So, what do you want Aniki for, Arianne?"

Yoko interrupts our conversation, trying to get to the point.

"Ah, Yoko! I didn't see you there.", Sunni smiles, "Sorry to say this, but I'll be taking your Aniki away for a while."

Yoko smiles back, although bitterly.

"That's something I've had to deal with for a long time, so I'm used to it."

"I know what you mean. After all, I've had the same issue."

Let me tell you lot something, Yoko's and Sunni's relationship has always been a bit....dodgy. Both accused each other of hogging me when they were younger. Although it seems as though the rivalry is a bit more low-key now.

"Come on, Naoya-nii. Let's leave them be."

"Right. See you two tomorrow."

With that, they leave. Sunni links arms with me and begins to walk away.

"So, where are we going?", I ask.

"To see Papa and Mama. I'm sure that they'll be delighted to see you!"


Sure enough, we were driven to a large house that bears a resembalance to The Renford Family house back home.

A butler is at the the waiting for us as we walk up the steps.

"Welcome back, Young Miss."

"Good afternoon, Mr.Bert."

"Good afternoon, sir."

"Shall I announce your arrival?"

Sunni shakes her head, grinning mischieviously.

"No, I'll so myself thank-you. Come along, Govvy."


I'm nervous. I'm very nervous.

"You wait here until I call for you, okay?"

I nod, suddenly I find it difficult to speak. Sunni enters what I assume to be the drawing room without knocking. She's definitely excited.

"Hello, Papa and Mama. I've brought him just as I said I would."

"Ah, good! I'd like to see this boyfriend of yours of whom you've only just met yesterday!!"

"Calm down, dear. You'll scare him so badly that he won't be able to speak."

"Yes, yes...."

Oh man... Uncle Halman sounds absolutely livid! I'm screwed. Surely they won't recognise me, will they? And Aunt Sophia sounds disapproving as well. Maybe I shouldn't have come here.

"You can come in."

That's Sunni. At this point I'm extremely nervous, but I somehow manage to tentatively open the door and enter the drawing room. As soon as I do so, Uncle Halman turns to face me and Aunt Sophia looks up from her book that she's reading. I stand there, stock still. Waiting for a response. It's quiet for a bit, but then Uncle Halman whips his horn-rimmed spectacles off his face.

"By jove..", he says slowly, "Govvy, my lad!"

"Ah! Govvy!", Aunt Sophia cries out.

The both of team hurreidly rush over to me, wrapping me in a tight embrace. With that, all of my unease disappears in an instant.

"It's great to see you again, Uncle Halman. Aunt Sophia."

From the side-lines, Sunni looks upon this scene with a contented smile.





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