My Enigmatic Life

Volume Four, Chapter One: The Cousins’ First Date

        It's Saturday, and as promised, Yoko and I are going on a date. Wow, that sounds really weird to say in my head... Yoko seems unbothered, though. Heck, she's probably chuffed right now. The site for our date is the local park, and we're having a picnic. Looking around there are a few couples about. Or maybe I should say a few other couples, eh?

"It's a lovely day out, isn't it, Aniki?"

"Yeah, it sure is.", I nod.

Yoko starts digging into the picnic basket, and pulls out a box of various sandwiches, a box of onigiri (rice balls), a box of kaarage (fried chicken) and two thermoses. Yoko takes up a piece of kaarage and pops it into her mouth. I go for a sandwich myself.

"Your kaarage is pretty good! Not as good as kaa-chan's though."

"I'm not surprised, honestly. Oba's cooking seems like it's second to none."

Yoko smiles expectantly at me.

"What about mine?"

"You? You need to get past Aoi's level before you can even think about that."

"Aoi-nee?! Aniki, she can only cook rice!"

"Exactly my point.", I tease her.

"...Mmphf...Very funny.."

Oh, look at her pout. Her indignation is adorable. 

"Fine...I guess I'll just go back to practicing.", she mutters.

"Don't mind my jesting, Yoko. I'm certain that you'll be on Oba's level in a couple of years."


Yoko continues to act affronted, but her expression softens up a bit. But, this does take me back to when we were younger. All of us would go down to the beach and play around, maybe we'll be able to do something like that again soon. But thinking about those days reminds me of something.

"It's funny how you used to be more of a tomboy back then, Yoko. You're always wearing more of a gothic style of clothing now that it's easy to forget."

Yoko stops pouting momentarily to speak.

"That's because you and Naoya-nii had such an influence on me, but now I'm a bit more of my own person."

Yeah, I can see that being the case.

"Well, it doesn't bother me any. Honestly, I really love the gothic look on you."

"Really?! I was hoping you liked it when I first started, but I was too nervous to ask! But knowing you like it makes me very happy-"

And now she's all chuffed again.


We finished up our lunch, and now we're just reposing for a bit before returning home. Yoko sits besides me with her head on my shoulder. Whlist I'm enjoying this, there's something I must do.

"Sorry, Yoko. I have to use the bathroom, I'll be right back."

"Okay.", Yoko nods.

Of course, I'm not going to the loo. I've got something else planned that I had in the works for a while, and now it's time to put it into action.... 

Alright, I've got it. Now, I just have to- Eh?

"You say that you're here with you're boyfriend, but where is he?"

Some bloke's talking, well it's more like arguing, with Yoko. 

"I told you, he's in the WC, mister."

The bloke scoffs loudly.

"Yeah, right. I hate to tell you, little miss, but your boyfriend's left you behind."

Yoko's countenance changes into a glare. 

"Who the hell do you think you are to suggest such a thing, eh?"

I better quell the situation. I hurry over to them and put my hand on the fellah's shoulder.

"Thanks for keeping her company for me, sir."

"Heh, 'bout time you showed up, boyfri-"

He looks at me and freezes. What's up?

"Yeah, man! N-no problem!"

He then scampers away. That was strange.... Yoko put on a dignified smirk, though.

"Seems like you intimidated him, Aniki."

I'm just naturally intimidating? That's comforting, I'll be sure to make a lot of friends that way.

"Wonderful." I murmur bitterly.

"Don't worry about it, Aniki.", Yoko solaces. "He's just some nobody, after all. What took you so long?"

Now it's my turn to smirk. I pull out a box from my back pocket and hand it to her. She looks at it curiously at first, and then opens it. In it is a silver necklace, with a ruby set in a silver sun as the centrepiece. It's not all that big, but it'll still catch your eye.

"I didn't get anything for your birthday last year, so I'm making up for it right now.", I explain. "I saw it and though it suited you perfectly, seeing as your name means- Whoah!"

Yoko latched on to me tightly. And I mean tightly. I wonder if she approves of my gift.

"I'm glad you like it, Yoko. But could you loosen your grip a bit, please?"

"No.", she replies instantly.

Figured so. I believe that I'm going to stuck like this for the rest of the day. Not that I mind.








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