My Enigmatic Life

Volume Two, Chapter Three Point Five: Further Complications

   Alright, alright. I need to relax and run through the recent happenings in my head again.


One, I'm on a date with Akane. 


Two, Some unknown assailant makes an attempt on my life. 


Three, I wake up to Akane in RSP mode. 


Four, I find previously stated assailant dead, with Akane being his killer. 


Right, just like I thought, no matter how many times I think it over, it's just too wild to believe. But, it's the unfortunate truth. And what's even more surprising is that Akane really doesn't seem to care that she just savagely murdered some bloke. As a matter of fact, she's rather chuffed. 


"You seem bothered, Daisuke-nii. Are you still feeling drowsy?"


"No..I'm fine. Although, you calling me that again is throwing me for a loop."


Akane giggles creepily. 


"Kukukuku. I used to always call you that when you're not around. But now I'll go back to calling you that openly again."


That's honestly good to hear, however, there are far more important matters at hand. 


"What are we going to do about his corpse?", I ask.


"Leave it there. The rats need to eat something, after all.", Akane says ruthlessly. 


"Oi, don't say that, damn it.", I rebuke her, "Have a bit of respect."


Akane hasn't stopped smiling since her Red Spirit Power activated, but I can already tell that it grew broader when she looked at me. 


"You're nice, Daisuke-nii. I love that about you, but not everyone deserves that kindness. Especially not someone who wanted you dead."


She has a point, but still, I'm rather not leave him here. But, if we try to move him, we may leave our fingerprints behind, and that'll put us in a whole lot of trouble with the law. I can't help but heave a sigh. 


"Seems like we'll have to go with your suggestion, Akane. I was hoping to check out that ring he was wearing, but it would be better if we got out of dodge."


Akane tilts her head to one side. 


"Ring? What ring?"


"Don't worry about it, it's not important now. What you need to do is dispose of that pipe you killed him with."




Akane effortlessly contorts and bends the pipe into a pretzel shape. She then nonchalantly flings it into an open drain pipe. What strength! She really is Akai's younger sister, eh...


"All done!"


"Exceptional work...", I mutter, "Here, wear this."


I unbutton my long sleeve shirt and hand it to her. 


"Wear it so that you can cover up your blood-stained clothes."


Akane swiftly takes it from me, laughing. Oi, don't get so happy in such a portentous situation. She puts it on with the giddiness of a child. 


"May I keep this, Daisuke-nii? Please?"


"Sure thing. Now hold still for a moment."


I take out my handkerchief from my pocket at proceed to wipe the blood from her face away with it. Akane grabs onto my hand that's wiping her face and holds it there. Speaking of her face, it's absolutely blooming. And judging on how hot mine feels, I am as well. 


"Your hand is so big and warm, Daisuke-nii... Kukuku..."


Her eyes. Now that I can really look at them, I can see that they're very beautiful. What the hell am I doing, getting caught up in the mood, damn it?!?! I pull away from her before things escalate.


"This isn't the time for romanticism! We need to get you home, Akane!"




Come now, don't pout at me. What happened to the Cheshire Cat grin that you were just wearing? Akane wipes her hands clean and tosses my handkerchief down the drain as well. 


"Right, let's book it."


I grab hold of her hand and quickly drag her along. Putting aside the debacle with the hooded bloke, I need to find out what's up with Akane. And Mr.Chikara is the only one who can answer that for me. 




 We arrive at our apartment complex in double time. I sure hope that Mr.Chikara is home right now. 




I rap on the door sharply, feeling a bit antsy.


"You don't have to be so worried, you know?"


I ignore Akane's words as the door opens revealing Akai. Upon seeing me, he flashes a grin.


"So, did you to have a good...time..."


Akai's grin disappears when he sees his sister's face. His expression now a slightly mortified one.


"We ran into an issue.", I say darkly. 


"Don't mind Daisuke-nii, onii-chan. We had a great time."


Akai's face becomes somehow even more horrified after hearing Akane speak. Poor bloke is absolutely gobsmacked. 


"Is your dad here? Please say yes."


"Uh, y-yeah..."


Thank goodness. Maybe he can help with our current situation. Akane and I enter cross the threshold and Akai closes the door behind us.


"Tou-chan? Can you come here for a second, please?"


"Is something the matter? I thought I heard Akane and Daisuke."


Mr.Chikara is, simply put, a daunting man. He's about the same height as his son, but he has a far more stern and serious looking face. 


"Hey, tou-chan! The date went super well! I can't wait to do it again."


Mr.Chikara is able to mask his shock a lot better than Akai, and puts on a faux smile at his daughter's cheery mood.


"I knew that you'd enjoy yourselves. Listen, your mother will be home with the groceries soon. You ought to take a bath before she gets here."


Akane nods at her father and proceeds to merrily walk to the bathroom. The moment the door shuts, Mr.Chikara and Akai round on me.


"Daisuke? What is happening?"


"This is something we need to talk about, Daisuke. Immediately."


You don't have to ask me twice. We sit in the living room, and recant the prior events to the both of them. I can only wonder what thoughts must be going through their heads as their visage grows more and more grim the further I continue. 


"So, what happened to her?", I ask, "Is she going to be alright?"


Akai slumps back into the chair.


"She'll be just fine. You really don't have anyone to fret about besides having a dead body on your hands."


How reassuring. 


"But, what's the deal with her RSP mode? Why is she suddenly capable of talking now?", I urge. 


Mr.Chikara strokes his gruff moustache, sighing deeply. 


"Daisuke. The Akai Seishin-Ryoku that you are familiar with isn't the true version of it."


True version? What does that mean? 


"You see, the one that Akane used before was the un-awakened form of Akai Seishin-Ryoku. In that state, the user becomes akin to wild, senseless beast, attacking friend and foe alike."


That definitely sounds like what I'm familiar with. 


"So, how is the awakened version different?"


Akai takes over for his father.


"The awakened version of Akai Seishin-Ryoku is not only stronger than the incomplete one, but the user regains their sense of self. Thus allowing them to actually select a target."


What they've said so far aligns perfectly with what Akane just displayed. So, it really is still RSP mode, eh? Just a improved version. 


"So, how does one awaken?"


Mr.Chikara sits upright in his chair, he seems a bit uncomfortable. 


"In days afore, one would have to go through rigorous training to gain mastery of the ability. Training far too unforgiving for a child. When Akane activated her's at such a young age, I thought that I could simply teach her to keep her temper, thinking that such teachings alone would be enough. But I was wrong it seems."


Mr.Chikara's wistful expression fills me with guilt. I feel as though all of this is my fault. And, frankly, it probably is. 


"So, that means that there has to be another way to awaken without training then?"


This time, Akai answers my query.


"That's right, there is. It's uncommon, though. As you're already aware, the Akai Seishin-Ryoku is activated when negative emotions, like anger, are roused in the user. So, if there ever comes a time when one of these negative emotions become so strong, so overwhelming, so focused, the user can unintentionally awaken."


I see. That explains everything perfectly, Akane saw that bloke trying to kill me and lost it. I once again can't help but feel a little sorry for him. 


"Well, it's no surprise that she did what she did, that guy tried to take her beloved senpai away for good. There's no way she would ever let that happen."


That sounds familiar. Beloved, huh?


"Ummm, I should say that I left out a minor detail about what Akane did."


"What is it, Daisuke?"


Mr.Chikara and Akai look at me intently, waiting eagerly for my next words. That's definitely helping to lessen my nervousness. 


"When I asked her why she killed him, she told me that it was because she loves me."


"Well, yeah. That's obvious."


"That's nothing unusual."


I'm sorry? What's with those reactions?! They're far too calm! Hell, they're borderline dismissive!


"Come now, don't say that. I'm sure that it was just the RSP effecting her mind." , I say quickly. 


Mr.Chikara easily up-ends my theory.


"Daisuke, while the Akai Seishin-Ryoku does alter one's personality, it only only does so by either embellishing it or by bringing out the side of them that the user tries to hide."


So, you mean that what she said to me were her true, honest feelings? Akane really does like me then?


"My sister has always been a yandere, buddy. She would always scare away any girl who dared to show romantic interest in you. Until Yoko-san came along, of course."


"I'm glad to hear that she was finally able to be honest with you." , Mr.Chikara says proudly. 


Oi, don't act like this nullifies all of the other problems we have on our hands, okay? Well, I'm saying that, but honestly I can't help but think solely about Akane's feelings for me now. I think that things are going to get even more complicated from now on. Wonderful.... 

   Finally, after what feels like such a long day, I make my return to Oji's house. To greet me at the door surprisingly isn't Yoko, but Yuuma and Yuno. 

"Welcome back, Govvy-chan!"

"Come play with us!"

They pull on my arms excitedly. Normally, I would accept their request, but I'm feeling a wee bit drained at the moment. 

"Maybe later, you two. I have to get ready for dinner, remember?"


I turn to head to the guest room, and in there waiting for me are Yoko and Naoya. They're playing Chinese Checkers, even though they don't know how to play it....

"Oi, Govvy! How did it go with Akane?"

"Did you enjoy yourself, Aniki?"

I look away, unable to look them in the face. 

"I'm alright. I'm just going to take bath before dinner."

As I leave, I can see Yoko and Naoya glance at each other, obviously confused by my unusual behaviour. 

Later at dinner, Oji asks me a question. I'm sure you can guess what it was. 

"So, Govvy, how did it go for you?"

"Well enough.", I quickly answer.

Naoya turns to me, smiling. 

"Did she let you cop a feel?"

"Naoya!", Oba rebukes him, "What kind of talk is that?"

"To be honest, I'm a bit curious about that too.", Oji adds.

I can see where he got it from. 

"Naoya-nii, Aniki isn't susceptible to perverted acts like you are."

I'm glad to see that she has so much faith in me. I really do have such a loving cousin. 

"What does perverted mean?", Yuno asks.

"Never you mind.", Aoi says, "I wouldn't say that Govvy is as pure as you believe, sister. I heard him and Naoya talking to their friends about girls."

I choke on my rice and Naoya spits out his juice. 

"Eh? What did Aniki say?", Yoko asks dangerously.

"Well, I heard him talk a lot about Ms. Akane. He seems to be quite fond of her, doesn't he?", Aoi smirks mischieviously.

Yoko turns to me, who had just recovered from choking. 

"Aniki? Is this true?!"

"Uhh, y-yeah...", I say penitentially.

"Wha?! Aniki, I can't believe you!"


Yoko pulls painfully on my cheek! Oi, that hurts, damn it! 

"H-hold on, Yoko! He was taking about you just as much!", Naoya jumps in.

I break free from Yoko's painful pinching, to yell at Naoya. 



Oji and Aoi were laughing boisterously at us while Oba sighs deeply. Yuno and Yuuma seem to be a bit bewildered by what's going on and Yoko...

"Aniki talked about my body? So he really is attracted to me? That's wonderful. Eheheheh...."

This has got to be the worst experience in my life. There can't be anything more embarrassing than this.

"God, if you really are there, please take me now.", Naoya pleads.

Yeah, me as well, if you please.....












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