My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 32 Devil’s Bargain

"Good morning Miss Belnades." said Zero as he smiled at the naked Yoko while she stared at him with a blank face.


"Who are you?" Yoko asked with a confused look on her face as she didn't remember anything but fragments of many things.


"Looks like your memories are a bit disoriented." Zero wasn't really surprised at this fact since her soul and body had changed so drastically.


Zero pulled a blanket out of his dimensional storage space and handed it to Yoko. She took it from him, covered herself with it, and looked around to figure out where she was. Zero motioned for her to sit in the chair as he created another one across from her. Sitting down they stared at each other and Zero decided to break the silence. "So do you know your name?"


"Yoko Belnades." answered Yoko


"Very good well why don't you tell me the last thing you remember." said Zero


"I was stabbed in the chest by someone." answered Yoko


"Oh, that was me." said Zero as he had no plans of hiding the truth from her in case this memory disorientation wouldn't last long.


Yoko saw an image of the man in front of her stabbing her through the heart and the pain brought her back to reality. She jumped out of the chair and took a defensive stance and glared at him. Zero looked at her calmly and said "You should sit down it's not like I'll attack you."


"Zero Hakuba!" yelled Yoko who was starting to remember more and more after the first initial shock.


"Yes, Miss Belnades, how can I help you?" asked Zero with a slight chuckle


"You killed me!" yelled Yoko


"Well, you're alive and kicking right now, so maybe it didn't take." joked Zero with a smile


Yoko ignored the joke in bad taste as she wondered what happened. She remembered that Zero stabbed her in her heart and she remembered the pain so it had to be real. She definitely died back then so how could she be here, unless Zero was also dead, but she felt that was wrong. She finally couldn't take it anymore and asked the question that raced in his mind. "How am I still alive?"


"I brought you back to life." said Zero


Yoko was shocked at the fact that she had died and was somehow resurrected by the very same person who killed her. She was still shocked but she felt weak in the knees so she picked up the chair that she knocked over and sat down. "Why did you bring me back to life?" She managed to get out.


"I need you so I resurrected you." said Zero


"What do you need from me? How did you bring me back to life?" asked Yoko as she was trying to figure out what was going on. She needed to know what was going on and for some strange reason even though she should be attacking Zero she felt something holding her back.


"Well, I have an issue with magic. I'm not versed in the art and don't have the time to study it. So I decided to make a subordinate who could use it," explained Zero since this was his motive for killing Yoko. When he fought Graham a while ago he found that his lack of magic made the fight more difficult than it should have been. If had Graham had a greater magic capacity then he would have died instead so he made a plan to learn magic. He had killed Yoko and was going to absorb the knowledge from her soul but at idea came to him instead. He might gain the spells but without practice, it would be useless so he wanted to create someone else to learn and use the magic for him instead.


He had actually planned to gain the power to create a subordinate in the next world but somehow he gained it early. This pushed up his plans for a magician on his team. The original skill that he wanted would have used the body and soul to create a demon with low sentience so the life creation skill was better.


"So how does that lead to you killing me instead of trying to recruit me?" asked Yoko


"You haven't noticed?" asked the astonished Zero as he stared at Yoko who seemed to have failed to notice the change in her body.


"Notice what!?" asked the impatient Yoko


"I killed you to create a new body that better suited my needs." said Zero as he willed a mirror to appear where they were.


Hearing what Zero had just said Yoko began to look at her body. She was shocked by what she saw; her blond hair had turned crimson red along with her blue-green eyes. When she saw what was on her head she slowly brought her hand up to the two protruding horns on her head and felt that they were real. She opened her mouth to see small fangs in her mouth and her hand was covered in glowing blue tattoos on her hands. "What have you done to me!?" Yoko yelled as she shook in anger


"I turned you into a demon specifically a demon called a Qarinah." answered Zero with a serious expression as he looked at Yoko.


"Why did you do this to me!?" yelled Yoko as she began to gather magical energy instinctively.


"Well to make you stronger than what you were capable of as a human." said Zero calmly but the magical energy was too great so he created an invisible magic shield by combining the two skills.


Yoko stood up, gathered magic in her hand, and was preparing to launch a holy flame spell. She launched a flame attack at Zero but while the attack should have been a white flame it came out black instead. Zero teleported from the chair appearing behind her and said. "You shouldn't burn forests you might call Smoky the Bear."


"What did you do to my magic!?" asked the hysterical Yoko


"I didn't do anything you did. You should at least wait until you understand your new body better before you try casting magic. Why don't you take a seat and we can continue our discussion." said Zero calmly as he controlled the space to repair the burning forest.


Yoko glared at Zero who was now behind her and turned her chair to face him again. She knew that casting more spells wouldn't be effective since Zero had the power to teleport. "Okay fine, let's restart this discussion," Yoko was willing to listen to his explanation about her body if it could help her kill him.

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