My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 33 Devil’s Bargain Part 2

"Now let's talk about the change you've gone through," said Zero who was fully aware that Yoko was most likely trying to learn about her body so that she could kill him.


"What is Qarinah?" asked Yoko who was enraged by the fact that she had been turned into a demon the enemy of humankind.


"Well, technically you're a mystical Qarinah. To answer your question it seemed to be a lust demon similar to that of succubus. I mixed a couple of valkyries into the mix so that is why you don't have demon wings." answered Zero extensively since he was bragging about her masterpiece of a body that he created.


Yoko had noticed her wings and was glad that she didn't have demon bat-like wings so she was trying to convince herself that she wasn't a demon. Now that Zero had confirmed that she was in fact a demon that delusion was instantly shattered. Questions just kept appearing in her mind but the most important one was. "Why did you make me a succubus?"


"It was the only demon I had on hand. Besides I assumed that most women wouldn't mind becoming more beautiful even if they gained horns and wings." said Zero who honestly thought that was true.


"Is that supposed to be a joke!?" Yoko was livid that her life was ruined for such a reason.


"Sorry, I don't really know much about women or humans in general. I am only a year old." said Zero


"How can an adult vampire be a year old? If you are going to lie tell a better one." Yoko was doing her best to calm down and Zero's answers were not helping the situation.


"I'm not really a vampire but I've taken this form to help me achieve my goal." Zero was planning to only partially explain his origins.


"If you're not a vampire then what are you?" asked the curious Yoko wondering what he would say.


"Well my mother is a goddess so that makes me a baby god I guess." said Zero


"I told you to tell more believable lies!" yelled Yoko


"Well then can you answer where we are?" asked Zero


"In a forest of course." answered Yoko quickly


Zero willed the forest to transform into a white room with nothing except the two chairs in which they sat. Yoko's eyes widened at the change of scenery. If it had changed to a new location like a field she would have attributed it to teleportation but this new location was a white void.


"So where are we now?" asked Zero with a smile


"What did you do?" asked Yoko who had no idea how Zero did this.


"Well, we're currently in a dimension I created so that you could be reborn without any problems." Zero nonchalantly revealed that they were in another dimension like it was an everyday occurrence.


"You can create dimensions?" asked a surprised Yoko


"It's not that big of a deal I believe that Dracula can do the same thing." said Zero nonchalantly


"Dracula is an individual with godlike powers." stated Yoko


"No, he doesn't have godlike powers." Said Zero


"What do you mean?" asked Yoko


"He is very strong for a mortal but there are stronger beings in other worlds." said Zero


"Other worlds?" asked a shocked Yoko


"Yes, other worlds. There are an infinite amount of worlds that exist." confirmed Zero


"So what types of worlds are out there?" asked Yoko


"For example, there's a world similar to this except in that world Dracula was a Belmont." said Zero


"That's a lie the Belmonts would never allow one of their own to become a vampire." said Yoko


"Well we can go there if you wish." said Zero didn't mind going there since he could gather souls and bodies in any world.


Yoko was not expecting that he offered to take her there so it made her believe that such a world did in fact exist and that he would really take her there. She was also surprised to find out that there were more powerful individuals out there. Yoko decided to focus on what was more important for now and asked. "So what can my new body do specifically?"


Zero made the game-like screen that showed him Yoko's stats appear and let it float towards Yoko. "Well, here you go."


"I have no idea what any of this means except some of the skills." said Yoko who had no idea what any of the stats meant since she didn't play any video games.


"Well if you'll allow me to come over I can show you and explain." said Zero as he got up to walk over to her.


Yoko was no guard when he walked over to her and was ready to attack but let it go when she saw that he really was just planning to explain. "Okay please show me."


Zero willed a chair to appear next to Yoko and proceeded to take a seat and the screen floated in between the two of them. "Well, first these were your previous abilities."


Zero proceeded to explain that her new body was almost 100 times stronger and faster than what it had been when she was human. He then went to explain what her skills that he knew about did. Since his system was still offline and upgrading he only could explain half of her skills. When she asked about the rest Zero merely told her that once she mastered these abilities he would teach her more about the others.


Yoko was not aware of it but she was under the effect of Zero's mental manipulation skill. He wasn't controlling her mind but simply using it to constantly keep her calm. This did not affect what she thought and would not deter her from attacking him but it would make her actually have to think of a reason to attack him rather than go off of blind emotions. This made the conversion more pleasant and helped things go faster than they would have otherwise.


"I'm very strong so aren't you worried that I'll kill you?" asked Yoko


"You are very strong and I would have a hard time killing you but it's still possible." replied Zero


"So what are you doing that requires the need of a master of magic?" asked Yoko


"Well currently we're inside Dracula's castle and I want to stop his return." answered Zero


"What! You want to stop Soma even though he's your friend!" Yoko was so surprised that he stood up and knocked her chair over yet again.


"Well he wants to defy his role of Dracula so I'm going to help him in the best way possible." said Zero as he calmly stood up, picked up Yoko's chair, and motioned for her to sit which she did.


"How can we possibly stop Dracula he can't be killed. Soma will most likely fall into darkness." said a depressed Yoko


"Well, technically Dracula is not an evil being he is simply being used and polluted by an entity. So to stop him and let him rest permanently we simply have to kill it after killing him." explained Zero


"You mean we have to fight Dracula and a being stronger than Dracula how can we accomplish that?" asked Yoko


"Well I just created you and you should be somewhat close to the level of power as he wields." said Zero


"Wait you just said I have power equal to Dracula?" asked Yoko


"Yes, you're a newborn demon lord so you'll definitely grow stronger than him given time to adjust and get used to your new body." said Zero


"Demon Lord!" yelled Yoko standing up once again knocking the chair over.


Zero began to wonder if he should fuse the chair to the white void ground to save him the trouble of doing this again as he picked up the chair yet again.

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