My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Chapter 46 Nova

“A Goddess!” yelled Yoko as she looked at the baby girl held in Zero's hands. The baby girl with emerald green eyes looked at her and smiled while reaching for her.


“Yeah looks like she likes you.” said Zero handing her to Yoko as he produced a blanket from thin air and handed it to her.


“What's her name?” asked Yoko as she wrapped the blanket around the child.


“Haven’t thought of one.” said Zero


“What! How can you create a baby and not think of a name!?” asked an angry Yoko


“First of all, I can’t think of a name for a creature I hadn’t seen yet. Secondly, I wasn’t expecting a baby.” said Zero


As the two were going back and forth Valna came between the two and said “Why don’t focus on naming her instead of arguing.”


“Fine you guys have any ideas?” asked Zero


“How about Aelfmaer? It means a little mystical nymph.” suggested Valna


“Yeah, that’s a no. You got any ideas?” asked Zero as he turned from Valna and asked Yoko.


“How about Nova? My mother almost named me that but she went with Yoko instead. Nova means new.” suggested Yoko as she stared at the little girl.


“Alright let’s go with that. She likes it very much and it fits her.” said Zero as he looked at the smiling child


Zero had been ignoring the notification to name her that appeared when the girl was born. Now that they had chosen a name it was time to confirm it.


[Please name creation]


“Nova Belnades” said Zero




“Wait what!? Why are you giving her my last name?” asked a confused Yoko


“I don’t have a last name to give her. Think of it as you’ve gained a little sister.” said Zero


“Congratulations mistress and young miss.” said Valna as she clapped.


“Well, I’ll be leaving her to you. Take care of her and keep training.” said Zero as he created a crib for the child before beginning to walk away.


“Wait! Why are you leaving her with me!?” asked Yoko


“Well, we’re currently running on borrowed time. We don’t know when Valna’s old boss will show up. I thought Nova could help us but I wasn’t expecting a baby so I need to go lay down some preparations for the oncoming conflict.” explained Zero


“Yes, it will be difficult to fight while protecting her.” Valna agreed because God was not someone who they could fight while worried about a child.


“Yup, so you’ll train Yoko as much as you can before that happens. Afterward, you’ll stay here with Nova and look after her while we handle the situation.” explained Zero


“I must protest. I need to protect my mistress.” argued Valna


“Valna I order you to protect Nova.” said Yoko


“Yes I understand mistress.” said Valna as she knelt down with a sad dejected look on her face.


“Good now that everything has been settled I will be leaving now.” said Zero as he waved his hand creating a portal and walked through.


“Well if we don’t have any time then let’s hurry. Valna grab the crib and we’ll head back to the training area.” said Yoko as she took to the air with Nova in her arms and flew away.


Appearing back in the Inner Quarters Zero was met by a hundred on Valkyries and Curlys. Having no time to waste here he created a multitude of fireballs and lunched them. The fireball killed most of the enemies with the few remaining fleeing allowing Zero to collect the souls and quickly teleport away.


Zero appeared in front of Genya startling him causing him to jump back and draw his sword. Realizing that it was Zero he sheathed the blade and asked “What are you doing here?”


“I’m here looking for you. We need to talk.” said Zero in a serious tone.


“About what?” asked a concerned Genya


“We need Soma to awaken as Dracula in the next 2 days.” stated Zero


“What!? Why!?” asked a concerned Genya


“Well, their good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?” asked Zero


“This is no time to be joking. Start with the bad.” Said Genya


“Okay, bad news I found out that God is behind everything that happened to your parents in the past. I also found out that God will probably come here in 3 days. So we need Soma to awaken and kill the chaos entity before then.” explained Zero


“What!?” Genya was shocked by the revelation that he’d just received from Zero. The original plan proposed by Zero had called for a slow awakening which would have occurred over 2 weeks. Knowing the situation couldn’t get any worse he decided to ask what the good news was.


“Well, the good news is I have a plan to avoid getting killed by God.” said Zero


“Really, what is it?” asked the eager Genya


“Simple, we run.” said Zero


“What! Can you even run away from God?” asked Genya


“Yes, it’s easy enough if you’re running to another world. We’ll take Soma and Mina and run away.” said Zero


“Will that guarantee our safety? ” asked Genya


“I have no idea. I do however know that if we stay here we all die.” said Zero


“You’re right it’s better to bet on a chance at survival rather than waiting to die.” said Genya


“Good, that’s what I like to hear. Okay now I need a favor from you.” said Zero


“What is it?” asked Genya


“I need Death’s soul so I need you to help me kill him.” explained Zero


“It’s impossible to kill Death he’ll resurrect endlessly.” stated Genya


“That’s because upon his defeat his soul leaves to take a new vessel but I’ll capture it before that.” explained Zero


“So you’re well versed in soul magic?” asked Genya


“That’s unimportant now. Will you help me?” asked Zero


“Very well but I don’t know where Death is.” Said Genya


“Don’t worry I know exactly where he is. I can take us there immediately if you’re ready.” said Zero


“Yes I’m ready let’s go.” said Genya as he changed from a tall black-eyed man with long black hair into a blonde-haired amber-eyed elegant man.


“You’re going with your original appearance?” asked Zero


“I can’t be wasting mana to keep up this spell. I’m going to need every ounce of mana if we’re going to be facing Death.” explained Genya


“Alright then let go.” said Zero as he placed his hand on Genya's shoulder and then they both disappeared as Zero teleported them to the top floor of a Clock Tower.

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