My Goddess Mother Gave Me A SYSTEM AND KICKED ME OUT

Skill Explanation

TRUE MAGIC MASTERY: Users possess uncanny intuition with magical phenomena and all their myriad forms, allowing them to perceive and understand magic like no other and learn and master virtually any spell and school of magic with outstanding ease. Their ever-growing understanding of the workings of magic soon allows them to extensively modify any spell available to them, drastically increasing their potency and efficiency, merging them into even more powerful ones, and even creating their own arsenal of magical trump cards, while intuiting effective countermeasures to most spell and entity they come in contact with.


WEAPON SYNTHESIS: Users can create weapons from existing matter or energy, they are capable of creating virtually any weapon and however many they wish so long as the user has the mana. Depending on what the weapon is made of, it can possess a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat.


LIFE/MANA DRAIN: The user can absorb life force and mana while removing it from the source, into their body and use it in various ways, gaining some form of advantage, either by enhancing themselves, gaining the drained power, using it as a power source, etc., either temporarily or permanently. Extended drain may result in extended or permanent effects or even death.


DREAM WALKING: The user can create, shape, enter, and manipulate the dreams of others, including modifying, suppressing, fabricating, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, and memories. They can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in a dream, and promote emotional healing within dreams.


DEATH KISS: The user's lips or saliva can be laced with a toxic poison when they kiss a victim, the victim will suffer the effects of the poison. This poison can cause the victim to become horribly sick, delusional, paralyzed, and even cause death. This power is only active when the user decides to use it.


WING MANIFESTATION: The user has or is able to manifest wings that grow or are attached to the body allowing flight. They may also protect from rear attacks or detach and re-grow for quick getaways.


GREATER QARINAH PHYSIOLOGY: The user has the body of a Greater Qarinah. In Arabic mythology the qarînah is a spirit similar to the succubus; supernaturally beautiful and loyal, who sleeps with a person and has relations during sleep as is known by the dreams, legend says they can have maniacally obsession and adoration to their victims and maybe hurt them even if they love them. Users gain an unusual boost to their strength, speed, supernatural level of beauty, and some magical abilities, especially when dealing with illusions and mental manipulation. Physical changes include fangs, claws, pointed tails, and wings.


DESIRE FORM: The user can take on the form of one's greatest desire, becoming what the viewer most wants their observant to be.


LUST MAGIC: The user can utilize a form of magic dealing with lust. They can induce high levels of lust for any number of things, from sexual lust to bloodlust or anything else they would have their extreme desire toward.


INDOMITABLE SEXUALITY: The user has unnaturally powerful sexuality that's innately imprinted in all the user's aspects; biological, physical, mental, natural, emotional, social, and spiritual. Giving them a life full of sexual pleasure and ecstasy that can transcend their inexhaustible libido and unyielding romance to potentially any supernatural levels in any and most effective ways possible to their innate sexual nature making them experienced experts. Having complete mastery of sexuality and anything related to it by its purest concept. It makes them the perfect sexual partner in life. Users can even thrive and be empowered through sheer sexuality that can act as a source of unending power they can use for their own, manifesting itself through the user's libidinous desires and sexual organs gaining powerful abilities.


SEX MAGIC: The user can utilize sex magic: a very powerful form of magic that harnesses sexual energy as a very potent force that can be used to cast formulated spells, raise or transmute power, or be done as part of invoking The Laws of Magic by practicing different types of sexual activity using sexual arousal, pleasure, carnal desires, love, intimacy, orgasm with visualization of the desired result to induce spells.


LUST DEMON LORD PHYSIOLOGY: A user has the potential to become a Lust Demon Lord of the highest caliber. They possess incredible supernatural power, unchallenged dominion over demons of lust and corruption, and tremendous supernatural abilities in both domains. Lust Demon Lords wield dark and various sexual type powers from the most corrupted forms of sexuality that can drive people into the most malevolent and perverse acts of sexual corruption, evil, and sin.


DIVINE-DEMONIC FORCE MANIPULATION: The user has control of anything that is symbolized as both divine/holy and demonic/unholy and has connections to angels and demons. They are able to manipulate sacred and profane artifacts and relics that are connected to angels, demons, or their power. Due to controlling both holy and unholy, the user could be incomplete and unable to reach a balance between the two forces. Additionally, this ability not only grants the user great strength, abilities, and control over numerous variations of divine-demonic powers but also allows them to overwhelm weaker demons and angels as well as rival of powerful entities.


HORMONE MANIPULATION: The user has complete control over the hormones of oneself and others, allowing them to freely alter and manipulate them. Hormones are chemicals released by a cell, a gland, or an organ in one part of the body that affects cells in other parts of the organism. Generally, only a small amount of hormone is required to alter cell metabolism. In essence, it is a chemical messenger that transports a signal from one cell to another.


DEMONIC MAGIC: The user is capable of using demonic magic a special type of magic unique to demons that can achieve several feats such as creating, destroying, and reconstructing anything, sometimes even to warp reality. This type of magic can only be used by a dark and evil entity or those related to them.


ANGELIC MAGIC: The user is capable of using angelic magic a special type of magic unique to angels that can achieve several feats such as creating, destroying, and reconstructing anything, sometimes even to warp reality. This type of magic can only be used by angels, angelic beings, and those related to them.


TRUE ILLUSION MASTERY: Users possess uncanny intuition with magical phenomena and all their myriad forms, allowing them to perceive and understand magic like no other and learn and master almost any spell and school of magic with outstanding ease. Their ever-growing understanding of the workings of magic soon allows them to extensively modify any spell available to them, drastically increasing their potency and efficiency, merging them into even more powerful ones, and even creating their own arsenal of magical trump cards, while intuiting effective countermeasures to most spell and entity they come in contact with.


SPATIAL-TEMPORAL LOCK: User exists outside of time and space and as such are immune to just about anything that would affect or harm them time and space-wise. If time should stop then the user would not be affected. If reality is changed, the user would remember both the previous world and have knowledge of differences from the old to the new. Users can not be displaced, banished, or warped through space without their consent.


GRIM REAPER PHYSIOLOGY: The user gains a body which is another form of the personification of Death. These types of beings are a variation of psychopomp, which gives them all of the powers and responsibilities that come with the position which may range from simply guiding the dead to the next world to actively causing the death, possibly somewhat both. Grim Reapers are mostly seen as cloaked skeletal figures with scythes or sickles but they can even appear as angels, demons, and spirits.


HIGH ANGEL PHYSIOLOGY: The user has the body of a high angelic being capable of magical abilities alongside their innate heritage. The user is able to enter the paths to many other abilities that are holy and positive, like White Arts. Some mystical angels possess powers that are derived from divine versions of fire, thunder, earth, wind, and water.


RESURRECTION: The power to bring the deceased back to life as a living creature. Not to be confused with Reanimation, which brings back the dead and controls them against their will.


DEATH-FORCE MANIPULATION: The user can create, shape, and manipulate the essence of Death, which is present in all mortals throughout the universe and is the opposite power of Life-Force Manipulation; whereas Life-Force is the essence that allows life to flourish, Death-Force is that which causes things to wither, rot, weaken, and eventually die. They can sense and manipulate the essence that allows Death, Destruction, and Decay to exist throughout the universe, allowing them to control decayed matter or to request assistance from the dead.


LUST AURA: The user can project an aura of pure lust, pleasure, and aphrodisia that includes attraction, seduction, and potentially even orgasms. The effect may be caused by purely physical or mental means or a combination of both. This aura of lust can amplify/induce pleasure in beings inside the user's aura.


DEATH-FORCE AURA: The user can release and surround themselves in/with death force for defensive and/or offensive purposes, possibly becoming almost untouchable and granting them various abilities/attacks. The aura may also give the user enhanced physical capabilities such as speed, strength, and durability or cause detrimental effects to nearby foes.


IMPERCEPTIBILITY: The user is totally imperceptible, and as such can in no way be detected or communicated with by external forces, whether physical, mental, spiritual, or technological. They can't be touched or perceived, by smell, touch, vision, or hearing, and give off no heat, auras, or energy, leave any evidence of their presence, yet the space they occupy has no lack of it. To all senses, the user does not exist. The user can only be detected by those that they wish to be seen by.


GREATER VALKYRIE PHYSIOLOGY: Users either are or can transform into a Valkyrie, one of a host of minor lesser divine female figures from the Nordic pantheon who decide who dies and wins in battle. Selecting among those who die in battle, the valkyries bring their chosen to the afterlife of the slain. Valkyries have abilities relating to their duties as choosers of the fate of slain warriors. They can sense when a warrior is about to die, arrange that this warrior will die, defer the death so the warrior can survive to grow in skill, and they have the power to take the chosen warrior's soul with them. They are able to move around unseen and some can take the forms of birds or animals or fly with wings. As for Shieldmaidens, they are skilled fighters, with several lifetimes' worth of experience.


ELEMENTAL RESISTANCE: The user is highly resistant to or can tolerate elements and elemental forces, being able to survive direct/indirect elemental attacks, and effects, or traverse through an elemental environment. (Aerokinetic Immunity, Cold Immunity, Electrical Immunity, Fire Immunity)


ELEMENTAL MAGIC MASTERY: The user can utilize different elements as a form of magic. They can use different spells to formulate their elemental quantities and energies for many uses. The user can use elemental magic to attacks of various shapes and intensities, either projected, or used as a part of melee attacks.


SUPERNATURAL REGENERATION: Users can regenerate completely so long as they are not instantly killed by an attack. For some users, this involves that as long as the "core or soul crystal" is undamaged, they can regenerate. Because the cells and telomere lengths are constantly regenerating and rejuvenating, they do not age, or recover any damaged body parts, and the sustenance intake required is drastically reduced, to the point user is close to true immortality. Even complex parts such as damaged brain cells and nerves can be repaired, effectively keeping the mind intact and making decapitation more difficult as the user can simply reattach their heads to the neck, sealing the cut. The user is practically immune to drugs, disease, and all harmful foreign substances, and will be forever in their optimal health and physical prime. They are immune, or at least highly resistant, to telepathic attacks, since the regenerative power restores brain cells to their unaltered state, blocking one's mind from any attacks or invasive attempts.


IMMORTALITY: Users possess a form of immortality: an endless lifespan, as they can never die naturally, and never age, but they can be killed in rare cases. Some users are the defensive type, simply preventing all damages, to appear physically invulnerable, while others are the regenerative type, surviving and quickly recovering from anything you throw at them while at the same time they are capable of resurrecting themselves instantly after death and completely self-sustaining, free from all bodily necessities, or even the combination of the two.


SUPERNATURAL CONDITION: Users possess supernatural capabilities, attributes, and aspects that are drastically beyond what is naturally possible. With their condition alone, they can surpass most beings in their respective universe, being virtually supreme in their existential aspects and attributes. With their body's abilities they are able to lift weights and output strength even the strongest weightlifters couldn't hope to achieve, moving at speeds similar to that of cars to even subsonic speeds, being immune to nigh-fatal damage and harm, and performing at peak performance without tiring for long periods. With their mind, they can amass knowledge and information about everything, allowing them to invent and create things beyond the grasp of regular humans. They can master languages and subjects in mere days or even hours too. Beyond their physical and mental condition also lies other aspects like their bodies or soul, like possessing senses able to perceive things the ordinary human is completely ignorant to, harboring esoteric bodily aspects like cells capable of inducing supernatural effects, or even having a robust soul and spirit able to withstand conceptual attacks.


TANTRIC METABOLIZATION: Users can sustain themselves and their powers by feeding sexuality and sexual energy from sexuality, sexual experiences, and sexual emotions.


AFTERLIFE TRANSPORT: The user is capable of taking the souls of others, willingly or otherwise, to the afterlife. Users can also grant a blissful and resting death to anyone or anything that is stuck being alive, such as reanimated corpses and users of Cursed Resurrection, but without actually having to kill them. This can bypass and ignore powers that force the target to stay alive unnaturally and also ensures the target affected can stay dead by granting them peace of mind in the afterlife.


ENHANCED SEX APPEAL: Users possess a particularly high level of sex appeal that far surpasses human standards. Many factors are usually involved, but they are mostly defined by an extremely lust-inducing physique with heightened sexual features, and an intuitive mastery of the associated body language, expertly sending all the right signals of a most desirable partner.


DEATH SENSE: The user can sense the coming of death, determining when someone is dead or dying or if others have died in a specific location. This may extend to seeing the names and lifespans of those whose faces the user sees.


ALL ELEMENTAL RESISTANCE: The user is highly resistant to all elements and elemental forces, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects.


PLANT GENERATION: The user can generate plants, including vines, moss, fungi, and parts of the plants, such as leaves, seeds, fruits, and flowers, whether by drawing them from already existing plants or by manifesting them anywhere they want.


PLANT MANIPULATION: The user can create, shape, move, control, interact, and manipulate plants. The user can cause plants to grow, move, and mutate plants by rearranging DNA structures and reviving withered or dead plants.


PERSONAL DOMAIN: Users can create a personal domain: an area in which a being has absolute power, through magical, supernatural, scientific, or other means, which may be a physical area or an entire dimension.

However, there are still some rules to keep in mind:

· One cannot enter someone else's domain without invitation.

· User cannot create humans or humanoids within the domain. Other animal and plant species will be fine, as long their intelligence is comparable to most of Earth's biosphere.

· User can bring things from other places into their domain.


NATURE UNITY: The user can become one with nature, their soul sensing a great deal of peace and content. Animals will be less aggressive or even lose their aggressiveness against the user altogether. The user can sense and feel the living creatures and possibly their emotions from the entire world. They will also empathize with plants as well, knowing when to water them and when to plant them. They can also make plants grow/regrow/regenerate when damaged.


REGENERATION BESTOWAL: The user has the power to grant others the power of regeneration.


BODY MANIPULATION: Users have complete control over the bodies of themselves and others, including skin, nails, fat, muscles, blood, and nerves. This allows them to freely alter and manipulate them. Users can grow additional appendages and body parts, remove them, or otherwise manipulate bodies.


EARTH EMBODIMENT: The user is an embodiment of the earth, sharing many traits and features of the earth, controlling it to a degree superior to others. The majority of users are divine entities, avatars and rulers, and domains of the earth itself, having nigh-absolute to absolute and limitless control and lordship over the earth.


LAND EMBODIMENT: The user embodies and personifies the land, which allows them limitless control over the land and everything connected to it.


PLANT KINGDOM EMBODIMENT: Users become the living physical manifestation or embodiment of the natural forces of life pertaining to the plant kingdom and gain the ability to feed off of the energy of plants. Users can convert plants into energy and use it as a full source to extend their own life span or as a weapon. They may never age and may be immune to death unless certain conditions are met.


HUMAN MIMICRY: The user can transform into a Human/Homo Sapiens. They can also gain Humans dexterity with our opposable thumbs and gain human intelligence.


NATURE SPIRIT PHYSIOLOGY: A user with this ability either is or can transform into a Nature spirit, a being who represents or is associated with or in charge of forces of nature. They are the supreme guardians of Nature, they search along with the outside world and spread and protect nature they are described to be personifications of nature. They have the power to grow, nurture, and rejuvenate plant life and even create flowers out of nothing.


WORLD TREE PHYSIOLOGY: A user is a tree that is associated with trees, forests, nature, and fertility. As a result, the user has unparalleled control over itself or all trees everywhere, or even becoming the infamous World Tree or Tree of Life itself.


TWILIGHT PHYSIOLOGY: The user has the body of a twilight being, a mixed essence between light and darkness. is anatomically identical to its normal form, aside from being made of twilight, in which case, it contains all organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Even though they can use both holy and demonic powers equally with no restrictions, they should not be confused with the Nephalem, which are the offspring of angels and demons.


PLANT TELEPORTATION: The user can teleport via plants and nature. They merge into the element and appear anywhere else from the same element. The user can also create portals using plants and plant materials to teleport others.


ENVIRONMENTAL ADAPTATION: The user can survive and adapt to any environmental condition, being able to tolerate a wide range of temperatures and levels of moisture, any amount of sustenance, and breathable air with little or no discomfort.


INVULNERABILITY: The user is immune to most forms of physical damage and harm regardless of its type, unable to feel physical pain, and is immune to bleeding or loss of limb.


RELIANT IMMORTALITY: The user is immortal, their existence tied to an object, soul fragments, or even a person or concepts. So long as these things exist, the user can never die.


UNLIMITED REGENERATION: Users can regenerate at a transcendent level, possessing a caliber of regenerative healing factor that allows them to rapidly heal at a level beyond logical possibility, reaching illogical regenerative abilities and feats. The most immediate attribute of the regeneration is that the healing factor applies on almost all levels, including cellular, atomic, sub-atomic, quantum, or even conceptual levels, allowing to heal from almost all damage dealt with users instantaneously, sometimes even at infinite or immeasurable speeds, making it seem like they weren't damaged in the first place.


PRIME BEING: The user is a prime being that can create a species and all its variations, making them essentially the most powerful among their race, having utmost power and authority over other beings of its kind. The user can even control or destroy their own species.


DEITY SOUL SPROUT: Users of this ability have a spiritual essence of a divine or godlike being in origin. The user has supernatural abilities on a god-like level but is still limited by their mortality and has yet to attain true godhood.


SUPERNATURAL REPRODUCTION: The user of this can supernaturally procreate other entities; reproducing any common to completely unique beings with supernatural properties and powers that originated from them, having offspring brought forth by using supernatural methods or by natural reproduction with a partner.


SUPER FECUNDITY: The user can easily conceive and produce healthy offspring at an unnaturally high rate and give birth to a large group of healthy children in a short amount of time, far above the rate of normal reproductive abilities of their species or their body's normal ability to sustain.


ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION: The user of this power can reproduce their species without the requirement of a partner or mate.


WORLD CONNECTION: The user has a deep physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual connection with the world and everything in it including all its countless lifeforms, elements, aspects, etc., allowing them a deep understanding of the world, what it can do, and how it applies to them. This can allow them to easily communicate with the world that they have a deep connection with. User can sense and know everything that happens in the world they have a connection to.


SUPERNATURAL BEAUTY: The user is always, and under any circumstances, physically, personally, and socially perfect, graceful, and flawless, without anything that would make them look unattractive or distract from their presence. They are perfectly aware of how to increase their appeal by apparel, action, or choice of words, but even these are simply details to enhance their natural appeal.


HORTICULTURE INTUITION: The user has an innate knowledge of horticulture, the agriculture of plants in service for food, materials, comfort, and beauty for decoration. The user uses a combination of Botany and Agriculture to cultivate, harvest, and improve plant growth. They apply knowledge, skill, and technology to assist them in creating better quality, nutritional value, and resistance to insects, diseases, and environmental stresses for plants.


CONTAMINANT IMMUNITY: The user is immune to poisons, toxins, venoms, viruses, bacteria, parasites, pathogens, and allergens.


REINCARNATION MANIPULATION: User can manipulate their own process of rebirth and reincarnation, allowing them to decide how, when, where, what, and even who they are reborn as.


PHOTOSYNTHESIS: The user can use photosynthesis, allowing them to efficiently collect radiant energy and convert it into chemical energy stored in the bonds of organic molecules. This can be used to strengthen and heal oneself while exposed to sunlight and potentially forego the need for food.


SUPERNATURAL WISDOM: Users are unnaturally wiser than most beings in the universe because their capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level; making them immensely wiser than any regular being. They have a mind which allows them full comprehension of any situation. They are able to understand the meaning of everything by communicating and are capable of understanding the minds of celestial beings.


FOREST LORDSHIP: The user has total dominion and control over forests around the world. The user will be able to have unlimited control and power over a forest and its surroundings, some advanced users can create forests out of nothing.


ZOOLINGUALISM: The user is able to understand the speech or emotions of animal life forms. This ability is quite uncommon and multifaceted.


BOTANICAL COMMUNICATION: The user can communicate with nature either telepathically, by speaking verbally, or by touching it physically. This can manifest literally, allowing one with this ability to become instantly familiar with their surroundings, talk to plants, and tell them to grow or discern events based on the movements of plants, rocks, and trees.

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