My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

6 – Welcome to the family

Olivia flew as fast as a jet plane. We soon reached a high mountain top with a big cave carved in it. I was surprised, because there were also 2 smaller dragons there. One was blue, and the other was gold. When we landed, she abruptly dropped me in front of them.

“Look Selia, mommy brought us a snack!” (Blue Dragon)

“You’ve got to be kidding. This doesn’t qualify as a snack, Vira. At best it’s a chew toy.” (Gold Dragon)

Eeep! Are they gonna eat me?

“Now, now girls, play nice. This isn’t food. It’s your new sister. She’s Yufine, and will be living with us.”

“Oooh? Is this the guest you said was going to move in with us?” (Vira)

“That’s right. Try to get along for at least the next 3 months until you two leave the nest.”

“Very well. Out of respect, I will not harm this human, but don’t expect me to get along with it.” (Selia)

“Aww, don’t be like that, sis. She’s kinda cute.” (Vira)

The blue dragon, named Vira, got close to me and started licking me from head to toe. I wasn’t expecting a drool bath, but it’s better than being eaten.

“Yufine, after you get acquainted with my daughters, make sure to take a bath. There’s a pond further inside. You’ll stink of drool, so make sure to wash it off properly. I’ll fix you something to eat until then.”

“Yes, mother.”

And so my life with dragons started abruptly. Vira was really friendly and was all over me with her tongue, but the one named Selia… she kept her distance. After my bath, I ended up eating raw meat. Eventually, I probably will have to learn how to cook. Although I suck at it... Dragon’s don’t cook their food. They eat it raw. Don't get me wrong, it is edible, and if my life depended on it I would eat it… but otherwise I can't bring myself to put it in my mouth. Or... Can I? 

That night she let me rest. Getting adjusted to a new world is rough, so she brought some straws as a form of bed for me to sleep on. Honestly, sleep didn’t sound bad after what happened so far. I still need to gather my thoughts. I guess I need to do my best this year to learn as much as I can. Just when I thought I was deep in my sleep… I got an abrupt wake up call.



"Rise and shine sleepyhead. Today is the first day of your new life."

"Mother… the sun hasn't even risen yet."

"The early bird gets the worm. I need to mold you while you're still growing. Honestly, if you want to use that body of yours, you’ll need to learn to drive it. Just how you learn to drive a carriage, you’re going to learn how to handle and use your powers. So for starters, go run a few laps around the mountain."


"No buts!"

"Yes mother."

Originally I thought this shouldn't be a hard challenge. In Phantasy Reverie Online, there were 3 types of roles a class can fill. DPS, Sub-DPS and Support. I played more as a tank with various buffs, dishing out damage at the same time. Valkyrie would be classified as a Sub-DPS. But because of the skills I selected, my stamina should be high. But my bravado soon faded away. After just 3 complete laps I felt exhausted. Circling the mountain is a challenge. It’s huge after all.


"What's wrong, Yufi? Tired already? You can't call yourself a warrior with just that many laps. I can run 100 of them with no issues, if I had a human body. You have to at least manage 50."

"But… it's impossible… I can't take another step…"

"Want to test that statement?"


That's when I found out just how much of a devil Olivia was. She said she was going to introduce me to her pet. But whatever that thing was… it didn't look like a pet. Body of a lion, 3 dog heads with ram horns… it reminds me of Cerberus from Greek mythology.

"Yufi… I'm afraid you're going to be Cheru's chew toy if you don't get up."

The 3 headed dog was drooling and as soon as Olivia roared to him. This thing wasn’t in the game, and I wasn’t in any shape to fight it. In that moment all my fatigue faded away and I ran as fast as I could, with the dog behind me.




"See? Although you couldn't do 50 laps, you still managed to do another 15."

"Mother… you're too cruel…"

"It was necessary. I need to figure out where to start working with you. And now I know that first I need to work on your endurance. You get a 20min break, but after that we're going to continue. Don't worry, I'll be gentle next."

~20 minutes later~

"Mother!! I thought you said you were going to be gentle!"

The reason I shouted was because of the impossible training Olivia came up with. 

Endurance training: I had to sit in horse stance, with 2 small cups of water on my legs, one on my head, and 2 heavy jars in my hand. A spike was placed under my butt. If I got tired, I would immediately be forced back up. I also had 2 spikes attached to my body with a strap. If my arms get tired… you get the point. Or to be more precise I would "get the point".

"What? I'm actually being gentle. You should see the training that my daughters had to endure."

Don't tell me she labels this as easy level? Crazy. I do want to get stronger… I don't want to be afraid… but this is…

"How long do I have to stay like this?"

"Let's start with 3 hours. You should get used to that body if you last that long."

This dragon… is going to kill me…

“Don’t worry. Vira and Selia, will help you out. If by any chance you break the cups or jars, they will stomp on you until your body gets into shape. After all, you realize how hard it is for a dragon to acquire human size items? You should be in tears right now.”

Actually I am. Tears of pain. How is this supposed to be the best tutorial possible? And what does a dragon even need human articles like these? This tutorial...It seems like the hardest one in existence. 1 year with this dragon… I don’t think I’ll last that long. I hope those good for nothing classmates of mine get at least the same harsh treatment.

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