My Isekai Life: Rise of the Valkyrie

7 – Heroes

~Amano Miyuki's point of view~

"O brave heroes, you have arrived!"

A few minutes after being summoned, all of us lined up before the King of one the human countries. What happened was terrible. Our school bus got hit by a truck and we somehow found ourselves in this situation. What's more worrying… Shin isn't with us. 

I gazed around to check out my surroundings. The building I was in was an atrium, so I could clearly see outside even while sitting down. But not only did I see the ground, I could also see a mountain range in the distance. Based on what I could see, this place was fairly high up.

This building was either a tower or something similar. The ceiling was supported by several pillars covered in strange drawings that I had never seen before. There were mysterious drawings similar to images on Egyptian murals.

The only things recognizable were my classmates. All of us except for Shin. Honestly, I hope he's ok. Making me worry like this…

A magic circle like the kind found in games was drawn under my feet.

Yeah, this was a so-called different world. While the king rubs his excellent beard, he evaluated us.

“Fumu…the heroes from the different world have come. I am the King of Zirconia.” (King)

“H-heroes? What do you mean?” 

Kanasuki Makoto, captain of the boxing club, was the one to speak first. I don't like him for treating Shin so badly, but right now, someone with guts like his might be useful. 

The reason we got summoned was told by the princess standing next to the king; and my classmates along with the part time female teacher who heard the reason, accepted it with a touched feeling. Are they all retarded or something?

As the princess said――――――this country, and continent are being attacked by various monsters and a creature called The Old One.

The cause is unclear. The peace between lands should have lasted, but they got attacked.

Besides, the Beastman and the Demon race seems to have made an alliance, pushing the human country to a hard fight.

To regain peace again in this country, I want to leave the role of ending the war to the Heroes… feels like that kind of story.

Frankly speaking, I can’t stand hearing that wish.

Just because a totally irrelevant country is in a pinch, only a fool would decide to stake his life for it. They selfishly take us from our home without asking us. If Shin were here he would totally agree with me.

However, right now the group is different.

“Yes! If you’re fine with us!” (Makoto)

The hero of our class, Makoto, gives a good reply.

Other people also nod with a serious face too. At least think about it a little….…… Just because a cute looking princess is flashing her eyelashes, don't just randomly agree to fight in a war. I wanted to say something, but in the end I would look like the only weird one, so I kept my mouth shut.

And with that, we’re made to receive something like a magic aptitude test. The test is easy as you just need to touch a crystal ball the size of a soccer ball. There you can check the quantity of each person’s magic power as well as suitable attributes.

Nothing will happen to the crystal if there’s no magic at all. If there’s magic, and it's Green, from there Yellow, Orange, Red, Blue, Purple, Black, all the way to White, the color will come out according to the quantity of magical power. Green is the lowest, White is the highest. The average of the people in this world is Orange according to these guys. If talented Blue or Purple. Black is on a monster level…something like that?

“Amazing!! Makoto-sama’s magical power is white!! The suitable attribute is the 5 basic attributes including light!!” (Princess)

The princess was jumping with so much joy towards the result of Makoto’s test.

Well, I won't deny that Makoto has the physique for an adventure in another world. But the fact that the Princess is praising him so much and is elevating him as the one true hero is kind of creepy.

“Next one please!” (Princess)

The princess’s voice directed at me. I noticed that I’m the only one that had not finished the test.


“Put your hand on the crystal.” (Princess)

I put my hand on the crystal.

"Oh! Purple is it? And your attributes point out that you would make a great mage specialized in both healing and combat. That's rare!!"

That does sound cool. If Shin were here he would say to try looking at the bright side. Leaving that aside, the Princess then clapped her hands. Various attendants came in. We all would each be provided with a room and everything we needed. 

For now, they let us rest and get used to this world. The room was pretty fancy. I threw myself on the bed. It was decently soft, but I could only let out a long sight.

 "Grr… we don't have any obligation to go on this ridiculous quest. Is nobody thinking about their families back at home? The king didn't even mention if there is a way to go back.

Am I really the only sane one among the group? This is vexing. But… it really would be weird if I would be the only one to speak up. Nobody else objected, so for now, I really have no other choice than to play along."

I don't like this at all. But what can I do? They did promise not to send us to battle until we properly train. Elite knights and mages will guide us and help us hone our skills. They also promised to properly compensate us for all our trouble. That mostly mean they will pay us whenever we complete a successful mission.

Honestly, it just sounds too good to be true. I guess I shouldn't worry. With such a large group, if we work together, we should be fine.

"Huh, Shin, why aren't you here to back me up? If we made it here, I'm sure you aren't dead either. Wherever you are, I really hope at least you're being treated as nice as us."

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