My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 19 – Gains

A handful of minutes after the fun had ended, both Vel and I were properly dressed again. With the aid of a couple of tissues, the strapless dildo, along with both our pussies, had been wiped clean of the creamy mess I had made of us. Well, clean enough that our pussy juices wouldn’t be dripping down our thighs or in Vel’s case, making a mess of her panties. And technically, the strapless dildo would have needed to be cleaned properly with hot water, not just wiped clean with tissues, but that could wait for a few more minutes as I had system notifications to go over.

Cunnilingus has reached Rank 2

Kissing has reached Rank 4

Sensual Massage has reached Rank 7

Sensual Massage has reached Rank 8

You have met the minimum requirements to learn a general skill.
Do you wish to learn the general skill, Dirty Talk?

Dirty Talk, Rank 1
(General, Sexual)

There is a fine line between being sexy with the things you say during the heat of the moment and being outright offensive, and that line tends to shift from person to person. Knowing how far to take it and when to not say anything at all is a fine art that often goes overlooked.

General skill slots remaining: 2/5

You have met the minimum requirements to learn a general skill.
Do you wish to learn the general skill, Sex Toys?

Sex Toys, Rank 1
(General, Sexual)

When fingers, tongues, and cocks aren’t enough, there’s no shame in seeking a little extra aid, but for those who really know how to use a sex toy, the toy isn’t just a perverse tool but an extension of their own body.

General skill slots remaining: 2/5

You have met the minimum requirements to learn a general skill.
Do you wish to learn the general skill, Vaginal Intercourse?

Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 1
(General, Sexual)

No matter what side of the fun you are on, there’s more to sex than just sticking a cock in a pussy. That said, there’s nothing wrong with being really good at the cock in pussy part of sex. 

General skill slots remaining: 2/5

You have reached Pervert, Level 4
+1 Vitality
+1 Charm
+3 Free stat points

You can unlock your choice of one of three new class skills.
Please confirm your selection from the available options:

Makeup, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

Using this skill, you can apply various types of makeup to a target with the touch of your finger.

Range: Touch (Finger)
Area: 1 Centimetre Circle
Duration: 1 hour

Freshen Up, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

Using this skill, you can freshen up an area of space with a touch, removing all foul smells and cleaning up any mess.

Range: Touch
Area: 1 Centimetre Sphere

Soothe, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

Using this skill, you can soothe a target’s body with a touch, momentarily relieving them of all their aches and pains. This skill does not actually heal injuries, it only takes away the pain.

Range: Touch
Duration: 30 Minutes

The first thing that I looked at in all of these notifications was the general skill rank ups. 4 ranks in total was a pretty good gain for the fifteen or so minutes we were going at it, but what was really interesting was the sensual massage skill.

Despite being past the first bottleneck, and therefore requiring more experience to rank up, it was still doing so at a greater speed than the other skills. This was no doubt a continuation of what I had experienced in the shower, with how the skill rose rapidly since I had experience with touching myself back from when I lived on Earth. But in this instance, it was my experience of using a dildo to "sensually massage" myself instead of my own fingers.

After briefly looking over those rank up messages, I moved my attention over to the new general skills I could learn. For the first time ever, I actually had a hard decision to make when it came to which general skill to choose, as I had met the minimum requirements to learn 3 skills, but only had 2 general skill slots left.

My options to choose from were dirty talk, sex toys, and vaginal intercourse. The latter of which was definitely one I was going to take since I planned on having my pussy fucked as much as humanely possible. What was interesting, though, was that I got the opportunity to learn the skill when I was actually the one fucking a pussy, not being fucked by a cock, as mentioned by the skill’s description. 

Even more interesting was the revelation I got when I chose this skill. As it turned out, the intuitive knowledge that came with learning this particular general skill covered bits and pieces of both using a pussy to pleasure a cock and using a cock to pleasure a pussy even though I didn't have a cock myself, just that strapless dildo. For some reason, the skill still applied to using a toy in that way even though its description only mentioned cocks and pussies, not sex toys.

You learned the general skill, Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 1

That decision left me with one last choice to make between the dirty talk and sex toys general skills. The fact that I had even met the minimum requirements to learn dirty talk was interesting as I hadn’t really engaged in much dirty talk since I had woken up in this world. Sure, I had said a few lewd things here and there to Vel and Damien, but I hadn’t really outright engaged in dirty talk while having sex.

Compared to the other general skills whose requirements I met after only a single act involving them, it was strange that I was getting the opportunity to learn the dirty talk general skill now. But I just figured that the reason I finally met this skill's requirements must have been because of the fact that all my little bits and pieces of dirty talk finally equalled out to the amount of skill experience a more intense, prolonged act would give.

That said, despite the curiosity I felt over getting the opportunity to learn the skill, I wasn’t really feeling dirty talk. The fact that I hadn’t really been doing much of it was indicative that I probably wouldn’t really be doing much more of it. Especially when compared to how much I would probably be using sex toys in the future, now that I had a reliable source that could make them to my exact specifications. Still, I’d probably pick dirty talk up when I got more slots, but for right now sex toys was the clear winner.

You learned the general skill, Sex Toys, Rank 1

Once the general skills were sorted and I finally had 5 out of 5 of my general skill slots filled, it was time to turn my attention to my level-up message. Of course, the first thing I did was dump all my free stats into charm. Although I still hadn’t asked anyone about how stats really worked, I figured it was safe to continue putting them in there since the class seemed to be so heavily dependent on that stat. After all, only one of the class skills I had been offered the chance to learn actually scaled with something other then charm.

After that, it was time to choose my next class skill from among makeup, freshen up, and soothe. Compared to some of the other skill choices I have had to make, this one was really easy. Makeup was immediately out since this body didn’t really need makeup to look good. After all, it had been designed exactly how I wanted it to look.

Soothe was the next one crossed off the list as it wasn’t really that useful. The skill was especially a pain killer that only lasted for thirty minutes, but even that was useless to me. Sure, I could be useful for massaging and seducing someone in certain situations, but it wouldn’t be all that helpful for me personally. In the case where I ever had sex with a partner that was too rough, the effect of my trait, blessed by an angel, made it impossible for any lasting damage to be done to me and any minor damage would be healed within a few minutes after the deed was done.

With those two skills ruled out, that just left me with freshen up, which looked like it would come in handy quite a bit. Sex tended to get a bit messy and sweaty, but having a skill to help with the clean-up afterwards was a godsend. As such, I chose that class skill without a moment of hesitation after I read over all three of my options.

You learned the class skill, Freshen Up, Rank 1

Now that all of the system notifications had been dealt with, I brought my status screen up to give it a look over before turning my attention to the world around me. I may only have been in this world for a handful of hours at this point, but things were already shaping up nicely.

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Pervert
Level: 4

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 16
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 10
Charm: 24

Class Skills: 3/5
Freshen Up, Rank 1
Fascinate, Rank 2
Sense Gaze, Rank 2

General Skills:
Cunnilingus, Rank 2
Kissing, Rank 4
Sensual Massage, Rank 8
Sex Toys, Rank 1
Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 1

Blessed By An Angel

After I was done messing around with the system, I went to the bathroom to give the strapless dildo a proper wash with steaming hot water. Thanks to Vel’s skill, the toy may have been more durable and longer lasting than if it was just whittled, but it was still made from wood and needed to be treated accordingly. The worst thing you could do with a sex toy was to treat them badly and not clean them. No one would ever want to shove something nasty like a mistreated toy into themselves. 

As such, I gave the strapless dildo the proper attention it deserved, and once it was as spick and span as the moment it was crafted, I put it away in Vel’s bedroom for our later use. After that, I went back to the chore I started on earlier, the washing. Soon enough, the first load of laundry was coming out of the dryer and the second was going in.

For the rest of the day, until sometime around dinner time, the minutes and hours passed relatively uneventfully. Vel continued to work on her nature shaping and woodcraft skills by making things for her father to sell in town, only now she was making a variety of sex toys, all to my exact specifications. While she was doing that, I was fluttering in and out of the room as I folded laundry, did other bits and pieces of cleaning up around the house, and discussed system intricacies with Vel.

Freshen Up has reached Rank 2

Freshen Up has reached Rank 3

Despite being classified as a sexual skill, my new class skill, freshen up, was incredibly useful for doing housework since it basically evaporated dirt and grime while leaving everything else as it should be. After the first half an hour, it had already ranked up once. Two hours after that, the skill reached rank 3, but there was no noticeable growth after that. It was really true what Vel had said earlier. Class skills got exponentially harder to rank up with every rank as they required more and more experience using them.

Thankfully, though, at rank 3, freshen up now had an area of effect of a 3-centimetre wide sphere. Better yet, was the fact that the skill had no cooldown. Much like Vel’s nature shaping class skill, the limiting factor of this skill was the rate at which it could be used.

After a quick discussion with Vel about why these two skills are different from the ones with cooldowns, I learned that there are three types of class skills referred to as actives, passives, and sustained. However, these designations weren’t always accurate and were not actually system recognized. It was just a way in which people referred to the group of skills that had certain commonalities between them.

Active skills were ones like my fascinate and sense gaze skills. They essentially had a mental switch that required being flipped to activate them, and then they would be unavailable to use for a certain period of time afterwards, their listed cooldown time.

Passive skills were something I didn’t actually have an example of yet, but they were the complete opposite of active skills. Although not as strong as other class skills, passive skills had no cooldown and didn’t need to be activated as they always had some sort of effect going on, the strength of which was highly dependent on skill rank and the score of the stat they scaled with, even more so than other types of skills. The largest downside to passive skills was that you usually couldn’t choose when they did and did not apply to something, which could in some circumstances be more of a hindrance than a boon, so you had to choose them wisely.

The last type of skill was sustained skills, of which nature shaping and freshen up were examples. These skills had no cooldown but needed to be actively toggled on when you wanted to use them and off and again when you didn’t. The vast majority of these types of skills belonged to lifestyle classes as most mundane professions required skills that could be used over time instead of bursts of productivity like you would get from a similarly themed active skill.

Soon enough, dinner time was approaching, and as much as I wanted to continue learning about the intricacies of the system, like how the stats worked, Vel needed to go make dinner. I offered to help the young elven woman make dinner but since I hadn’t taken that general skill and hers was the highest one she had at rank 13, she preferred cooking alone since that gave her the most experience towards her next rank up. While she was doing that, I was packing away the various wooden objects she had made. Although most of the jewellery boxes, spoons, and toys were being placed in a box for safe keeping until her father could take them into town to trade, I was also pinching a couple of the more sex-orientated toys for Vel and my own use.

It was at this point that Vel’s father, Damien, braved coming back inside the house after his earlier, mortifying attempt.

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