My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 20 – Unorthodox Progress With Damien

The front door to the log cabin slowly crept open as a voice, Damien’s voice, emerged from the other side. "Is everyone proper? Can I come in?"

"It’s just me in the living room, Vel’s cooking dinner." I laughed back, finding the big burly man’s reluctance rather amusing. As it turned out, he could be a lot softer and gentler than his rugged appearance gave him credit for. Especially when it came to his daughter and not wanting to see anything that would scar him for life.

"And you’re dressed, Evelyn?" Damien asked for further clarification since I didn’t specifically answer the question he asked. 

He’s a clever one, that one. If only I thought of stripping off and he didn’t think to ask that. It would have been fun to see how he reacted. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have just walked off again. There was only so many times a woman can experience someone reacting to her naked body like that before it gets to her.

Of course, being presented with an opportunity of another kind, I couldn’t help wanting to tease the poor man. "I am, relatively speaking. But if you want that to change that, all you have to do is ask, and I can be the one bent over this sofa getting her pussy pounded into oblivion."

Damien awkwardly cleared his throat as he entered the house and shut the door behind himself after I gave him the all-clear. However, the man’s cheeks had a slight bit of blush adorning them, and he wasn’t all that keen on looking in my direction. I doubt he really wanted to be reminded of what he had seen of his daughter the last time he came inside the house, but it was just too much fun to tease him.

"I’m quite alright, but in the future, could you and Velyna please try and restrict your… activities to the bedroom." He asked rather politely.

Stepping closer to the big burly man, I tried to use my fascinate skill on him as I responded in a teasing manner. "We’ll try, but I can’t promise you anything. I’m sure you know well how hard it is to resist your urges when you’re extremely horny and want nothing more than to rip the clothes of the woman in front of you and fuck the living daylight out of her right there and right then."

Fascinate has been resisted by a higher willpower

I figured that fascinate was probably going to be resisted given how much of a higher level Damien was, but it was worth a shot since my charm score had increased by a few points since the last time I attempted using it on him.

"Right… well, um… I’m going to see how Velyna is getting on with dinner." He turned to step away from me, but I could easily tell that a little more blush had adorned his cheeks.

From some perspectives, just how forward I was being with Damien could be considered inappropriate, but I didn’t think the man was actually hating what I was doing. If it was really an issue I was sure he would have just told me to stop and I would have of course immediately stopped, never to attempt it in such a manner again if he did. Instead, He hadn’t raised the issue at all and I believed that he was wholeheartedly interested in me; there was just something keeping him back from indulging in the pleasures of my body.

Whether it was some belief that he shouldn’t be interested in someone his daughter was also interested in or the fact that I looked old enough to be his daughter, I didn’t know why he was holding himself back. All I knew was that I would eventually get him to give in and indulge in the desires he couldn’t keep at bay forever. Mark my words, Damien! One way or the other we were going to have, hot, steamy and consensual sex together. 

To that end and in the hopes of getting a little closer with the man, I called back out to him before he could make it to the kitchen. "Damien, you should see what your daughter made today. She’s quite talented with wood and even managed to rank up her skills a couple of times."

"Oh, really?" Damien turned around with a slight smile crossing his lips instead of his normally rather stoic impression. "Did she manage to break through her woodcraft bottleneck? Velyna has been stuck there at rank 5 with that skill for a while now."

"She did," I responded as I moved over to the box of wooden items that the woman in question had made, which was sitting on the coffee table. "I think what she has made is going to sell well in town the next time you go in."

Damien silently walked over, joining me before the box of items. However, his smile turned into a frown as he looked inside. At first, I thought that the man was less than happy about what I got his daughter to make, as the sex toys were pretty much on top of everything else in the box and it was almost impossible not to notice them, but the real reason for that frown became apparent when he picked one of the objects up and looked it over. 

The particular sex toy he picked up had a flared base connected to a bulbous, egg-shaped tip, but he had no clue what it was, as was evident when he said as much. "What is this?"

"It’s a butt plug," I answered as casually as possible. "You put it in your ass."

Damien immediately dropped the toy back into the box as if it was the dirtiest thing in the world, which caused a slight chuckle to come from me.

"Relax, it hasn’t been in anyone’s ass yet. Mainly because you don’t have any lube laying around the house, but if you did, it wouldn’t be in the box, it would be in my ass." I gave my butt a teasing spank and wagged it in his direction as I explained this.

The man just sighed and scowled down at the box, ignoring my actions as he asked. "I take it you had my daughter make these… things. Are all the items that I don’t recognise made for a similar purpose."

"I gave Vel a little bit of direction, but she was more than happy to make them, especially since crafting them was surprisingly good for ranking up her skills," I responded, "And no, not all of the sex toys are just used for the butt. Many of the dildos are mainly meant for a pussy, but there’s nothing stopping them from being used anally." 

"Take this one, for example." I continued on as I picked up one of the toys, a long bit of wood that was almost curved into the shape of the letter c. "This one is perfect for hitting the g-spot, but there is nothing really stopping someone from using it on their ass. That said, some of the other dildos or anal beads would be better suited for anal penetration."

Damien's eyes slowly raised from the box full and toys as he just stared at me, silently. "..." 

At first, my words had taken him back and caused him to blush profusely, as he was no doubt imagining all the ways in which such toys could be used. However, after a few moments, it was clear that his gaze changed somewhat. It was like he was trying to bore a hole straight through me with just his eyes, or like he was trying to see into my soul.

After a few seconds of this, Damien’s eyes flicked to the closed door leading into the kitchen, where Vel was currently making dinner for all three of us. The next moment, when Damien’s eyes flicked back to me, his gaze was a lot more heated and was accompanied by his hand shooting out at me.

I was helpless to resist as the man’s strong, firm grip found its way to my neck. Not only was his grip so strong that he cut off my ability to breathe, but he easily lifted me into the air with only a single hand. I gasped for air as my feet wildly flailed in the air beneath me and my hands ineffectively tried to claw his hand away from my neck. However, despite what was happening to me, I didn’t feel scared or afraid; I only felt... aroused.

Fuck, this is so hot. What’s wrong with me? Why do I want him to choke me more? The only way this would be better was if Damien decided to duck me while he was at it.

The weirdest part of this wasn’t just that I was getting aroused by this, but the fact that the wetter and wetter my pussy got, the less his grip was actually hurting me. I had no way of knowing exactly why this was happening, but I had a feeling it was related to my trait.

It was impossible for anyone to do lasting damage to me during sexual acts. Which, in a way, could have meant that it was impossible for someone to actually strangle the life out of me so long as I took sexual enjoyment out of the act. It would be a strangely powerful boon if that was in fact the case, but one that was definitely not going to save my life all the time. After all, someone could just come up to me and stab me while I was doing the laundry or something equally mundane, as there would have been nothing remotely sexual about any of that to stop lasting damage from being done.

Of course, Damien was more than a little taken aback by the expression of delight crossing my face as he choked me, but thankfully, killing me wasn’t really the point of what he was doing. Instead, he had just made it so that I was helpless and quiet for a while so he could say. "For someone with no memories other than their name and no knowledge of the basic things in life, you certainly have a lot of knowledge in regards to… What was it you called them, dildos, anal beads, and butt plugs?"

Oh, shit! He saw through my lie. Fuck, I should have played up being forgetful and not indulged myself so much. I’m such an idiot.

"Why are you pretending to have amnesia? Why were you naked in the forest at level 1? Are you targeting Velyna as a means to get to me? Who do you work for?" He spoke in a hushed tone so that his daughter in the next room over wouldn’t hear what was going on, but his tone was simple and clear: tell me what I want to know or else. “You’re not one of my sister’s are you? You seem like her type, but sending someone to spy on me isn’t really her kind of thing.”

Of course, I just shook my head as best I could since I really didn’t mean any harm to either Damien or his daughter. Nor did I know who his sister was. After seeing this, the man relaxed his grip slightly so that I could speak, but it was clear he wasn’t willing to let me go completely.

"I… I… I…" I stammered, unsure if I should continue lying or just admit the absurd truth to the man, but the choice was soon taken away from me when he didn’t immediately get the answers to his questions.

Damien’s eyes flashed with a red light, as was typical when certain class skills were used. A similar flash of light accompanied his eyes when he used a skill to identify my class and level earlier in the day, but instead of identifying such details, the skill he was now using on me brought forth a tidal wave of fear.

The fear was so pronounced and overwhelming that I had no choice about admitting the truth of my situation to him, whether or not I actually wanted to. At that moment, all I could feel was that if I didn't, he was going to do horrible and unimaginable things to me.

"I’m not from this world. I’m from a world called Earth, but I died and was set to be reincarnated. Only I fucked the angel in charge of my reincarnation and their boss walked in on us afterwards. The boss mistook what happened and thought I had been assaulted, so they gave me a deluxe reincarnation package. As a result of the things I requested, now I’m here, in this new body, in a world different from my own. I really don’t mean you or your daughter any harm! I just want to have as much sex as possible"

Once I had admitted the truth, the fear faded from my mind. I never truly thought that Damien was ever going to kill me, despite what I felt as a result of the skill being used on me. Though I suppose, that would have been a different story if I actually did mean his daughter harm. As it was, however, he honestly didn’t seem the kind to kill an unarmed, barely dressed woman, no matter how much they lied to him. It was just that in that moment of fear, a part of my more logical side had been disconnected from the afraid part of my brain, that was making the decisions. In a way, it was like I had two trains of thought going on at the same time, only one of which I was aware of during the moment.

After my forced admission, I just stared at Damien, trying to get a read on what he was thinking, but he just stared back at me as stoically as ever. Eventually, his eyes flashed again, but this time he was actually identifying me again, not using that other, more horrible skill.

"Blessed by an angel…" He muttered, reading the name of my trait aloud, which he could apparently also see with his skill.

After a few more tense moments of silence, he finally lowered me back to the ground and released my neck. As he did so, he said. "Your story is completely absurd, but you don’t have the necessary willpower score to resist my frightful compulsion skill. Which means you're either insane or telling the truth… maybe both."

Instinctively, my hand immediately darted up to my neck after I had been freed from his grip, but there was no lasting pain, not even a slight bit of discomfort. He really hadn’t done any lasting damage despite how much stronger he was than me. Given his level and the size of his muscles, he could have probably snapped my neck with less effort than it took me to swat a pesky fly.

"I promise you Damien, it’s all true and I don’t mean you or Vel any harm. I’m just trying to get a little bit of experience and a little bit of knowledge before heading out into the world. I promise as soon as the week is up, I’ll leave. Well, that’s if you’re still willing to let me stay." I stared right into the man’s deep, dark eyes as I said this, trying to show him my resolve and the truth of my heart.

This promise caused Demien to frown once again. However, this time the frown wasn’t directed at me, but at himself. "Shit… Sorry, about treating you like that. I can get a bit overprotective when it comes to Velyna."

"Don’t worry about it, I fully understand." I responded with a slightly awkward laugh in an attempt to reassure him. The whole situation really escalated out of nowhere, but I didn’t hold it against him. In fact, it had done nothing to subdue the warmth in my pussy. If anything it had made me want to fuck him even more.

"Still, though, you didn’t deserve to be treated like that when you have only been a friend to my daughter, something she has been sorely lacking because of my insistence on keeping her isolated out here. You even helped her get past her woodcraft bottleneck." Damien sighed and shook his head as he said this. It was clear he didn’t like forcing her to live like this, which begged the question why do it then? "But if you need any advice or help understanding something, feel free to ask. It’s the least that I could do after how I accosted you and coldly treated you when we first met."

Now that it was clear I had nothing to hide and wasn’t a threat to his daughter, the man was a lot more open and friendly to me. Of course, I had to take advantage of this as much as I could and immediately said. "Well, there is one thing I could really do with understanding. You see, I have been desperately wanting to understand what it would feel like if you bent me over and had your way with my tight, little pussy since the moment I met you."

Damien opened his mouth as if to speak, but paused there like that for a few seconds before he finally gathered his thoughts and started to respond properly. "It’s not that-"

However, Vel just had to choose this moment to come out of the kitchen and call out. "Dinners ready!"

God damn it, Vel! Why do you have to have such bad timing? I was making such good progress seducing him. It’s not that… What? What was he going to say?

Of course, with his daughter present, Damien would never finish whatever it was that he was going to say even if I actually asked him to. He got extremely embarrassed just hearing her talk about lewd things. How would he have ever talked about fucking me or admitting his true, lustful feelings for me while in front of her?

As such, the man just awkwardly shuffled off into the kitchen by his daughter’s side, ignoring the conversation we were in the middle of. After letting out a sigh, I just followed along behind them as we found our way to the table in the kitchen/dining room where Vel had set this afternoon’s meal. A meal that smelled absolutely delicious. My mouth was already drooling the moment I sat down at the table, making me forget all about what had just happened.

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