My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 23 – Heart to Heart

During the lull after our first bout of sex, when Vel and I were cuddling up with each other on the bed, I had never really felt closer to someone than at that moment. There was a certain intimacy to the way the young elven woman was cuddled up to me with her head conveniently positioned between my breasts as I idly ran my fingers across her smooth, flawless skin. But despite being butt naked, the intimacy we were sharing in wasn’t one of a sexual nature, but rather one that was dear more emotional.

Even though I was the one who suggested that Vel and I just be sex friends, I couldn’t help but feel that I was starting to get feelings for her. My feelings weren't quite at the level that I would have said I loved her, but I was definitely more attached to her than I expected to be after only a single day of knowing her.

These new feelings were concerning for a number of reasons. For one, I had never really felt more than an attraction for another person, even if it was the flooding of my pussy kind of attraction. And for another, the only people I had ever really loved were my family, which I left behind on Earth. Additionally, as much as I liked spending time with Vel, there was so much I wanted to do with this second chance I had been given that it wouldn’t be fair to try to start something more serious with her while also wanting to go around sleeping with every man and woman I could get my hands on.

I especially wanted to fuck Damien, but I never really considered how that would impact Vel, did I? Saying you're just friends with benefits is one thing, but actually knowing the other person was with someone else, and your father no less, would certainly be something else entirely. Would she be able to handle it?

"I’m so glad you and Dad are getting along," Vel spoke up, drawing me away from my quiet contemplation.

"Sorry, I was in my own head. What did you say?"

"I’m glad you and Dad are getting along," Vel repeated herself, only to go on and further elaborate. "I honestly wasn’t sure if Dad was going to warm up to you or stay distant the whole week, but it was a relief to see you too getting along during dinner and that there was no awkwardness between you."

"..." At first, I didn’t know how to respond to her as I was still focused on my earlier thoughts. At one point, I considered just outright asking her about how she would feel if I fucked her father, but then I thought of broaching the topic more cautiously. "Vel, can I ask you a serious question? You don’t have to answer it if it makes you sad or uncomfortable."

"You can ask me anything, Eve. We're friends after all, well, a little bit more than friends." As if to prove her point, the young woman slid her hands around me and gave my supple butt a slight squeeze as she said this.

"Is your mother still in the picture, or is it just you and your father?" I asked, trying to be as cautious and gentle as I could be.

"Mum died during childbirth. It’s just been me and Dad for as long as I can remember." Vel answered, and although there was a slight solemnity to her tone, she didn’t seem all that emotional talking about such things. In retrospect, it made sense since she had twenty years to come to terms with this.

Brushing a loose strand of the young woman’s hair back into place, I looked her in the eyes as I said. "I’m sorry to hear that. I’m sure your mother would have been proud to see the woman you grew into."

Hearing this brought a slight wateriness to Vel’s eyes, but she didn’t cry. Instead, she just teased me. "Who is the one needlessly apologising now?"

I couldn’t help but have a little giggle when she turned that back around on me, but my amusement quickly ended when the young woman pulled away from me. My initial thought was that maybe I did actually say something to upset her, but that was just needless worry as she returned to my embrace a few seconds later.

The reason that Vel had gotten up was so that she could retrieve something; the emerald amulet that she almost always wore, except when having sex with me. She held the amulet out in her hands as if to show it to me as she laid back down beside me on the bed. "This was my mother’s most prized possession. It’s an amulet that was passed down through her tribe before they were nearly all wiped out and the survivors scattered to the winds. After that, it was passed down from mother to daughter. Dad says, it's been by my side ever since she passed away, even when I was a baby."

Giving a baby such a hefty amulet sounded strange to me, but I didn’t think much of it as I was more focused on looking over the fancy piece of jewellery. The base of the amulet was a thick gold plate that was slightly teardrop shaped but overall more oval. Atop the amulet, embedded into the gold, were two sparkling emeralds. The bottom of which was larger and teardrop shaped, while the one above that was more oval but with pointed ends. The chain which hung from the amulet was also gold, but, from the looks of it, very intricate and finely made.

"It’s beautiful, Vel…" I didn’t know what else to say, but it really was beautiful. Although very simple in design, it was crafted with such care and attention that it would have been worth a fortune back on Earth.

After showing off the amulet, Vel got back up off of the bed and put it back where it was resting before, on top of the dresser. When the young woman returned once more to my embrace, she spoke up again. "Yeah, Mum hasn’t been with us for a while now. And although Dad and I still keep her in our hearts, it's been long enough that I wouldn’t be offended if you had sex with him."

"What! I wasn’t… I didn’t… I…" I started stammering and sputtering in disbelief. I thought I was being cautious. How did she realise what I was working up to?

"Did you really not expect me to notice that you wanted to sleep with Dad." Vel fervently giggled, finding my reaction more than a little amusing. "Even if the looks you were giving him, the same hungry look that you gave me when looking at my naked body, weren’t enough, Eve, you strolled into the kitchen completely naked after your shower earlier in the day instead of just covering yourself with a towel or calling out from the bathroom. At that point, it would have been weirder if you weren’t trying to seduce Dad."

 "Huh… Yeah, I guess I wasn’t really being subtle about it." I slowly but surely came to terms with just how easy it was for her to realise what I was up to. Though, sometimes she could be really naive and innocent about things and other times she could pick up on things really fast.

"But are you sure you are okay with it if I slept with your father? I know we are just friends with benefits, not actually dating, but still, I don’t want to make things weird for us by doing something that would make you uncomfortable."

"Dad works hard to keep me protected and safe. He deserves to have fun and blow off some steam every once in a while." Vel just kind of shrugged, not finding any of it a big deal. "But, not tonight. Dad can wait a little bit longer because tonight you are mine."

"Oh, am I?" I gave her a perverted smile, instantly forgetting about the big burly man sleeping in the room beside us, whose daughter just gave me permission to continue pursuing him.

"Have you already forgotten your earlier promise that you’re mine to… what was it? Fuck, spank and kiss, whatever it was I wanted to do and wherever I wanted to do it, you would always be up for it." Vel returned the overly perverted smile back at me as she slowly crept her lips closer and closer to mine, but not yet letting them kiss.

"And what is it you want to do to me?"

"Nothing. I don’t want to do anything to you, but I do want to watch you play with yourself. Masturbation was what you called it earlier, I think. What you were selfishly doing all by yourself in the shower, while I made you sandwiches."

"Ah, so you heard that…" I blushed. Although I was extremely open with my sexuality, it was still slightly embarrassing to be overheard doing something so lewd when I wasn’t expecting to be.

"Once again, Eve, you weren’t at all subtle about it. This house is small and not at all soundproof. Both dad and I could hear you moaning from the kitchen." 

Well, isn't that interesting? If that’s the case, then that must mean that Damien can also hear our moans from his bedroom. I hope he enjoys listening to us go at it. I hope the sounds of my moaning get him so hard that he has to jack off while listening to us, imagining that it was him fucking me instead of his daughter.

My thoughts began to run a little rampant as the warmth in my pussy began to spread more and more. I hadn’t been meaning for this to happen, but I had very much gotten in the mood for some more fun, and some exhibitionist masturbation sounded good to me at that moment.

To that end, I reached over to the bedside drawer and retrieved one of the sex toys sitting atop it. The one in question that I grabbed was one of the dildos that almost curved into a C shape. Those toys were perfect for getting my pussy off since they were shaped just right to hit a woman’s g-spot. If the conditions were right, it might have been able to get me to squirt, which was something I only managed to do a couple of times with a similar toy back on Earth. However, that was unlikely since I never really did get the hang of squirting on demand even though I masturbated quite a bit.

Once the toy was in my hand, I sat back at the head of the bed, with my back rested against the headboard and my legs spread wide so that I was giving Vel a generous view of everything I had to show off. The young elven woman who I was about to give said show was sitting with her legs crossed on the other end of the bed.

Since both the class skills I had used earlier were off their cooldowns I activated them just to get a bit more experience at using them. Although this made the way Vel’s gaze felt on my body feel particularly nice, it wasn’t any nicer than the way I was soon trailing my fingers and the toy across my smooth, fair skin.

I was playing it up slightly, with a faint moan here and there, to give the young woman a better show, but there was some merit to the way my fingers and the toy caressed my curves. However, my touch didn’t really get to be pleasurable until I began to openly fondle and grope myself.

That said, since one of my hands was occupied with a certain toy, I could only really play with my tits with the other hand. Of course, soon the toy was working its way down to my pussy and teasing my clit, so it wasn’t all bad. Eventually, this attention had gotten me worked up enough that I was dripping wet with excitement again, and thanks to my position on the bed, I was actually getting the covers a bit damp. At that point, however, the moaning and gasping were all real.

As the larger end of the curved dildo teasingly circled my tight, glistening hole, I turned my attention to the young elven woman positioned opposite me. This whole time, she had just been sitting there with her eyes fixed on the lewd sight of me playing with myself while her own hands idly lay about.

I had no idea how she could resist touching herself as I would have in her situation, but I wasn’t going to let it go on for a second longer. "Touch yourself too. I want to watch you masturbate as well."

Vel just meekly bit her lip as her hands slowly moved across her own body and she spread her legs for me. The young elven woman was a bit more awkward with her self-pleasure since she had never done such a thing to herself, but she was slowly getting into the rhythm of it. After all, there wasn’t really that much different from touching another woman than there was from touching yourself.

Once and only once, Vel was masturbating and clearly enjoying herself, did I slide the dildo into myself. This curved toy wasn’t quite as filling or thick as the strapless dildo, but the way it easily hit my g-spot to great effect more than made up for that fact. Soon enough, I was moaning and gasping as I fucked myself, all the while taking extra pleasure in the fact that I was being watched and also watching someone else masturbate. In a way, it was like watching porn, only more real and intimate since I could actually reach out and touch the masturbating woman if I wanted to. I wasn’t actually going to until we came, but the fact I could only made it more exciting.

Eventually, Vel even began to finger herself, but the more and more she watched me use a dildo on myself, the more jealous she got. After a few more minutes, she even got up and got a dildo of her own. Since there was only one curved of the curved toys, the one I was currently using, among the small collection in her bedroom, she settled for the more normal-looking toy, which was pretty much just a replica of a cock with no extra bits.

Like that, the two of us continued to masturbate and fervently fuck ourselves as the other watched. The room was quickly filled by an unholy choir of gasping, moaning, and squelching as we had our way with ourselves. Even as I had another orgasm, I did not stop going at it, and it was only when Vel climaxed a few minutes later that the act changed course slightly.

However, instead of taking another break after our little masturbation session, we were immediately on each other. We kissed, licked, and sucked each other as the toys continued to be used, but not by ourselves. Instead, we were using them on each other, mutually masturbating one another.

The sex didn’t stop there either. No, it continued on and on until the two of us fell asleep in a naked, sweaty mess. We didn’t even bother to get under the sheets as we had just fallen asleep where we fell towards the end of the action when we had both run out of stamina. We were just so tired that I even fell asleep while there was still a dildo inside me. Of course, it didn’t remain there the whole time I slept, as my tight pussy slowly pushed it out of me when I wasn’t actively trying to fuck myself with it, but it still shows to go that we were going at each other so fervently that we pretty much went at it until we dropped unconscious from exhaustion.

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