My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 24 – Dreams of the Past

Much to his chagrin, Damien could in fact hear every slight moan and gasp from the two women in the bedroom next to his, just like one of those women suspected. Although hearing the ever-so-sexy Evelyn moan in pleasure was more than enough to get his cock rock hard, hearing his daughter do the same was a bit too mortifying for his liking. Luckily, for the ruggedly handsome man, there was a slight lull in the activities going on next door after a handful of minutes into the night. During this lull, he even managed to fall asleep, but unfortunately for him, the mood the sounds had created followed him into his dreams.

Like this, Damien dreamt of the past. He dreamt of a time when he was a newly anointed royal knight, the youngest in history at the relatively young age of twenty-four. At the time, there were a lot of expectations and duties thrust upon him by the royal court. Many expected him to reach even greater heights, as it wasn’t every day someone broke the level 60 threshold after only six years had passed since their awakening, and he had a lot of life left ahead of him to grow further.

However, on this occasion, Damien had snuck away from the shining halls of the Crystal Palace, which lay at the heart of the Kingdom of Artellan’s domain. Instead of training day in and day out, waiting for the next time he would be called out to wage bloody war on some miserable battlefield, the young man was hurrying through the streets of the kingdom’s capital city of Artelax.

Although many in the city could easily recognise the broad, handsome face of their kingdom’s rising star, Damien had adorned a rough, black cloak and kept its hood up to avoid being recognised. Even then, the fact that the man underneath the cloak was a broadly built, incredibly muscular man, was plain to see and garnered a few glances here and there.

However, none of that concerned Damien and Soon enough he reached his destination, where he veered off the central market street into a back alley. At a glance, the alley the man veered off into looked as seedy and shady as any other within the commerce district of Artelax, but that quickly changed once he turned another corner.

Hidden from view behind the front-facing businesses was a small, white stone mansion in the back alley streets. From the fine red curtains which hung in all of the mansion's windows and the carefully maintained garden which sat out front, the building could not have looked more out of place within the confines of the cramped backstreets. However, this was exactly where Damien was secretly hurrying off to.

As such, he wasted no time ascending the handful of steps up to the front door and entering the mansion. Once inside, he was greeted by a lavishly decorated foyer and another set of doors immediately in front of him. Two men, just as big and burly as he was, stood beside the door and were attired in formal black business suits. To the right of these men, who were clearly bouncers of some kind, was a woman with a charming smile, sitting at a desk.

The woman at the desk immediately recognised the man who had just entered and greeted him as was befitting her role and his station. "Ah, welcome back to the Red Den, Sir Varsen. If there’s anything you need, please let me or any of our other staff know immediately. It is our pleasure to serve a friend of the Mistress and one as renowned as you."

Damien wasted no time replying to the woman. Instead, he just gave her a nod of his head in acknowledgement and moved further into the mansion. Once past the second set of doors, the scenery immediately changed. Instead of the usual decor one would associate with this kind of mansion, the interior decor made it more than apparent what kind of place this really was.

The main room of the Red Den was, as the name would suggest, heavily decorated with the colour red. There were even red lights illuminating a stage on the far wall where several half-naked women and men danced for the entertainment of the various patrons gathered here at this time.

Damien paid what was happening on the stage no attention and instead turned his head, looking around his immediate surroundings. Like that, he scoured the bar and lounge area around him where various patrons were drinking and conversing with the various incredibly seductive staff members that the Red Den had on offer. Eventually, the man’s eyes found who he was looking for and he immediately set out in her direction.

The woman in question was a tall, slender pure-blooded elf, a rarity in this age since their kind had been driven out of their forest homes nearly a thousand years ago and had suffered from a baleful curse that had greatly hindered their race's reproductive ability ever since.

This elf had sharp emerald eyes, pointed ears that stuck out about half a foot from the side of her head, and long, vibrant green hair that trailed down her back, all the way to her slender, supple butt. A butt that was completely on display because all the elf was wearing was a matching set of dark green lace underwear. But that’s only if you could really call what she was wearing underwear, as her panties and bra were so thin that any slight shift in the fabric would have definitely revealed something important, which most underwear would do a much better job of keeping covered.

At the moment, the elven woman, whose age wasn’t all that apparent thanks to her race's constant youthful look, was chatting up some portly, sweaty man. However, Damien didn’t pay this any mind as he walked straight up to them, took the elven woman by the hand, and led her away.

"Hey, I was talking to her asshole!" The man stood up and tried to protest what had just happened, but he was immediately distracted by another scantily clad woman who came up to him in hopes of seducing the man so that he would pay for her services.

The elven woman herself didn’t say anything after being pried away from a potential client. Instead, she just silently followed along behind the big burly man leading her by the hand. In a matter of seconds, the two had made their way across the room to another set of doors flanked by another set of bouncers.

As soon as it became clear the pair were heading towards them, one of the bouncers opened his mouth as if to speak, but was beaten to the punch when Damien received a small pouch of coins from the folds of his cloak and passed them over to the bouncer. The bouncer opened the pouch and gave its contents a quick once over. After finding the amount inside to be sufficient, the bouncer simply nodded his head and said. "Room 3"

As soon as he had been given the room number, Damien continued on past the doors without a moment's delay. From there, he walked into a long, nondescript hallway that contained about a couple of dozen plain wooden doors adorned with nothing but a number painted onto their surface. Since door numbered 3 was close to the start of the hallway, it only took the pair a couple of moments to get there.

As soon as the two of them were inside the room, a lavishly decorated bedroom with an adjoining ensuite, the elf woman practically jumped on Damien, hugging and barraging him with a flurry of kisses.

"Gods above, I’ve missed you Dami." The woman moaned as she rubbed up against the man, but her words weren’t just for show or a part of the services she offered.

She really did miss the man, as she had grown quite attached to him. And not just because of how frequently he would come and visit her, but because of the fact that they actually knew each other before she ever started working there at the Red Den.

A long time ago, when she was just a wanderer going from place to place, and he was an up-and-coming squire, the two had a fateful encounter on the road that ended up with the two of them sharing a tent for the night, but not sleeping a wink. Neither of them thought they were going to see the other after that night had ended, but fate had different plans and kept making them cross paths.

"You know the king and his lust for war. If I could spend more time with you, Kehlana, I would do so, without even batting an eye, but my duty will always come calling." Damien let out a sigh of contentment as he held the woman he loved in his arms. He didn’t care about what she did for a living, all he cared about was what they shared together and felt for one another.

"The king is getting old. Maybe when he passes and the prince takes over, things will be different and you will have more time to spend with me." Kehlana responded as she put her head against her man’s broad, muscular chest.

"Maybe…" Damien trailed off for a few seconds, content to just stand there and hug the woman for the time being. "The prince is a more level-headed man after all. He doesn’t seek war for his own selfish desires like his father." 

A faint, hopeful smile stretched across her lips as she said."Maybe, one day, you could even retire and settle down with me somewhere nice. I always had a dream of living in a tranquil little log cabin out in the forest."

Of course, Damien couldn’t help but tease the poor woman whenever he got the chance. "Hmm… Maybe, but would your mistress appreciate me stealing her best worker?"

"Please, your older sister practically adores you. Even if you never paid for my time and spent all your life locked in one of her rooms with me, never seeing any sunlight, she wouldn’t even utter a complaint, only her well wishes."

"Maybe I should do just that then… Spend every waking moment holed up in this room with you, that is." Damien whispered into her ear as his hands slowly moved up her slender body and under the thin straps of her lace bra.

"I certainly wouldn’t have any complaints." Kehlana moaned back as a pair of firm, strong fingers ever so gently caressed her nipples.

For now, nothing else needed to be said between the two of them. Almost as if it were instinct, they both knew what the other needed and desired most: the company of each other. As such, they slowly moved together, step by step over towards the bed as they kissed and roamed across each other’s bodies with their hands. Piece-by-piece articles of clothing were removed until finally, they were both completely naked laying on the bed together.

Once they were on the bed Damien wasted no time sliding his thick, hard cock into the elven woman’s pussy, which felt almost impossibly tight around his manhood. What followed was the two of them staring deep into each other’s eyes as they made love in the rather bland, but incredibly intimate, missionary position.

However, this was just a dream, and as much as Damien would have loved to feel the touch of his long-departed wife once more, it wasn’t that kind of dream. He wasn’t in control of what he was experiencing and it didn't quite feel real. Furthermore, the sounds of the events kicking back off in the room beside him in real life were slowly infiltrating his mind and twisting the content of his dreams

After a few thrusts deep into the tight wet pussy, as their bodies writhed in sexual bliss together, Kehlana was no longer underneath him. Instead, it was the curvy, sexy body of Evelyn that he was balls deep inside of. The young, dream version of Damien didn’t even pause as this change happened. He just continued to make love to the young human woman as intimately as if she were his wife from decades ago.

"Oh, fuck! Yes! Right there, baby!" Evelyn cried out in pleasure, both in the dream and in real life.

However, this only spurred Damien on, causing him to thrust harder and harder into the young woman. If this were real life, he would never have been able to go so hard as his might score of over 200 would have easily seen him breaking both the bed and her. But in the dream, he didn’t have to worry about the frailties of a young tier 0 woman and could thoroughly enjoy fucking her pussy until it was a sopping, quivering, cum filled mess.

Eventually, it became all too much for the big burly man, and he let out an animalistic roar as he came as deep and vigorously inside Evelyn as possible. Also, it was at that moment that he woke up in his bed.

The sexual moaning of his daughter and the woman he had just dreamed of having sex with immediately reached Damien from the room next door, where they were fervently going at it again, but that wasn’t the only thing for him to discover. As it turned out, he hadn’t just cum in the dream.

"What am I, a horny teenage boy again…" Damien grumbled to himself, under his breath, annoyed over the sticky mess he had made in his sleep. 

Nothing like this had happened in a great many decades and was frankly quite embarrassing to him. Thankfully though, it wasn’t like he was sharing his bed with anyone who would find out. But that was kind of a given because if he was sharing a bed with someone, he definitely wouldn’t be sexually frustrated to the point of having a wet dream since he would have satisfied himself by fucking them the night before.

I really should have paid the brothel a visit last time I was in town instead of skipping my usual visit.

Oh, well, there’s always next week and at least that temptatious vixen will be gone by then. It’s such a shame I can’t fuck her without risking accidentally breaking her. She’s so fucking willing and sexy as hell, it's practically torture.

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