My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 25 – Levelling Up in the Morning

I was woken up early the next morning when I rolled over in bed only to fall straight out of it and instead find myself suddenly tumbling down onto the hardwood flooring, which I hit with a surprised and slightly pained yelp. As I laid there, butt naked on the floor of a strange room, it took me a couple of seconds to remember where it was that I had suddenly woken up and just how I had come to be there.

Shortly after my sudden, rude awakening, the sleepy, bleary-eyed face of Vel popped over the side of the bed and looked down upon me as she asked. "Are you alright down there, silly?"

"I’m fine," I called back to her as I crawled my way back into the small, cramped bed with the young woman, all the while ignoring the slight ache in my arm, which had taken the brunt of the fall. Luckily, I hadn’t done any real damage to myself and that ache was bound to go away on its own in a few minutes at most. 

Of course, given how irresistible and cute my bedtime companion was, I couldn’t help but give her more than a few kisses as I snuggled up to her again. With such intimate attention being shown to her, it didn’t take all that long before the haze of sleep was completely lifted from the young elven woman’s mind and she had properly come back to her senses.

When Vel felt my hands starting to explore the smooth, slenderness of her body, of which I mostly focused on her backside, she couldn't help but let out a few moans as she playfully remarked. "If you keep this up, Eve, I don’t think I’ll ever want to get out of bed."

"I don’t see anything wrong with that," I responded back in kind, as I lovingly nibbled on her neck and ran my fingers across the back of her head, through her silky smooth, green hair.

In a matter of moments, my fingers found their way to the woman’s pointed ears protruding from the side of her hair, the ears that denoted her half-elven heritage. Looking at her ears up close and personal like this, I realised that I had never really touched her there during sex before, or ever really. From what I read back on Earth, I knew that some people found it arousing to have their ears caressed and nibbled on. The question was, did that also apply to those of elven heritage? Were her ears more sensitive because of how much longer they were, or was their shape nothing more than a cosmetic difference between our races?

The answer to these questions was immediately given as the moment my fingers so much as brushed Vel’s pointed ears, she let out a slight moan. When I further caressed her ears, taking special care to be extremely gentle, the young elven woman started to squirm more and more under me. From just how strongly she was reacting to my touch, you would have thought I was playing with her nipples or her clit, not her ears.

It’s a shame I didn’t realise this earlier, but oh, well. This is going to be fun to play around with. I wonder if I can get her to cum just from playing with her ears? Probably not, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

Sadly, my intentions to keep going and have a bit of early morning fun were not shared by Vel, who simply reached up and moved my hands away from her ears even though she was clearly enjoying my touch. After a few moments to gather herself, she eventually explained why she had put a stop to my fun. "As much as I would like to continue this Eve, I really should get up and start making breakfast. Is there anything in particular that you would like to have for breakfast?"

A sly, perverted grin crossed my lips, so much so that I had a feeling the young woman knew what I was going to say in response to her before the words ever left my mouth. "I could do with eating some pussy. That definitely sounds like one hell of a good breakfast meal to me."

Vel just smiled as she leaned in and gave me a consolatory kiss on the forehead. Afterwards, she pulled away from our lewd, naked embrace and positioned herself sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'll tell you what, Eve. After breakfast, when we are getting ready for the day, you can join me in the shower if you want and eat out my pussy to your heart’s content."

"To my heart’s content, huh," I giggled maniacally as I watched the young woman get up and throw her dress from yesterday on to cover herself up, not even bothering to stop and put any panties on yet since the ones from yesterday weren’t anywhere near as clean as her dress, and she was just going to have a shower after breakfast anyway, so it wasn’t worth it putting on fresh clothes. "I’m going to hold you to that, Vel. Don’t think I won't.

Before making her leave to go get a start on breakfast, Vel paused at the bedroom door one final time and playfully responded. "Oh,  I’m hoping you do. I really, really am."

Now that I was alone on the bed, I took the time to lie down and stretch out, making myself as comfortable as possible before I prompted the system to let loose the floodgates, keeping the notifications of last night's events at bay.

Fascinate has reached Rank 3

Sense Gaze has reached Rank 3

Cunilingus has reached Rank 4 (2)

Kissing has reached Rank 5 

Sensual Massage has reached Rank 10 (8)

Sex Toys has reached Rank 4 (1)

Vaginal Intercourse has reached Rank 2

The skill rank up messages were the first thing I focused on out of the series of notifications and not only because they were the first to appear but because there were actually several interesting things there. The first of which was that all my skills, except for freshen up, had seen some growth, some of which was more impressive than others. The fact that freshen up didn’t rank up wasn’t a surprise, as it wasn’t really used all that much during the events of last night. The skill was only really used to clean up the sex toys after they had been throughly used, and even then, a lot of the mess on them was already licked and sucked clean before I used the skill to finish the job.

Another interesting thing revealed from these rank up messages is the number in brackets next to three of the rank ups. From what I could infer based on the ranks of those skills beforehand, that number indicated what rank the skill was at originally and was only shown in cases where a skill gained more than one rank. I had gained more than one skill rank at a time like this before, and the system hadn’t displayed the rank ups like that then, so I assumed this was a feature to condense the messages when there were just so many of them that it could get spammy. After all there were eleven rank ups in total.

From there, the only thing of note was that both my kissing and sensual massage skills had reached bottlenecks at ranks 5 and 10, respectively. Although I wasn’t sure if my previous life experience was still going to help my efforts to rank up sensual massage, I had a feeling I would need to get creative with my kissing if I wanted to continue ranking it up and I was already thinking up ideas on what to do for that.

Moving on from my skill rank ups, I moved my attention over to my level up messages, of which there were two. Given just how many orgasms Vel and I had last night, I was hoping for three levels, but two was still good. Especially considering how levels took more and more experience to level up after each one.

You have reached [Pervert], Level 5
+1 Vitality
+1 Charm
+3 Free stat points

You can unlock your choice of one of three new class skills.
Please confirm your selection from the available options:

Tight Fit, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

This skill increases the tightness of your mouth, vaginal and asshole during sexual acts to ensure a snug but comfortable fit for anything attempting to penetrate those areas of your body.

Perverted Stamina, Rank 1
(Class, Vitality, Charm)

This skill decreases the physical exertion you experience during sexual acts.

Sexual Toughness, Rank 1
(Class, Vitality, Charm)

This skill increases the durability and toughness of your body during sexual acts.

Of the three class skills that my first level up offered me, it was only really a choice between two of them since the sexual toughness skill was made completely redundant by my blessed by an angel trait already. So that just left the tight fit and perverted stamina skills to choose from. Of which, perverted stamina actually scaled with me vitality, not charm like most other class skills had expected for one early one which I had already forgotten the name of since I didn’t take it.

Both of the skills I was considering, as well as the third, redundant one, were obviously passive skills since they had no listed cooldowns, durations, or other such details. Since whatever skill I choose here was going to be my first passive one I took a little bit of time to recall and think about what Vel had told me on this subject yesterday. About how passive skills always had their effect going on and how that effect would scale as the skill’s rank and dependent stat score rose, even more so than what other skills did.

Essentially, the choice boiled down to whether or not I wanted to please my partner more or be able to have sex for longer. Honestly, I was feeling tight fit more than perverted stamina. As much as being able to have sex for a long time was nice, there was something about pleasing my partners and being the best fuck they ever had that really got my motor going. In my opinion, quality is almost always better than quantity. As such, I chose that skill and moved on to my second level up message.

You learned the class skill, Tight Fit, Rank 1

You have reached [Pervert], Level 6
+1 Vitality
+1 Charm
+3 Free stat points

You can unlock your choice of one of three new class skills.
Please confirm your selection from the available options:

Grope, Rank 1
(Class, Agility, Charm)

Using this skill, you can grope and touch a target from a distance.

Range: 1 Metre
Duration: (10 + Charm Score) Seconds
Cooldown: 10 Minutes

Stimulate, Rank 1
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

Using this skill, you can greatly boost the stimulation a target receives from your touch, but only for a slight moment.

Range: Touch
Cooldown: 3 Minutes

Revitalise, Rank 3
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

Using this skill, you can cause a target you lay your hands on to experience a revitalising surge of stamina. This burst of stamina is only enough to get a pussy wet and a cock hard enough for one more round of sex.

Range: Touch (Hands)
Cooldown: 30 Minutes

This choice of class skills was much harder than the last. There was merit in taking each of the skills, but in the end, I came to a decision along a similar train of thought that led me to take the tight fit class skill last time. In that, the stimulate skill was the best choice if I wanted to leave any of my future sexual partners with their minds blown after fucking me even just once. The fact that the skill’s cooldown was relatively short, and bound to get even shorter as it ranked up, was also a major plus.

You learned the class skill, Stimulate, Rank 1

With that decision made, all I had left to do was allocate my free stat points, of which I had 6 since I levelled up twice in one go. While thinking over what I wanted to do with my stats, I recalled Damien’s advice from dinner yesterday, that most people are advised to have a score of 30 in their primary stat and 20 in a secondary stat.

Normally, with a common, tier 0 class, that would take all of the stat points one gets over the first 10 levels to achieve, but as it just happens, if I allocated my stat points correctly, I could achieve that right now, at level 6, thanks to my uncommon class. So that’s exactly what I did, and as soon as I was done, I pulled up my status screen to give how it was shaping up a once over.

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Pervert
Level: 6

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 20
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 10
Charm: 30

Class Skills:
Freshen Up, Rank 3
Fascinate, Rank 3
Sense Gaze, Rank 3
Stimulate, Rank 1
Tight Fit, Rank 1

General Skills:
Cunnilingus, Rank 4
Kissing, Rank 5
Sensual Massage, Rank 10
Sex Toys, Rank 4
Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 2

Blessed By An Angel

That’s not bad if I say so myself.

Six levels in what was not even twenty-four hours felt like a good pace to me, but I really didn’t know how fast someone should normally level up. Given that Vel was only level 11, well 12 after she levelled up yesterday, after two years, I assumed my levelling pace was quite high. However, Vel’s level might have been low because of how sheltered her father kept her for all I knew. As such, I really didn’t know what the expected rate of levelling up was and would have needed to ask someone if I wanted to find out.

However, at the moment, I had more pressing concerns, as was evident by the way my stomach growled, begging for food. The delicious smell of bacon being fried, wafting all the way in from the kitchen where Vel was hard at work, sure didn’t help.

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