My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 26 – After Breakfast Fun

Breakfast was great. There was nothing quite like a hearty breakfast of bacon and sausages to fill your belly after spending the whole night tiring yourself out, engaging in some heated carnal passion. The only thing that would have made breakfast better would have been some fried eggs.

Sadly, though, they didn’t have any eggs because they were hard to keep intact while being carried through a forest at the speed with which Damien normally made his trips into town, which was apparently quite fast. I didn’t question how fast that actually was when it came up during the conversation going on over breakfast, as I was too focused on enjoying my meal, but I assumed it was incredibly fast given the man’s high level.

By the time breakfast was coming to an end and my plate was cleaned of the overly delicious food that once sat there, I was completely stuffed. Although I may have overindulged a little, that just meant I had to work extra hard and have extra sex to work the calories off. That was definitely my favourite way of working up a sweat and getting my heart beating. If only all exercise could be that perverted…

During this time, as I sat back patting my stomach with a slight perverted grin on my lips that was brought forth by all the naughty ways in which I was imagining myself working off this meal, Damien spoke up. "So, I was… Umm, I was thinking that since the two of you did quite a bit around the house yesterday, I could handle the morning chores for you. I’ll do the washing up and the leftover laundry if you want, honey. Why don’t you go out into the forest and show Evelyn some of the sights?"

"Thank you, Dad. You’re the best! Oh, we are going to have so much fun today, Eve." Vel cheered as she hugged her father, all the while seemingly oblivious to the slight awkwardness with which he was acting. I didn’t miss it though.

Damien wasn’t being awkward because of the fact his daughter was hugging him, no, there was something odd in his tone before that had happened. It was almost as if he was embarrassed by something, but what could he have been embarrassed about?

I didn’t have much time to think over this, as I was literally pulled out of my seat by one overly enthusiastic young elven woman. "Come on Eve, let's take a quick shower and then go out exploring the forest together."

"When you go out, remember, don’t wander too far from the house and keep an eye out for monsters, honey. There shouldn’t be any close to the house, but that doesn’t mean that they couldn’t wander in from further away." Damien called out moments before his daughter dragged me out of sight.

In a matter of seconds, Vel and I made it into the bathroom, where the door was immediately shut and locked behind us. The young elven woman wasted no time pulling her dress up and over her head, below which she was completely naked and hadn’t bothered to put on any panties yet. Wanting to get the shower over as quickly as possible so we could go out into the forest, she then made for the shower, but I had other ideas.

I grabbed Vel by the arm and pulled her back against me, keeping her pressed up against my body with a hand firmly held in the small of her back. "Have you already forgotten about your earlier promise?" I whispered into her ear as I gave it a slight nibble.

Since the young elven woman’s pointed ears were incredibly sensitive, this immediately flipped a switch inside her. In a matter of moments, she was blushing as red as a tomato as she began to stutter. "Ah… No, I didn’t… Oh…"

Soon enough, one of my hands was gently caressing her other ear while I was going to town kissing and lightly sucking on the other. Vel was practically putty in my hands like this, extremely wet and aroused putty, as I found out when my free hand slowly worked its way down to her pussy and found said arousal already dripping down her thighs. Apparently, the ears of elves, or at least half-elves, weren’t just extra sensitive, but a potent erogenous zone.

"Bend over on the sink. I want you to look at yourself in the mirror as I help myself to my first course." Although I told the young woman what I wanted her to do, I didn’t wait for her to go about doing it on her own. Instead, I guided her into the position with a firm but gentle hand.

"Ah… first course?" Vel gasped as she looked straight at her reflection in the mirror hanging over the sink. The fact that she would be staring straight at herself and seeing all her lewd reactions to what came next only further excited her.

With the young elven woman positioned how I wanted her to be positioned, it afforded me a great view of her rear, stuck out in my direction. However, a look wasn’t all I gave her butt as I was soon running my hands across her slender and petite rear. I was touching her in a gentle caress manner, but that gentleness ended with a slight smack and a slight chuckle on my part. "You said I could eat your pussy to my heart’s content. Did you really think that was only going to be the one time?"

"No, I didn’t… But I also said you can eat my pussy when you join me in the shower and we are not in the shower." Vel teased me back, but it was more than clear that she wanted this to happen.

"Oh, I’m definitely going to eat you out in the shower as well." I chuckled as I quickly undressed myself and neatly put the shirt I borrowed from Damien to the side. I figured that I could probably still wear it later if I used my freshen up class skill on it.

Now that I was as naked as the cute, slender half-elf bent over in front of me, I wasted no more time and knelt down in prime position to have a whole lot of fun with her. Thankfully, there was a fairly fluffy bathroom mat for me to kneel on, so the tiles wouldn’t wreak havoc on my knees, which was something that was possible since my trait only stopped other people from being able to hurt me during sex. At least the trait would have been able to heal the aches and pains these kinds of situations would cause afterwards.

With my head positioned right before Vel’s smooth, flawless butt, I slowly and teasingly moved my hands across her body until they were in a position to spread her butt cheeks for me. If I wasn’t already fairly wet and excited, the sight of the young elven woman’s tight, puckered asshole and her soaking wet pussy would have been enough to get me going. As it was, though, I just licked my lips as my fingers went exploring.

"Oh, that’s not my pussy!" Vel gasped as she felt one of my fingers lightly trail near her tight, puckered asshole. I wasn’t trying to do anything in particular with that part of her butt, but after she reacted in that way, I couldn’t help but see if she was interested in a little light anal fun. It wouldn’t have been the first time I messed around with anal Since I had my fair share of alone time doing that kind of stuff to myself, but it would have been my first time doing it with someone else.

"No, it’s not, but this hole can be just as fun to play with. Do you want me to play with your ass, Vel?" I asked because it's always good to ask for consent in these kinds of cases, where you’re not a hundred percent sure if someone is okay with something.

"Isn’t it dirty?" Vel responded with a question, not an outright denial, which was a good sign.

"Yes, it can be, so it’s a good thing I have a class skill to help with the that." I said as I trailed a finger over her asshole again and activated said skill.

Although there was no visible sign that anything happened, I knew for a fact that any of the more nasty stuff within the area of effect of my skill had now been freshened up. Of course, since the said area of effect was only a 3-centimetre wide sphere, her butt wasn’t clean enough for full-on anal penetration, which we didn’t even have lube to do, but she was definitely clean enough for a little ass licking.

"Umm… okay then… But don’t forget my pussy while you are down there." Vel gave her consent a few seconds after hearing my reassurances, still a bit hesitant by the idea of what I suggested, but curious enough to want to try it with me since she trusted me.

Now that I had been granted permission, I wasted no time bringing my tongue to her tight, puckered asshole. Vel let out a small, but unmistakably pleasurable gasp as she felt the warm wetness of said tongue slide over her and tease her down there. That gasp turned into a full-on moan when I activated my stimulate skill.

"Oh… Gods above, what did you just do Eve?" The young elven woman tried to look back at me as she asked this, but a stern but loving glare from me told her that I wanted her to continue staring at herself in the mirror until I was finished. I wanted her to look into her own eyes when she eventually came.

As soon as she complied with my wishes, I answered her question. "After last night's fun, I levelled up and got a new class skill. Two actually, but the other one is a passive skill and not one you will really get the most out of since it’s more focused on pleasing cocks fucking me."

While answering Vel’s question, my hands never stopped caressing or playing with her. Sometimes my fingers would be trailing over her butt and other times they would be playing with her clit. Of course, I made sure during all of this to clearly keep in mind which hand had been where, as it was not good to go from ass to pussy, even if the stimulation was only surface level, which was a mistake I had to learn the hard way a couple of times back on Earth.

In a matter of seconds, I soon began to lick the young elven woman’s asshole again and even slowly eased the tip of my tongue in. Her butt wasn’t the only thing seeing a little bit of penetration either, as soon as my fingers were inside her vagina. This two-pronged assault on her most sensitive places was having a great effect on her, and soon enough, the bathroom was filled with the sound of her moaning in pleasure. The fact that her father could most likely hear her moaning since the walls weren’t very soundproof was apparently something that she was not concerned with. That or she was so overwhelmed by the pleasure that the thought didn’t even occur to her.

Either way, the fun continued on until I remembered that the whole point of this was to eat out Vel’s pussy, not her ass. As fun as it had been, it was time to make a switch, but not before using freshen up on my tongue to make sure it was safe and hygienic to make the switch.

Now that I was eating out the young elven woman’s pussy, my cunnilingus general skill was being useful again and offering me all the usual bits of advice and guidance. That said, since the skill had seen quite a bit of growth over the course of last night, the guidance it was giving me was much more comprehensive and effective.

Vel’s pussy was practically purring as I sucked, licked, and slurped on it. So much so that I had a feeling that she was getting closer and closer to coming. Because of this, it was around that time that an interesting idea popped into my head. However, it wasn’t time to enact that idea yet, so I waited and waited, holding off until the very moment before which I thought she was about to climax.

When it finally happened, and I thought that the young elven woman was on the verge of orgasming, about to be pushed over the point of no return, I laid the flat of my tongue across as much of her pussy and clit as it could reach and activated Stimulate, which had come of its 3-minute long cooldown by this point. 

The results were spectacular. Not only did Vel instantly cum, but she came hard. So much so that more than a little bit of her arousal gushed out of her orgasming pussy, almost directly into my mouth. However, I didn’t have much time to savour the taste of her gushing pussy as the orgasmic bliss of her orgasm was too much for the young woman that her legs gave out underneath her.

Since she was bent over a sink and I was kneeling behind her, there was really only one way that Vel could fall, and that was on to me. Luckily, the young elven woman was quite light, and being sprawled out on the bathroom floor with her naked, panting body laying atop me wasn’t all that uncomfortable.

Since I had taken the system notifications off of the delay setting earlier this morning, apparently the system thought now was a good time to show me the gains this little bit of fun had earned me.

Stimulate has reached Rank 2

Cunnilingus has reached Rank 5

Kissing has reached Rank 6

Honestly, I was quite surprised that cunnilingus had ranked up. I hadn’t actually been eating Vel’s pussy out for that long. For most of the time I was just licking her ass while I fingered her pussy. In fact, I had done that so much that I had probably met the minimum requirements to learn some sort of analingus general skill whenever I got more slots for them.

What was even more surprising, though, was that kissing ranked up, breaking the rank 5 bottleneck. But after a few seconds of thought, that made sense. The kissing general skill didn’t just apply to kissing someone on the lips, but other parts of their body as well. There was actually a little bit of overlap with the cunnilingus skill.

Thinking back on what caused Vel to push past her woodcraft bottleneck, I realised that the reason for that rank up must have been the way I tried something new by using my simulated skill. According to what I learned from conversation and observation, the more you did the same thing over and over, the slower your general skills would rank up. The key to seeing fast growth in general skills was innovation, experimentation and creativity, something I had apparently shown a lot of just then. Or at least just enough to get past the first bottleneck.

"I’m sorry, Eve. I didn’t mean to fall on you like that." Vel apologised, all sheepishly, as she crawled off me and sat up on the cold, tiled floor. "You’re not hurt are you?"

A part of me was tempted to tease the young elven woman for apologising again, but even though her falling over wasn’t really her fault, apologising in this situation was the polite thing to do. Plus, she had already gotten more confident and sure of herself that teasing her about that old, needless habit of hers was rather pointless now since she didn’t really do it any longer.

As such, I just sat up and leaned over to give her a peck on her lips. "I’m fine, no harm done. What say you and I hop in the shower and go for round two."

"In a couple of seconds, my legs are still a bit wobbly after that. Speaking of which, Gods above, what an orgasm that was!”

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