My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 73 – Teasing the Maid

"Yeah, you like that, don’t you, you little slutty elf!" I called out as I pounded my girlfriend from behind, slamming a conjured strapless dildo into her tight pussy again and again as she knelt there, bent over the edge of the bath.

"Fuck… Gods above… Yes, I love it…" Vel moaned as her eyes rolled back into her head and her fingers desperately clung onto the marble stonework for whatever handholds they could find.

More than a few minutes had passed since I gave the young elven woman her first orgasm during this session of sex, and after being shown just as much care and attention as I showed her, it was my turn to go at her again. Not that we ever really kept track of such things; it was more of a spur-of-the-moment decision. However, the fact that enough time had passed for conjure sex toy to come off its cooldown was a big deciding factor in that decision.

Nevertheless, I was back at it, pleasuring my girlfriend to the best of my abilities. This time with the aid of a handy strapless dildo, which instead of being tied around my waist like its strap-on variant, was anchored inside my pussy by its other end, adding a little bit of extra pleasure to the act for me.

Additionally, this strapless dildo was a little special as it wasn’t made of smooth wood, like the last one I used on Vel. Instead, it had the feel of silicon while being made of mana, thanks to my skill. And it looked incredibly photorealistic, to the point it almost looked like a real cock if you weren't giving it a closer inspection.

The reason for this change wasn’t because I desired a strapless dildo that looked like a real cock, but because I was trying to see if I could conjure a sex toy able to transmit the feelings of fucking her tight little pussy for me to enjoy. Sadly, though, that didn’t work like I hoped it would.

Although the skill specifically states that it can conjure any sex toy I can imagine, apparently, there are some limits to it. Given that there are at least two worlds out there, this one and Earth, there must be more, and I assumed one of those must include sex toys that transmit their feelings to the user. However, since trying to imagine one of those while using the skill as I did only resulted in just this realistic-looking strapless dildo, I have to assume that either the skill isn’t capable of that, or I actually have to know for a fact that such sex toys exist before I can conjure them.

Either way, though, I was only mildly disappointed. Having a temporary cock for me to fuck Vel with and feel every inch of her tight, wet pussy coiling around it, was only a passing fantasy of mine, that raised its head every now and then. I was sure that eventually, I would find a way to experience what sex was like for men, but it wasn’t something I was putting too much thought into. No, I much preferred fully focusing my attention on fucking my girlfriend and turning her into a drooling, moaning mess from her relentless orgasm, much like I was doing right now.

It was to that end that I continued to thrust my hips forwards, pushing the realistic length of the dildo as far into Vel’s pussy as it could go, over and over again. Each time it slammed into the young elven woman’s tightest places, she couldn’t help but moan and writhe in pleasure, something which caused me no small amount of joy. 

Although I was technically also being penetrated by the toy I was using to fuck Vel, it wasn’t as stimulating as it was for her. That said, I did enjoy the constant filling sensation and the light stimulation it offered in its own way. The fact that I already had a couple of orgasms of my own, from her early attention, sure didn’t hurt though.

In time, as the duration of my conjured sex toy counted down, we were interrupted by the sounds of someone entering the bathing area. That said, I wasn’t planning on stopping any time soon. Vel was very close to cumming and, as such, I dedicated my every effort to pushing her over that edge. 

It was like this that I was thrusting hard and fast into the young elven woman even as the maid from earlier returned, saying. "Miss Velyna, Miss Evelyn, lunch will be ready in a few…"

The maid’s words fell short, not only because of the shock of what she saw unfolding before her but also because of Vel’s cries of pleasure, cutting her off. "Yes, Eve. I’m cumming. Oh, Gods above, I’m cumming!"

As Vel orgasmed and writhed on the dildo penetrating deep into her convulsing pussy, I turned my eyes to the maid just staring at us, with an expression of deep surprise, but also a little bit of arousal. I stared back, locking my eyes on hers even as I continued to thrust my hips for a few moments more.

Oh, I am going to have some fun with her sooner or later. For now, though, I’ll just settle for just teasing her a little.

Sliding the dildo out of Vel’s pussy when it was clear she had enough, I gave the young elven woman a parting little spank on her ass as I left her there, laying on the side of the pool, to recover and catch her breath. Once parted from my girlfriend, I pulled myself up and out of the bath and walked a few metres over to the maid so that she could see every part of my nudity. Well, every part except for my pussy, which was still covered by the realistic-looking strapless dildo bouncing around on my crotch, giving anyone looking at me the impression that I was a woman with a cock because of how realistic it looked upon a quick glance.

"Sorry for interrupting you, but what was it you came to tell us?" I said, knowing full well what she was trying to say since she got enough of it out before she was cut off, but I was really just giving her a chance to openly ogle my tits so that I could get a gauge of how interested she was in me.

Although the maid certainly did take up the chance offered to her and got a really good look at my generous breasts, her eyes were more focused on the dildo between my legs, something she was looking at with just as much confusion as arousal. "You… You’ve got a… How do you have a…"

"Oh, this." I beamed a big, playful smile as I reached down and gave the toy, still coated in Vel’s pussy juices, a quick rub. "It’s not real, just a special type of dildo conjured by one of my class skills."

As if to prove my point, I slid the toy out of me, revealing the fact that I did in fact have a pussy down there. This seemed to amaze the maid even more than before, who was now just staring bewildered at the conjured sex toy held in my hands.

"I’ve never… What is… What’s a dildo?" The average-looking, brown-haired woman stammered a little bit before getting her question back.

Even though Damien didn’t know what sex toys and dildos were, this took me by surprise. I had assumed that his lack of knowledge of such matters came from the fact that he was a straight man and didn’t really have much use for them. I assumed that, like on Earth, such things were much more commonly used by women, but for a woman not to know about these things, especially one that works for a woman like Sophia, sex toys really must not exist in this world after all.

Well, they didn’t exist before I came here. I’ve certainly changed that, and if I have anything to say about it, they're going to become a whole lot more popular.

However, that was something for another time, so I put those thoughts aside for the moment and turned my attention back to answering the maid’s question. "Essentially dildos are a special kind of toy for adults, sex toys. Most commonly, dildos are made in the shape of cocks, but they don’t have to be, so long as they can safely and pleasurably be used to stimulate someone’s pussy or ass. This one specifically is a strapless dildo, which a woman can put inside herself so that she can fuck someone else like a man would with their cock."

"Amazing, may I touch it?" The maid gasped, staring at the toy in awe, but her question was answered without me even needing to respond, as the skill used to create it ran out of duration and disappeared into thin air. "Oh, it's gone…"

"Sadly, the duration of this skill is still rather short as I got it only recently, but maybe I can show you more sex toys at another time." I offered, knowing full well that such an offer would most likely involve me teaching her about sex toys by using them on her.

"I would love that, OH!" The maid gasped, realising that she had come here with a purpose and had forgotten all about it. "Lunch is almost ready. If you don’t get dried off and dressed soon, you might be late to the table, and I’m sure Master Nicholas and Master Caiden are looking forward to sharing a few words with the two of you over lunch."

"We can’t have that, can we? Maybe you could help us get dried off and dressed, that way it will be faster?" I said as I briefly glanced down at my own breasts, suggesting something left unsaid.

"It is my pleasure to serve you, Miss Evelyn." She responded, trying her best to hide her perverted smile behind a more professional facade.

It was around this point that Vel finally gathered herself again and made her way out of the bath, not even trying to hide her nudity from the maid. As it turns out, after having a few orgasms fry her brain, the young elven woman wasn’t as shy and nervous around strangers as she normally was, but that would return quickly enough.

Like that, the three of us found our way back to the changing rooms, where she retrieved towels for us and we began to get dried off. While Vel had to dry herself off, I had someone else to help me with that regard, and while being treated like this was not something I was normally accustomed to, it was quite nice. Given that the maid asked earlier if we wanted someone to help wash us in the bath, I assumed it was normal for people like Sophia to be attended to at all times and have someone help wash, dry and clothe them.

That said, the maid wasn’t just drying me, as on more than a few occasions I caught them groping and caressing my body, not with the towel either, but with their bare hands. On one occasion, they were even taking special attention to drying off my crotch with the towel, but they spent more time down there than they probably meant to.

"I think I’m dry enough. Any more of that and I’m just going to get wet again, but in a very different manner." I smiled as I made this remark, causing the maid to blush profusely and curly apologise, while in the background, Vel just giggled and shook her head.

Once dried, it was time to get dressed, which was something the maid helped me with as well. However, I wasn’t going to get dressed in the same old, dirty clothes that I came to the city in, as they had apparently been removed earlier and were nowhere in sight. Instead, there were a pair of fresh, better-quality clothes set out for both Vel and me to wear. clothes that greatly piqued my interest with just a glance.

The first part of the clothing to be put on was the panties, which, although not as sexual as the pair of black lace thongs I owned, were much more lavish. This pair of panties was white with a light pink floral pattern woven around the edges. They were made of smooth silk material, which felt especially soft on my skin when pulled up my legs. Given that the maid helped me do that, the proximity such a thing afforded meant that she got a prime view of my bare-shaven, aroused pussy.

"Normally, I like to at least know the name of someone before I let them look so closely at my pussy. But I’ll have to settle for finding your name out after the fact." I teased her, causing her to blush profusely, something which reminded me much of the first few times I had sex with my girlfriend. 

Vel had been much more reserved and embarrassed than she was now, but that wasn’t a bad thing. Her getting out of her shell and used to all the lewd things I did to her opened up new things for us to do together.

"Sorry, it’s… umm… it’s Jessica." The maid mumbled before she darted off to retrieve the next bit of underwear, a matching white and pink silk bra.

My heart leapt for joy as soon as I laid eyes on that particular piece of clothing, and my excitement only grew as Jessica helped put it on me. Somehow, this bra was a perfect fit for me, something that was quite surprising given that no one ever asked for my measurements, which I couldn’t have given them even if they asked. 

A look over at Vel revealed that she had her own set of matching green silk panties and a petite bra, with patterns of leaves woven into them. Since they fit her just as perfectly as my own, I could only assume that one of the maids who initially took our stuff from us when we arrived at the estate must have had a skill for appraising someone's clothing sizes. It’s the only explanation that made sense, but then that also raised the question of how they got clothes fitted for us in such a short amount of time.

Well, relatively short. We did spend quite a long time in the bath after all. I’m surprised that didn’t leave us more pruny. Hmm… I’m also surprised that the bath water didn’t cool down all that much… Must be magic of some sort. Although I suppose that’s the answer to most such questions in this world.

Once my sizeable breasts were secured in the most comfortable, supportive bra that I could have only ever dreamed of before, it was time for the last bit of clothing to be put on, a dress. Now, this was much more my style than the tomboyish shirt and jeans look I had going on before now. Like my underwear, my dress was made with smooth silk material, and the colour was white with a pink floral pattern around the edges.

What's more, the neckline was perfectly accented and showed off my cleavage without looking too slutty. Not that such a thing would have been bad, but there is always a right time and place for such things. Similarly, the hem of the dress was short enough to show off my legs but not too short to accidentally flash random people, my people. That said, I had a feeling the dress was short enough that I could still purposefully flash someone my panties while believably playing it off as an accident if I wanted, so that was good.

Vel soon found herself dressed in her own dress, which, like my own, matched the underwear she was wearing underneath it. Once we were both dressed, and the young elven woman retrieved her magic box from where it had been left undisturbed while we bathed, Jessica, the maid, wasted no time escorting us to the dining room, where lunch was to be served.

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