My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 74 – Lunch at the Estate

As I walked down the hallway towards the dining room where lunch was going to be served, I couldn’t help but smile from ear to ear. The fact that Vel and I had just shared a lovely, lewd time together in the bath sure did help my smile, but it wasn’t the main reason for it. No, I was so happy because of my new clothes.

Dressed in my delicate white and pink silk dress with matching underwear underneath, I looked more beautiful than I ever had, both on Earth and in this new world. Sure, my gorgeous blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, and sizable womanly assets, which I had all specifically requested during my reincarnation, made me one hell of a sight, even in poorer quality clothes like those I was wearing before, but now I was actually wearing something that accented my best qualities instead of fighting against them.

Back on Earth, I was never this materialistic or vain about my looks, partly because I was mostly just average-looking and had come to accept my jealousy of the drop-dead gorgeous models you would see practically everywhere in the media. But now, though, without the worries of daily life on Earth and with a loving girlfriend at my side, I had very few concerns so I could afford to be more vain than I normally would have been. In fact, all I really cared about was the safety of Vel and Damien, while my looks and having as much sex as humanly possible followed closely behind that.

Speaking of having as much sex as humanly possible, as soon as Jessica, the maid, opened the doors to the dining room, I immediately caught sight of a pair of blonde-haired men taking their seats at a large, ornately carved table. Of course, I was actually only interested in having sex with one of these men, the younger one, as Sophia had specifically said that her husband was off-limits to me. Her son though was definitely going to be a fun ride whenever I got around to fucking him.

"Good afternoon, Velyna and Evelyn. I hope you’ve made yourself at home." Nicholas, the older of the two men, greeted us as we made our way over to the table to join them. For the moment, the maid that led us here closed the doors, leaving only the four of us in the privacy of the dining room.

"We have, thank you. You and your wife are most gracious hosts." I replied with a gentle smile as I took a seat at the table next to Caiden, while Vel took a seat opposite me, next to Nicholas.

"I see that my mother arranged some new clothing for the both of you. Your dresses suit you both. You look quite beautiful." Caiden complimented us, but his eyes were clearly more on me than on his cousin's. That said, there wasn’t as much confidence in his gaze as one would expect given his looks. In fact, he had quite a shy air to him.

Despite the insane level of wealth he came from and having a mother with the profession she did, it was interesting that the young man wasn’t more confident around me. You’d think he’d be used to getting all the pussy he wanted with just a look. Hell, I sure know that one smile from him is all it took to get my panties rather wet.

The few past experiences I had with men as good-looking as Caiden back on Earth, told me that most people that looked like him were rather stuck-up and arrogant. Either he was an outlier to this rule, or my sample size had been too small to jump to the conclusions I had, but either way, teasing and seducing him was going to be fun.

I wonder if he is a virgin. I mused to myself before replying to the young man’s compliment with one of my own. "Thank you, Caiden. You two also make for a rather strapping pair, with or without fine clothes. In fact, I must say that as handsome as you look right now, I much prefer the shirtless, sweaty look you had going on during your earlier training."

"Ah… Th… Thank you…" Caiden mumbled, blushing profusely and avoiding eye contact with me.

Over on the other side of the table, the young man’s father and my girlfriend had a little laugh while watching him be teased. Nothing further could be said though, as we were interrupted a few seconds later by a whole host of the estate’s staff emerging from a side door into the dining room.

Various different butlers and maids, including Jessica, the maid from before who I so blatantly flirted with, marched into the dining room carrying an assortment of cutlery and plates. In a matter of seconds, the once bare table was now set with several forks, knives, and spoons laid in front of us. After the cutlery came our meals, a rather small serving of some sort of soup.

Given how strenuous and tiring the first half of the day had been, I knew this serving of soup was not going to be enough to satiate me. However, it was better than nothing and I didn’t want to appear rude, so it would have to do for now.

As soon as the food was placed before us, the staff left again, but no doubt they were just waiting on the other side of the door to be called upon again. Caiden and Nicholas dug into the meals immediately. Vel and I followed after them, hesitating for only a moment to choose which of the selection of cutlery to use. Since there were several different spoons and neither of us was used to eating in such a setting, we had no idea which was appropriate to use. Luckily, I had the foresight to glance over at our hosts and pick up the one that they had chosen to use. And after a discreet motion to Vel, she was following along with me.

As small as the serving of soup was, it tasted utterly divine. I had never eaten anything that tasted so good. I’m sure it was the kind of food that was served at exclusive, five-star restaurants back on Earth, but obviously, that was not something I ever had the pleasure of experiencing. However, things were much different in this world, and I would no doubt be enjoying such things for however long it took for Damien to find us again. Maybe even a little while afterwards, because who knew what was going to happen after that?

"I’m curious, if you don’t mind me asking," Nicholas spoke up, engaging in some idle conversation as the four of us ate lunch together. "How do you two know each other."

A quick look between me and Vel told me all I needed to know. The young elven woman was still feeling a little shy around all these new people, and it was up to me to respond for us. That said, the truth wasn’t exactly something I could just admit. Even if they would believe it, that was something I should keep secret.

Thinking on the spot, I started to weave a story together that was part truth, part lie, something I was getting good at not just because of my deception general skill but because I was getting a lot of experience at it recently. "Shortly after awakening to the system, I got lost in a forest close to where Vel and her father were living. Vel was the one that found me and brought me back to her home. Although Damien was a little distrusting of me at first, eventually he warmed up to me and allowed me to stay there with them. Which I had been doing up until we decided to come to the city."

"Vel and I hit it off immediately and became quite close friends. But sometime during my stay, our friendship… developed into something more. Now we are kind of a thing. I’m not sure how understanding people in the city are of such things since it's my first time here, but we're dating. I’m her girlfriend, and she’s mine."

"You’re dating each other?" Caiden said with a sigh, clearly disappointed that I was taken, or at least that was what he assumed. I wasn’t going to clear that up right away. I had a feeling it would be more fun if I teased him quite a bit before fucking him.

"Such arrangements aren’t uncommon in the city, especially among the baseborn, and most people are rather understanding of them. Love is love, after all. A powerful force, no matter who shares it. But of course, there are always some that judge others and discriminate for no good reason. Some people are just, pardon my language, assholes." Nicholas spoke up, responding to my query about not being sure how understanding people in the city were of two women dating each other.

"Yes, I know that all too well," I responded with a nod of my head before continuing the conversation. "But what do you mean by saying this kind of relationship is much more common among baseborn people."

"The common people don’t have the same kinds of responsibilities and duties as those like us. They can marry more freely." He began to explain. "While many nobles do at times have gay or lesbian tendencies, at the end of the day, they are still expected to marry someone of the opposite sex so that they can produce offspring to continue their family."

“Often, when someone of nobility ends up married to someone they aren’t actually sexually attracted to, they come to a sort of arrangement together, allowing them to engage in their own activities outside of the marriage while still upholding their duties. As long as children are being produced and the family is being run well, such arrangements aren’t looked down on by most. In fact, my wife and I have a similar sort of arrangement, but it’s not quite the same."

"How so?" I asked, hoping it wasn’t too rude of me since I was actually quite interested in this.

"Although Sophia isn’t unattracted to me, she does have quite a high sex drive. Trying to keep up with her and satisfy all her needs almost killed me when I was younger, literally." Nicholas went on without even hesitating for a moment, much to the dismay of his son, who obviously didn’t want to hear about his parents' sex life. "Now we have an understanding of our own. One that doesn’t just accommodate her business but also allows her to satisfy her needs outside of our marriage, so long as she doesn’t neglect to spend time with me or Caiden."

"That’s quite interesting. Thank you for sharing that with me," I said as I turned my attention back to my bowl, which was empty.

Given how small the serving was, the few mouthfuls I took here and there during the previous conversation were more than enough to finish the meal. However, I was still quite hungry as it was nowhere near enough to satisfy the appetite I had acquired.

A quick look around the rest of the table revealed that everyone else was just about to finish up. Once we were all done, Nicholas rang a small bell sitting on the table to his side, which I had not noticed until now. In response to it, various butlers and maids streamed into the dining room once more, taking away our dishes and, much to my delight, putting the second course of food in front of me.

In hindsight, it made sense that our lunch wouldn’t have been such a small meal. After all, Nicholas and Caiden had been training earlier and no doubt worked up an appetite of their own. As it turned out, more upper-class meals were several smaller courses instead of one bigger course, as I was accustomed to.

Similarly to the first course, I dug into the meal, a light chicken and salad with some kind of delicious dressing, after taking note of which utensil to use by watching the two men. Once more, it was utterly to die for, even though it appeared to be a fairly simple meal.

As lunch continued, so did the conversation, but nothing of note was really said. Nicholas and Caiden just mostly talked with us about the goings on in the city, while occasionally asking us about our situation. Given the truth of our being here, there wasn’t much for us to share with the two of them. That said, Nicholas was fairly interested in what Damien and Kehlana had been up to because all he knew before now was that they eloped together, which I assumed was the cover story Sophia made up for their disappearance after she and Damien’s father died.

Of course, this meant that we had to tell them about Kehlana's death all those years ago and that Damien would be coming to the city in a few weeks to meet up with us again. But other than giving Vel his sympathies for her mother's passing, Nicholas seemed more interested in meeting Damien again. Which made sense since they were of a similar age and upbringing, even if Damien was much, much stronger than him. No doubt, they knew each other before he left.

During the course of lunch, I activated my sense gaze skill out of curiosity. A skill that translated where someone within the skill’s range was looking at me into a pleasant tingling on my body. Although Nicholas’s gaze was restrained and appropriate given his taken status, there were two other sets of eyes occasionally glancing at me and my chest.

Sense Gaze, Rank 6
(Class, Sexual, Charm)

Using this skill allows you to sense whether or not any living creature within the range is looking at you and where exactly on your body they are looking.

Range: 6 Metre
Duration: (7 + Charm Score/10) Minutes
Cooldown: 25 Minutes

Vel’s habit of occasionally taking a look at my chest wasn’t something I was unaware of but it was not all that noteworthy. After all, she was my girlfriend and I didn’t mind her looking at me any time she wanted. However, Caiden took occasionally glances in my direction, and focusing those glances upon my amble breasts was more interesting. Even despite knowing I had a girlfriend and assuming we were exclusive, he still seemed rather interested in me. At least on a surface level if nothing else.

In time, the second course of lunch was finished, and a third, smaller, final course was eaten as well. Once it was time for lunch to wrap up and the estate’s staff were taking away the last of our dishes, I turned my attention to Caiden. 

"If I remember correctly, Sophia mentioned to us that you and your father both have bonded monsters kept and tended to at the monster pens at the back of the estate. Vel is bonded to a monster of her own, a tentacle slime called Saph, who she has been dying to go see since she got here. Would you mind showing us around and maybe introducing us to your monsters."

With my attention so firmly fixed on him, Caiden meekly shifted in his seat, giving his father a quick glance. The older man just returned a big supportive grin and a slight nod of his head to his son. Turning his gaze back to me, the young man nodded as he said. "It would be my honour to show you two lovely ladies around. I’m sure my Silverwing and your Saph will get along quite well."

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