My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 93 – A Happy Ending for All

"Ah, I’m going to cum again Jeremy. I’m going to cum again on your big, fat cock!" I cried out as I bounced on the older man’s cock, taking it deep into my thoroughly fucked vagina again and again.

No longer were the two of us in the shower. No, after that, we quickly found our way to the bed, where we went at it for some time, fucking each other to our heart's content. Much of the two hours Jeremy had paid for had already passed, but he made good use of his time and by extension, me.

Whether it was fucking my pussy, my ass, or my mouth, the man had definitely gotten his money's worth. In fact, he had cum inside me so much that he wasn’t actually able to get it up on his own for this last ride. The only reason we were able to continue going at it like this was because of the fact that I used my one more time skill on him.

Yet, as much fun as the older, silver fox of a man was having, I was having quite a bit of fun as well. Although our time together started out with me having to show my clit all sorts of attention on my own to get me to cum, that was no longer necessary. You see, I was the kind of woman who, the more she orgasmed, the easier it was for her to reach her next orgasm.

As such, the waves of pleasure that rose up from my pussy and washed over my body as I fervently bounced on my client's cock was completely unaided by any of my skills, it was all him. A fact that he delighted in alongside the feeling of my pulsating, spasming vagina contracting around his cock deep inside of it.

Of course, given all the attention I showed the man up to this point, he was at his limit both mentally and physically. As such, it wasn’t long before he was grunting up a storm and releasing one last load deep inside of me. The moment that he spent himself for good this time, he collapsed onto the bed in a panting heap.

"I think… I’m really done this time…" He wheezed as he stared up at the ceiling, failing miserably to catch his breath.

When he was done, I slid off the man and lay down on the bed beside him. During this, a copious amount of his cum poured out of my pussy the moment his cock popped out of me, but I paid that no mind. Both my ass and pussy were already kind of a mess from his cum and my own copious sexual fluids, even before this last bout of fucking, but freshen up would easily deal with all that later.

Laying on the bed beside Jeremy, I cuddled up next to him, idly running my fingers over his slender, grey-haired chest as I glanced to the side, checking how much time was left on the clock. Of which, there were only a couple of minutes left. It had only been by chance that it worked out like this, but our timing was rather perfect.

"I must say, Eve, that was…" The man spoke up in between laboured breaths. "...Not what I was expecting. Are you sure this is your first day working here? I could have sworn that was just like being put through the wringer by one of the higher level women working here."

"Oh, this is definitely my first day here. After all, it hasn’t even been a month since I awakened to the system. Where would I have found work prior to that?" I purred, content to fill the last remaining minutes of our time together just talking if he was.

"A month? You’re barely over eighteen!" Jeremy’s eyes widened in surprise. "I know that the high charm scores of people working at places like this have tended to obscure their age, but that is younger than I was expecting. Gods, you're young enough to be my daughter, if I had one, that is."

Given that the silver fox of a man was probably in his early fifties, I was most likely young enough to be his granddaughter, but I wasn’t going to say that to him. The last thing I would want to do was make a client feel old. Instead, I just teased him in a different manner.

"Maybe I should call you Daddy the next time you hire me. Would you like that? Would you like to be called Daddy as I ride on your cock and get filled over and over again by your thick, hot loads of cum?" 

Jeremy’s mouth dropped as he heard me say this. For a few moments, he just stared at me like that, and I was unable to get a read on what he felt from my comments. Eventually, though, he just broke out into bellowing laughter.

"The next time I hire you, huh…" He grinned at me. "You’re awfully sure of yourself, aren’t you? But… after what we just did, I can’t really blame you. I’m definitely not going to be forgetting this anytime soon, and I just might come to request you again the next time my coin pouch permits such luxuries. Visiting the Red Den is always a treat, but I must say, these two hours with you have been the most fun I’ve had here in a while."

"I look forward to you visiting again… daddy!" I teased him with a big mischievous grin on my lips, something which the man could only respond to with another bit of chuckling.

However, our shared amusement was quickly put to an end when a ringing sound filled the private room, a ringing very clearly coming from the clock, signalling that our time was at an end.

"Sadly, it looks like our time is up," I said as I got up from the bed and turned the alarm off. "But, I want you to know that I had a blast with you and that I’m not just saying it when I tell you that I really won't forget my time with you. My time with my first client was truly something that I wasn’t going to be forgetting anytime soon and you made it all the better.."

"I had fun too. You were definitely worth every gold I spent, maybe even more." Jeremy returned the sentiment as he got up off the bed and fetched his clothes.

However, before getting myself dressed and cleaned up, I went over and helped the man get dressed first. During this, I also used my freshen up skill on him to make sure that he was as fresh as a daisy. Although this wasn’t something that was explicitly required on my part, I felt like it was better than just leaving him as he was, all sticky and stained with our combined sexual fluids. Not to mention, it took very little effort on my part.

Soon enough, it was time for Jeremy and me to part, but before he left the private room and made his way back out through the main floor, I gave the man a parting peck on the lips to remember me. Once that was done, I turned to the task of cleaning myself up and getting dressed again, something that was incredibly easy with the aid of freshen up.

Although Arriana told Cassidy and me that once we were done with customers we were to only get rudimentary cleaned up so that we could leave and head to the staff bathroom without making more of a mess on our way there, I was practically as clean as a whistle after only a few moments of using freshen up. The skill was a godsend when it came to getting cleaned up and managed to completely cleanse the mess that was made of my pussy and ass in a matter of seconds.

As such, it was only a handful of seconds after Jeremy left that I too left the private room. On my way out, I left the room as messy as we made it because, although I could have easily used freshen up to give it a quick clean and earn the skill some good experience, that wasn’t my responsibility. No, there was a cleaning staff that was required to go over every private room after it was used, and whether or not I cleaned up before them wouldn’t stop them from doing their duty anyway.

Speaking of which, on my way down the hallway, back around into the staff-only section of the establishment, I poked my head into the cleaning staff area and notified them that room 4 was done with and needed a clean, as was required of me. As they rushed off to earn their own pay and turn the room over as quickly as possible, I continued on my way.

While walking down the hallways, it occurred to me that I could have checked my system notifications and seen what those two hours had gained me, but I decided to put it off. Instead, I was much more interested in seeing a rundown of how much a full day of work would gain me once I was finished with work much later tonight.

If every hour was as fervent as those last two, surely I would get no small number of skill ranks by the end of the day. Maybe even a level up or two.

On my way back around to the changing rooms, I made a quick stop at the bathrooms, but not because I really needed to do any cleaning up. No, nature was calling and I needed to take a quick pee, something that was generally good to do after sex anyway. Although my freshen up skill probably made that redundant, I didn’t know that for sure and it was best to be cautious.

As I headed into the staff bathrooms on my way to the toilet, I took a quick look around the area as this was actually my first time inside. During the tour, Arriana pointed the staff bathrooms out to Cassidy and me, but we didn’t actually go inside.

Interestingly enough, the bathroom here was rather spacious, if a little lacking in the privacy department. Sure, the toilets lining the far wall, opposite the entrance, each had their own little closed-off stalls, with no way to see inside from the outside, but the showers were completely different. Instead of stalls, as I had expected, the shower was one large communal space opposite the rows of sinks and mirrors that ran the length of the tiled room.

There was no privacy at all for those showering, of which there were currently two people doing so. One was a rather well-endowed handsome man, and the other was Cassidy, who was in the process of washing her pussy, flushing out no small amount of cum from deep inside her.

The fact that she was here now was rather interesting. Obviously, she managed to get her first client and seemed in a rather good mood about it even as she cleaned herself up after the fact, but since she was cleaning up now, beating me to the showers meant it took her much longer to find a client than it had taken me. I wasn’t judging her per se, just making an observation.

As such, I didn’t linger for long and quickly made my way to the toilets. After that quick stop to relieve myself and empty my bladder, I was back in the main part of the bathroom, washing my hands at the sink. Something, which I probably could have just dealt with using freshen up, but it felt wrong to do so. All my previous experiences during my last life back on Earth were screaming at me that washing your hands after using the toilet was just something you had to do, amazingly useful class skill or no.

As I was finishing up washing my hands and drying them off, Cassidy finished with her shower and made her way to the sinks nearby as she dried herself off and started the process of getting dressed in her black lingerie once more. At this point, it didn’t appear the young, dark-skinned woman had even noticed me, but I was determined not to let our relationship be as sour as it was.

So, it was to that end that I slid up beside her at the sinks and asked. "How did your first client go, Cass?"

"I… oh, it’s you," The woman’s merry mood immediately turned into a scowl the moment she noticed me, but as much as she seemed to dislike me, she was at least courteous enough to keep up appearances. "It went well enough, I guess."

"My own first client was quite fun. He even managed to make me cum a couple of times. Sure, at the start I was mostly getting myself off alongside him, but by the end of it it was all him." I said, trying my best to have a friendly conversation with her.

It wasn’t like I thought everyone had to like me, but I really didn’t like the fact that she seemed to hate me for no reason. What made it worse, though, was that I was really attracted to her and wanted to fuck her sometime in the future since I was sure her pussy would taste great, but that was obviously impossible if she didn’t like me. The fact that I didn’t know why this was the case also added to the infuriating nature of our relationship, making me want to resolve whatever the problem between us was all the more.

"Ahuh…" Cassidy mumbled, not paying any real attention to me as she continued to get dressed. Given how focused she was on getting dressed, it was no surprise that she soon noticed a relatively small white stain on the cups of her bra, a stain that really stood out given the black colour of the lingerie.

"Shit, is that dried cum?" The woman cursed underneath, mostly talking to herself and not actually meaning for me to hear it even though I clearly could. "Great, now I’m going to have to find something else to change into."

"Why don’t I help you with that?" I said as I reached out, running my hands over the stain and, by coincidence, the woman’s breasts, not even giving her an opportunity to interject.

"How would…" The woman scowled at me, but her words died off as she saw the stain disappear into thin air thanks to my freshen up skill. After that, her scowl turned into a look of confusion as she turned to face her. "You have a cleaning skill. Why do you have a cleaning skill?

"It's a handy skill to have, and although it can be used for general cleaning, it's actually a sexual skill, meant to be used to clean up those kinds of stains and messes," I explained to her, noticing a shift in her demeanour as I did so. It wasn’t like she was immediately warming up to me, but it did look like she wasn’t as certain of her hatred towards me as she was before.

Since fixing this kind of relationship was something best done naturally and not forced, I decided to not push my luck with her. What little progress I had accidentally made with her would have to do for now. As such, I simply said my goodbye for now and offered my help again in the future before leaving to find Arriana and tell her how it went.

"Well, I should probably be getting back out there and finding another client, but if you need help cleaning up any more stains, feel free to ask. I don’t mind. Us fellow sex workers should stick together after all."

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