My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 94 – Back At It

After leaving the bathrooms, I quickly found my way back out to the main floor, intent on finding Arriana and telling her how things went. While it probably took other members of the staff here more time to get ready again after seeing a client, thanks to my freshen up skill, I could be as fresh as ever in record time, something that would no doubt help me greatly working here. After all, a quick turnaround would mean I could go about finding my next client all the quicker.

Finding Arriana was not all that hard because, although the red-haired woman was walking the main floor of the Red Den and its lesbian side floor, it didn’t appear that she was actually trying to entice potential clients. Instead, she was taking on a more managerial role, talking to the men and women working here as she gave them advice and assistance. Which, now that I thought about it, made sense since she did say earlier that these slower shifts were to give the less experienced workers time to get experience and learn.

"Ah, Evelyn, you’re back already. How did it go?" The woman turned to face me the moment she saw me approaching, stopping her current conversation with one of the women behind the bar in the lesbian part of the establishment to do so.

"Great!" I beamed a big smile as I replied to her. "Jeremy seemed really happy after the time we spent together. In fact, he mentioned hiring me again the next time his coin pouch permitted such a thing."

"Oh, that is great. Reliable repeat clients can bring in a lot of coin for you if you can manage to snag one. But I’m more curious about how you are after the fact. Did you enjoy yourself or did it just feel like work?"

"No, it never felt like work. Not even for a moment. I had quite a bit of fun with him; he even managed to make me cum a few times."

"Now that is quite a treat." Arriana giggled playfully. "That doesn’t always happen with clients. But if you're feeling good about yourself and your time with your last client, there's only one thing to do."

"What is it?" I cocked my eyebrow quizically.

"Why, get out there and do it all again, of course." The woman answered, making me feel a little foolish. After all, that was the logical thing to do and I had even said I was going to do as much to Cassidy moments ago before I left her to continue getting ready in the staff bathrooms.

"Oh, but I don’t think it's going to be all that hard to find your next client." Arriana continued on as she discreetly nodded her head, pointing to a woman over on the other side of the room, eyeing me. "It seems you have already caught the attention of one potential client. Not that I can blame them. With tits and hips like yours, I’m not surprised more clients aren't jumping at the chance to be with you."

The way the red-haired woman looked down at my body with a hungry look in her eyes as she said that last part gave me a few ideas, but for the time being I was going to have to put them aside. I was currently working and I had a job to do. My personal desires would have to wait for later.

"Wish me luck." I chuckled to my more senior colleague as I smoothly sauntered my way away to where the woman giving me eyes was situated.

The woman in question was rather average looking; nothing overly special, especially not dressed in her rather drab dress and with her face untouched by makeup. In a way, she kind of reminded me of the woman I once was back on Earth, but even with makeup and nice clothes, I wasn’t anything special back then. Not at all close to how I am now.

Still, though, this little bit of reminiscing didn’t stop me from striding over to her, waging my hips as I did so. "Hey there cutie, I’m Eve. What-"

"How much for an hour with you?" The woman suddenly and rather bluntly cut me off, taking me a little off guard. Apparently, there was going to be no flirting and no beating around the bush with this one.

"Ah, five gold for an hour. But, trust me, cutie, I'm worth that and more." I responded, still trying my best to be as seductive as possible despite the woman’s bluntness.

"Huh, that’s cheap. You must be new here… despite not looking the part of a new girl. Hopefully, you are not all talk, though. Come one." The woman said as she began to walk off, expecting me to follow.

Well, that was easy. I thought to myself as I followed behind her, feeling a little shocked by just how differently this exchange went from my last one. Given what I knew of women first-hand since I was one and what I read online, I expected that seducing them to hire me was going to be a more involved process. Apparently, I was completely wrong, or maybe this woman was an outlier. Either way, though, I was rather excited to spend some time with my first female client.

Soon enough, the woman made her way to one of the sets of doors guarded by a set of bouncers out on the main floor. After exchanging the appropriate amount of coinage with them, we were heading past the doors, to the hallway, and into one of the numbered doors. Once in the private room, I immediately flicked the switch on the door and set the timer for one hour. After the split second those tasks took, I turned my attention back to my client without delay.

Sliding up to her and wrapping my arms around her body, I brought my lips down on her neck, slowly kissing my way up to her lips as I said. "You have me at a disadvantage, cutie. You know my name, but I don’t know yours."

However, before I could actually kiss the woman, she pulled away from me. "My name is not important. What I want may be a little unorthodox, but I hope you can go along with my wishes."

"As long as it doesn’t go against the Red Den and the mistress’s rules, then whatever it is you want to do to me, I am yours to have your way with." I purred as my hands slid down my own body, trying to keep up my sexy air.

"I don’t want to have my way with you; I want you to have your way with me." The woman said bluntly before going on to further explain herself. "I want you to call me things like pathetic and whore as you push me down and do whatever you want to me. Feel free to be rough and spank, slap, or pull my hair. As long as you do that and make me cum at least once before the hour is up, I’ll have thoroughly enjoyed myself, understood. Oh, and I would also love it if you sat on my face at some point. The safe word if things go too far will be your name, Eve. Otherwise, I'll just refer to you as miss."

Interesting… The woman’s wishes took me a little by surprise. She didn’t seem to be the type that wanted to be demeaned and dominated in such a way, but then I guess such things aren’t always visibly obvious since looks can be deceiving. Back on Earth, that type of roleplaying in porn wasn’t at all something I liked, but being involved in such consensual activities myself intrigued me in no small part. As such, I immediately tried my best to step into the role she wanted me to play. Even though the rank of my deception general skill was still quite low, I could already feel it guiding and assisting me in this task.

"Really, that’s all you want?" I said with a flat-bored expression as I stepped up closer to her once more, but this time there was nothing sexy about the way I stepped into her personal space. At least not until my hand found its way, reaching around and curling up the back of her head, where it took hold of her hair and pulled her head back, forcing her to look up at me leaning over her. "All you want is to be treated like the pathetic whore that you are. That shouldn’t be too hard."

A look of excitement and arousal immediately crossed the woman’s face, pleased in no small part by my little performance. Of course, her obvious excitement wasn’t playing along with the mood, and she quickly corrected that, taking on a thinly veiled look of shame and embarrassment as she said. "I’m sorry, miss. Please don’t punish me."

"Oh, punishment, now that is an interesting idea." I grinned as sinisterly as I could as I said this. "While I think of how to punish you, you are going to take off this boring old dress of yours. Why are you even wearing that? Whores don’t deserve to wear clothes."

"Sorry, miss." The woman apologised once more, this time as she scurried to quickly pull her dress up over her head and toss it aside, revealing her equally drab and boring underwear underneath but only relatively so since even the most unappealing bra and panties are made all the more enticing by what lays underneath them.

"Your bra and panties too, of course." I simply said, and the woman jumped to act as if she was truly scared of what I might do otherwise, something which actually excited me quite a bit.

Although I knew deep down that everything here was consensual and the woman wasn’t actually afraid of me, the act we were putting on was getting to me a little. I loved the way the power I had over her felt and it was only getting me wetter and wetter. That said, at the end of the day this was only an innocent little bit of fun, I was sure to not let the power get to my head, only my pussy.

Soon enough, the woman had discarded her bra and panties, leaving her naked in front of my discerning eyes. "Do you call these breasts? No, these are breasts!" I scolded as I ran my hand over the woman’s slight chest, a chest even smaller than my girlfriend’s, moments before I pulled my own dress off, revealing my own sizable tits to her, which caused her to momentarily break character and eye them hungrily.

Not stopping there, I took a quick moment to circle around her, eyeing her body up and down. At that moment, my hand came down on her butt rather hard, leaving behind a red handprint. "And you call this a butt? Pathetic!"

"It doesn’t surprise me that the only part of you that is acceptable is your pussy." I fictitiously claimed as I circled back to the front and reached forward, helping myself to a not-at-all-gentle feel between the woman’s legs, which just happened to reveal that she was quite wet and excited by my performance so far. "After all, what is a whore without their pussy."

"Tell me, whore," I continued to speak as my hand continued to roughly but pleasurably have its way with her excited pussy. "How many men and women have you let have their way with your pussy? How many men and women have you let dirty you in your pathetic attempts to not feel empty inside."

"No men, but a great many women, miss. Countless so." The woman sheepishly responded, not lifting her gaze off the ground to look me in the eyes.

"No men huh, only women… That must mean a lesbian whore like you has gotten quite good with her lips. Ah, I’ve just thought of your punishment. Go lie down on that bed, my pathetic little whore."

"Yes, miss." The woman skittishly called back as she hurried away to do as I said.

As soon as the woman had done as requested, I made my way onto the bed, but instead of crawling onto the soft mattress as she did, I made a more statuesque approach by walking up and onto the bed. Like that, I towered over the woman as I stood above her, giving her a clear view of the pearl panties barely covering my pussy. In fact, the only thing they really covered was my slit, which they were pulled tight between.

"This is how this is going to go, whore!" I said as I slowly pulled my panties off, which were glistening with my own arousal. In fact, they were coated with so much of my excitement that a thin strand of it stretched from the pearls to my flushed hole for a good few seconds as I slid them off until the distance grew too large and that strand broke. "You are going to put that tongue of yours to work and maybe, just maybe, you will earn my forgiveness."

Before the woman could respond to me, I immediately sat down on her face, nearly smothering her with my dripping wet pussy. Without hesitating for even a second, she began to eat me out, licking and sucking on my most sensitive places with quite a bit of skill. The woman was actually surprisingly good a this, which forced me to bite down on my hand in an attempt to stop the moans her talent brought forth from me. It appeared that she might not have been just acting when she said she had been with countless women.

"Is that all you’ve got, pathetic? I thought a whore like you would be better at this!" I continued with the roleplaying we were doing, finding it surprisingly hard to lie at this point compared to all the other things I said earlier.

However, to punctuate my point, I reached forward and gave the woman’s tit a little slap. Nothing too hard, of course, just something strong enough to seem punishing, but that was actually still rather stimulating for her, as was evident by the way she moaned into my pussy when I did it a second time soon after.

Thanks to how talented the woman was at eating pussy, it was no surprise that I soon came and gushed quite a bit into her eager, hungry lips as I did. However, I couldn’t play into the burst of pleasure I was experiencing and instead had to push past it so that I could go along with my client’s wishes.

"That was… acceptable," I said with a bit of a sigh as I stood back up, leaving the woman laying where she was on the bed with her jaw and lips glistening with my pussy juices. "I will show you how it is really done. But don’t think this is a reward, whore. This is just more punishment. You see, I won't be using my lips on you, but one of my… torture tools."

As I said that last bit, a small, one-handed magic wand vibrator materialised in my hand and was quickly switched on.

"What is that, miss?" The woman’s eyes opened in wonder as she stared at the vibrating toy in my hands.

"This is going to have you begging for release, begging me to let you cum, as all good whores should." I laughed as I repositioned myself on the bed, spreading the woman’s legs wide so that she could feel the wonders of my sex toy for herself.

"Oh, Gods! That feels so good!" The woman inadvertently screamed out in pleasure the moment the buzzing head of my vibrator touched her clit.

"Did I say you could be that loud, whore!" I scolded her as I pulled away the vibrator and replaced its stimulation with a little playful smack on the woman’s throbbing, wet pussy.

"Sorry, miss! It was just too good." The woman apologised, truly remorseful that she was no longer feeling the pleasurable buzz of the vibrator on her pussy.

Luckily for her, it was time for the magic wand vibrator to be put to use again, and it would see a lot more use in the handful of minutes it had remaining on its duration. By the time we were out of time, the woman was panting and begging me to cum, just like I had said she would. Eventually, I relented and let her earth-shaking orgasm wash over her. But by that point, my conjure sex toy skill was completely used up. However, our fun was not over. In fact, we had only reached the halfway point of our hour together.

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