My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 95 – Chatting Over the Lunch Break

Although it felt like my day at the Red Den had just started, it was soon time for lunch, something that Arriana personally came to remind me about shortly after I returned from spending time with my third client of the day. 

After the fun that I had dominating and demeaning that lesbian woman, whose actual name I never got, my next client was a relatively young man who just wanted the more traditional experience with a bit of cuddling and kissing on the side. All in all, he was actually quite sweet. That said he wasn’t actually able to get me close to cumming. However, that wasn’t a problem since I was easily able to work out any pent-up frustrations and finish myself off in the staff toilets after the fact.

Shortly after that was when Arriana found me and reminded me to take my lunch break, something I was quite eager for as I had definitely worked up quite an appetite. As such, I soon found my way back to the cafeteria-like break room to fill my stomach with some much-needed sustenance.

As it turned out, there were already a couple of my co-workers here taking their own lunch breaks. One of which was Cassidy, while the other two were a man and a woman I had not been introduced to yet. All of them were still dressed in their various lingerie and skimpy attire as they sat at the same table, idly chatting with one another while eating various sandwiches. Of those, there were a handful more sandwiches sitting on a far table across the room for us workers to freely help ourselves to.

As soon as I entered, the man, who was pretty much only wearing a skimpy black thong that did nothing to hide the impressive size of his manhood even in its flaccid state, noticed my arrival and called out. "Hey, it's the other new girl. Why don’t you grab something to eat and join us, new girl?"

Not wanting to be rude, I quickly retrieved a sandwich and a plate to eat it on before heading back over to them and taking a seat next to Cassidy. The dark-skinned woman seemed to tense up upon my joining them, but as usual, she didn’t explicitly say anything to me, preferring to keep her complaints and annoyance to herself. Although she seemed to dislike me, the fact that she kept it to herself and didn’t make this place into a hostile work environment for me was something I was thankful for.

"I’m Edward, and this is Paige. Cassidy was telling us a little about herself and how you and she just started today. Your name’s Evelyn Hart, right?" The man said, as friendly and casual as ever as if it was the most normal thing in the world for four nearly naked people to chat like this while munching on sandwiches.

"Yes, but you can just call me Eve." I responded as I started nibbling on my sandwich while trying my best not to continuously ogle the chest of the woman across from me.

Although the woman in question, Paige, didn’t have the most sizable tits as I did, she had more than a mere handful and the way her tight, tantalising bra hid pretty much only her nipples was quite alluring. The man, Edward, wasn’t any harder to not look at as his chest was rather toned and sexy. Although not flat ripped and muscular, there was a fair amount of definition there that made him quite attractive. When combined with my third lunchtime companion, Cassidy, it meant that I was surrounded by quite a few attractive half-naked bodies, which only proved to make me hornier then I had any right to be during a lunch break. Compared to the lunch breaks I used to have back on Earth, this was quite a change. That said, it was a change that was definitely for the better.

If I can get through this without embarrassing myself, I’ll be rather eager to quickly find my next client and work out my frustrations. No doubt, I’ll cum rather easily for them.

"So, Eve how have you been finding your morning here? Have you managed to get a couple of clients? It's fine if you didn’t. Mornings can be quite slow, and I remember only getting one or two clients on my first few days. Once you get used to things, more should come easily enough." Paige asked, chatting just as casually as her half-naked colleague beside her.

"Ah, I’ve been doing good. I’ve managed to enjoy myself while also making sure that the clients enjoyed their time with me. Um… but so far I’ve had three clients, one of which I spent two hours with." I answered and immediately noticed all four of my new co-workers react in different ways.

While Cassidy tensed up, Paige's mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. Meanwhile, Edward just burst out laughing. "Damn, girl leave some for the rest of us."

"Oh, sorry… Am I going at it too fast and stepping on others' toes?" Filled with worry, I apologised, hoping that I hadn’t overstepped myself as a new worker here.

"Not at all, Eve." Edward continued to chuckle as he set my worries at ease. "I was only joking around. No, you are doing really well for yourself. No one here judges anyone for seeing a lot of clients. If someone has a hard time finding clients because other workers are snatching them all up, it's on them for not taking the initiative sooner. After all, there are always plenty of potential clients around here, even during the slow times, and we can’t control what or who they want. We can only offer and try to entice them to take up our service. It's a first come, first served type of thing."

"But, still, four hours in one morning!" Paige interjected with a bit of a whistle and an impressed look on her face. "Gods above, Eve, how is your pussy fairing after that? I can remember after my first week that my pussy was aching quite a bit and I never managed to work four hours in one morning back then. I wasn’t quite used to having that much sex, and it wasn’t until I got a skill to help with my sexual endurance that I managed to get a handle on things.

"Oh, my pussy’s fine. In fact, it’s eagerly purring in anticipation of my next client at this very moment. It probably helps though that I already have the skill to assist with such things and that I was having an outrageous amount of sex before coming here." I said, continuing the conversation in between bites of my lunch.

"An outrageous amount of sex? Didn’t you just awaken to the system a month ago?" Cassidy asked, speaking up for the first time since I joined them all here.

"A month, damn you're only eighteen like Cass!" Edward chuckled.

"Yeah, that is really young," Paige added. "Most people working here don’t start as young as you two. Usually, most people don’t start with sexual classes but swerve into them later in life. The mistress must have really seen something in the both of you to let you start working here with practically no life experience."

"I may have only awoken less than a month ago, but as I said, that time was filled with a lot of sex, an outrageous amount even. I was living with a young woman and her father in a small cabin at that time, and let me tell you, there was barely an hour that went by most days that didn’t involve me getting my pussy stuffed with that guy's massive cock or her eating out my pussy." I explained, all the while unable to keep the perverted grin off my face. "Ahh, now those were some fun times. I even had so much sex that I managed to evolve my class to tier 1."

Hearing that last bit, everyone at the table's mouths dropped. Given that I was hiding the truth by saying that it took me a month to evolve my class instead of the handful of days it actually was, I assumed that would have been a good enough cover story, but apparently, that pace of levelling up was still quite impressive.

"You evolved your sexual class to tier 1 after only a month?" Paige stammered in surprise, to which I just nodded since there was no point denying it now. "Okay, I can see why the mistress was willing to take you on at such a young age now."

"Wait!" Cassidy called out as her eyes focused on me with a rather intense look. "Aren’t you a noble? Why were you living with a father and his daughter in some cabin, having some weird fuckfest for the past month?"

"It wasn’t really that weird. The father and daughter never did anything with me at the same time; they kind of took turns being with me." I said, denying the weird part of her allegation and not the fact that she called it a fuckfest. "Oh, and I’m not a noble. What gave you that impression?"

"..." For a good few seconds, all three of my colleagues at the table remained silent, stunned by what I was saying to them.

It was, of course, Cassidy who spoke again, breaking the silence that had momentarily taken over the conversation. However, none of her previous hatred and annoyance seemed to be evident in her tone. "You have a last name recognised by the system. Your name is Evelyn HART. Only nobles have last names."

"Oh, right. I feel like that rings a bell. Someone might have told me that already, but it slipped my mind." I responded completely truthfully.

"It slipped your mind?" Cassidy questioned with an expression of starling confusion plastered across her face. "How could being a noble slip your mind."

"Well, I um…" I hesitated for a moment to think. Explaining this was something I would have to do carefully as we were getting into dangerous territory. The truth was obviously out of the question, but I also had to remember what I told Sophia in case the two stories ever crossed paths. After all, the last thing I wanted was to be caught out in a lie.

"Honestly, well… I don’t exactly know who in this world brought me into it and gave birth to me. Evelyn Hart is just what my system says my name is. I don’t have any memories of my time in this world before I awakened to the system a month ago." I answered, twisting my words so that they were not only all technically true, but they were in line with what little I had told Sophia.

If I remember correctly, I believe I had hinted to Sophia that I didn’t know who the Harts were, but I actually hadn’t mentioned the memory lost thing to her. That part of the twisting of my words was just something I was using again because it worked surprisingly well with Vel. Of course, Damien saw through it, but there's been enough time since my supposed memory loss that people wouldn’t find it suspicious why I knew certain things and not others.

"How did you end up with the father and daughter then?" Paige asked, a clear look of worry on her face. Actually, now that I looked around at the entire table, they all seemed rather worried.

I think they might have misunderstood something…

As I went on to answer the other woman’s question, I didn’t help that misunderstanding at all. "I just kind of woke up naked in a nearby forest. The daughter stumbled across me, we had sex and then she was kind enough to take me home to her father so they could help me. Of course that eventually led to more sex with the father and daughter, ah separately that is."

"Gods above!" Cassidy gasped as she reached out, pulling me towards her in a big hug. "You poor thing. I’m so sorry for treating you so cold. I didn’t know what you had been through. To be… I’m so sorry."

As nice as having my face pressed right up against the dark-skinned woman’s barely-covered breasts was, the fact that she seemed to misunderstand my relationship with Vel and her father, thinking that it maybe wasn’t entirely consensual when it was completely and utterly consensual on all parts, was not something I could stand. Hopefully, though, correcting that mistake wouldn’t ruin the progress we had made.

"You don’t need to be sorry. Neither of them did anything untoward to me" I said while reluctantly pulling away from the woman’s chest. "In fact, I was the one actively pursuing both of them. The father actually refused to have sex with me until his daughter and I were accosted by some bandits, and I bought enough time for her to run away and fetch him so that he could save me by letting the bandits gangbang me, thus saving his daughter from any harm. After that, he was more than happy to fuck my brains out."

"Oh, Gods!" Not just Cassidy, but all three of them gasped in horror at the mention of bandits gangbanging me. "You poor thing."

Shit, I suck at explaining these kinds of things, don’t I?

Soon enough, I found myself being nearly smothered to death as they all hugged me and assured me that nothing bad like that would happen in the Red Den or the city. Apparently, the city of Artelax was constantly kept in order and relatively crimeless by the steadfast ranks of its professional city guard.

Whether that was true or not, I didn’t actually know. What I did know was that getting smothered between two half-naked women and one man was rather fun. As it was though, my pearl panties were getting slipperier and slipperier the longer I remained at the centre of this half-dressed hug. It was just too bad we would have to get back to work soon and there was no time or privacy for us to ditch what little clothing we were wearing and have a gangbang of our own. 

Speaking of which, is it wrong to let them continue to misunderstand how that gangbang went down? Oh, well, those guys are dead now. Letting this misunderstanding continue won’t do them any harm.

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