My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 96 – Requested by Name

After lunch, it was back to business as usual, or at least, business as I was getting used to it. Just like I had been told by Arriana and several of the others working here, business started to slowly pick up as we got out of the slowest part of the day. Although there were near twice as many clients hanging around the Red Den after lunch as there were before, the true rush didn’t come until after dinner.

As the day grew on, I continued to bounce around the establishment, taking various clients back to a private room and spending some very fun hours with them. Apparently, my first couple of clients this morning were a bit of an outlier, as none of my later clients were actually able to make me cum. At least not without me assisting them by heavily using stimulate on myself. But that was all good. The sex was still enjoyable and the less I came, the more worked up I got until I couldn’t take it anymore and had to finish myself off in the staff toilets again, which was fun all by itself. Apparently, though, I wasn’t the only one who did such things, as on more than one occasion I heard a little bit of muffled moaning from a neighbouring toilet stall.

Once dinner came around and the real rush began, the mood in the Red Den changed completely. Before, there was a kind of placid slowness that made it easy for the clientele to relax, but now there was quite a bit of chatter and buzz going on, filling the main floor and the two side floors with the constant sound of people engaged in revelry.

The establishment was quickly packed to the brim full of people, to the point that the entrance of more people was slowed down and a line formed outside. Given that Sophia also earned money off the drinks and the entrance fee collected at the door, she was bound to earn quite a bit of coin every night even without taking into account us workers.

With an increased number of people inside the Red Den, also came an increased number of men and women working the floors, enticing potential clients. Even Arriana was no longer helping out her less experienced colleagues, but looking for someone who wanted to fuck, something that was quite easy for her as apparently she was one of the more well-known faces around here.

Given this heightened state of business, I was practically bouncing between the main floor and the private rooms in quick succession, really earning my keep. During the slight moments of time that I managed to stay out on the main floor for a few minutes before finding a very eager client to take me away back to the private rooms, I sometimes found myself watching the shows being put on for the crowd.

Not all of what was happening up on the stage was naked women dancing ever so tantalising and teasingly, as they were earlier in the day. Sometimes the performers would sing, sometimes they would strip, and one time I saw something remarkably lewd going on up there, but sadly, I only saw it briefly as the rather lewd nature of the show got a lot of the crowd in the mood for some more intimate attention, and soon found myself being dragged off to the private rooms only a few seconds after coming back from there. I didn’t even manage to get a good look at that client until we were at the bouncers and the coin for my next hour of time was being exchanged, that’s just how worked up the show got the crowd.

The performance in question was actually done by Paige and Edward, the pair that Cassidy and I chatted with while having lunch earlier. They were quite friendly to the two of us, but suddenly and unexpectedly seeing the two of them fucking each other’s brains out on the stage, for a room full of horny, perverted people to watch, sure was something.

I know it was mostly just a performance the two of them were putting on and overacting, but the look on Paige’s face as she was getting her pussy pounded by that man’s big cock, over and over again, in front of everyone, there was no way she wasn’t enjoying herself. After seeing that, I could barely wait until it was my turn to get fucked on stage in front of everyone, not able to hide any part of our act. Just the brief glimpse of seeing someone else do it got me so very horny that I came over and over again with my next client.

It was after that client, as I meandered my way back through the staff-only part of the establishment and into the bathroom where I could fix my dishevelled hair and reapply a little bit of makeup that I had put on in the middle of the day to further accent my natural beauty, that I was stopped by Arriana. The red-haired woman was currently butt naked, standing at one of the bathroom sinks as she fixed her own hair and reapplied a little bit of her own makeup, just like I was going to do.

"Ah, good, you’re here, Evelyn." The woman beamed with a happy smile stretched across her lips as she turned to face me, not at all hesitant to do so despite the fact that I was able to see everything from her generous tits, almost as big as my own, to her small, curly patch of red pubic pair resting only slightly above her flushed wet pussy. "I was going to go find you after I got ready again, but this saves me the effort. Someone’s asking for you by name, Evelyn. You haven’t even been here one day and you are already getting people requesting you by name. That is quite an achievement. Well done."

"Thanks, but you know what’s even more of an achievement… these tits," Still slightly cum drunk from the overwhelming pleasure of my last few orgasms, I said this as I unashamedly reached out and groped my more senior colleague, fondling her tits to my heart's content. "God your tits are so cute. I love your freckles; they make me want to just eat you… up… Speaking of which, I beat your pussy tastes great."

Slowly, bit by bit, I came back to my senses, realising just what I had done and how inappropriate that might have been. Sure, we were sex workers, and the layout of the bathrooms meant there was little room for privacy, but that didn’t give any of us the right to just fondle and grope anyone else whenever we wanted. Not to mention, talking about how you were sure someone’s pussy tasted great. I stepped over a line there and instantly regretted it.

Thankfully, though, Arriana didn’t seem to care, and instead of being angry or upset with me, her own hands soon joined in and started fondling my own breasts.

"Your tits aren’t anything to scoff at either." She said as she pinched one of my nipples, sending a wave of pleasure coursing down my spine, causing me to moan out loud. "And really sensitive too."

Since I was still rather horny even after the orgasms my last client gave me, this recent attention only made me even hornier, bringing me to a breaking point. Not at all thinking about any potential consequences, I leaned in and kissed Arriana.

Her lips felt amazing on mine, but better yet, was the fact that she was fully into it just as much as I was. However, as fun as the kiss was, she soon pulled away from the embrace of tongue and lips. As she did so, I couldn’t help but lean in further and whisper in her ear. "Gods, I want to taste you, need to taste you right this very moment."

"As fun as that sounds, we have work to do. The mistress would be displeased if we went off to have a little fun on our own while the main floor was so busy." Arriana rejected my advances, turning back to face the bathroom mirror and continuing on from where she left off, as if what we did together hadn’t gotten her rather turned on. "You should probably get ready quickly and go find that client who is asking for you. Don’t keep them waiting."

"I… I… Okay." I sighed as I went about brushing out the slight bit of dishevelledness in my hair and applying the faint bit of make-up I had around my eyes to make them stand out more. However, compared to how horny that kiss and quick bit of fondling made me, doing this only made me feel frustrated and pent up.

After getting dressed again in her very skimpy red sequin dress, Arriana stopped and turned to back to face me one last time on her way out of the staff bathroom "Oh, and Evelyn, the mistress doesn’t mind if the staff go off and have a little fun together, so long as it's during a quieter part of the day, doesn’t leave the main floor undermanned and it's done somewhere private like the toilets or one of the storage rooms. As long as you can be patient, maybe you will get that taste after all… Oh, and I want to assure you that my pussy tastes as great as you are imagining it to." 

Leaving me there after that, I couldn’t help but continue on with a renewed spring in my step. Arriana was a very, very beautiful woman, one of the most beautiful women I had seen, only rivalled by a few others, and the thought of actually getting to fuck her made me drip with excitement. 

As such, I was soon finding my way out of the bathrooms, quickly heading to the main floor, where the staff at the bar pointed me in the direction of the client requesting me by name, in the hopes of putting my worked-up state to good use. However, all thoughts of Arriana and our possible time together sometime in the future fled me as I laid eyes on the man requesting me by name, a man that, although I only conversed with him briefly yesterday, I recognised well enough.

"Ryan," I grinned smugly as I approached the average-looking owner of a wicker store called Ryan’s Wicker Emporium. "I believe I said you should come by in a week or two, but I see you just couldn’t wait to… fuck me."

I said the last part in a hushed whisper, right into the man’s ear, so that I wouldn’t disturb the refined atmosphere that Sophia went to so much trouble to establish here at the Red Den.

"Ah, yes well… our brief exchange yesterday was certainly hard to forget and I couldn’t stop thinking about how I should pop by the Red Den and see how you are getting on. This place is quite busy and very different from what I was imagining." The man was blushing profusely as he responded to me, unable to not just look me in the eyes, but even look at me.

To fix this, I, of course, used fascinate on him, which instantly caused his eyes to snap in my direction. And once his gaze was affixed to me, it didn’t take long for his eyes to wander down to my very generous display of cleavage.

"Are you sure that’s what you couldn’t stop thinking about and not something else… something I happened to flash you before leaving." I teased him further by squeezing my arms together, pushing my cleavage up even more, making my tits look even bigger.

"Yes, umm… that was also hard to stop thinking about…" The man stammered, very nervous and flustered by this encounter.

"If you have the five gold to pay for my services, we could find someone quieter and more private to continue this… discussion. Oh, and of course, you would get to see them again and do even more. How does that sound to you, Ryan?" I asked as trailed my fingers up his arm.

"That sounds wonderful… please lead on." The man said rather meekly.

Without another word, I took the man’s hand and made my way through the crowd, heading off in the direction of one of the doors guarded by bouncers. As we slowly squeezed through the bustling activating of the establishment, I activated sense gaze on a whim, feeling Ryan’s unhindered gaze thoroughly upon my backside, trying ever so deftly to get a peak up my tantalizingly short skirt whenever it teasingly bounced up and down from my natural movements.

When the two of us eventually made it to the bouncers, Ryan was still quite flustered and still unable to look away from me thanks to fascinate. Because of this, however, he couldn’t fish out the right amount of coins from his coin pouch. In his hurry, though, the man simply handed the entire pouch over to the bouncer, who retrieved the proper amount of coin from it for him before handing it back.

Soon enough, the two of us were shut away in a private room, where the hour of time that he had paid for was quickly ticking down a second at a time. "Before… anything happens, I want to apologise." He said while awkwardly standing in the middle of the private room, fidgeting as he stared at me taking a seat on the edge of the bed a few steps away from him. "I realise that I may have offended you in our last meeting, and I am really sorry for that. I didn’t mean to imply that you were a… well you know or come on too strong. I was just trying to be friendly and I shouldn’t have used that term instead of brothel, it's just…”

“I ah, I don’t say this as a way to excuse my behaviour but to help understand why I did it. It’s just I’ve never been to this kind of establishment before now, and the only thing I knew about it was what I heard from others, so I kind of judged it without experiencing it for myself."

"It’s alright, Ryan." I smiled as I crossed my legs, purposefully giving him a brief glimpse up my skirt. One that didn’t reveal much and that he definitely noticed. "I understand completely and will accept your apology on one condition."

"What condition?" The man asked, although still quite nervous, not as much as he was when we were outside in the more crowded and busy part of the establishment.

"That you take off those clothes and join me here on the bed, where you are going to have the time of your life getting your gold's worth." I grinned mischievously as my words caused the man’s mouth to drop and his eyes to widen.

That surprised expression only lasted for a split few seconds, as before too long, he was racing to strip off his clothes and toss them aside. Although the thirty-something-year-old man was fairly average looking without his clothes on, the sight of him was fairly arousing to me, but that could have just been because the sight of practically any man with a clearly eager, twitching, erect cock got my motor running.

As Ryan quickly ran over and joined me, sitting on the edge of the bed, I couldn’t help but lick my lips in anticipation of all the fun we were about to have together.

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