My Love Juice System: A Dirty But Effective Way To Get Stronger

Volume 1-Chapter 2-The Journey Home

Later that night; after almost two hours of searching, Eve had finally found what it was she was looking for and stopped in front of a four-story apartment complex before confirming the building name and address.


“Greenwood Apartments, located in D2 SB W4” Eve then sighed with relief, having had finally made it to her intended destination.


Now normally, Eve was pretty good with directions but unlike her old world where there were things like street names and numbers in this world they used a very different and much more complicated system (at least in her opinion) entirely, with the city being split into nine wards.


Those nine wards were then split again, forming multiple different districts. 


It didn’t stop there either, with each district then being split up once again into four different sectors ranging from A to D.


So for example D2 stood for District 2 with SB standing for Sector B and finally W4, which stood for the 4th Ward.


Honestly, the whole thing was needlessly complicated and pissed Eve off. though this was mostly just because she spent hours walking around and checking her phone constantly in the dead of night while looking for the damn place.


she was lucky she had the full address saved onto her phone and that she was relatively nearby or else she might’ve had to spend the rest of the night on the streets, in the cold.


It also didn’t help that she also needed the building's full name to even find the damn thing. Since unlike in her old world where buildings would have numbers to help people locate them. In this world, once you purchased a property, you also had to give it its own individually unique name in order to have it saved into the system which pissed Eve off even more since an individual building's name was much harder to remember than a street name and or number.


Deciding to put all of that behind her however, just wanting to finally get into a nice, warm bed and put this stressful day behind her.


Eve then walked over towards the building's front door before unlocking it with a key card she had found in a bag that her new body had already been carrying around, before walking inside.


While nothing to write home about. The lobby was nice, having white, clean walls that were decorated with various pieces of art along with stable lighting that didn’t blind you or flicker as you walked in.


There was also a reception desk on the right as you walked in, indicating that this place was pretty high end, causing Eve to wonder just how much the rent was. Almost dreading the day where she would inevitably find out.


Eve then continued walking, entering the elevator before being taken to the third floor where her apartment was apparently located, being room 3C.


She then exited the elevator and continued forward shifting side to side as she did so, feeling the adrenaline slowly fade which in turn made her feel as though she could pass out at any moment.


But before she did, she made it to her apartment door and almost immediately took out her key card to unlock it.


Before being able to do so however, Eve heard a loud noise.






This then caused Eve to jump, waking her up a little and also almost causing her to drop her key card. She then looked over towards the source of the loud bang.


It had come from her neighbour, Apartment 3D’s room, Eve then stood there for a moment wondering if she should check it out or not but after hearing nothing for almost a minute she finally heard something.


*Muffled Voices*


After hearing what sounded like two people talking Eve decided to ignore it, deciding that it wasn’t her place to snoop and that it wasn’t a very good idea to get involved with people this early on anyway.


She then finished scanning her key card and headed inside before turning around and closing it back up again and locking it.


After turning back around however, Eve realised that it was pitch black So she turned her phone back on and used it as a light source and after a few seconds of wandering she eventually found the light switch.


She then turned it on, revealing her new home.


As she walked in she was greeted by a small, confined but organised looking kitchen with it being shaped like a U and having all of the essentials such as a microwave, Oven and Dishwasher already installed.


She then put her bag down on the kitchen bench before continuing her little guideless tour around the apartment.


After leaving the kitchen area Eve was then greeted by a small, brown coffee table as well as a grey, leather couch with what looked to be a sixty-inch flat-screen TV mounted onto the wall across from said couch and coffee table.


She then continued, looking over towards the corner and seeing a workbench and desk chair along with a computer set up.


Eve then had a moment of thought, wondering what the games in this world were like before turning her attention over towards the entryway on the right-hand side across from the computer set up, leading to the next room which she had assumed to be the bedroom.


After walking a few more steps forward Eve was then quickly proven right as she turned the corner and saw a luxurious queen-sized bed placed in the direct center of the small room waiting for her.


She then walked over towards the bed, noticing a door to the right of it but was too tired to care at this point and immediately flopped onto the bed after coming within range of it.


Eve then slowly felt herself drift to sleep when suddenly.


*Beep Beep*


Eve was then jolted awake once more before realising what it was. She then grabbed the source of the noise out from inside her suit pocket and brought it over towards her face before checking it.


It was then that she saw a notification labelled.




Before she could read it however, Eve, after being sleep deprived for so long and forced to walk around in circles all night, finally gave in and lost the battle against tiredness.


Falling asleep and dropping the phone onto the floor in the process.

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